HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 98-24 RESOLUTION NO. R98-24 A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TFXAS, AND GALVESTON COZTNTY, TEXAS, ADOPTING A JOINT DISASTER RE-ENTRY PLAN AGREEMENT. * * * * * * * * * * * * WHERBAS, the various municipalities incorporated within the County of Galveston and Galvevston County have found the need for a disaster re-entry plan; and WHEREAS, a special committee composed of inembers from various municipalities, emergency managers, and other interested parties convened over an extensive period of time to develop a county-wide disaster re-entry plan; and WHEREAS, this plan has been presented and reviewed in draft form by all involved jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, official sanction of this plan by all jurisdictions is needed for implementation; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the DISASTER RE-ENTRY PLAN FOR GALVESTON COUNTY is ratified, and placed in effect; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all signatory jurisdictions agree to reflect this element Disaster Re-Entry planning within the emergency management planning of their individual jurisdictions. PASSED, APPROVED AND RESOLVED this 20th day of July, 1998. ayor Harold L. Whitake City of Friendswood ATTEST: 7 D loris McKenzie TR • City Secretary R98.24/LST03 JOINT RESOLUTION DISASTER RE-ENTRY PLAN AGREEMENT SIGNATURE PAGE (Signature) MAYOR �Clty� CITY OF FRIENDS[�100D ATTEST: � 1��� ' (Signature) CI Y S CRETARY �Clty) CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD R�3-24 GALVESTON COUNTY DISA3TER RE-ElVTRY PLAN l. AUTHORITY This plan appiies to the County of Gaiveston and all municipalities located wholly or partially within the County. This plan was developed by the Gaiveston County Cooperative Emergency Management group Re-entry Subcommittee. The Plan is approved by al! municipalities of Gaiveston County and Galveston C�unty through a cooperative resolution. it. PURPOSE This plan is designed to provide for the orderiy re-entry of emergency responders; critical personnel and citizens in disaster affected areas. The plan is built on the knowiedge of the individuai, the municipalities, and Galveston County knowing that each entity's situation wilf be different. Each loca! law enforcement group will make decisions based on infomiation and direction received from the elected officials of that community. 111. SCOPE This plan encompasses an orderiy process of managing re-entry of emergency responders, critical personnel and citizens foilowing a major disaster. Guidelines in the plan will provide a common approach in handling the influx of citizens, emergency responders, and criticai personnel foilowing an event. !V. SITUAT1t�NS AND ASSUMPTIQNS A. Situa#ion 1. Reoccupation of an evacuated area requires the same considera#ion, coordin�tion, and control of the actions undertaken in the or+ginai evacuation. 2. The re-entry decision and order will be made by the local Emergency Management Director of each jurisdiction after the threat has passed and the evac�ated area has been inspected by fire, law, and utility personnet for Safety. B. Assumptions 1. The news media, radio, and television will be the primary source of communication to advise all parties when they may safely retum to their homes. t 2. The Primary source of communication wiil be from the Emergency Management Coordinators designated by each jurisdiction to the command center of each jurisdiction. 3. Each jurisdiction will (if possible) utilize local Amateur Radio Operators needed for communications. 4. Offices of Emergency Management in Gatveston County, Fort Bend County, Brazoria County, Harris County, and the City of Houston will coordinate re-entry operations. V. CONCEPT OF OPERA►TIONS A. General 1. Critical personnel of the various jurisdictions will be identified by a uniform countywid� identification card, which will be used for re-entry. 2. Law enforcement personnel in Galveston County as well as law enforcement representatives from State and Federal forces will be briefed on the approved re-entry identification method being utilized through Galveston County. 3. The public will be advised of re-entry procedures through news media releases (Radio, Television, Print media, etc). B. Re-entry Phases Re-entry into Galveston County will be aliowed in three phases. These phases are prioritized with phase 1 having priority for re- entry, foilowed by phase 2, and completed with phase 3 (the re- entry of all citizens). For the purposes of identifying re-entry priorities the following three phases, or tiers, of re-entry have been identified: 1. Phase 1 Critical Personnei — phase 1 status Damage Assessment Personnel Recovery Personnel Medical Personnel , 3 2. Phase 2 Critical personnel — phase 2 status insurance Companies Bank Personnel Disaster Services (Salvation Army, American Red Cross, etc) Grocery Store Personnei Mortuary Personnel 3. Phase 3 Citizens Vi. ORGANIZATION AND ASSIGNMENT OF RESPONSIBILITIES A. The re-entry function is organized through the Galveston County Cooperative Emergency Management Program. The Emergency Management Directors (County Judge and Mayors from each Jurisdiction) have the overail authority#or this pian. The Emergency Management Coordinator for each junsdiction serves as a planning and implementing coordinator. B. Task Assignments 1. Each Emergency Management Director (County Judge and Mayor from each jurisdiction): a. Identifies his/her own critica! personnel to receive identification re-entry badges. b. Authorizes by signature eact� identification card. c. Authorizes expiration date of each identification card. d. Determines whether the threat that cac�sed the evacuation appears to be over. e. Determi�es whether residential and business areas generaily appear safe to return to. f. Informs the public of proper re-entry actions and particular cautions. They should take with regard to reactivating utilities; etc. !n addition, issue proper ; cleanup instructions to their jurisdiction's employees as necessary. 