HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 97-25 � �"'rSOLUTION NO. 97-25 " . ' ' • - "'' ' � u ❑New � Replacement d ❑Change Product Type • �f Add Siy...,r1s) ❑Change Certification TCNW08 -� "Bank"refers to: TEXAS COMMERCE BANK NATIONAt ASSOCIA710N Located at: 611 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE-FRIENDSWOOD COMMERCIAL, NONPROFIT & FIDUCIARY Card # 1 of 1 ACCOUNT NAME(ONLY)("Depositor") CiTY OF FRIENDSWOOD _ Contract Retainage TAX I.D.NUMBER PHONE NUMBER DA7E OPENED ACCOUNT NUMBER 741 A�93202 281-996-3211 �o/2s�ss 01300816835 CHECK ONE: �Corporation � ������I�I� ❑Limited Liability Company I�I �� � �Trade Name ❑Fiduciary � I II ❑Partnership ❑Association I TYPE O�ACCOUN7 1'the AccounY or'this Account"NCHECK ONE1 ❑CHECKING ❑CHECKING WITH INTEREST ❑ONEPLUS SUPERSAVINGS (�R�fA�l1 Nn�1(HOf11 Fn*�HP.S A!1(� FiAuciary Accou�ts to Benefit Sole Proprietorships Only Individual Only I�MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT ❑SAVINGS ❑YOUTH SAVINGS SIGNATURE -USE BLACK 1 O.OF NAMES-TYPED OR PRINTED •,, SIGS ❑ G��vW� aea�o• 1. HAROLD L.WHITAKER . � ����� 2. RONALD E. COX � C��� � �. ROGER C.ROECKER g, ��(� i�%����� 4, DELORIS A MCKENZIH Check if applicable: ❑See attached Signature Card for additional signers on this Account.*Place asterisk beside name if S limi[s apply to signing authority. The Intemal Revanue Sarvlcas doea not roquire your conaenl to any provision of this document other than tha cardticadons roqutred to avoid backup withholding. By stgning above,Oepositor and each M the signera caANlss u�dar penalNas of perjury that:- (1)The numbershown in ths blank abovs Is Depositors cortact Taxpayer ldentNication Number. (2)Either.Deposltu is NOT subject to backup withholdtng elthx bacauae Depositor has not bsen noHHad by the Intamal Rovsnue Ssrvke(IRS)that Dspcaitor Is subject to backup wlthholding as a rosult of a fallun M repoR all Mtarast or div[deads,ar tha IRS has�otlfted Depos[tor thaf DeposKor is no tongar subjeet to backup wilhholding,or H one of the following Boxes Is checked: Check ona where applica6le: (�[Depositor qualities aa one or moro of the(o0ow(ng(as defined in the Intemal Ravenue Code): •a corpontion 'an intemallonal organizatlon or any agency or 'an organizatlon exampt from tax under sectlon 501(a), insW ma�tality theroof or an fndividual reNrement plan(IRA) 'a foroign cenVal bank of issue 'the United States or any age�cy or instrumenWlity 'a dealer In aecurities or commodltles required M �emo{ register In the U.S.o[a posaaasion of the U.S. 'a foreig�govemment or a political aubdivlaion, 'a futures commisslon marchant registered with the agency or InsWmentality thereof Commodity Futures Trading Commisslon •an antity rogistered at all times during the Wx year 'a real esWte Investment Wst under the Investment Company Act of 1940 'a financial institution 'a comrtan Wat tund opented by a bank under 'a middleman known in the fnvestment community sectlon 584(a) aa a nominae or listed in the most recent •a sWte,the�isMet of Cofumbia,a possession of pu6ticatlon of the American SoclelY M CorPanta fhe United States,w any political subdivision o► Securitiea,Inc.,Nominee Ust instrumenUlity thercof ❑Deposltor is NOT any of Me following: •a citizen M the United States 'a resident of tho United States for U.S.Wc purpoaes 'a corporaflon,partnershlp,estate or trust organlzed under the laws of one of the United SWtes or Distrlct of Columbia 'a United States penon. ❑Depositor IS subject to backup withholding due to notifled payea u�derreporting and the Deposltor has not recelved a noUcs from ths Intemal Reve�ue Service advising Depositor that backup wld�holding has temdnated. If Mis acwunt Is a TUTMA aeeount,by execuUng dils signature card,the Depositor agrees to be bound M the prov(slona noted In tha Dlaclosure Regarding TUTMA Accounts on the reverse oi this card. NOTIFY THE BANK IF YOUR STATUS CHANGES. �����'.