HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 92-10 ORDINANCE N0. 92-10 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION REGARDING THE ZONING CHANGE REQUEST FOR PROPERTY BEING A TRACT OF LAND, 39. 9 ACRES OF LAND SAVE AND EXCEPT 3. � ACRES (CSC) TRACT N0. 1 , LOTS � , 5 , 6 & 7 , BLOCK 6 , ANTOINETTE VOSS SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE SARAH MCKISSICK LEAGUE IN GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS, TRACT N0. 2 , PART OF LOT 1 IN BLOCK 8 OF THE ANTOINETTE VOSS SUB - DIVISION OF PART OF THE SARAH MCKISSICK LEAGUE IN GALVESTON COUNTY , TEXAS, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS LOCATED ON WINDING WAY AND FM 518 ABUTTING PILGRIMS POINT; FROM MULTI FAMILY RESIDENTIAL-LOW TO SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ; AMENDING THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF THE CITY AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE N0. 84-15 ; AND CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. � � � � � * � WHEREAS, record owner, CLINTON R . HACKNEY , represented by agent Kent Ballard , has requested rezoning for a certain tract of land known as 39• 9 Acres save and exeept 3 .4 acres (CSC) Tract No. 1 , Lots �, 5 , 6 , &7 , Block 6 , Antoinette Voss Subdivision of part of the Sarah MeKissick League in Galveston County, Texas, Tract No. 2 , Part of Lot 1 , in Block 8 , of the Antoinette Voss Subdivision of part of the Sarah MeKissick League in Galveston County, Texas , more particularly described as located on Windin� Way and FM 518 abutting Pilgrims Point, situated within the corporate limits of the City of Friendswood , Texas, said tract being more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attaehed hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS; said tract of land known as 39• 9 acres save and except 3 • � acres (CSC) located on Winding Way and FM 518 abutting Pilgrims Point , presently has a zoning classification of MULTI FAMILY RESIDENTIAL-LOW (MFR-L) respectively, pursuant to Ordinance No. 8�-15, passed and approved the 19th day of November, 198� , same being the City of Friendswood Zoning Ordinance ; and WHEREAS , Record Owner for said property, has made application to the City of Friendswood to ehange the zoning elassification of said tract of land to SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (SFR) , as authorized by the City' s Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Friendswood have conducted , in the time and manner and after the notice required by law and the Zoning Ordinanee of the City, a public hearing on such request for change in zoning classification; and 1 WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended and the City Couneil now deems it appropriate to APPROVE sueh requested chan�e in elassification; now, therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , STATE OF TEXAS : �ection 1� The faets and matters set forth in the preamble of this Ordinance are hereby found to be true and correct. �ectiQ� �� The zoning elassification of that certain property, known as 39.9 acres save and except 3 • � acres ( CSC) located on Winding Way and FM 518 abutting Pil�rims Point as shown on Exhibit "A" attaehed hereto is hereby ehanged to SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (SFR) . �eetio� 3,. The Zonin� Distriet Map of the City of Friendswood shall be revised and amended to show the zoning elassifieation of the above described property, known as 39.9 ACRES SAVE AND EXCEPT 3 •� ACRES (CSC) located on Winding Way and FM 518 abutting Pilgrims Point as shown on Exhibit "A" as provided in Section 2 hereof, with the appropriate reference thereon to the number and efFeetive date of the ordinance and brief description of the nature of the change. Sectio� �a This ordinanee shall in no manner amend , chan�e , supplement, or revise any provision of any ordinance of the City of Friendswood, save and except the change in zoning classification of said property, 39• 9 aeres save and except 3 • � aeres (CSC) , as described in Exhibit "A" as provided in Seetion 2. � � � � � PASSED and APPROVED on first reading this 20TH day of July, 1992. PASSED , APPROVED, and ADOPTED on second and final readin� this 3rd day of August, 1992. l� Mayor E elyn B.