HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 97-32 RESOLUTION NO. R97-32 A ItESQ�,UTIQN OF TT-�E CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD � �r�x�s, SUSPENZ?ING TxE ��crrvE na� aF r�xAS-�w ��C(� pdWEg CQ1VSpA�"S APPL�CAT'YON��R ApPROVAL OF ITS TRANSTTION pLAN AND STATEMENT OF YNTEN� TQ DEGREAS� RATES; pRaV�DING FOR THE GAT'�iER�NG AND �.tEVTE��V OF �TECESSARY IlVFCl►RMA'T�4N IN CONN�CT�ON T'HE�tEWIT�; .A.UI'HORIZZING PARTICIFAT'Y0�1 IN T�GL�.F COAST COA�.ITION 4F CIT� CONCERNIl'�G 1'EXAS-NEW n�7�TC0 P4�R CUA�ANY'S TRANS�TIdN PLAN AND STATEMENT OF 1NTE'VT AS FII.ED WITH 1'gE CITY A.�1D TI�E Pi7�3LIC YJTILI�TY COA�IS51ON 4F TEXAS AND T�iE APPI.ICATIaN�F TEI�AS-NEV'V I��XICO POWER COMPA'.VY FOR RECONCILLA,�'IC11\Y OF CERTAIN FUEL COSTS WHEREAS, the Caty of Friendswood , Texas is a regulatory authority under the Public �tility Regulatory Act of 1995 and has oti,ginal jurisdiction over the rates aad accounting practices of Texas-T�ew Mexico Povver Company to deterrnine if such raCes and practices are fair, just and reasonable; and WHERFAS, onJuly 3�, 1997, Te�.as-rIew Melcico Power Company fi�ed an Application foz Approwal of its Transition Plan and Statement of Intent to Decrease R.ates with the City; and 'GVHEREAS, preliminar3� information indicates that a further investigation and review of T�xas-New Mexico �ower Compa�y's Transition Plan and Statement of Intern t4 Decrease �tates should be conduct.,e�to det�erm.i�e if the pro�osed rates, tariffs, accvuntin� orders and other forms of relief requested axe fair, just, and reasonable; and WHF.I2F.AS, additional infortn�tion is req�:ired from the Gompany foX analysis and review be�ore the City can mal�e a determi�nation if Texas-New Mexico Power Company's rate requests are reas�mable or unreasonable; if the accounting orders requested by Tex.as-New Mexico Fower Campany are reasonable, unreasonable, �r are in any �cvay in violation of any provision of law; if the tariffs proposed are reasonable� unreasonab�e, or shauld be modified; and if the tates and prace�ces of the Gompany slaould be ret�ised and just and reasanable rates and practices determined fox 'fexas-New Mexico Power Company; and WHEREAS, a statement iu writing has been delivered to 'Texas-New Mexico Power Company setting forth the reasons for s�aspending the utility's Applicatian for Appzoval of its T`ransition Plaz� and Statement of Irrtent to Decrease F.ates. NO�'�', T�IERF.PORE, $E TI'RESOLVED BY THE C�T'Y COUNCIL OF TI-�E CI'TY 4F Friendswood , TEXA,S: l. The findings and recitals set fflrth in the preamble hereaf are hereby adopted in their entu'ety. 2. Pending hearin,g and decision, the proposed effective date set forth in Texas-New Mexico Powes Com.pany's A�plication for Approval of a Trans�tion Plan and Srat�ment of Intent to laecrease Rates is hereby suspet�ded for a period of nin,ery (90) days after July 31, 1997, as permitted undcr §2.21.2(d) of the Public Utiliry Regulatory Act of 1995. 3. Texas-New Mexico Powe�r Company's Applicat�on for Approval �f a Transition Plan and Statement of I�nt to Decrease Rates is hereby consolidated with City's inquiry into the tates, tariffs, and sezvice� of tlae Company. 4. City's re�resen�tatives shall have the right tr� obtain additional informatioz� from the Company through tihe filing of requests for inforn�ation, which shall be responded to within ten (J.0) days from the receipt of suc:h request far infornaation. 5. Tv promote efficiency and contral the costs o�' regulation, the City is hereby authorized ta join and participate in th�e Gulf Coast Coalition of Cities 6. The Gity hereby appoints Ron E. Cox as its regresentative to the Gulf Coast Coalitioz�of Cities for Texas New-Mexico Power Compan�� rate and accc�nting matters. The City filzther radfies the retaining af counsel, and the hiring of consultants as selected by thc Gulf Coast Coalition of Cities to assist the Citi�s in the proceedings before the City, as we11 as intervention and participation in P.U.C_ Docket Nos. �7376 and 17751, as weIl as any 2�ppeals thezeof, a�l to take all legal and other actions on behalf of the City and its ratepayers as are deer�ed necessary b� said Coalitian in conz1ection with this matter. 7. Tb,is resolution shell become effective from and after irs pas�age_ 8. The City Couzicil may, from time t�o time, enter additzonal orders as may be in the public interest ar�d necessary to the enfor�eenr�ent of this resolurion. ADOPTED this 18th da,y of August , 1997. Mayor xarold L. Whitaker City of Friendswood ATTEST: , ��� Ci`�, ,.�!"/' ��` / J�" Deloris McK nzi , TRMC City Secretary i�' �/ � City Attorn.ey