HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 91-23 ORDINANCE NO. 91-23 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOI7, TEXAS, GENERAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR. 1991-92; MAKING APPROFRIATIONS FOR THE CITY FOR SUCH FISCAL YEAR AS REFLECTED IN SAID BUDGET; AND MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS AND CONTAINING CERTAIN PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. * * * * * * * * * WHEREAS, on the 15th day of July, 1991, the City Manager presented to the City Council a proposed Budget of the expenditures of the City of Friendswood for the fiscal year 1991-92 a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, pursuant to notice as required by law, public hearing on such Budget was held in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, at which hearings all citizens and taxpayers of the City had the right to be present and to be heard and those who requested to be heard were heard; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the proposed Budget and has made such changes therein as in the City Council' s judgment were warranted by law and were in the best interests of the citizens and taxpayers of the City; and, WHEREAS, a copy of the Budget has been filed with the City Secretary and the City Council desires to adopt the same; and , WHEREAS, in accardance with Section 8.03 (A) of the City Charter, the City Council has reviewed estimates of revenue to be derived by the City during the 1991-1992 fiscal year, including the most up-to-date preliminary tax evaluation figures as have been made available to the City by the Galveston County Central Appraisal District, the City Council finds and determines that as of the date of this ordinance, and in order to meet the requirement as set out by Section 8.03(E) of the City Charter, the proposed budget referred to herein is based an the best information available to the City to assure that budgeted expenditures do not exceed total estimated income; now, therefore, BE IT ORI7AINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section 1. The facts and recitations set forth in the preamble of this Ordinance are hereby found to be true and correct. Section 2. In accordance with the provisions of Article 689a-15, V.T.C.S. , the City Council hereby approves and adopts the Budget described above, the same being an file with the City Secretarg. The City Secretary is hereby directed to place on said Budget and to sign an endorsement reading as follows: "The Original General Budget of the City of Friendswood, Texas, for the fiscal year 1991-1992" and to keep such Budget on file in the City Secretary' s Office as a public record. Section 3 . In support of said Budget and by virtue of the adoption thereof, there are hereby appropriated out of available cash funds and out of the general and special revenues of the City which will be received in the treasury during the fiscal year 1991-92 the amount set forth in said approved Budget for the various purposes stated therein. Beginning Fund Balance, 10/1/91 $ 1,694,101 Total Revenues 11,396,649 Total Resources Available for