�11��SWOOD DR. BAC seRV oFF r FRIENDSWOOD,TX 775464856 0013 07 � STREET ADDRESS,IF DIFFERENT FRQM ABOVE AMOUNT BANK REFERENCE BANK REF.VERIFIED BY RELATED ACCT.NO'S. SOURCE OF FUNDS FIRST OEPOSITQR ID CHEX SYSTEM(fEIECHECK SALESPERSON � PHONE ECA� DEBBY GRUBB 713-996-3910 G315324 APPROVED BY REPIACING AU7HOR.OATED DATE OF CHANGE CARDS DATED 5/29/97 F440-00078(Rev 10/96) � ' ��•. � �ECRETARY'S CERTIFICATE AND ` RESOLUTIONS TO GOVERN HANDLING OF ACCOUNT (CORPORATION - ASSOCIATION) � SAVINGS/TIME DEPOSIT ❑X CHECKING 01300816835 (Account/Customer Number) TO: TEXAS COMMERCE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the (if "a Corporation" is checked below, check this box: � the Board of Directors of) CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD � a Corporation ❑an Association, hereinafter referred to as "Company", at a meeting held on the day of 19 , which was duly and regularly called, noticed and held, and at which there was present a quorum thereof or pursuant to a waiver of notice and unanimous consent to action, the following resolution was unanimously adopted, to wit: RESOLVED: That TEXAS COMMERCE BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ("Bank"►, be and is hereby selected as a depository for the funds of Company; that Bank is authorized to obtain such information from such sources, including credit investigation, as it deems appropriate to satisfy itself as to Company's acceptability as a customer;that the funds of Company be deposited in an account styled as follows: CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD - Contract Retainage that the funds shail be withdrawn from said account on the check of Company or, in the case of a savings or time deposit account, upon receipt of a written request therefore, when such check or request is signed by(SPECIFY NUMBER OF SIGNATURES REQUIRED ON CHECK) TWO of the following officers, employees, or authorized representatives ("Authorized Signatories") of Company; that they are authorized for and on behaif of Company to endorse for deposit or for encashment, checks and drafts and to demand and receive the proceeds thereof: PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT PLAINLY BELOW THE NAMES OF THE AUTHORIZED SIGNATORIES NAME TITLE HAROLD L. WHITAKER MAYOR RONALD E. COX CITY MANAGER ROGER C. ROECKER DIRECTOR OF ADM. SERVICES DELORIS A MCKENZIE CITY SECRETARY FURTHER RESOLVED: That any of the Authorized Signatories shall be authorized to sign individually for and receive the statements and cancelled vouchers of Company, or to appoint in writing agents to so sign for and receive such documents, and any one of the Authorized Signatories is hereby further authorized to stop payment against checks of Company and to bind Company thereto. It is further resolved that any indebtedness created in connection with this account by any of the Authorized Signatories, shall be the debt of Company. FURTHER RESOLVED: That Bank is hereby authorized to receive such drafts, checks, notes or orders so executed for the credit of, or in payment from, the payee or any other holder without inquiry in any case as to the circumstances of their issue or the disposition of their proceeds whether drawn to the individual order of, or tendered in payment of any individual obligations of, any of the Authorized Signatories, or other officers of Company or otherwise. FURTHER RESOIVED: That the Secretary or Recording Officer of Company be and hereby is authorized and directed to certify to Bank the foregoing resolutions and that the provisions thereof are in conformity with the charter, bylaws or articles of association of Company and that the foregoing resolutions and the authority thereby conferred shall remain in full force and effect until Company notifies Bank to the contrary in writing and Bank may conclusively presume that such resolutions are in effect and that the persons identified from time to time as officers