HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 90-38 UEC - 1 � - � Ey 1'•1GN , : �+ 4 QL '� L� N �: OL Sf P _ 02 ORDYNANCE N0. 9� '3� AN ORDINANCE CNANGTNG THF. ZONING CLASSIFICATX�N OF A CFRTAxN 0. 2235 ACRF TRACT 4F LAND �'R�M SYNGLR FAM�LY R�S�D�NTIAL {SFR) TO SPECIF�C USF - ACCESS �ASEMENT; DESCRI$ING SAID Q. 2235 ACRE TRACT OF LAND; AMENDING THE Z4NYNG 1�ISTRICT MAP 4F THF CITY AS ADOFTED BY O�tDINANCE N0. 84-15 ; AND CONTAINING OTHFR PR�VYS�ONS RELATING TO THE SUBJ�CT. � � � � � WHEREAS, BridgesCone Developmen� Comp�ny �.s the owner o£ � cerrain 4. 2235 acre tr�.ct of land situated within �he corporate limits o� the City of Friendswood, Texas , said tr�ct bef.ng more p�rt�cul.arly described in Fxh3.bit "A" atCached her�ta and made a par� hereo� ; and WN�:REAS, said 0. 2235 acre tract of land presently ht�s a �oning classi.fication of Single Fami.ly Residential (Sk'R) pur�uAn� to Ord�.nsnce No. 84--�5, p�zssed and �pproved the 19�h day of November, �984, same bejng �he City af Friendswood Zoni.ng Ord inance ; and WHER�AS, Bxidges�one Deve2oproent Company has made applicatLon Co tihe City of Friendswood �o change the zoning c�aesification o� sa�.d Cract of 1.and from Si.rtgle Family Resi.dential (SFR) t4 Specific Use - Assess Easemen�, as _ �uthorixed by rhe C�ty' s ?.oning Ordin�nce ; and WHERFAS , the Plannf.ng and Zonin� Commission and the Citiy Gouncil of Che Ci�y of Fr�.endswood hAVe conducCed, �.n �he time And manner �nd after notice rcqui�red by law and the ?,antng Ordinance of the City, a public he�ri.ng on such reque8t fr�r change in zoning c2.ass3.£icaCion; and / DEC - 1 E� - `� E� MnN ; : � 4 � L �: ON � OLSC F _ 03 WHEREAS, tihe Planning and 7aning Comn��.sBion h�s rPCOmmended and the City Council now d�ems it appropriate to grant such requested change ict class�£ic�Cion; now, th�r�fore �3E IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRI�NDSWOOn, STATF: OF TEXAS : Sect�o�► 1 . The £acts gnc� matt�rs set forth in the presmble of �his Qrdin�nce are hereby found to be tru� and Correc�. Sec�ton 2. The zan�,ng classifi.cat�on of that certai.n 0. 2235 acre tre:ct of land de�cribed in �xhihi� "A" hereCo is hereby changed from SFR to Speci�ic Use - .Access Easement. Sec�ion 3. The zaning District Map of the City of �`riertdswood sht�ll be revised and amended to show Che zon�.ng classificetion of the above-descri�bed 0. 2235 acre. tract of land as provi.d�d in Sect�on 2 hereof, wi.Ch Che sppropriate reference thereon to the number and effecttve date aF this 4rd�nance and br�.eF desczipr�on of the nature af the change. Section 4. This Ordinance shall in no manner amenci, change, su�plement, or revi.se any provis�ons oE any ordinance o£ the City of Friendswood, seve and excep� �he change i!� zvning classif�cation o£ th� 4. 2235 acxe Crect of Iand described �n Section 2 hereof. PASSED AND APPROVFD on first readir►g this 17th -day of December , 199p, -2- r.+ E c — i � —�� ��.. .��_°.N... �:.,..,�„Y.. .� 4r.,.�, �..1-� _.� o � s a � _ � � � , / �0' WIU� AGC�5S �AS�M�NY FX�I,U NOi� U��CKI(�i'IUN U!� 0.2235 ACR�S ( 9 ,73! 5q . .F"f . ) UF� LAND UU7 OF }��5�t�V� "A° + W£UG�WUUI� VII.LAG� , 5�.CTION � � V��.UM� 24G, PAC�� :�3 , H.C .M .F2. , ANU 1.pCA1�U 1N '1N� 5ARA1-� MCKY5SxCK SUFZV�Y , At��'t'RAC'4� NU . 5A9 IN �TH� CI'I'Y uF FkI�,NUSWUUU. H�1KH�.5 CUUN1'Y , 7EXAS ANU l;3�INi� MUR� F'AF2?ZGUI.AFiLY n�.5c�r�EO as t���,L�w�: � t3EG�NNINU at the Southaast cornar of keserve "A" , Wod�ewood vil.,lage . ��ctian or�o a�d bezng on t�e Norti}i ri�l�t�of--waY line of i3entwood prive t �u ' R .U .W . ) for the 5oc�thesst corner of th� herein descr�.bed tract; TH�t�C� , S 4E�� la '4�" W � a distance of :�U .V� f�9C, aLong , �djoining �nd adjacent to �.he SvuLt�erly lincs ofi Ftessrvo "A" and the No1'therly riaht- of�w�y Line of �3antwood urive tia the �outihwest corner vf the herein describod trect � TH�NC� , N 4�• U2 '4t3" W, a da�tanc� of 2�U .Va foet tio � point for t�ngla; rHENC� , N (�3• 28 'v�" W, e distan�e of 3� .y� fe4t to n point for the Northwesti cor ner of the harei n d�scr ibed tract. ....•� �. . rH�NC� � N bi• 35 "�3" E , a di.stance of 45 .vU f�eC to e po�nt for r.he Northaast corner of t,t�a harezn d�scri,bed tract : ssi.d point .also lying � on the �:a�t boundary of Reserve "A" ; Sft�NCk � S 45• OZ '�18" ��� a distance of :�14 .a1 fe�t � alonti. Adjoinkng Anti dd,Seicent Lp the �ast boundary ot �2pseYVe "A" t0 Lh9 f�UINT OF �3�Ci1NNING and conLaa�►in9 0.:�2:35 ecres { y .l37 sq. ft . ) of land� uatod tihe lith vay of Octobor , 1�9U ttevi5ed �ctobor �s ,�y90 Carroll & Asaociates , inc . _ cat .�ob # �z�y � 2��y-FtA .I.EG ,� TJECr 1 � = '_� �� f•lON � : 1 4 OLL �_� N :s< uL � �1 r _ �^ L PASSFD, APPROVED, AND ADOFTED on second and final read�.ng th�s 7th day of January _ _ ___ � 1991. p . c xa er Mayor ATTEST: e or rc �er, City SecreCary -3