Appropriation $13,090,750 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 12,980,674 Ending Fund Balance, 9/30/92 $ 110,076 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 9th day of September, 1991. yor Pau1� W. Schrader ATTES : Deloris A er, CMC City Secretary _ .. BUDGET SUMMARY" 90-91 91-92 89-90 Amended 90-91 Proposed �ctual Budget Forecasted Budget RE��ENUES `PaxeS 5,656,521 5,G2E�>,771 5,876,861 b,006,943 Char��es fot- sei�vices �E,019,269 3 ,916,421 3 ,994 ,883 4, 165,219 Permits arid Fees 552,231 384,575 618,403 5`�6,316 Fines and forfeiture 1(i6,98`> 193 ,481 152,57� 166,800 Intergo��ernmental 50,984 28,8�6 31,703 33,463 I)on�tions 55,315 49,600 51,27.9 106,704 Interest 431,854 193 ,593 353,470 286,925 Uthe�� 119,589 52,87�) 81,788 1Q4 ,279 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL RF�T�NU�S 11,062,745 1U,445, 726 11 , 17U,902 11 ,396,649 EhPENL�ITURES General �o��ernment 1,476,0?7 1.4u9,797 1,395,311 1, 408,088 Uuhlic safet;� 2, 170,797 2,693 ,800 2,744 ,888 2,697,058 �'ubl.ic wo�ks 2,633,064 3,364,818 3 ,480,934 3,633,551 Communi.ti� cle�-elopment 31.5,897 345,E�55 343 ,239 381,850 Community services 949,448 1,018,760 1,046. 198 1 ,Q44,300 Capita.l Imprin�ements 853,046 Z,Sh5,230 1,787,557 1,4i98,273 Debt service Principal retiremnnt 858,326 990, 192 993,164 ].,Q75,000 Interest and fiscal cha�•�;es 944,684 887, 147 886, 147 817,554 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TO'�'AL EIPENDITLTRES 10.200,93�3 13 ,3l?5,394 12,677 ,4:38 12,7 55,674 OTHER FT_NA�iCING I15ES Reserv�s and Contzngency 200,000 202,598 202,598 225,040 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- `COTAT_ C)'t'HER FIATANCING USES 20Q,OUO 202,598 202,5�8 225,OOQ POTAI. E��PFNPITtiRFti ---------- --------- ---------- --.-------- ANll OTHEP USES 10,400.939 13,5t)7,997 12,880,036 12,980,674 Y�EVENUES QVER (UNDER) ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- EXPE�IDITCTRES AND OTHER USES 6b1,$06 (3 ,062,271) (1,70�),1.34) (1,584,025) REUI!vNING Ft"N� BALANC;E, 10/1 2,74:1 , 429 3 ,403 ,235 3 ,4Q3 ,235 1 ,C�94 , "1.01 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ENUING FUI��D 8�L�PJCE, 9/3C1 3 ,4Q3,235 340,9G4 I,�94, 101 1�10,076 LJB-BUD92\F'INAL�SFC2\2d'�BI)GS�'�1.WIil 1`__'_' � ' �---, PUBLIC HEARING - BUDGET The 1991-1992 operating budget for the City of Friendswood is prepared for public hearing and ultimate adoption. We have prepared a packet of information which includes the budget summary and the revised capital improvements and capital equipment budgets. We have received no indication from you that any further changes are forthcoming. We, therefore, believe the budget to be ready for your adoption. The public hearing is required by state law and the City Charter. Proper notifications have been made in accordance with the requirements of the City Charter. � Attachment: Budget information. �-.. CMR9109.1B/KSN02 Public Hearing - Budget i CITY� OF FRIENDSWOOD REVISED 09-Sep-91 ' GOMBINED BUDGET SUlyII�1ARY 1991-1992 PROPOSED BUDGET ,„,w Amended 90-91 91-92 89-90 90-91 Revised Reviseci 92-93 REVENUES BY SOURCE Actual Budget Forecast Proposed Proposed