�Newman �� ATTEST: . . Del ris MeKe zie reher,6CMC City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: John Olson City Attorney 2 -- DESCRIP'PICN . - � ORDINANCE 92-10 ' � Exhibit "A" TraCt No. 1: Lats 4, 5, 6 and 7, B2ock 6 of t� AI+TPOII�7I'PE V06S SUBDIVISZoN of part ot the Saxah McKissick r.eaque, an Gaiveston oounty, �xas, according to the map of sa.id subdiva-sian of record i,n Vol. Z59, Page 63 in the offi�e of the Coounty Clerk of Galv�.stan County, Zp.asas: SAVE ArID FxC�PT the part of Lot 4 var�v�yed to the State of �exas by c�eed or record in Vol. 861, Page 203, and that part o� Lot 4 corYVeyed t�o rk�ryaret Nell Griggs by deed of record �.n vol, 1285, Page 550, both in the offiae of the C7ounty Clerk of Galveston Oounty, 'I�xas. T�sc� l�b. 2; Part of Lvt 1 in B1ock 8 of Antoir�ett� Voss Subdiv�sion of paz�t of the Sarah McKissick Leaque, in C�l.v�ston G�aunty, 'lrexas, according ta the map of sai.d subdivisio� recarded in vol. 254, Page 63 in the affice df �he dnwz�y Clerk of Galveston County, �exas, m�re �r+-;culaXly described as follaas: �F]GYI�1N'ING in �tY� cen�er �.irye of a 35 foo�. graded private raad, said begi n�.*' point laeir�g I�rth 43 deg. 35 min. East 137b ft. North 28 deq. 32 min. East 386 ft. and North 52 deg. 12 min. Eas� 42Q ft. �ran �he int,ersec-- f.i.on o£ tY� cen�x� line oE th� League City-�F'r�er�dsw�od Rd. with the center line of sai.d pri�vate road; � South 47 d�g. 28 min. East 17.5 ft. to an iron pipe in the South line vf said priva�e road; THaVCE r�.rth 66 deg, 27 min. East passing at 334.3 ft. an iron pipe, a.n al�, 351 ft. t�a the W�st bank of C1ear txeek; Tf�CE up the t�st b�ank of Clear (Seek, in a North- westerly direction to a poin� in tl�e Ivortih li.ne of said private raad; Tl�IINC:E South 42 deg. 32 min. West, along tl�e North Iine of said private raad, 360 ft. ; � Sou�h 47 deg. 28 min. Fast 17.5 ft. t� fi.he PLACE G�' IIDGII�TII�TG. SA�S Al�1D EX�'; 3.42 acres of larxi out of �nt 4, Block 6 of k�iend.��oci 5ubdivision, as record�2d in Volume 238, Page 14 and in Vvli�e 254, Page 37 vf the Offi.ae of the Q�unty Clerk of Galvest,on Crnmty, �as, and being situated in the Sarah McKissicJc League and th� J. R. Williams Ieague, �bstxac� No. 151, Galveston County, 'I�.xas, said 3.42 acres of land being more particul,arly described by metes ar�d bo�u�ds as fol�.c�ws: BDGIlaT�NG at the existing intersection of �he east right-�f-�way line of F.M. 518 ar�cl the nor�asterly right--of�way line of Winding Way in tt� City of �iesxLswt�od; Tx� t�brth 10 deg. 07'10" West a].anq the east right-of-way line of sai.d F.M. 518, a dist.ance of 372.83 �ee� � an angle point; 2�E North 09 deg.03'58" West alcmg the east right-of-way li.ne of sai�l F.�. 518, a distanoe of 48.58 feet to a poin� for corner; TFg� Sauth 46 deg.23`10" East a1c�g a li.ne 250 feet pezperydiaular ar�d paral�el to the �rtheast right-of-�ay line of sai.d Wi.nding Way, a distance o� 755.82 feet to a point for corn�x in the northH�st,erly lir� of said W;*�;n� Way, a distar�ce of 765.82 feet to a Laoint £ar cdrner in t1� �rtrn�st.erly line of Pilgrims Point S�bd�vis�o�n, as reoorded in Volume 15, Page 143 of the Office of the C'.au�ty C1erk of Galv�eston C�aunty, mexas; TH�iC� Sauth 43 deg.35'00" West along the mrthtaest line af said Pilgrutts Poir,t Subdtvisioaz, a distance of 250.00 feet t�o a point for coxr�er i.r� th� nor�heast right-vf-way line of sa.id Winding Way; Tf�NCE North 46 deg.23'1Q" west alo�g �he nQrY�s� right-vf-�way line of said Winclir,g Way, a distance of 426.71 feet t.� the PSACE OF BEGIl�TIl�iG o� � here- in descrit�ed tract and oan�aining w�t2vn th�se ca11s 3.42 acres af land, mr�re or less. .`�'�''�.,. , ., p� ,��. :; �.. ;. , .,� ,-. . _ � , �..:., \` ;;:r} ,` .�,` ,� �, ♦ ,, � `�I t• '.�`; - ,• 7, �: �. ` � �r! �� �.,, I ;-;.1'r 'a ��c��1l, f`'=�, ., � `� � , '�� . � ��-°�.'x. 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