HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 97-16 RESOLU'TION NO. x 9 7-16 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING F4R A RUNO�� �Y.�?Cfi��I� Tp �E HELY) THE 31ST DAY �P MAY 1997, FOR THE PURPGISE OP ELECTINGr A COCJNCILMEMBER, Ta FILL AN UNEXPIRED TBRM ENDING MAY 1998, TO THE CITY CQCJNCT�. OF THE �ITY OF FRIBNDSWOOD; DESIGNATTNG THE POLLING PLAC�S AND APPOINTING ELECTION OFFICIALS FOR ST.I'CH ELECTI�N; PROVIDINC THE FORM OF THE BAI.L�T AT SUCH ELECTION; DIRECTING THE GIVING OF NQTICE OF SUCH ELECTION; AND CC?NTAINII�TG O'Y'�i�R PROVISIQNS RELATING TO T�iE SUBJECT. * * * * * BE IT RF�,S4LV�� HY THE CITY C�UNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIEND5W(JUD, TE�AS: SectiQn 1. In accordance with tbc C�nstitution and gtnerai laws of thc State af Texas, a Munieipal Runoff Election is hereby called and ordered for Saturday, May 31, 1997, at which election all qualified voters af the City may vote for the purpose of electing the following o�cial af the City: Councilsnan, Positi�n 6 ci n 2. 'Y'he two candidates for such runoff election shall be Sherie Warminsla and Mel P. Measeles, same being the two candidates in the speeial elecction reeeiving tl�e highest number of votes for Councilman, Pasitiop b. SectiQn �, '1'he election precincts, palling plaees, and elcction a�cials for such precincts, for said runaff election, shall be as follows: El�on Precincts 456 457. 46Q. 261. and 362s Boundaries the same as those pc�rtians of Galveswn County Electian Prccincts 456, 457, 460, 261, and 3G2 lying within the City limits of the Ciry of Friendswood. Pollin Pg 1ace: Friendswood City HaII 910 SQUth Fri�ndswood Drive Friendswood, Toxas Electio�O�cer: � Clarence Whit�, Presidin� Judge PW D\'97RUNOFP,CiES10509)T Election Precincts 37$. 474, and PArt of�lection Precinct 655: Boundaries the same as those portions of Harris County Electian Precincts 378 and 474 lying within the City limits of the City of Friendswood and thase partiops of Forest Bend Subdivision and Wcdgowood Village S�bdivision lying within Harris Couaty �lection Precinct 6SS lying within the City limits of the City af Friendswood. polling Place: Wedgewood �lcmentary School 40U0 Frien�lswoad Linlc l�oad Friendswaod, Texas Election Officers: Phyllis Middlctan, Presidin� Judge Central Counting Statian: Presiding Iudge: Ruth Prengle Manager: Doloris McKenzi� C1erk: Kathleen Seng C1erk: Eiteen Mehnert Tabulation Supervisar: Linda Thornwn Tabulation Assistant: Todd Yeager Resolution Committee: B�nny Balcer Mary Prihoda �Cevin Candee The City Secretary is hereb�► authorized and directed to provide a eopy of �his Resolution to each judge as written natice of the appointrnent as required by Section 32.Q09 of the T�AS ELECTION COD�. F.ach Presiding Judge shal! have the autharity to appoint na more than six (6) qualificd voters as clerks w assist in thc holding of said election, but in no event shall the Presiding rudge appaint less than two {2) clerks. Section�. Ms. Deloris McKenzie, City Secr�tary, is hereby appointed clerk for early vating; appointments of deputy clerics far early vating by the City Secretary shall be in accardance with Sectian 83.031 et seq., of the TE7cAS�LEC'riort CoD�E and the City Hall � 910 S. Friendswood I�rivo Friendswood, Texas 77546 Farn���rnrnuNa�.Res�a,o�, 2 is hereby designated as the place for early vating far said electian. Said clerks shall l�eep said o�ce opcn far at least nine (9? hours, that is, from eight v'clock (8:00) a.m. until five a'clock (5:00) p,m., on each day for earl�y voting which is ncrt a Saturday, a Sundayi or an afficial state holiday, beginning on May 15, 1997, and canEinuing thrau�h ihz faurth (4ih) day precedi.ng the date of said election, or as saan thereafter as practicabl�. Said clerks shalI not permit anyone to vote early by personal appearance on any day which is not a regul�r working d.ay for the clerk's affice. and under no circiunstanccs shali thep perm.it anyone Eo vote eariy by pers�nal appearanco at any time when sueh officc is not open to the public. The above-described place far early vdting is also the early vating clerk's mailing address to which ballot applications and bailots voted by mai!may bt sent. The early voting clerk, in acco�an�ce with the provisions of the T�cAS ELECTION Cob�, shall maintain a raster listing �a.ch person wha rrot�s early by personal appearanc� and each person to whom an early vating ballot ta be voted by mail is sent. The rost�r shall be maintained in a form approved by the Secretary vf State. Se�tiQ�n 5. Clarence White is hereby appointed as Y�residing Yudge c�f the Early BaIlat Board. In accardanee with Section 87.0021 et seq., Of the TEXAS ELECI'tON CI?DE� said presiding judge shall appoint at least two (2) other memtxrs ta said Board, and shall process early voting results in accQrdance with said T�u►s ELEC�'YOtv CoaB. tian . Said election sbali be held in accordaaco with thG Constitution and laws af the State af Texas, and all duly qual�ed resident electors of the City of Friendswood, Texas, shall be entided to vote. tion 7. Th� City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to furnish all neeessary electian supplies to conduct such elactian. S�cti . The order in which the names of the candidates are to be printed on the ballat in the 1^vlugi�ipai Runoff Election shall be deterniined by a drawing by the Ciry Secretary, as provid�d by Section 52.094 of ths T�xns E�cTTON ConE. The City Secrttary shall past a notice in her office, st least sevenry-t�ou� (72} haurs prior to the date on which the Fwp���uNO�e.Rasroso�sn 3 drawin� is to be held, of the time and place of th�e drawing, and shall also give personal notice to any canciidato wha makes written request far such nvtice and furnished ta the City Secretary a self-addressed, starnped envelope. Each candidate involved in the drawing, ar a dcsignated representative, sha11 have a right to be present and observe the clrawing. Section 9. The r�ndid�te recei�vi.t�g a naajoriry af votes for the position to be filled at se�ch Munieipal Runoff Elecdon shal! be declared elected. �,ctian 10. The vQting at such electinn shall be by an eleetronic vatuYg system. t' n 11. Natice of this el�ctian sha11 be given in aecardance with the provisions of the T�us Et.�c'riotv CotiE and returns of such notice shall be made as provided for in said Code. 'Y'he Mayor shall issue atl necessary orders and �w�rits for such election, and returns of such election shail be made to the City Secretary i�nmediately after the closing of the polls. Section 12. Said election shall be held 'ut accordan,ce with the TExns Et��cr10rr CanE and the Federai Voting Rights Act of 1965� as amended. PASSED, APPR4VED, AND RESOY.VED this 12thday of May , 1997. � y � �1 -� e�� Harold L. Whitaker Mayor ATTEST � � . �e oris McKenzie, RM City Secretary �wu�•�avr�ar�.nFSraso� 4