Taxes Ad Valorem Taxes 4,427,153 4,467,390 4,537,900 4,698,025 4,915,557 Delinquent Taxes 74,484 65,000 85,825 75,000 75,000 Penalty/Interest 54,753 34,439 56,200 48,000 50,000 Pearland Contract 742 742 418 418 418 Sales Tax 689,576 650,000 730,000 735,000 735,000 Franchise Tax Electric - TNMPCO 189,733 187,000 226,879 226,0�0 202,000 Electric - HL&P 93,663 9d,000 99,095 99,000 96,000 Telephone 43,785 42,000 44,262 44,000 44,000 Natural Gas 32,497 32,000 32,761 32,000 32,000 Cable TV 45,204 45,�00 48,596 48,000 48,000 Bank 14 ,180 12,400 12,400 0 12,400 Mixed Drink Tax 751 800 2,525 1,500 1,500 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Taxes 5,666,521 5,626,771 5,876,861 6,006,943 6,211,875 Charges for Services Water Revenues 2,409,020 2,271,901 2,219,955 2,278,000 2,341,784 Sewer Revenues 1,015,005 1,041,740 1,044,552 1,016,d00 1,044,448 Garbage Collection 577,483 584,830 710,400 847,780 871,518 Gai-bage Admin Fee 17,761 17,550 19,976 23,439 24,4o2. °' ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total 5ervices 4,019,269 3,916,021 3,994,883 4,165,219 4 ,282,152 Permits & Fees Construction Permits Building 79,885 54,000 93,200 66,100 54,000 Electrica]. 28,886 19,950 34,Q00 27,000 19,950 Plumbing 20,152 14,386 27,100 19,800 14,400 Air Conditioning 24,906 16,806 29,700 21,400 16,800 Re-Inspection 325 200 1,075 S00 200 Sign Permits 2,055 2,�00 2,000 1,800 1,800 Miscellaneous Permits 8,061 1,470 1,919 1,750 1,500 Impact Fees W/S Construction Fund 46,787 25,099 44 ,012 30,547 25,100 Central Service Area Const Fund 16,979 32,985 66,618 81,845 33,000 W/S Debt Service Fund 241,742 137,599 221,874 168,453 138,00a Parks and kecreation Fees Park Fees 1o,598 11, 100 12, 160 1Q,950 11,000 4th of July Booth Fees 2,170 1,500 2,445 2,000 2,000 Summer Recreation Program 934 3 ,U00 1,3i2 1,40Q 1,400 Canae Safari 1,747 1,800 1,065 1,200 1 ,200 Bicycle Ramble Registration Fee 0 0 1,765 2,20d 2,2Q0 Summer I)a}- C:amp 21,674 22,004 27 ,218 28,381 23,S00 Pool Fees 12,365 12,450 10,440 14, 140 13,000 Animal. Control Fees Licenses 6, 169 4,675 5,665 4 ,900 4,900 Pound Pi_cl:-Up Fees 3.094 3,200 3 ,220 3 ,300 3 ,300 Pound Fees 3,594 3,600 4, 10a 3,600 3,600 LJIi-BUD92\PREP\SUMREV2.W�:1 29-Aug-91 1 CITY �F FRIENDSWOOD REVISED 09-Sep-91 ' COMBINED BUDGET SUMMARY 1991-1992 PROPOSED BUDGET �. Amended 90-91 91-92 89-90 90-91 Revised Revised 92-93 REVENUES BY SOURCE Actual Budget Forecast Proposed Proposed Permits & Fees (continued) Returned CheckJPenalty Fees 6,773 6,000 15,400 23,500 23,500 Miscellaneous Fees 5,475 3,025 4,505 3,850 3,850 Electrical Licenses 7,880 7,730 7,550 7,700 7,700 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Permits and Fees 552,231 384,575 618,403 526,316 410,900 Fines and Forfeitures Court Fines and Forfeitures 166,982 193,481 162,575 166,800 175,000 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Fines and Forfeitures 166,982 193,481 162,575 166,800 175,000 Intergovernmental Revenues Federal FAA Grant 34,540 0 0 0 0 Federal U S Marshal Grant 0 0 253 4 0 Galveston County Fire Grant 6,040 6,OOQ 7,000 ' 7,000 7,000 Galveston County Drug Task Force Grant 4,424 16,136 