HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 97-28 RESOLUTION NO. R97-28
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WHRRRAS� the cities incorporated within the County of Galveston and
Galveston County, have found the need for interjurisdictional planning for
and conduct of emergency hurricane evacuation; and
WI�REAS, a special committee composed of inembers from various local
jurisdictions, emergency managers, and other interested parties convened
over an extensive period of time to develop the needed planning; and
WHRRF.AS� this plan has been presented and reviewed in draft form by all
involved jurisdietions; Exhibit "A";and
WHFR1�AS, official sanction of this plan bv all jurisdictions is needed for
is ratified, and placed in effect; and
BE IT FURTI�R RESQLVED that all signatory jurisdictions agree to reflect
this element of emergency planning within the emergency management planning
of their individual jurisdictions.
PASSED, APPROVED AND RESOLVED this 7th day of July , 1997.
Mayor Harold L. Whitak r
City of Friendswood
. �
Deloris McKenz e, C
City Secretary
The following jurisdictions indicate by signature of the Chief Elected Official agreement
with the Joint Resolution for the Evacuation Plan for Galveston County.
, Village of Bayou Vista
, City of Clear Lake Shores
, City of Dickinson
, City of Friendswood
, City of Galveston
, City of Hitchcock
, Village of Jamaica Beach
, City of Kemah
, City of La Marque
, City of League City
, City of Santa Fe
, City of Texas City
, Village of Tiki Island •
, County of Galveston
DATE: Aprii 30, 1997
TO: Galveston County Cooperative Committee
FROM: Betty Conner, Evacuation Committee Chairman
RE: Revised Jurisdictional Evacuation Plan
To have a plan that provides for an orcierly and coordinated emergency evacuation for the
citizens of Galveston County. For the purpose of the plan ihe following terms will apply:
A. Decision Maker. The Mayor of each City/County Judge that has the legal authority to
recommend evacuation for their junsdiction. Each Jurisdiction must have the name of a
Decision Maker and an altemate on file with the Office of Emergency Management. If the
Mayor is not the designated Decision Maker, the Mayor should only designate a
representative whose decision they will accept.
Mandatory evacuation authority does not exist in Texas, but authority does exist to control
ingress to, and egress from a disaster area,the movement of persons within such an area, and
the occupancy of structures in the affected area after a disaster occurs.
Decision makers from all Cities and the County will be present at all meetings of the decision
makers group.
Each Jurisdiction will have its own emergency Management plan that is coordinated with entities
in its own area such as School Districts, Colleges, Hospitals, industries, ports, etc.
Preparations will be based on the Hurricane being one category higher than projected by the
National Weather Service (NWS)
Priority evacuation areas will be Bolivar Peninsula, Tiki Island, Bayou Vista, Galveston Island,
and Jamaica Beach.
The American Red Cross will not open shelters in the county before, or during a hurricane.
Shelters will be operated as soon as feasible following a storm.
Each Jurisdiction will educate their citizens on the need to evacuate when it is recommended.
Evacuation Zones:
A: Areas that can be flooded by Hurricane rain and tides. (see attachment 1, Texas Coastal
Hurricanes, dated 6/94). Evacuation of these areas should be considered for any Hurricane.
1 •
Contingency Zones:
B: Areas subject to dangerous winds from hurricanes with sustained winds in excess of
111 mph.
C: Clear Lake may be in an evacuation zone depending on the strength and path of the
' D: Mobile Home Residents: As unanchored Mobile homes may be vulnerable to wind
damage even in a category 1 storm(winds 74-96 mph) it may be appropriate to
recommend early evacuation.
E: Special Needs Residents: Evacuation of special needs residents (People with
Disabilities). Each jurisdiction should develop an evacuation plan for special needs
residents and infonn residents of possible problems they will face.
A. Highway 45
B. Highway 146 -
C. Highway 6
All evacuation routes are only passable before winds exceed 58 mph and before tropical
rains begin. The Galveston Causeway will be unsafe to all traf�ic when sustained winds
reach 58mph. Refer to the County Emergency Plan for evacuation recommendations for
Bolivaz Peninsula residents. Two-way traffic will be maintained on all evacuation routes
to allow continued access for emergency vehicles.
A. All tropical weather activities 1�vi:!be monito*ed by the Houston Galveston Area
NWS. Hurricane warnings and Marine advisories from the NWS are disseminated by
a11 available media. The National Hurricane Center(NHC) issues warnings
approximately 24 hours before the expected onset of Hurricane force winds.
Hurricane watches aze issued about 36 hours before onset. In unusual circumstances a
watch may be issued up to 48 hours before the onset of hurricane force win�is.
