HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 97-03 RFSOLUTION NO. 97-3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF F12TE1VrDS�VOOD, TEXAS, SUPP�RTII�1G LEGISLATI�N' TQ AY.x.OW MEMBER CITIES IN TT�E METROPC)LITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY OF HARRIS COUNTY TO �V"1THDRAW FROM SIJCH AUTHaRTTY; ANT� PkOVIDING OTHER MATTERS T�LATE� TO THE SUBJECT. , � * � * * * �« * * WHEREAS, under curnnt general laws of the State of Texas, cities located within metropalitan rapid transit authorities having a principal municipaliry with a populadon of Iess than 754,000 persons are allowed to withdraw fram such authorities if approved by the registered voters of the withdrawing city at an election held far such gurpose; and W�-IFREAS, the Metropolitan Transii Autharity of Harris Counry, Texas has as its principal city thc City of Houston which� having a papulation of greater than 750,000, is governed by special legislatian which precludes any oth�r member eity of said authority from withdrawing therefrom; and WI�REAS, as a result of such sp�cial legislation, member cities of the Metropolitan Transit Authority of�Ta.rris County, Texas, are the only cities within any rapid �ansit authority in tbe entire State of Texas which do not have thc ri�ht to withdraw if a majority of the registered voters within the withdrawing city wish to do so; and W�iEREAS, the City Couttcil feels that citizens of the mcmber cities of the Metropolitan Transit Authority af T�arris Caunty, Texas should have the same rights and privileg�s as the citiuns of inember cities of inetrapolitan rapid transit authorities in San Antonio, Daltas, Fart'Worth, and Austin; and WT�REAS, the current special tegislation prohibiting withdrawal from the 1Vletrapolitan Transit Authority of Harris County, Texas is a deterrent to potential new member cities due to st,ch prahibition; now therefare BE Tf RESOLVETa BY THE CI'TY COUNCIL �F THE CYTY �F FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS: S�ct�an . The facts and rnatt�rs set farth in the preamble of this Resolution gre her�by found to be true and correct. �1�1S2II�. The City Council af the Ciry of Friendswaod, Texas, endorses a.nd supports propased legislatian before the Teacas Legislature which would provide to �mber cities of the Me�opolitan Trdnsit Authority of Harris County, Texas, the right and ability to withdraw fram such autharity ugon appraval of same at an election held for such gurpase within the withdrawing ciry in accordance with the same withdrawal proccdures appiicable ta eaach and every other rapid transit authority within the State. Section 3. Tlu City Council of the City of Friendswaod, Texas, hereby urges and requests the legislative delegatian serving the City, as well as the legislative dele�ation serv'vng thc member cities of the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County, Texas, to acti�vely suppart and promote the adaption af the legislatian described hereinabove. �tion 4. Thc City Secretary is hereby authorized a.nd directed to cause a certified cap� of this Resolution to be served upon each member of the legisladve delegation serving the citiuns of the City of Friendswood, Texas. PASSE�, APPI�q'VED, ANp RESOI.,VEp THIS 3rd DAY OF Februarv , 1997. ;��.cc,�� /�'%;%' �,��,���� i Evelyn �Newmari� Mayor ATTFST: � c• Deloris 1V1cKenzie, C City Secretary