HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 91-03 _T a'.-I — � � — � 1 r•1 p ha 1 E. : .3 -4 O L S G N t-, r� L �: �J N�+"�`p� �i�j � � . ' _.., , �� i ��� QRDINANC� N0. 91-3 AN ORDINANGE PRONIBI'x'�NG THE SA.L� OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES BY A DEALER WHOS� PLACE OF BUSIN�SS IS WITHYI3 300 FEET OF A CHURCH, PUBLIC SCHbOL, OR PUBLIC HOSPITAL; PROHxBYTING THE SAL� OF ALCOHOLIC A�VERAGES FROM A PLACE OF BUSZNESS WHICH IS LOCA'�'ED WITHiN 1,000 FE�� OF A CHURCH, PUBLIC SCHOOL, OR PUBLIC HOSPITAL YF THE BUS�N�SS D�RIVES 75% OR MOR� OF ITS INCOME FROM THE ON-PR�MISE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES; PROVIDING �OR THE METHOD IJk' MEASUREMENT; PROVIDING A PENAI,TY QF AN AMOUNT NpT TO EXC�ED $2,000 FOR �ACH AAY OF V�OLATIt7N O�' ANY PROVZSIQN HER�O�'; PROVZDING FOR 'Y'H� REPEAI, OF ALL OFtDINAN'CES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFI,ICT WLTH THIS ORDINANC�; AI�D PROVIDING FOR SEVERA-BILITY. � * * � * }3� I�' ORDAINED HY TH� CITY COUNCIL 4F THE CITY OF �'RI�NDSWpQD, s�cAx� oF T�xAS= �,ection �,. It shall be unlawfuX to sell or otfer for sale any alc�aholiC beverage from a p1�Ge of business wh3.ch is located wi�h�.n three hundred feet (300' ) of a chur�h, public school, o� public haspi.tal . �ectiqn � xt shall be unl.awful tio sell or offer for sale any a3.coholic beverage from a place of business which is ].ocated within one thousand feet ( 1,004' j af a church, publxc school, or publiC hospital i�� the business derives seventy-�fi.ve percent (75�) or more of �ts gross revenue from tihe on�premi.se sale of alcoholic beverages. ;ec�ion 3. For the purposes hereof the measurement of the distance be�ween the place of business where aicoholic beveragss a�^e sold and the church or pu.blic hospital �hall be along the property linea of the srreet fron�s and from front door to front _r �' r-a - � s - � i rior-� i 1 = � s �aLS �� t-1 _� u � �-; �� M F' _ �+ s door, end in direct line acx'oss interaections . The measuremen� o£ the distance between the place of business where alcoholS.a beverages are sold and �.he pub].ic schools shall be from the neareat praperty line vf the public achaol to the nearest doorway by whi.ch the pub�.ic may enter the place of business, along street lines and in direct line across in�ersections . For any bus�ness where alcoho].ic beverages are sold holding a permi.t or license Goveri.ng a premise where m�.nors are prohibited from ente�cinq �he pzemises under SeCtion 109 .53, Texas Alcohalic aeverage Code, the measurement of the dis�ance between the premises and a public �chaol. shall be alang t�he property lines of the ��reet fxon�s and from fron'� door to �ront door, and in a di.rec� 1.ine a�raecs �.ntersect�.ons. �ectiQn 4 . Any pexson who shall vialate any provieion of this Ordinence shal.7. be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor �nd, upon convJ,ct�on, shall be fined a.n an amount no� to exceed $2,000. Each violation and each day of vxolation shal}. constitutie a separate affen�e. ,�ectiion 5. Al1 ordin�nces or parts thereaf inconsistent or in conflic� with this Qrdinance are, to the extent af suah incon�istency or conflict, hereby repealed. �ection b . Zn �he event any sec�ion, paragraph, subd�.vision, clause, phrase, provision, sentence, or part of this Oxd�.nance or Che applica�ion of the same to any person or C�.rGUmstance shall for any reason be ad�udged invalid ax held -2- T �, r-a - 2 �: - o i r7or� 1 r=. _ ? E• C� LSur-a ._< uLS �� N F' _ �7 =• uncons�itut�.onal. by a court oF competent jurisdicti.on, it sha11 not affect, impair, 4r invalidate thi.s Ordinance aa a whole or any part ox' provision hereof other than the part declared to be i.»valid or uncon�ti�ut�.onal; and the City Council of the Ci.ty of Friendswood, Texas, declares �h�t it would hav� pa�sed each and every part oE the same notwiths�andi.ng the omiasion af any such part thus declared to be i.nvalid or unconsti�.utiona�, or whether there be one or more parts. P,A.SSED AND APPRdVED on first reading thi.� �_th__ day af January , 1991 . PASSED , APPROVED, AND ADOPTED on secand and final reading �,}1�$ 4th dgy p� February � 1991. aul W. Schra er ayor AT�'�STs , Delorie Archer, CMC City Secretary -3-