HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 92-13 ORDINANCE N0. 92-13 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , TEXAS , GENERAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1992/93; MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY FOR SUCH FISCAL YEAR AS REFLECTED IN SAID BUDGET; AND MARING CERTAIN FINDINGS AND CONTAINING CERTAIN PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. � t � � � � WHEREAS, on the 1st. day of August , 1992, the City Manager presented to the City Couneil a proposed Budget of the expenditures of the City of Friendswood for the fiseal year 1992 - 1993, a eopy of whi�ch is attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, pursuant to notice as required by law, publie hearing on such Budget was held in the Council Chambers in the City Hall , at which hearings all citizens and taxpayers of the City had the right to be present and to be heard and those who requested to be heard were heard ; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the proposed Budget and has made sueh changes therein as in the City Council ' s 3udgment were warranted by laW and were in the best interests of the citizens and taxpayers of the City; and, WHEREAS, a copy of the Budget has been Piled with the City Secretary and the City Council desires to adopt the same ; and , WHEREAS, in accordanee with Section 8 . 03(A) of the City Charter, the City Council has reviewed estimates of revenue to be derived by the City during the 1992/1993 fiseal year, including the most up-to-date preliminary tax evaluation figures as have been made available to the City by the Galveston County Appraisal Distriet , the City Couneil finds and determines that as of the date of this ordinance , and in order to meet the requirements as set out in by Section 8 . 03�E) of the City Charter, the proposed bud�et referred to here-in is based on the best information available to the City to assure that budgeted expenditures do not exceed total estimated ineome ; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section 1 . The facts and recitations set forth in the preamble of this Ordinanee are hereby found to be true and correct. Section 2. In accordanee with the provisions of Article 689a-15, V. T. C . S. , the City Council hereby approves and adopts the Bud�et deseribed above, the same being on file with the City Seeretary. The City Secretary is hereby directed to place on said Budget and to sign an endorsement reading as follows : °The Original General Budget of the City of Friendswood , Texas , for the fiscal year 1992/1993" and to keep such Budget on file in the City Secretary ' s Office as a public record . Section 3 . In support of said Budget and by virtue of the adoption thereof, there are hereby appropriated out of available cash funds and out of the general and special revenues of the City which will be received in the treasury during the fiseal year �992-1993 the amount set forth in said approved Budget for the various purposes stated therein. The total amount now thus appropriated and the funds from which the same are derived are as follows : Be�innin� Fund Balance, 10/1/92 $ 1 ,��5 , 292 Total Revenues 12 , 013 , 6u9 Total Resources Available for Appropriation $13 .�58 , 9�1 Total Expenditures and Other Finaneing Uses $13 , 222, 829 Ending Fund Balance , 9/30/93 $ 236 , 112 PASSED , APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 14th day of September , 1992. ,���,ce.L�--c��——�— �` ..�.cttrx C'�.__ Mayor E e14f yn B. Newman ATTEST: � . , Del ris MeKe zie, CMC City Secretary bud�et .gen dmc • ' � PUBLIC NOTICE -� � � � DQCKETED PUBLIC HEARING The City of Friendswood will hold a public hearing on the proposed budget under pocketed Public Hearings at a Special Council Meeting on September 14, 1992, at 7:00 p.m. , City of Friendswood, 109 Willowick, Friendswood, Texas. All Citizens are invited to attend and provide written and oral comments concerning the city's proposed budget. The entire proposed budget may be inspected by the public from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. , Monday through Friday in the City Secretary's office, Friendswood City Hall. CITY OF FRTL•:NDSWOOD SUMMAFY OF 1992-1993 PNOYOSEU BUUGET Cowbined Buctge t REVEVLiE'.S BY SOURCE: ------------------- Current Yroperty Ta�es 4,980,966 Uelinquent 'Taxes/Penalties 143,054 Sales Tax 80t, 165 � Franchise Taxes 533,39(1 Other Taxes :5,700 � � � - Water and Sewer Revenues 3,474,200 Garbage Collection 760,179 PermiCs & Fees 790,965 Fines & Forfeits 165,860 Other 360,170 TOTAL REVENUES 12,013,649 EXPENDITUItES BY C9TEGORY: ------------------------- General Goverrunent 1.560,508 Public Safety 2,739,206 Public Works :i,641,426 Cummunity Development 492,IA3 Community Services 1 ,218, 140 Capital Improvemen[s 1,458,947 Debt Service 1,878,419 Reserves and Con[ingency 234,000 TOTA1. E?CYENDITURES 13,222,829 REVENUES `tIhUS EXYE!JDITURES (1,'209,18U) BECitr'NING fUND BALANCE, 10/1/92 1,445,192 E;NUING FUND BALANCE, 9/30/93 Z:iG.112 Deloris McKenzie, CMC City Secretary City of Friendswood ** THE FRIENDSWOOD JOURNAL NEWSPAPER — *** THE FRIENDSWOOD REPORTER NEWS NEWSPAPER: Please publish on Wednesday , September. 2 , 1992 � Wednesday . September_ 9-,=-] 992 . Bi ] ] the City and send an affidavit of publication. � � � � PUBLIC NOTICE � _ DOCKETED PUBLIC HEARING The City of Friendswoad will hold a public hearing on the proposed budget under pocketed Public Hearing5 at a Special Council Meeting on September 14, 1992, at 7:00 p.m. , City of Friendswood, 109 Willowick, Friendswood, Texas. All Citizens are invited to attend and provide written and oral comments concerning the city's proposed budget. The entire proposed budget may be inspected by the public from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. , Monday through Friday in the City Secretary's office, Friendswood City Hall. CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD SUMMAFY OF 1992-1993 PKOYOSEll BUllGET Combined Budget REVEVUE'.S BY SOURCE: ------------------- Current Property Ta�es 4,980,966 UelinquenC 'Taxes/Penalties 143,054 . Sales Tax 801, 165 Franchise Taxes 533,39O Other Taxes _i,700 � � Water and Sewer Revenues 3,474,2U0 Garbage Collec[ion 760,179 PermiCs & Fees 790,965 Fines & Forfeits 165,860 Other 360,170 TUTAL REVENUES 12,013,649 £XPENDITURES BY C9'LEGORY: ------------------------- General Goverrunent 1.560,508 Public Safety 2,739,206 Public Works :i,641,426 Community Devel�pment 492,1A3 Community Servic•es 1 ,218, 140 Capital Improvementti 1,458,947 Debt Service 1,878,419 Reserves and Contingecticy 234,000 TOTA1. EXYENDITURES 13,222,829 REVENUES '1INUS EXYENDITURES (1,209,18U) BECiNNING fl1ND BALANCE, 10/1�92 1,445,292 E:NUING FUND BALANCE, 9/30/93 2:tG.112 Deloris McKenzie, CMC ' City Secretary City of Friendswood ** THE FRIENDSWOOD JOURNAL NEWSPAPER — *** THE FRIENDSWOOD REPORTER NEWS NEWSPAPER: Please publish on Wednesday , September. 2 , 1992 �' Wedr�esda Se tember_ 9-=�] 992 . Bill the City and send an affidavit of {�ublication.