HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 94-04 ,�..... . ORDINANCE NO. 94-4 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, ORDINANCE NO. 84-15, PASSED AND APPROVED THE 19TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1984, AND BEING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY, BY STRIKING THEREFROM SUBPARAGRAPH a OF PARAGRAPH 3 OF SUBSECTION O OF SECTION 7 AND SUBSTITUTING THEREFOR A NEW SUBPARAGRAPH a; PROVIDING EXCEPTIONS FOR ACCESSORY BUILDINGS WHICH MAY BE CONSTRUCTED OR ERECTED WITHIN REQUIRED REAR YARDS IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS; PROVIDING A PENALTY OF AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1, 000 FOR EACH DAY OF VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION HEREOF; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. * * * * * BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section 1. City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 84-15, passed and approved the 19th day of November, 1984, is hereby amended by striking therefrom all of subparagraph a of paragraph 3 of Subsection O of Section 7, which provides as follows: ["a. One-story unattached accessory buildings or structures less than twenty (20) feet in height may be located in residential districts in the rear yard provided they are located no less than five (5) feet from the side property line in the rear yard and ten (10) feet from the rear yard property line and do not cover more than forty (40) percent of the rear yard. "] and substituting therefor the following: "a. Unattached accessory buildinqs or structures less than ten feet (10' ) in height may be located within required rear yards in residential districts provided (i) they ar� loc�t�d no� le�s than f�ve feet (5' ; from any side proper�y l�n� and not less than ten feet (10' ) �rom the rear proper�y Xine, and {ii) such accessory buildings or structur�� do not vavex an azea which exceeds thir�y percent (34�) o� �he �equired rear yard. Na�withstanding , the foragoinq, Garagesr Hangars, and Harns (as defined in Sectfbn Zo her�of) not exce�ding twenty feet (20' ) in height m�y b� erected in required rear yards provided (i) tihey are lacated �at �ess than five fee� (5' } froin any side praperty line plus one (1) additional �oot of setback �or each foot in heiqht of the s�ruc�ure in excess of ten �eet (�o�) , such height �o be me�sured ta the lowest �ave adjacent to th� applicab�e sida property l�ne, (ii) t�ey are Iocated not 1�ss than ten feet (zo�} �rom the rear property line pl.us an� (1) additional foot o� s�t�ack for e�ch Foot in heiqht a� th� atxucture in excess of ten feet (10' ) , suc� height to be m�asured to the �owest eave adjacent to �h� r�ar property line, and jiii) if a Hangar or a B�rn, the r�ar �roper�y line does not adjain property us�d or r�s�ricted by this Ordinanc� to a residential us�. Provid�d �urther, the �atal cumulative area of al� f�oor space af all a�ces5o�y buildirigs and structures an a lot shaZ1 no� exceed ona�half (1�2j of the t�ao� � . _2_ space ar�a of th� �round �loa� pf th� m,�in buildin� " o_� such lot. " � Se��ion � . Any person wha shaZl v,�Qlate any provision of this ordinance �hall be deemed quil�y of a mi.sdemeanor and� upon conviction, sh��.l b� ,fined in an amount nc�t ta �xceed $l,oOA. Each day in which any such violation shall. accur, ar each occurrence of any' viola�t�on, shall constitute a separat� offense. ��ction 3 . In the event any se�tion, paragraph, subdivision, clause, ph����,, provision, sentence� or part of this Ordinance ax tk�e applica�ion di the same to any �ersan or circumstance shal7. tor any r��son b� adjudged invalid or held unconstitutianal by a aourt of competent, jurisdiction, it shal�. nat aP�ect, zmpair, o� invai3.date this Ordinance as a whal� ar any par� o� provi�ion herea� o�her than the pa�t declared to be inval�.d ar ur�constitutidna�.; and th� City Council o� th� City of Friendswood, Texas, d�clares that it would hav� pass�d each and every part o� the same nptwithstanding �he vmissian of Any such part thus declared to be invalid or unconstitutiona7., or wh�ther th�re be one or moxe parts. PASSk:D AND APPROVED an first read�.ng �his 4th day of _..�,.,_�,�,r i 1 r I 9 9 4 . PASSED, APkROVED, AND ApOPTED on second and final reading this 1 th day of � Apri 1 , 1994 . � f�. � ' � t ... /�; � •�'/C,,�.�l�,i Evelyn � . Ne n aMayor -3- ATTEST: . c Delor s McKenzie, CMC Ci�y S�cretary Ord. 94-4 J R�W1