HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 90-22 ORDINANCE N0. 90-22 AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION QF PROPERTY BEING A TRACT OF LAND KNOWN AS 18, 360 SQUARE FEET OF LANb, BEING OUT OF RESERVE TMC", OF CASTLEWOOD SUBDIVISION, LOCATED AT CASTLEWOOD DRIVE AND FM51$ , FROM COMMUNITY SHOPPING CENTER TO SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE; AMENDING THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF THE CITY AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE N0. 84-15; AND CONTAINING O.THER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SIIBJECT. � � � � � � � WHEREAS, Reeord Owner, Thomas E. Burke , has requested rezoning for a certain tra�t of land some 18,360 square feet being out of Reserve TMC" , Castlewood Subdivision located at Castlewood Drive and FM518, situated within the corporate limits of the City af Friendswood, Texas, said tract being mor� particularly described in �xhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS; said 58 , �60 syuare feet located Castlewood Drive and FM518, presently has a zonin� classification of COMMUNITY SHOPPING CENTER pursuant to arci:nance No. $�-15, passed and approved the 19th day af N�vember, 198�, �ame being the City of Friendswood Zo�ing Qrd�r.anc�� and , t r �THEREAS, Thamas E. �urkeE a�;�n� reiord owner for s4id propertp, has made applicat�ou ta the �itp of FriPnds�rood to change the zoning c3.ass..ficat:an cf said tract of land from COMMIINITY SHOPPING GENTER , as authorized b� the Cityts Zoning Ordinanee; and " WHEREAS, the P3ann�.ng an� Zoni�g Co�miasion and t�e �fty Couneil of the Cit� af Fr�enc�s�rooci have eondueted, in the time and manner and af�er• ttie noti�� re�uired by laW and the Zoning Ordinance of the C�t��, a publia hearing on such request :or change in z�ning eTas�ification; a�r�d WHEREAS, �he Planning xnd LoAing �oramissiott has recommez�ded and the City Cauncil row ���ms i.t �ggrapriate to grant such requested chang�e in Class�.f'�C;atio�; noK, �heref�re BE IT ORDAifd�D BY THE CITY CQDNGIL QF Tf:E CZTY OF �RYEtdDSW00A, STATE OF TEXAS: �ection .1.,�, ThE f acts and matters set forth in the pream�le of this Ordinance are hereby f�unci to be true and corr�ct. 1 Section 2. The zoning classification of that certain property some 18. 360 square feet being a part of Reserve� nC" of land of Castlewood Subdivision, as shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto is hereby ehanged from CSC to SFR. �Seetion 3� The Zoning Dis�riet Map of the City of Friendswood shall be revised and amended to show the zoning classiffcation of the above deserzbed property some 18,360 square feet out of Reserve TMC", Castlewood Subdivision, as shown on Exhibit "ATM as provided in Seetion 2 hereof, with the appropriate reFerence thereon to the number and effeetive date vf �he ordinanee and brief description of the nature of the change. Section � This Ordinance shall in no manner amend , change, suppleaent , or revise any provision of any ordinance of the City of Friends�ood, save and except the change in zoning elassification of said property some 18, 360 square feet of land being out of Reserve "C" , Castlewood Subdivision, as described in Exhibit TMA" as provzded in Section 2. � � � � � PASSED and APPROYED on flrst reading this 10t� day of September, 1990. PASS�D, APPROYEDr and ADOPTED on seco�nd and final i•eading this 2�th day of September, 1990. Mayor Paul W. SehradQ� ATTEST: . Delor s Archer, CMC Cits Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: John Olson Cit-y Attorney DA/ema �031/90 2 1 � . ' � � �. • .` � • ' .. � FRIENOSVl000 ORIVE (f!d 518) . . ' ; .' � +� • r:y i i il. (: + :+ . � . � . ••.. � . � _ •_ -. , •.. , ' S45� 00'00"E � . . � � _ � D - - � , . .. _ � . . , : . � . , . 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DESCRIPTION Of a 18, �E0 square faat Tract of land out of Reserve "�", in Gast 1 ewo�d Far 1: Subdi vi si on, a�.-ccrdi nq ta a Map ar P1 at, there- of recarded in Volume 18, Fage 75 �f tfie Flat ��c�rds of Galves- ton C��unty, Texas, said ?3, �60 square faot tract of land beinq m��re particularly described by metes and bounds as f��llows: bEGINNING at a .1/2 inch iron rad f��und for the west cnrner of s�id Reserve "C", and beinq lacated in the sautheast RiqFit-Of-Way - 1 i ne c�f C•ast 1 ewc�c�d Dr i ve, �:based un a 60 fo��t wi dtti) : THENGE Narth �S° East alanq the s��utheast Right-Of-Way line of said Gastlewood Drive, a distance of 108. C�0 feet t�� a p��int far corner and beinq located S��uth �5° West a distan�_e �-�f �ES. :'U feet fram a S/B inf-h irc�n rod faund at the intersection t�f ttie s�utfi- east Right-Of-Way line of Castlew����d Drive, and the s��uthwest Riqht-Of-Way line c,f FM 518: THENCE Snuth 45° East a distance of 17t7. �c� feet t�� a point for corner in the cc,mmc�n line between said Reserve "C•", and �:eserve "E" of said ilastlewo�d ParE; Subdivisi��n: THENCE Sc��tth 45° West alanq said commr_�n line �f said �'e��rve r and P.eServe ES a distance of 1<a8.4�� feet t� a 1/'� incFi irc•n r�ci founci far the sL�ut�i carner af said Reserve "C": THEy��E NUrt�. 45° West alonq ttie sauthwest line �f Reserti�e "C", a distar�rP ��f :�O. C�C� feet tu a F'LArE OF BEGINNINv and rr�n��j�nj,nq witF�in the=� ca� Is 18,�6c) square feet of land. , � ,��. .Li�-- -�.,�--^'� ��.�`' � � �����.��-c.Z�C+G ��