B. The NWS will continuously update local offcials on weather conditions. Any possible
threat will be brought to the attention of the Galveston County Office of Emergency
Management (GCOEM). The GCOEM will contact Hurricane Decision Makers from
each jurisdiction to keep them informed.
� -
B. The NWS will continuously update local officials on weather conditions. Any possible
threat will be brought to the attention of the Galveston County Office of Emergency
Management(GCOEI�. The GCOEM will contact Hurricane Decision Makers from
each jurisdiction to keep them informed.
C. If there is weather activity that threatens the Gulf of Mexico,the NWS will contact the
GCOEM,who in turn will contact Jurisdictional Decision Makers and the American
Red Cross concerning the time and reason for the first meeting.
D. The Decision Makers wili decide the time and need for additional meetings.
E. Logistics for these meetings will be the responsibility of the GCOEM. The NWS will
present a current weather forecast, and all available information to the Decision
Makers. Jurisdictions will share the status of their activities. Public information
releases will be issued to the citizens and decisions made on necessary actions.
F. If changes occur in the track, speed, or intensity of the threat that necessitates a
change in the next arranged meeting time, the GCOEM will ca11 an earlier meeting.
G. Evacuation decisions will be reviewed no less than 60 hours before 58 mph winds
threaten Galveston County.
H. Each Jurisdiction retains the responsibility to make its own decision on whether to
evacuate or not. This is not an all or nothing decision making process. Each
jurisdictions does have the responsibility to communicate, cooperate, and keep the
other jurisdictions informed of decisions.
I. Due to the difficulties of providing tra.f�ic direction and control at night, it is
imperative that an evacuation be initiated during daylight hours, if at all possible.
J. Prior to issuing an evacuation recommendation, the Decision Makers are expected to
alert other jurisdictions that may be affected by the evacuation via all available means
of communication.
K. When an evacuation decision is made, all available methods of warning should be
utilized to advise affected citizens.
L. Jurisdictional Evacuation routes will be selected by local law enforcement of�icials at
the time of the evacuation decision. Movement instructions will be part of the
Warning and Public Information releases.
M. Evacuation assistance and rescue will cease when wind conditions exist which could
� tip over emergency vehicles. Wind tipping speeds are 58mph.
� '
A. Initiating the first meeting of the Decision Makers and meetings necessitated by
changes in threat.
B. Establish and maintain the primary emergency communication link with the Disaster
C. Coordinate use of alt public and private communication systems necessary during
D. Meetings of Decision Makers, plus response activities will be communicated from the
EOC, located at 1301 FM 646 in League City. The EOC will be activated upon
notification of a possible or actual emergency. During emergency situations, certain
agencies may be required to relocate to the EOC.
4 '
Tropical Weather Outlook 4:00 AM. 10:00 AM,4:00 PM, 10:00 PM NHC
. ('IWOA'1�
Tropical Cyclone Public Advisory 4:00 AM, 10:00 AM,4:40 PM, 1Q:OQ PM NHC
Tropical Cyclone ForecasdAdvisory 4:00 AM, 10:00 AM,4:00 PM, 10:00 PM NHC
�C�� �
_ � (Both TCP,TCM will be issued as iterniediate advisories betweea the above times every two or three hours as a
storm approaches land. Also�Special unscheduled advisories will be issued for major changes from current
Tropical Cyclone Position Fstimate Between intermediate advisories NHC
Strike Probability Forecast 4:00 AM, 10:00 AM,4:00 PM. i0:00 PM NHC
Tropical Cycloae Discussion Prior to each advisory NHC
Note: Both Tropicat and SuBtropica! Cyclones covered by the above products.
Hurricane Local Statements Every 2 or 3 hours once Watch in effect Local Office
Short Term Forecast Hourly Local Office
Pubiic Infocmaaon Statemeat Before Watch issued Local Office
Inland High Wind Watch/Warning Prior ta landfall Local Office
Note: Zone and Coastal Waters forecasts wiU be issued as always. Warnings for Tornadoes and Flash Floods
will 6e issued as for non-tropical severe weather conditions.
Outlooks-general forecasts for cyclone development next 24 to 48 hours. •
Hurricane Watch usually issued when storm is 36 hours before landfall, sometimes 48 hours.
Huiricane Warnings usually issued when landfall is expected withiri 24 hours.
Advisory infonnation �
Watches and Warnings in effect,Current location,strength and movement of storms.
Forecast movement and intesity(24 h Public Advisory and 72 h for forecasdAdvisory),
recommended actions,expected onset of hurricane conditions,expected storm surge at the
beaches. Forecast Advisory product has radu of wind field in addition to forecast points.
� Stri.ke Probability
Chance of Tropical Cyclone condi�ions occurring at the location for a particular time period.
