HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 99-15 RES4I,CJTIQN NO: R 9 9-15 A RFSQI,UTI�N �F THL CITY QF FRIENDSWp�D, TEXAS, Y7ECLARING THE UNOPPOSED CAN'AIDATES FtiR COUNCILMF.I4�BERS POSITIQN' NOS. 2, AN'D S ELBCTED; PIZOVIDING THAT 7'HE MAY 1, 1999, GENF.RAI, MCJNICLpAI, OFFICERS F.,T..EC'I`IQN SHA1,L NOT BE HEIaD; C�NTAINII�IG OTHP,R PROVISYONS RELATII�G TO THE SUBJECT; PRaVIDING Ft�R SEVERABII,I'I"Y; t1ND REPEALINCr ALL RESQLUT'YUNS OR PA.RTS t3F RESQI.UTIONS INCONSISTENT OR YN CONFLICT H�R.EWITH. * * � * t W'HEREAS, pursuant to City oP Friendswaad, Texas, R�salution Na. R94-21, pasaad and approvcd Mar�h 15, 1999, a gen�l m�unicipal officex�s et�cctian was orde�rcd to bc h�id on May 1, 1994, for the pur�as� of elxti�g twa officiat� aP the City, w wit; Councilman P�osition No. 2, and CouuciUman Position No. S; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 2.052, Texas F�l,�octi4n C�de, th�c deadline far fili�g applieations for a place an the ballat af the City's munieipal of�icers electio�has �xpi�ed; ac�d �VY�EREAS, tl� City Secrctary, in a�eecor<3ance with Seetiam 2.OS2 Texas E1e�ction Code, has e�rti�ecl xa the City Council in writiag that Jerry Fricsson is unoppased far el�ctian ta the affice of Councilman, Position No. 2, and that Larry Taytar is unapposed for e�eciion to the office of Councilman, Position Na. 5; and WHF.REAS, the City Coun�il her�by fi�ds and d�rsninGS that ea�h candidate wht�e nalne is ta appear an the b�l.lot in said clection is unoppo�d. ther� are �o declartd �vrit,�-ins, �nd rw proposition is w appear on the hallot f�r such election; now, tharefore, aE IT R�SOLV�p BY THE CI'TY CQUNCIL OF THE CtTY 4F FRXEND*a'WQOD, TEXAS: PWp/'94 PLSC'T10N CANCHi..RBSro�f3lr�4 Section i• Thc fact� and mattors sct forth in the pr�mble of this Reso�ut�►n arc hereby fou�d to be true and correct, 'an . In accordance with Sectian 2.US3(a}; Tcxas Election Code, the folltywing unopposed e�ndidates are hcreby decIared duly eiected ia the respective afficcs shown: Counciluian, Position 2 - Jerry F.�i�son Ca�u�cilrnan, Positian S - Larry Taylor �ection 3. pursuant to Section 2.053 {b), Te�as Electian Code, th� ��a! municipal offir�rs election heretofore c�ll� and ordercd b�+ City of Fricndswoad, �'exas� by Resolution No, R99-i l� far the 1� day of May 1999 shall not be held and is hareby caa�. Section 4. The City Secretary is hereby dirocted to eause a cogy of this �eso�utian to be pastcd an election day, same laeiug May 1�, 1999, at tt�e polling p�ce's that w�uld have been used in such�lection. i n , In the event any c�lause, phra�c, pr�vision, sentsnce or p�,rt of the Resolution or the �pplication of thc same to aay person or eirc�msta.nce s�al! for any reason be �djudged invalid or hekt er�canstibutional by a court of compuent jurisdiction, it ah811 not affect, impa.ir, or invalidau this Resalution as a whole ar ar�y part or provision hcsscof otl�r than tE� part declarod to be invalid ar ur�constitutionai; �nd the City Couneil of t1�e G`Ity af Priendswood, Texas, declares that it would have passed each uid cvery p�.rt of du same natwith,standing the amission of a��y such part Chus d�clartd to be invalid or unconstiturional, wh�cther there be one or more p�rts. P9VD/'44 ELEC'IIDN.RELO3�31/99 '� ,��. A11 resolutions or parts of resolutions ir�con�ist�nt or in confliat h�awxth are, ta the extent of such incansistency or conflict, hereby repealed. PASSED, APPRQVED, AND R�SpLVED this 5th day of April * �� ��Z,s� xaro�a L. whit�ker Mayor ATTEST , � Deloris NicKenzie, C City Secretary Fwnr•�auscnort.tt��ir� 3