HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 98-08 RESc�LUTI�N NO. R 98-8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CIT�' 4�' FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, AMENDING THE POL.ICY DESIGNATING'r THE USB 4F DONATIONS ON �''T'�.,YTY BTLLS TQ ALLOW FOR THE PURPOSE �}F FUNDING THE BUY-BACK FOR TI�E FRiENDSWOOD VQLT..1'NTE�R FZREFIGHTERS PENSION PLAN. � � * � * * * � * WHLR�AS, Vcrnon's Texas Civil Statutes 6243.e.3. authoriz�s rnunicipalitie� wi,th volunteer fire dcpartmcnts ta join and participate in thE Texas Statevvide-Eme�ency Services Retirement Fund, and to "buy-back" prior sGrviee far which vo�utzte� . firefighters were eliglble,which actian was autliorized by Resolutian R98-7; and WHEREAS, the City of Friendswood has, by previou,s motioa, authoriz¢d tha inclusion of a voluntary donatian in the amount af��.00 per rnonth to be submitt@d by citizans with tnoir water bilis, and such fiulds have beeu utilized by the City to pw�ch�e capital �quipment for the Volunteer Fira Depar�ient; and WHEREAS, the City of Friendswood has, by �roviotis rr�ptian, authorizod th�c increase in the suggested amount of donatian to $3.00; axtd W�-TEREAS, the City of Fricndswood would like to utilize the valu�tary donations ta fund thc buy-back paraon of 8ligible �efi�ghtd''s retir�mcnt bene�fts im t.l�e retir�ment fund; NOVV THEREFQRE, BE IT RESQLVED BY T�iE CI7"Y CQUNCIL OF THE CI'T'Y O� FRIENDSWQOD, STATB OF TEXAS: Section 1• Thc City of Fricndswoad, Texas, by and through its goveining body, horeby amends thc city policy dcsignating the usc af�voluntary donations on utility . bills ta allow far thc uso of thc �3.40 donatians to fund thB buy-back of prior serwiCe ft�r eligiblc volunteer firefig�ters in the Texas Statewide �mcrgency SCrvic�s Rctir�neett Fund, Texas Civil Rcviscd Statntes 6243e.3 {the"Rctirement Fund"). �, After alt eligible retiremcnt benefits are purchased throug�h tbe Retircmcnt Fund, which at current levels of contributitvns, the City estirnat�s may be i� three yeaxs, the use of tk�e ddnations will revert to purchaso of capital �quipme�nt fer t�c Volunteer Fire Aepartment. PASSED ANL�APPROVED this 2nd day of�1�SarCh, 1998. . Harold L. Whitaker Mayar ATTEST . � Delo�is McKcnzie, TRM City Sccretary