16,100 19,813 20,804 Harri.s County Fire Grant 5,52Q 5,320 5,300 5,300 5,300 Tabulation Services-FISD/CCDD 500 1,350 3,050 1,350 1,350 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Intergovernmental Revenue 50,984 28,806 31,703 33,463 34,454 . Donations Fire/EMS Optional Payment 51,793 47,000 50,000 50,040 51,000 Police Donations 1,327 300 6�2 0 0 Donations to Parks 344 0 290 0 0 Community Appeax•ance Board 133 1,800 0 0 0 Miscellaneous Donations 868 500 177 56,704 200 Fourth of Ju13� 850 0 150 0 0 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total. Donations 55,315 49,6Q0 51,219 106,704 51,2Q0 Interest 431,854 193,593 353,470 286,925 175,000 Other Revenues Mowing Revenues 7,534 4,000 8,000 8,OOQ 8,000 Sale o£ Wat.er MeLers 27,830 17,000 25,OOU 25,000 20,000 Sale of City Property 25,731 2,598 10,730 56,504 0 Sale of Docwnerits 2,Q22 1,640 2,10U 1 ,65Q 1,600 Insurance Reimbursements 29,992 20,131 20,514 0 0 ��ending Machine/Concession 3,474 1,500 1,758 2,075 2,0�0 Miscellaneous Receipts 23,006 6,050 13,686 11,050 11,000 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Other kevenues 119,589 52,879 81,788 104,279 42,600 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total Revenues 11,062,745 10,445,726 11,170,902 11,396,649 11,383, 181 LJB-EUD92\PREP\SUMI:EV2.WK1 29-Aug-91 2 CITY flF FRI•ENI)SWOOD REVISED Q9-Sep-91 ' COMBINED BUDGET SUAII�IARY 1991-1992 PROPOSED BUDGET � Amended 90-91 91-92 89-90 90-91 Revised Revised 92-93 EaPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT Actual Budget Forecast Proposed Proposed GENERAL GOVERNPIENT Mayor & Council 17,424 17,202 21,281 19,412 20,383 City Secretar�� 94,477 103,034 108,95G 126,244 140,984 City Manager 103,639 171,569 170,997 169,720 180,695 Finance Accounting 194,699 252,461 253,689 270,493 281,676 Data Processing General Fund 114,931 270,858 241,372 173,584 182,370 Water & Sewer Fund 0 13,600 23,342 7 ,900 8,295 W/S Admin-Finance 218,026 168,404 168,867 182,054 192, 127 Municipal Court 72,667 114,318 97,925 116,634 123,250 Administration Personnel Services 19,778 13,474 10,709 54,960 58,128 Tax Administration 103,488 119,967 115,106 119,800 12Q, 156 Economic Development 6,687 7,d00 5,719 8,850 9,293 Legal Services 48,091 36,000 40,000 39,OQ0 40,950 Insurance 0 General P'und 482,170 1b0,310 130,049 110,35p 115,868 Water and Sewer Fund 0 11,600 7,299 9,087 9,541 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- Total General Government 1,476,077 1,459,797 1,395,311 1,408,083 1,483,716 `"� PUBLIC SAFETY Police Administration 238,202 279,079 277,931 298,867 315,138 Patrol_ Division 1,007,323 1,144,582 1,153,SOQ 1,23G, 581 1,303,261 Special Operations 220,143 276,838 255,502 251,200 265,122 Galvstn Co Drug Task Force Grant 0 0 29,364 61,2G3 64,433 Police Investigation Fund 5,786 12,065 12,125 Q 0 Communications 174,325 227,370 232,378 2Q7,762 219,594 Emergency Management 29,468 12,633 13,124 16,601 17,589 Animal Cuntrol 59,036 67,965 66,333 65,968 71,423 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- Total Police 1,734,283 2,020,532 2,040,257 2, 138,242 2,256,560 Fire Fire Administrative 53,075 56,540 