2. Emergency Management Coordinator(From each jurisdiction) a. Determines tfie number of persons in shelters who will have to be transported back to their homes. b. Determines the long-#erm housing requirements if homes have been damaged. Coordinates this effort with the Salvation Army and the American Red Cross. c. Coordinates re-entry through the Emergency �perations Center with all Law Enforcement personnel. d. Coordinates operations with Galveston County, Fort Bend County, Brazoria County, Harris County, and the City of Houston. 3. Law Enforcement (Sheriffs' Department, each jurisdictions' Local Police Department� a. Coordinates traffic control and movements back into and through Galveston County. b. Accepts the identification system outlined in this plan to ailow individuafs with the proper identification to re- enter through all points in Galveston County when instructed to do so. c. Coordinate with State and Federal law enforcement personnel to ensure the plan is utiiized throughout all agencies. VII. DIRECTION AND CONTROL The Emergency Management Directors (County Judge and Mayor from each jurisdiction) are the overall authorities for the re-entry effort. All activities will be coordinated fhrough the Emergency Operations Center (EOC)for each jurisdiction, whieh will serve as the source of ali general direction and control. � : .� VIII. PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE This plan wiii be reviewed at least annuaily by the Galveston County Cooperative Emergency Management Group through each jurisdictions' Office of Emergency Management. S APPENDIX 1 STANDARD OPERATtNG PROCEDURE RE-EfVTRY BADGtNG IDENTiFiCATI�N BADGES Standardized blank badges (Exampies on pages 7 and 8) will be printed by Galveston County and distributed to the various municipalities in Galveston County. Each municipality and the county will be responsible for completing the badges by completing the blanks and attaching a photo of the individual being given re-entry status. The badges will then be authorized by the Emergency Management Director(Signature) for that jurisdiction, numbered and laminated prior to the issuance o#the badge. Each jurisdiction will be responsible for maintaining a log�of issued badges that includes the name o#the person receiving the badge and the Badge number. Each jurisdiction wiil be responsible far retrieving expired cards And/or cards fram employees no longer employed by the jurisdiction. RE-ENTRY IDENTIFiCATf�N PHASES Re-entry into Galveston County wiN be dane in an orderiy fashion by use of a coior-coded system. Identification badges will have the following colors: 1. Phase 1 Phase 1 badges wilt be red in color. Red badges will be issued to ail personnel identified in the re-entry plan under section VB1 on page 2. 2. Phase 2 Phase 2 badges will be blue in color. Blue badges wili be issued to alt personnel identified in the re-entry plan under section VB2 on page 3. IMPLEMENTING THE RE-ENTRY PLAN Each jurisdiction will be responsible for ensuring their Law Enforcement personne! are aware of the re-entry plan. Each jurisdiction will also be responsible for ensuring that samples of each badge is distributed to their Law Enforcement agency in order to effectively compiy with the plan. �� PHASE 1 RE-ENTRY BADGES Re-entry badges for Phase 1 personnef will be red in color. The badge for phase 1 personnel will look {ike the picture below. Side 1 ofi Phase 1 badge OF�ICIAL EMER6ENCY RESPONSE Insert Photo PERSONNEL REPRESENTING C1TY OF GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS {Name) (Titte) (Date Issued) (Issued By) FULL SECURITY CLEARANCE Expiration: Side 2 of Phase 1 badge CERTIFiCATE OF IDENT1FiCAT10N THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF GALVESTON COUNTY 1, . Mayor, hereby certify the individuai named on the frotrt hereof is an eieded ofticial or was appointed by me. Mayor City of .Texas Birth Heigfit WeiQht Sex Eyes Hair Blood Data 7 PHASE 2 RE-ENTRY BADGES Re-entry badges for Phase 2 personnel will be blue in color, The badge for phase 2 personnel will look like the picture below. Side 1 of Phase 2 badge OFFICIAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE Insert Photo PERSONNEL REPRESENTING CITY OF GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS (Name) (Titte) (Date Issued) (Issued By) SECONDARY PERSONNEL Expira#ion: Side 2 of Phase Z badge CERTIFICATE Of ID�P�TT1�iCAT14N THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF GALVESTON COUNTY I, .Mayor, hereby certify the indfvidual named on the frorrt hereof is an eiected ofFicial or was appoir�ted by ma. M�yo� City of , ,Texas Birth Heinht Woight 3ax Eyes Hair Bbod �ata �