HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 90-37 ORDINAI�CE N0. 9D��� AN ORnINANC� CHANGZNG THE ZONING CI�AS$I�'ICATION OF A CERTAIN 0. 1670 ACRE TRACT OF LAND LpCATED AT �LACKtiAWK BLVD. AND F'.M. 2351 FROM SINGI.E FAMILY kESIDENTIA� {SFR} TO COMMUNITY SHOPPING C�NT�R (CSC) ; DESCRIBING SAID 0. 1670 ACR� TRACT OF LAND; AM�NDYNG THE Z�N�NG DISTRXCT MAP OF TH� CITY AS AbOPT�D BY ORAIN'ANC� N0. 84-15; AND CONTAINING OTH�R �ROVYSIONS RELATING TO THF SUBJECT. � * � �'c * WHERFAS, Br�.dge�stone Develapment Company ig Che owner of a cerCain 0. ].670 aGre tract of land t�i�uatec� wiChin the corpora�e limi�s a� �he Ci�y of Friendswood, Texas, said CracC bei.ng maze parCicularly deac�'ibed in F.xhibit "A" attachec� hereto and msde a part h�reo�'; and 47H�:R�AS, said 0. 1670 �cre tr.act of land presently has a zoning c�.assification of Si.ngle Family Res�denti$1 (SFR) purstiAC►C Co Ordictance No. 84-15, passed �nd appraved tihe 19Ch d�y of Novemb�r, Z984� SA'Rle being the C�.ty oF Friendsraood Zaning Ordinance; ar►d WHER�AS, Bridgestone Deve�.opmant Company has made appli.c�tion to the CiCy of Friendswood to chan�e th� zoni.ng cl�ssification of said Cract of land £rom Single �amily ResidenCia�. (SFR) to Community Shopping Center (CSC) , as authorized by Che City' s 2oni.ng Ordinance; and WN�REAS , the Plann�.ng and ?.oni.ng Comroission and rhe Cf�y �ounc�l of the City af Friendswond havE conducCed, �.n the tf.me and manner �nd a£ter notice required by law And the 7oning _ _ -� �. .1 ti.. ., c.� �..i L �: C. � , P , 0 6 Ordirt�tnce c�£ the C�.tv, a public heari.ng an such request for che�n�e in zoning classificattan; and Wlik'.,�t�AS, Che Planning and 7,oning Commiss�.on has recommended and the City Counc3.1 now deems i� appropriat� ta grsnC euch reques�ed chai�ge in elass�.f�,c�tiion; now, tiherefore BE X'T bRDA�NED BY TNE CYTY C�UNGIL OF TH� CITY p�' FRY�NDSW4�D, �TAT� OF TEXAS : Sectian_ 1_._ The facts and rnatCers set �arth �n �he preamble o� th�s Ordinance ��e hereby fovnd to be true and co�rect. Section 2. The zoning class�.fication of that certain 0. 1670 a��e tract c�f land described in Fxhibir "A" hereta i�s hereby changed from S�'Et to CSC. Section 3. �'he Zaning District Ms,p of the City of Fri.endswood shall be revised $nd amended to show the �oning elass�.fication of tihe �bove-deseribed O. 1b70 acre traee af land as provided in Sect�on 2 hareof, with the appxopriate referEnce Chereon to the number end �f�ective date o£ this 4rd�,nanc� and bri.e� deseripCion of the natur� of �he change. Section___4. This nrdinsnce shall in no �nanner amend , change, supplement, or revise any provisions o£ any ordinance of the City of �'riendswood, save and except the ch�nge in zoning classification o£ the 0. 1670 acre tr�c� af land deacribed in Sec�ion 2 hereof. PASSED AND APPRpV�D on £i.rst reading Chis 17th day d� December � 1994. -2- D E � - 1 �+ - '� 0 M O N I F. - 0 T O L � O N � O L S 4 N . - F'' - � 7 R�ZUN�U i�'UftTIt�N ��' R�5�F2V�. "A" F I��.p NU1� I��SC�2IPT IVN UF 0 .16%0 ACKES ( 7 ��75 S� . �T . ) U� LANU COMf"'f�!S�p OF� 1'H� NUR'f HEf2N MUST .PUF2 T IUN UF' R�5EF2V� "'A" , WkUG�WODU V�l.l,l�Ci�, � �aECT It1N I � VULU�1k, z46 , �pGk :33 . H .C .M.�2 . ,OUT Or 7'H£ 'SRf2AH Mt'K�S51CK 5UF2V�Y . AE3S1��2AC�f Nv, 5Qy �N TH� CI�I'Y UF FF21�NU5WUUU ' HAf�ift�S C(�UNYY . 'C�XAS �1NU f���NG MUi2� F"I�RT ICUt�ARLY ULSCiZXE3EU AS F"U�LUW�� f3�UINNxNG a�. a found 1/� inch i�ron rod rnarking ths intersection of Che South ri.�ht--of�way �ina of F .M . 23�1 (R .U.W . varies ) and th� �ast right--of--way �ina of t3lackhawk soulevard ( l00' wide ): sa�d poi�nt also b�in9 C�he Nort�weSC, carner of the eforemen�.ion�d K�Serv� "A° ; 1'HENC� � N a5•• � 31 ' 23" � , a disLance of �.5 .00 �ee� along , acijoi nina �nd adjacent, to �.ha 5outh right-of-way l�ne of F .M . 2:351 � a1�o bef,n9 tihe North lin� of Reserve "A" . Lo a 5/8 inah itron rod faund for rhe NarC.hoast corner of both khe herain describsd tract and Keserve "A" s 1�H�NC� � S 45" 02 ' A8" � , a disCar+ce of 186.9a 'feeL a�orlg, &djo�nxng and adjacent tio the �agt boi,ncSar-y �.ine of Keserve "A" C,a a po�nt for �he Southeast cornar of �he herein ci�scribed tracC.•, � �_ ... . �rH�NCr , 5 G�• �6' 23" W , a distance of �5.lo feet tio a 5/s inch rod set �or the southwe5t corner af t�e herein de�cri�bed tract and Iyin� on the �ast r��ht�af-way l.�.ne of t�lackhawk t�aul�vard; said risht-of- way being a non-tangenr curve to tho right; 'fHENC�: . with khe aforemen�io.ned curve to tt�e risht , being along, ndjoining and ad�acent to tihe �ast rfght--of-�way line of ��lackhawk eoulevard � having a central angle of Vz" 44 ' �2� , a radius of z ,y�O .�U faet an arc length of q3.33 feet and a chord beari�9 N 29' a6 ' s3� w, a distance of y3 .32 feet to a 1/z inch iron rod found for a point of tangencY; '1'HEN(;� , N Z�i� 24 ' 37" W � a dista�ce o� 81 .6� feat along � adjoining and adjacent to the kast ri.ght�of-way line of B��cklzawk t3oulevard to the F�UIN�f UF t3�C;INNZNG and cantaxnins o.1670 aCres ( 7' .275 5q.' ft . ) Of land . ' FtoviSec�= UCtob�r 9 , 195�0 . Car'roI�1 & Associates � I nc . ' C .C . Job � �;��,9 , 2`119fZESA .l.�G , LEC — 1 0 - 9Ea t� ON 1 6 : 1 4 OL �_ C� h•a � OLSON ' P _F02 PASS�p, APPROV�D, AND ADOPTED on second and fin�1 read�.ng th�s 7th dey of January _ � 199I. . c x'� er Mayor ATTEST: . e r rc ler, City Secretary -3