56,504 50,500 50,50� Firefighting Division 83 ,406 83,343 85,603 89,G00 89,6UU Emergency Medical Services 46,500 49,500 49,500 49,500 49,500 City Administrati��e 176,599 371,894 385,726 189,657 181, 760 Fi_re/EMS Donation Fund 20,648 38,�00 39,603 113 ,500 51,000 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- Total Fire 380,228 599,697 616,932 492,757 422,360 Fi.re Marshal 56,286 73,5i1 87,699 66,OS9 69,574 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- Total Public Safety 2, 170,797 2,693 ,80U 2,744,b88 2,69i ,058 2,748, 494 BUD92�SUMEXP2.WK1 29-Aug-91 3 CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD REVISED 09-Sep-91 CGMBINED BUDGET SUMMARY 1991-1992 PROPOSED BUDGET , Amended 90-91 91-92 89-90 9Q-91 Revised Revised 92-93 E�PL•'NDITURES GY DEPARTMENT Actual Budget Forecast. Proposed Proposed PtiBLIC WORkS Administration 102,448 117,364 125,523 125,479 133, 170 Streets 402,63i 521,705 523,293 529,473 562,291 Drainage 98,985 116,802 119,430 121,256 127,t44 Sanitation 592,819 585,735 700,030 830,950 872,498 W/S Admin-Operations 61,616 77,973 78,476 85,826 91,070 Water Operations 785,738 1,017,643 1,012,861 1,010,6Q7 1,110,OU0 Sewer Operations 788,821 927,596 921,321 929,960 978,844 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- Tot.al Public Works 2,633,064 3 ,364,818 3,480,934 3,633,551 3,875,617 COMA(L'NITI' DEVELOP"iENT Administration 56,609 69,496 70,293 80,033 82,325 Planning & 'Loning 49, 134 57,461 57,978 61,7z7 65,571 Engineering General. Fund 120,658 4b,944 44 ,698 64 ,818 97, 146 Water and Setaer F'und 0 49,752 49,071 49,645 52,623 I�isper_tion 32,991 114, 122 113,319 117,747 124,623 Cude Enfoi�cement-Mowing Fund 6,505 7,880 7,880 7,880 7 ,880 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- Total Community Development 315,897 345,655 343,239 381 ,850 430,163 °� COPIMUA'I`CY SER�rICES Library 343,785 283,220 290,175 315,177 333,488 Yarks and Recreation Administration 39,608 54,389 60,643 59,560 63,408 Parks Opei�ations General Fund 1.93,813 274,401 230,417 246,906 261,02> 1776 Park TL�usL Fund 4 ,200 15,81S 0 � 0 Parks and Recreation Programs 1u1.}� 4th Progi•am 31,472 23,985 32,311 28,320 28,320 Recreation Progranis 1,722 1,983 1 ,980 1,961 1,975 Canoe Safari 4,224 4 ,448 3,657 4,035 4,�J35 BicS-cle Kamble d 0 2,495 2,726 2,725 Summer Da}- Camp 19,906 22,574 22,574 28,381 28,000 1`eeri Nighr.s 387 1,875 300 0 0 Sesquicentennial_ Progrm 0 1,000 1,000 Q U Swimmirit Poc�l 61,036 62,892 ?1,510 85, 169 63,000 Buil.ding Operations 197,260 221,459 224 ,394 209,626 218,639 Coirununitv Acti.vities YNUC 2, 153 2 ,596 2,550 2,889 2.9O0 1�i�ie Arts C��uncil ;i,222 3 ,24U 3,240 3 ,000 3 ,�0� Cornmunity Appearance 8,260 6,880 9,(102 10, 100 10, 100 Health SeYVices 38,OQU 38,000 39,95Q 46,450 43,4y0 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- 1`otal. Conu�iunity Serv:ices 949,048 1,018, 76� 1 ,U46, 198 1,044,30� 1,064,06> ...... BUD92�SUME?iP2.Wf:l 29-Aug-91 4 CITY OF FRI�NDSWOOD REVISED 09-Sep-91 ' COMBINED BUDG�T SUMMARY 1991-1992 PROPOSED BUI)GET ,�,... Amended 90-91 91-92 89-90 90-91 Re��ised Revised 92-93 ERPENUITUR�S BY DEYARTMENT Actual Budget