HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 93-08 ORDiNA�ICE NQ. 93-8 AN ORDINANCE AMENDIftC CITY CF FRIE2IDSWOOD, TEXAS, ORDINANC� NO. 84-15, AS AMENDED, OP,IGItiALLY ADOPTED THE 19TH DAY OF NOVEMBrR, 1384, p.ND BEING THE ZONING ORDINA2iCE OF THn CITY, BY STRIKING ALL OF SUBPAP,pGRAPH b OF PI�R�.GRP.PH 3 OF SUBSECTION O OF SECTION 7 AND SUBSTI'I'[ITING THEREFOR A NE�' SUBPARAGRAPH b; PRflVIDING � THAT A BIIILDING OR STRQCTL�tE IN ANY ZONING DISTRICT MAY EXCEED TEiE MP.XIML'M HEIGHT ESTABLISHED FOR SUCK DISTRICT IF THE BUILDING OR STRUCIL�hE WILL FIT UI3D�R AN IMAGINARY LINE THAT IS 63 .5 DEGREES, ir'ITH THE HORIZONTAL, AT THE OUTER r.DGE OF THE YARD; PROVIDING A PENALTY IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,G00 FOR EACH DAY �F VIOL1TI02I OF ANY PROVISION HEREOF; AND PROVIDING FC�R SEVERABILITY. * * * * * BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CCUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TFXA�: Section 1. City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 84-15, passed and approved the 19th day of November, 1984, is hereby amended by striking all of subparagraph b of Paragraph 3 0° Sunsection 0 of Section 7, which provides as follows: (b. A �uilding or structure �ay exceed the district maaimum height regulations upon the qrar.ting of a special exception by the Baard of Adjustment provided the building or structure c�ill fit under an imaqinary li.ne that is 63 . 5 degrees, with the horizontal, at the outer edge af the yard. l and sub�tituting Y,herefor the follow�ng: "b. A buildina or structure may exceed the maximum heiQht established bv the applicable district reaulations if the buildinq or structure will fit under an i�naq�narY 11ne that is 63.5 degrees, with the horizontal, at the outer edae of the yard. " Section 2 . �ny person who shail violate any prcz•isian of tnis Ordinance shall be deezied guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be f ined �n an amount not to exceed $]_, 000. �ach dzy o� V101nt7_Gi1 shall constitute a separaLe offense. :wD�BtL`Lr�T�w1.OH0�07 JQY 4 •. ,,w�r, . ...,a Section � . �x� the event ar.y clause, phrase, provision, sentence, 'or part of this Ordinancs ar the application af the same to �ny person or circu��stancF sha�l for any reason be adjudqed inva.lid or h�ld znconstitutional by a court of co�apetent jurisdiction, it shall not affect, im�,ai_r, or invalidate this Ordinance as a whole ar any p�rt or provisian hereof ottier th�n the part deaiared to be irtvali� or unconstitutional; and the Cit� Council of the City af Friendswood, Texas, de�lares that it would hzve pasaed each and every part of ttae sarne notwithstanding the o�ission of any such part thus declared to b� invalid or uncor�stitutional, whether there �e one or more par.ts. FASSED AND I�PPRO��ED an first reading tttis t 7 ti� day of May , 1993. PASSED, APPROVEG, AND ?iDOPTED on secor3d and final reading this 7th day of June , 1993. .�?����J Evely B. Newman Mayor ATTEST: � Delaris Mc enzier �C C City Secretary n�w�eio��rua.onoro-zoo� —2—