HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 98-01 x�so�trr�oN No. R9 a-�. A RESOLUTION OF THE CTTY OF R�I�ND5'WOOD, TEXAS, DETER1t�IlYIN� HOIISTUN �IGHTING � PUWER COMPANY'S P�TI'LTON �S A RATE F�IlYG; SUSPEND�IG THE�FFECI'l�YE.DA'1`E; AN'n SETT�NG FO�tTH UT�ER PRUYISYONS RELA'�'II�TG THERET� W�REAS,IIouston Lighti.ng&Pawer Cornpany("I�L.&P") filed a petition wiEth the City seeking approval af a change in accaunting procedures and certa�n base rate cxedits cant�ined in a Settiement Agreement; and WHER�,AS,if appro'ved, the request�d orders ar►d the Settlement Agreement w�uld be in effect dwrin� 1995-1999 and possibly therea�ter, and WH��tEAS, the City luls not k�ad a reasonable opportunity to review the peatiom and supporting documents filed by J.-iLBcP; a�d NOW T$EREF4�tE. BE Y1'RE54�.VED SX T'HE C�TY C�UNCII. O�'�'HE CITI' U�FRI�NASWOOD, TEXAS: 1. 'I'he findings and re�itals set£'orth in the preamble hereof are adopted in their entxcet�y. 2, HL&c.P is hereby ordereci to provide notice of its request by tsill insert and by publishir�g notice one time in newspapers I�aviiag general circulation in each caunty sezved. 3. The relief sought by�P in its petition cvnstitutes a r�te cha�age as that term is used in the Texas Utilities Code. 4_ The City FIN17S that �il,&P's fiiing, taken as a whvle, includes a request for suspens�on o#'the rate change. S. The Cxty APpROVE5 the suspecxsion of the ra.te change for not langer than ninety (90)days after the date the rate chazige would othe[vvise be eflE'ective, all as more fuliy set fortii under tl�e Term for Temporary Relief p�ovision o�the tariffs filed by�il.&P. b. The City's representatives shall have the right to dbtain additionai in�ormatian from HI.&P by rec�uesting such infortnat�o�t in writing. 5uc�Z requests for information shall be responded to within ten(10)daXs from receipt by HI,�P. By agreement,the time for response may be madified by the City's represen�tives. 7. The Ciry hereby appaints T;�onald E. Cax as its rep�esernative to th� Gu�f Coast Coalit�on of Cities for HI,�P rate maxters. '�he City autharizes or ratifies the retaiu�ing of cou3asel and a,uthori�es the haring of cansultants as selected by the Guif Caast Coalition of Cities to assist the City in these proceedings; Uocket No. 18465 or other prvceedings ax the�'ublic Y.Jtility Comnussion of Texas in�volving the same ar sirnilar issues; or any ap�eals; and directs the Coalition to subz�t and connply with an appraved budget. 8_ This resolution shall be served on T�r,&P by certified U.S. Mail, retum receipt requested. 9. I�Qtl�ing containec�in this r�SOIu�iOn S�i1ll 1�C Gons'tru� nbW Or�tex'eafter a.s Iimiting or modifying, in any mazuner, the riglat and power of the City under�aw to regulate the rates and - charges of��L8cP. PASSED, APPROVED, AND RESOLVFD this 19th day of January , 1998. A�ayor Harold L. Whitaker City of Friendswood ATTEST: . � Deloris McKenz e, RMC City Secretary