Forecast Proposed Proposed CAPITAL IMPROVE^tENT� Streets 10.540 702,837 685,732 297,000 300,000 Drainage 3,40a Clover Acres 0 146,414 0 146,414 0 Windsong Low tdater Crossin� 0 27,175 27,175 0 0 Sun Meadow Diversionary Outfall 0 60,000 60,000 0 0 Urainage Mast.er Plan 0 30,000 3Q,000 30,000 0 Dir.kinson Bayou Water Shed Study 0 1,610 1,605 0 0 Park Improvements 0 60,Q61 60,Q61 196,000 141,000 Public Facilities Police 38,833 14,2�3 24 ,946 11,000 19,000 Cit� Hal.l. 13,120 16,997 18,635 5,000 0 Public Works 0 0 0 7,50Q 10,Q00 City Hall Anne� 5,693 0 0 8,600 0 Fire Station dk 1 Q 0 0 6,000 0 I.ibrar� 0 0 5,312 � 102,840 Water System 52,446 624,885 457,391 300,421 58,000 Surface Wate�� Constr Fund 699,240 333 , 156 62,779 247 ,738 0 Secaer S�Tstem 29,774 479,894 318,519 316,100 36,000 t;entral Service Area C�nst Fund 0 47 ,903 35,402 126,500 3 .200,��0 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- Total Capital Improvements 353.046 2,545,230 1 .787,557 1,69�,273 3,366,�40 DEBT SERVICE Tax Debt Service 1,304,597 1,300,845 1,302,317 1,317,500 1,297,884 W�S RE�venue. Debt Service 498,413 576,494 576.4.94 575,054 572,431 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- Total Debt Sei��-ice 1,803,010 1,877,339 1,879,311 1,892,554 1 ,870,315 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- TOT�'1L E�PEND1'1'L'RES 10,20�,93�3 13,305,399 12,677,438 12,755,674 15,339,215 OTHER FINANCING USES Keserves Contiugenc�� 0 0 0 125,000 L00,000 Emergenc�- OpE:r. Re�erve 20�,000 200,000 2�0,000 1C10,000 100,000 Park Enhancements 0 2,598 2,598 0 0 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------- I'otal �tiier Ein:►ncing Uses 200,000 202,598 202,598 225,000 ZOO,Q00 7'OTAL E�PE',NI)IT`UkE�� ANU UTHER FIyA�ICING USES 10,40U,939 13,507,997 12,880,036 12,9S0,G74 15,539,215 REVF�vUES U��ER (i1�DE;R} EYPENUI`IURFS AND OTHEK USES (3,062,271) (1,709,134) (1,584 ,025) (4 , 1`�6,0341 BLGi'�1NING FlrNl) BaLaNCE 3,403,23� 3 ,403 ,235 l,694, lU:l 11�,07Ei ..�„ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ENI)IN�; FUND ti:�LANC� 340,964 1,694, 101 110,076 (4 ,045,958} ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- BJD92�SU?°IE�P2.ta�F.l 29-?,ug-91 5 ` - ' 1991-1992 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BY FUND 27-Aug-91 NEW PROJECTS SWIPIMING POOI. FUND ------------------ 02 68 Ol Re-Coat Swimming Pool 20,000 Total Swimming Pool Fund 20,000 WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND --------------------------------- 41 41 33 6" Water line-Windsong-600' 10,408 41 41 46 FM 528 Water Line - Additional Casts 113,008 41 41 SS 6" Water line-Spreading Oaks and Sedora-3000' 6,670 41 41 61 Extend first 100' of water lines and/or hoi-e under Farm to Market Roads 5,000 Sub-Total Water Improvements 135,086 41 43 41 InfiltrationJlnflow Analysis 83,960 41 43 04 Replace 24" Coward's Creek sewer line 15,000 ,,_, 41 43 58 Replace Arena Park lift station w/700'sec,ler line 4,140 - 41 43 59 Rehabi.litate lift station at 507 Old Course 18,000 41 43 60 Replace 8" sewer line - Kingsbury - 50o' 30,000 41 43 61 Exterid first 100' of water lines and/or bore under Farm to Market