Always low beyond 36 hours. Follow trend from issuance to issuance and relative
increase/decrease at your site versus adjacent sites.
Tropical Cyclone Discussion
Contains humcane forecasts reasoning behind next advisory.
• Hurricane Local Statements
Details on expected conditions for local area beyond what is in NHC Advisory. Will contain
. recommended actions from local officials. Will contain specifics on areas tlu�eatened by storm
surge and inland penetration of hurricane force winds. Details as to onset of high winds,
heavey rains,etc. Requires close communications between our office and local officials.
Short Term Forecast
Hourly updates on current and expected weather ocnditions.
Public Inforcnation Statements
Reminder to public on what areas are threatened and basic preparations they should already be
Inland High Wind Watch/Warning
For expected hurricane force winds beyond the coastal counties. •
._�. . • �, -
Storm Surge:
The increase in mean water level as a storm crosses the continental shelf
and moves close to the coast. An abnormal rise of the sea along a shore as
the result, primarily of the winds of the storm.
Mandatory Ordered Evacuation:
Citizens cannot be forced to evacuate. The County Judge and Mayors of
cities have no legal authority to order any citizens to leave.
Recommended Evacuation:
County Judge, Mayors of Cities are strongly urging citizens to leave the
County and seek a place of Safety.
Wind Tipping Speed:
Wind speed of 58 mph.
(Nautical Miles Per Hour) a unit of speed equal to 1.1515 statute miles per
Nautical Mile:
(International nautical mile) a unit of distance equal to 6080.20 feet or
1853.25 meters.
Public Education: �
Each city is responsible to educate the citizens within thier own city and
School districts about the importance of evacuation and the county
evacuation plan.
Every two to three years hurricanes make land- tion of natural bazriers like sand dunes, a great poten-
fall or cause damage to the Texas coast. Hurricanes rial still exists for enormous loss of life and property.
range in size and intensiry, and the accompanying
high winds,'storm surge, rainfall, and tornadces While there are no sure ways to predict where and
have caused varying amounts of deaths and property when a hurricane will come ashore, your local emer-
damage. The well-known 1900 Galveston hurricane gency management personnel,in coordination with the
killed 6000-plus people and damaged $30 to $40 Governor's Division of Emergency Management,have
million worth of property. In contrast,in 1983 Hur- access to information that can help local officials make
ricane Alicia caused at least 21 storm-related deaths effective decisions in crisis situations. Persons in non-
statewide and approximately$1 billion in property incorporated areas receive evacuadon recommenda-
damage in the Galveston area. tions from their county govemment. Persons in incor-
porated areas are advised by their municipal
The increase in damage is a result of inflation governments.
and the density of development. The decrease in
deaths is the result of a better understanding of hur- What dces this mean to you? It means that if an
ricanes and improved waming systems. evacuation is recommended for your area,you have a
better chance of reaching safe ground before roads be-
Despite the decrease in deaths,we cannot afford come blocked if.you follow the directions of xour local
to take hurricanes casually. Today,with an increase officials.
_� in coastal popularion and development and penetra-
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�tre �''ou in a IDarcger Zone?
The map on the inside of this brochure shows Remember,evacuation routes can be closed by
the zones that could be affected by hurricane high winds and water many hours before a
hazards (wind and/or storm surge). The chart hurricane hits land. T6e estimated 6ours on the
shows the dme it would take for partial or chart are for key evacuation routes. �
complete evacuation of people in each zone.
Another important thing to remember is that
The map is divided into evacuation and rainfall and local drainage condirions can flood
contingency zones. Evacuadon zones can be evacnation routes quickly.
dangerous because of high wind and storm surge
from hurricanes 130 mph or .less. On the map, If you want to leave early,do so. Otherwise,wait
evacuation zones arc the areas designated by until local officials recommend evacuation of your
letters (B for Brazoria, H for Harris, etc.) and
subscript numbers(for example,B1), area,and then leave promptly.
Contingency zones can be affected by high During a hurricane watch, listen to your radio or
winds from hurricanes over 130 mph. On the � constandy. The key Emergency Broadcasting
map, contingency zones are areas designated by Stations for the Houston-Galveston area are KTRH
letters with subscript letters(for example,Bp). (700 A11�, KPRC (450 ANn, and KLOL (101.1
FM). During severe weather,forecasters can interrupt
To use the map, find the zone you live in and routine broadcasts to give special warning messages.
its lett�r and subscrip� 'Then find the letter on the For 24-hour per day weather b�oadcasts from the
chart w check how many hours it could take, National Weather Service, tunc into the high-band
� during heavy traffc, W evacuate yoar family to a FM frequency 162.550 megahem(MHZ)from Gal-
��� veston or 162.400 megahcrtz�(MI-I�from Houston.
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