HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 94-05 �7RDIN�NCE N4. 94-5
�a�rrs�uc�v� c� � ��aa� a� �. r�. ��s �
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ANT) PR�'tDI1�Cz A PE�1��" FOB: 'I�'S �'I�L�iTIC�F
W�REA.S, �h� Te�as Departmt�nt: of Tra�a.spartation has made it
knawn ta the Ci.tg o€ Fri.endswc�ad, Te.xas, th�t aperations
will begin in the near future to malse impr.ov��ne�ts ala�ng
�.�t.. 528; a�ct
WTiE,RF�S, in the int�rest e�f safetg, it i� desirahle t�
maintain a �c�nstruction sp�ed zon�: d�.ring th� coAStructian
p�r�oa; ��a
Nt�W, 'I'H�RFFC�, �8 IT O�,Il'� BY TH� CI�'Y` Cfi��TI, aF" T�E
CI�.'Y C1F FRT��I�, STATE QF' 'i'�:.
S�tion 1� A canstru�tion spc�ed zon� is hereby
est�blisY�.ed alo�a�g the nam�d high�rays �r
parts therec�f descri�aed; as fs�llor�rs:
i�, Alang F. M. 528 f.rom �i�nding �3ay to
Friendswo�d East Cit� Limit, � sp��d.
zone of 4Q MPH to be effective when sc�
signe�i with.i.n s�id zone.
Secta.on 2. Necessary signs for pasting the speed �Qnes
will be furnis�ed, install.ed, and maintain�d
l�y the directi�n �f t�e T�xas Degartment c��
Transpartation' s Engineer in charge of the.
Section 3 o An�r person vio�ating the prQVisirans af this
Ordinan�e sh�ll, ugazs canvietion, k�e fin�d
in any sum not ta exceed Two Hunc�red Dollars
c �2aa) .
Section 4. This �rdin�nce shall he in effect �nly
during the geriad of c�nstruetian, and
completio� af this praject sha1.2
�utomatically cancel the speed �anes.
PpSSED AND AP`PR� on f irst reaciinq this 21st day af
February, 19�4.
PASS�, �FP�t1�t, AL� A�DC3PI�'? an second and f inal r�adi�g�
this 7th day c+f March, 1994.
�,�c. - J �- �C�-�:��.7:Ge��J
Mayar � �.yn �. Ne�n
Gity af Friendswo�ci.
Delaris Mc e aef T C
City Serretar�
ard 94--5.doe