Roads S,OdO Sub-Tatal Sewer Improvements 156,100 Total Water and Sewer Construction Fund 291,186 SURFACE WATER CONSTRUCTIO�' FUND ------------------------------- 42 41 46 FM 528 Water Line - Additional Costs 63,461 42 41 56 F'1 Dorado Water Line - 700o' S2, 118 42 41 63 Clover Ridge Water Line - 3500' 22,770 42 �+1 02 Blackhawl; Water Line Extensions - 580' & 370' 18,611 Tatal Surface Water C�nstruction Fund 156,960 LJB-BUD92\PREP\CAPIMP.WI�1 1 , ' � • - ' ' 1991-1992 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BY FUND 27-Aug-91 NEW PROJECTS CENTRAL SERVICE AREA CONSTRUCTION FUND -------------------------------------- 43 43 O1 Engineering-Lift Station/Force Main/Gravity Collection Lines, Segments A-E 126,500 Total Central Service Area Construction Fund 126,500 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND --------------------- 50 32 O1 Street improvements 242,500 Sidewalk-Fwd Link Road-Blackhawk to Stevenson Park 54,500 Total Street Improvements 297,000 SO 33 02 Drainage Master Plan 30,000 Tatal Drainage Improvements 30,000 �SO 62 10 Stevenson Park Improvements 141,000 ' i0 62 13 Renwick Park Parking Lot 55,Q00 Total Park Impro��ements 196,OOQ Total Capital Projects Fund 523,000 CAPITAL FACILITY FUND --------------------- 51 77 21 Building renovation - Police 6,000 Air conditioner - Police 5,000 S1 77 31 Carpeting - Fire Station 4k1 6,000 Sl 77 4Q Utilit3• Billing drive-through pay�ment bax 4,000 Insulation - City Hall Annex 4 ,600 51 77 71 Carpeting and ceiling tiles - City Hall 5,000 51 77 72 Roof maintenance - Public Works 4,000 Building Renovation - Public Works 3,500 Total Capital. Facility Fund 38,100 Total New Projects 1, 155,746 -�- --------- LJB-BUD92�PREP\CAPIMP.4dF�1 2 f ' ` • ' 1991-1992 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BY FUND 27-Aug-91 PRIUR YEAR PROJECTS WATER AND SE[ti'ER COA'STRUCTION FUND --------------------------------- 41 4l. 30 Water Line - Fire Station �k2 to Tower Estates 45,606 * 41 41 46 Water Line - Layfair to Fire Station 9�2 119,729 **'� Sub-Total Water Improvements 165,335 41 43 46 FM 528 Sewer Line Relocation/Improvements 160,000 *�* Sub-Total Sewer Improvements 160,000 Total Water and Sewer Construction Fund 325,335 SURFACE WATEF CONSTRUCTION FUND ------------------------------- 42 41 16 Blackhawk Booster Pump Station 4,932 ** 4l 41 17 18" Water Line from MUD 55 to Watei Plant 5,846 �* 42 41 46 Water Line - FM 528 Sunset to Layfair 80,000 �`** � Total Surface Water Constructian Fund 90,778 CAYITAL PROJECTS FUND --------------------- 50 33 Ol Clover Acres Drainage Improvements 146,414 '� Total Drainage Improvements 146,414 Tc,tal Capital Projects Fund 146,414 Total Prior Y'ear Projects 562,527 Grand Total All ProjecLs 1 ,718,273 � 1987-1988 Capital Project -'�'= 1988-1989 Capital Project _`*� 19�0-1991 Capital Project ,�-. LJB-BiJU92\PREP\CAPTMP.W}:1 3 � . - . CAPITAL EQUIPMEI�T BY DEPARTMENT 05-Sep-91 CITY SECRET�R1 -------------- O1 03 02 Tabulation Equipment Reserve 95 � O1 03 03 Storage Equipment - Records Management 5,000 Total City Secretary 5,095 FINANCE O1 04 O1 Desk and Chair 650 * 41 Q9 O1 M�dem - P.equirement