HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 97-02 RFSOLUTION NO. R97-2 A RESOLUTXQIV OF THE CTI'Y OF FR�ENDSWOOb, TEXAS, SUPPOFtTINGr CERTAIN AMENDMEN'�`S Td H.B. 3179, SAME BEING AN ACT CREATING THE C�,EAR CREEK WATERSHED 17EGIONAL FLOOD CONTR4X., DY5TkICT, AS PROPQSED �Y THE BOARD OF AIRECTURS OF SAID DiSTRICT AI�D THE CI.EAR CREEK WATERSHED STE�RING CaMMITTEE; AN'l7 PRdVIDING QTHER MA'I`7'ERS RELATING TO TH� S[.I�JECT. WHEREAS, H,B. 3i79, as adopted 6y the 74th Legislature af the State of Texas, pravided for the creation �f the Clear Cre�k Watorshed Re�ianal Flood Control District (CCWRFCD); and W�-IEREAS, the purpase of said H.B. 3179 was to establish a mechanism by �uvhich a caQperative regianal effort could be made ta reduce damage caused by flooding in the Clear Cre.ek watershed in Hanis, Ga{veston, Brazoria, and Fart �nd Counties; and WHEI�AS, the Baard of Directors of CCWRFCD and the Clear Cr�ek Watershed Steering Committee believe that any regional effort to control flooding within the Ckar Creek watershed must include the i.avalvement of all affected governm�ental authorides, therefare aecessi�ating an alteratian of th� boundaries of the �CWF7tCD to include all such affected entities; and 1�Vhereas, such needed changes in the boundaries of the CCWRFCD, altcratian o� irnplementati�n schedules, and ather minar amendments to H,B. 3179 are necessary to enstue accomplishment of the legislative intent gnd goals for the CCW1tFCD; naw therefore BL TT RESOLVED BY T�-IE CITY COUNCIL Op THE CITY OF FRIENDSWO�OD, TEXAS: ti n i. The facts and matters set forth in the prcamble of this Resolution are heceby found to be true and correGt. Sec��on 2. The City Canncii of the Ciry af Friends�vaod, Texas, fully supports the am�ndment �f T�.�. �179 as adopted by the 74th Legislaturc of the Stat� af Texas, as reconunended by th� Clear Creek W atershed Regiona! F1aod Cvntrol District and the Clear Creek Watershed Steering Committee, said proposed a.cnendrnsnts being attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incarparated herein far at1 purposes. cti n . The City Secretary is hereby authorizeil and directad to cause a certified copy af this Resatution to be served an the presiding a�cers of the Clear Creek Watershed It��ionat Flaod Controt J]istrict ana chc C2ear Creek Watershed Sceering Cosunitccc and each member of the legislative del�gation representing the City of Friendswood in the Texas T�egislature. PASSED, APPROVED* AND RESOLVED by the City Counci! of the City of Friendswood, Texas, this 17th day of February, 1997. � � � Evelyie�. Newman Mayor A'TTFST: c . f Deloris McKenz e, C Ciry Secretary EXHIBIT A CHANGES TO H,B. NO. 3179 AS RECOrIl+�BNDED BY CLEAR CREER WATERSHED REGIONAL FIAOD CONTROL DISTRICT AND CLEAR CRE�R WATERSHED STF33RING COMMIZ'IBE. l. Replace Section 3, Page 2, Boundaries of District with the attached metes and bounds. 2. Change Section 5, Page 6 and 7 from "not later than "two" ysars after the effective date. . . ." to "not later than three* years after the effective date. . . .". 3. Change Section 37, Maintenance T�. Switch (a) with (b) and begin the new "a" (formerly "b") with "if approved by the voters". The new wording should read as follows: (a) (formerly b) an ad valorem Maintenance Tax under Subsection (a) must be authorized by a majority vote of the voters qualified to vote and voting in the district at an election called and held for the purpose. (b) {formerly a) if approved by the voters,** the district may levy, assess and collect an annual ad valorem tax on all taxable property in the district for the maintenance, operation, upkeep, and improvement of the district and its' facilities, properties, and improvements. * changes ** addition to current bill R97-2 EXA/LST03 CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD )( GALVESTON/HARRIS COLTNTIES )( CERTIFICATION I, DELORIS MCKENZIE, CITY SECRETARY OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TI� ATTACHED TO BE A FULL, TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF RESOLUTION NO. R97-2, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, SUPPORTING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO H.B. 3179, SAME BEING AN ACT CREATING THE CLEAR CREEK WATERSHED REGIONAL FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT, AS PROPOSED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SAID DISTRICT AND THE CLEAR CREEK WATERSHED STEERING COMMITTEE; AND PROVIDING OTHER MATTERS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT AS ADOPTED ON FEBRUARY 17, 1997, ON FII.,E AND OF RECORD IN THE CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE. ATTEST: � , , DELORIS MCKE ZIE, RMC CITY SECRETARY CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD FEBRUARY 19, 1997