HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 97-36 R��QLL'�ION �110. R97-�6 A RESOZ,UTION OF Tf� CSTY COUNCIL OF TH� CITY OF FRIF�IDSNOOD, TEXA3, ENC:OURAGING AN INCREASE IN TAE BOARD OF DIRECI'ORS OF THE GALVESTON CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICr FR(�I FIVS TO SEVBN �S AND ENCOIIRAGIl4G REPRESEpTA1'I(3A F1�OM TFIE CITIES IN rnT•VBSTON COUN'1'Y. * * * * * * * * * * * * * WHHRBAS, on September 1, 1997, �he Galveston County Mayars, C�mmissioners and Councilmen's Association requestpd that the five mem�er Board of Directors of Galveston Central Appraisal District be increased to seven members; and �REAS, Thp GGMCCA �lso requested tha*_ the new t3irector positions allow repr_esentatian from the Cities �n the Board of Directors of Galveston Csrtral Appr3isal District; and WHERBAS, on Seprpmber li, the B�ard of Directors considered this reauest and asked that e�ch entity convey tneir willingness to participate in this �ndsavor, NOi�, TfIERSFORE, BS IT RESOZVSD by the City Council of the City of F�ienciswood, Texas, l. That the Board of Directors af �he Galveston Centra� Appraisal �;istrict Ue �n�•raase� iror.! f�ve �e sever. members, �nd 2, Th�t tre Cities af �alveston County have representation on the Board of �irQc�ors of ine GalJeston Cen�rai Appraisal District. PASSED, APPROVED AND R$SOLVED this the 22nd day af September, 1997. Mayor Harold L. Whitak r � ,•1fi3r �f FriAl"l�SttiQOC3 ATTFST- � � �eloris N:cKenzie, �RTM:C City Secret�ry R�7.3b/LST03