for SETCIC Membership 2,200 "�a Ol 16 �l Communication Hardware, S/36 to AS/400 1,500 '� Gity Secretary Terminal 1,400 City Manager Portable Personal Computer 3 ,500 Replace Finance PC and Give Public Works r_he old PC 2,500 Replace One PrinteY 9�� '° Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance 7,060 FireProgram Inspection Application 2,67i Agenda Indexing Software Trainitig 1,040 *�` Project Accounting Softti�are Training 1,o40 ��" - � Establish Equipment Replacement Reserves 2,80o 01 16 21 Replace One Terrninal 1, 400 Purchase one ne�a Terminal 1,400 Communication Software, S/36 to AS14Q� 3 ,850 '� Move S/36 from City Hall Anne:� to Police Departm 1,500 "� Ol lEi 31 Computer� Aided Design Workstation 14,000 Ql 16 G1 S<�ftware License For Three Terminals 3 ,081 Tot:al. Finance 52,498 POLIC�: O1 21 O1 Replace Closed Circuit TV Equipment 2,3�0 Ol 21 02 Replace 5 patrol units; 3 supervisor/2 Patrol 67 ,500 Replace 3 UHF mobile police radios 4 ,054 Replace 3 VHF mobile police radios 3 , 450 O1 21 03 Replace 2 VHF mobile radi_os �,300 Keplace. 1 UHF mobile radio 1 ,3�Q Replace :3 35mm camers and eyuipment 4 , 290 Replace polaroid-based r.ainera s�-stem 70U O1 26 Ol �udio and video equipment 1, 500 Total Po�_ice 87,44Q LJB-BUU92\PREP\Cr�PTLEQI.(dI:l 1 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT BY DEPARTMENT OS-Sep-91 FIRE O1 22 02 Fire Services Equipment 16,�00 kadio Equipment 4,200 Safety Equipment 9,500 Sub-Total Fire - General F'und 29,700 16 22 04 Replace fire duty officer's vehicle 18,000 Replace on-dut5� medic vehicle 13 ,500 Replace ambulance 47 70,000 Self contained breathin� apparatus 12,000 Suh-Total Fire - Fire/EhIS Donation Fund 113 ,500 Total Fire 143,200 FIRE PIAFCSHAL O1 25 O1 Replace 2 portable VHF radios with 1 1, 100 � 'Total Fire Malshal 1, 1Q0 PU$LIC WORI�S O1 32 O1 Sand spreader 4 ,200 Replace tcao tractors with one 35 hp ti•actor 12,000 :�ir cumpressor for the shc�p 1,200 ` 3ub-Total I'ublic t,'orks - Gener:�al Fund 17 , 4�0 40 41 O1 Repiace 84 Dodge pickup w/189,700+ miles 11,233 Water meters and boxes 15,00o � Air compressor and jack hammer 8,Q00 Miscellaneous water and se��er eyuipment 1,9Q0 �` 40 43 O1 Replace fencing at Lift Statians 1,�00 '� W:iter and sewer shop equipment 1,000 �� Suh-Total Public tdarks - t,'ater and Sewei� Fund 38, 133 Total Public 4�'orks SS,533 �. LJB-BUU92�PREP�CAPTLEQI.WI�1 2 �' �... CAPITAL EQUIPMENT BY DEPARTMENT 05-Sep-91 COMMUNITY UEVELOPPSENT --------------------- al 31 O1 Replace police/fire vehicle with a truck 11,233 'Total Community Develc�pment= 11,233 LIBRARI O1 61 O1 Rental typewriter equipment 600 Total Library 60d PARI�S ANI) RECREATION -------------------- Ol 62 O1 Mosaing equipment 4,500 O1 62 13 Lighting - kenwick Park 17,00� O1 62 14 Pirni� tables - Leavesley Park 600 -` - � O1 62 l� Yla}-ground equipment - Arena Park 4 ,OOQ �J2 68 Ol Picriic tables - Staimming Pool 1,000 '� 'Total Parks and Recreat.ion 27, 100 Grand Total 384 .29�+ � C�OI1L.111U1I1�T operations capital outla�- ti�as IlOt included on tYie oribinal ] ist. �`�` Omitted in error from the original l.i.st. ,�.. LJB-LUD92\PREY�CAPTLEQ1.SdKl 3