or Authorized Signatories of Company by certificate of the Secretary or Recording Officer have been duly elected or appointed and continue to hold such offices. It is further certified that the foregoing resolutions have never been modified or amended and are now in full force and effect; and that the Authorized Signatories are empowered to act for and on behalf of Company in any of its business with Bank within the authority prescribed in the foregoing resolutions and that company is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws governing its creation and existence. (1) If a Corporation, sign below: (2) If an Association, sign below: tn Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of this I�Witness Whereof, we have set our hands this day of Corporation this 19th day of June , �g is 97 Secretary or Recording Officer Secretary Presiden[or Presiding Officer APPROVED: [SEAL] Retiring Secty. Retiring Pres. F-440-00220(Rev.2/91) • � TEXAS COMMERCE BANK APPLICATION FOR SERVICE - COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS FN N ACCOUNT NUMBER 1 OO � H rj T RVN E PLOAN BAC 0 3 OFFO .. EXISTING ACCT.# TAX ID W/ TAT• SIC BRC SI TYPE OF CORPORATION PARTNERSHIP PROPRIETORSHIP 4 4 3 02 � D 5 9 6 1 nccouNr � ❑ ❑ FIRM NAME(LINE 1) _ CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD FIRM NAME(LINE 2) C/0 OR ATTN: CHEXSYSTEM RESPONSE:(INDICATE YEAR STATE TELECHECK CODE YEAR&STATE TAX ID X WAS ISSUED � 9 ADDRRESS(UNE 1) 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DR. ADDRRESS(LINE 21 CITY AND STATE ZIP CODE COUNTRY EO CODE MAIL CODE FRIENDSWOOD, TX 7 4 4 56 �j$q �0 0 H-HOLD F-FOREIGN I-INTERNAL CUSTOMER PHONE CONTACT PHONE CONTACT NAME YEAR EST. ACCOUNT OPEN DATE 281-996-3211 281-996-3211 ROGER C. ROECKER 5/ 9/ 7 STATEMENT OPTIONS OTHER THAN BANK DEFAULT � SERVICE CHARGE OVERDRAFT CHARGE REPOHT CHECKBOOK PACKAGE CYCLE CODE ADD'L STATEMENT CUT OFF ZERO BILLING CODE POST BUS 02-18 1-5(MON•FRI) CAl DAY 0-DO NOT CHARGE 0-CHARGE PER BALANCE 0-NO CAL.01•30 D (DAIIY) 01 -31 1 -TAKE CHARGE SERVICE PIAN 0-YES 8-YES M ICALENDAR DAYI 2-DEFER CHARGE 4-CHARGE VIA N 3-NO S (SEMI-MONTHLY) ANALYSIS 4-1 ST FREE PRINCIPAL OFFICERS, PARTNERS OR PROPRIETOR NAME SOCIAL SECURITY NO. NAME SOCIAL SECURITV NO. HAROLD L. WHITAKER p _ _ � RONALD E. COX 4 4 8-5 2-8. HOME ADDRESS HOME ADDRESS �s �4��i eA P .o . Box 17s4 C /STATE ZIP CODE CITV/STATE ZIP CODE 1�iUe,vd � .S F r i n d BANK NAME/AODRESS BANK NAME/ADDRESS CHEXSYSTEM RESPONSE: YEAR STATE TELECHECK CODE CHEXSYSTEM RESPONSE: YEAR STATE TELECHECK CODE (INDICATE YEAR& �INDICATE YEAR& SS X WAS ISSUEDI 1 9 SS 7/WAS ISSUED) � 9 NAME SOCIAL SECURITY N0. NAME SOCIAL SECURITY NO. ROGER C. ROECKER _ DELORIS A MCKENZIE ,�_� _�301 HOME ADDRESS HOME ADDRESS /� 3 u9 c/l,�gw #�Po STATE ZIP CODE CITY/STATE ZIP CODE .5 / Me,v s '7 7 s � BANK NAME/ADDRES BANK NAMElADDRESS CHEXSYSTEM RESPONSE: YEAR STATE TELECHECK CODE CHEXSYSTEM RESPONSE: YEAR STATE TELECHECK CODE (INDICATE YEAR& (INDICATE YEAR& SS X WAS ISSUEDI � 9 SS X WAS ISSUED) � J INITIAL DEPOSIT AMT. SOURCE OF FUNDS N/A OTHER I.D. OPENEO BY DEBBY GRUBB BANK REFERENCES-NAME&BRANCH ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER BANK REFERENCES•NAME 8�BRANCH ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER ALTERNATE MAILING ADDRESS C/O OR ATTN. STREET 1 STREET 2 CITY STATE ZIP CODE FOR BANK USE ONLY SALESPERSON SIGNATURE ECA NUMBER PHONE NUMBER DEBBY GRUBB G315324 713-996-3910 COMMENTS •Withholding Status Codes 60 = Certified TIN; Do Not Withhold 63 = TIN Missing (Pendingl; Withhold. SSN must be 777777777. 65 = "C" Notice. Customer has been notified by the IRS that they are subject to withholding due to under reporting of Interest and/or dividends. 79 = Not Certified, Non-Resident Alien; Withhold; SSN must be 222222222. 89 = Certified, Non-Resident Alien; Do Not Withhold; SSN must be 222222222. 99 = Exempt from Backup Withholding. F-310-00018 (Rev. 1/91)