HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 90-19 . . . , . . , � ' ORDiNANCE N0. 90-19 _,�...___. AN O�tnINANCE AMENDING CITY 0�' FRIENDSWOOn, TEXt�S, ORDINANC� N0. 87-10, PASSED AND APPROV'�D T�i� 4TH DAY MAY, 1987, AND B�ING AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING REGULATY4NS _ DESIGNED TO PREVENT FLOOD DAMAG�S AND -- R�DUC� THE HAZARDS OF FLOODING WITHZN T�IE CITY, BY - STRLKING ALL 0�' SECTxON A �F ARTICLE IIZ THEftEOF AND - SUBSTITUTYNG TH�R�FOR A NEW SECTxON A, BY ADDING TO PARAGRAl'H (1) OF SECTION C OF ARTrCLE ZV A NF.W SU�PARAGRApH t� , AND BY ADDING NEW ARTICLES VI AND VYY; Z'ROVXDING THAT TN� PTtOVISIONS OF THE �'LOOD DAMAG� PREVENTION ORDINANC� SHALL APPLY TO ALL AREAS OF TH� - CITY; PROVIDING FOR S1'ORMWAT�R MANAG�MENT REQUIREM�NTS; PR�VIDING A PENALTY IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,000 DOLLARS FOR EACH DAY OF V�flLATION OF ANY PROVISION OF SAID OItDINANCE N0. 87-I0, AS AMENDED HE�EBY; .AND PROVID�NG A SEVERABiLITY CLAUSE �OR SAZn ORUZNANC� N0. 87-10, AS A��iENDED HEEtEBY. * �k * � ,� : B� IT QRDAZN�D BY THE CITY .COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF k'RIF.NDSWOOD, STAT� OF TEXAS ; ;4 Sec��.on 2. City of Friendswdood, Texas, Ordinance No. . 87-10, passed and approved �he �+th day of May, 1987, and being an ordinance providing rules and regularions designed to prevent flood damagea and reduce �he hazards of flooding, �.s hereby Amended by s�riking �all of Section A of ArCic2e �II wh�ch provides as follows: - ["A. �,ands to Which This Ordinance A lies . This Ordinance s a �pp y to a areas o spec a �lood hazarii wirhin the jur�sdf.ction ot the City of Friendswood. ") . - and substituting Cherefor a new Secr�on A to provfde as £ollows : "A. Land� ta Which This Ordinance A lies. Th�.a Ordinance s a a Go a areas w r n r e ur �s c on o t e o r en swoo , � ex$s. Secrion 2. Said City of �'riendswdaod, Texas, Ordi.nance No. - 87-�0 is hereby further amended by adding to Section C of Art�cle �V a new subsection � to provide as £ollows : � � ' � I'1 U ry t .... . � ._ _ � .. ' � � � ' , .. ' , , •' , �� '. �� . � . Stormwater Mana�emen�. Prior to the isauance o� __any Development erm C, exGep or per�n Cs or deveio ments n areas who y ou�s e areas o� s ec aT � � oo azarc�s w�E'i'ere r�s�e�erm�'ned' t e �y ng neer as unnecessar ue ro � e ex stence o sU c enr ava lab�e c3ata, tFie a cl�nC r�Ftal su m t a ���r�_o�__o_�ca� ana ys s s ow_ng C e mpac� an potent�iaT _ ac�vers� ect� o � ncrease ru�o � a��r u�a Ie to suc propose� eve_ op�vent rom a one un re year _ �re uenc sCOrm on ownstream areas. rr� na�e �"mprovements s aZrT requ�re n accor ance w�th"`�e � �Ilowin�•- - - - ----- , . • (i) Where new develo menCa do not a ravate downstream � 0o ng pro ems, C ey s a not e requ re to provide either on site storage or o � BiEe � mprovements. ... , (ii) Where new develo r�en�s ma a ravate downgCream 0o n t e eve oper s a compensate or t e �crease o0 ows rov �in ' �nstream _ cuproveraents w c prov e cap&c ty �o en e t e ncrease ows. � • - � (iii) 4�here downstream im rovements ma be so exCensive as ro e uneconom ca or t e ro ose eve opmenr or ho� e ea& e ecaus� o r t-o -wa or ot er m tat ons new eve o men s ma rov e on s te stora e m rovements s ze an . constructe as to e ro nare aay a verse ra nage - impact downs�ream. (iv) In the even� Lhat it ie not feasible for new _eve opmenC to ana �ze a own�rream con t ons, __�__may prov 'cTe an s te storage o su�`�� ca ac ti�o 1 m t �_e � ope pea sc arge �rom the stora e s 8�ema �o t at wh�F wou� ave _ _ owe rom t e eve o menC n s ' natura un eve o�e� state. e storm warer runo rate rrom a develo ment atter°"3.ts com et on s a ��� excee t e runo rate or t e �n area r or to ts eve o ment as ererm ne t e one un xe _ ear re uenc storm. �a na e ca cu ar ons _ mo e e to accom s t s ur os� en t e n ow- ou ow ro rap s su e or e area w e su�� e w t construct on raw nRs - an a on� � wi�n aii other cetculat�'ons �'or dra na�e. The sCora e s stems des� aed to accom lish this purpose s a rIOC e c oser__to any water ear ng . scraza citat one(Tj�—�oo� an s avo so T or r►�s rom a _ cert _ e a ora ory �o substRntiate th3s ac ari t ese r�sur��Cl�be �p e w C e es gn enR near s s am on em to �� 1"�e L'i�'y En��neer e ore cons ruc�ion cnn _2_ be in. x'h� t e and eometrical sha e of the _ stora e s s�em s n e en ent an e t Co C e es n o t e eve o er en neer, ut s ou nc u e a croes-sect on or ow up to a � ve . ear �re uenc s�orm an�c fie` secon cross-sec��"on " s ou e � or t e 8�ora e o a C ona ' storm WaCer ro t e one un re year nterva . '' e area use�' or t s purQose '3's to T>e ma n aine y t e �eveloper. " (v) No developmenC shall roceed unt�.l a�proval has eeri rante�c __�r t e _��___n_�_�neer "�ox t ia ans s �ec� cat one and� o�ntrol measure$ •or s�c eve o men aa re u re un e�' t s ' � ect on ' - Section 3. Said CiCy of Friendswaod, Texas, Ordinance No. $7�10 is hereby £urther amended by at3ding thereto a new Article Vx to provide ae �ollows: "Ar�ic�e Vx. Penalty. An exson who sha11 v�olate an rovie�.on of this r nance s a e eeme u � o a m s e�ueanor y �n u on cdnv ct On s & e ne n an amount ' not to excee �_ . . ac a o v o a� on ' s a cons�irtute a separare o �ense. " Section 3. Said City of Friendswood, Texas, 4rdinance No. 87•�0 �s hereby fur�her amended by adding thereGo � new Article VII to provide as fol�.ows: "Article VIY. Severabil�.Cy. In �he evenr _an�y section, paragra�h, subdivision . clause� _ � ras��_�x_o�v�sion sentence or �art o C a " � tfr�c �nce or t�a Y'icat�on o t e same 'to an erson or c Ycumst'an�e a a or an reason e a u e nva or e unconsC tut ona ' & court o com etent ux 's et on t a a no� a ect, m a r - or nva ate t s r nance as a w o e or an art or " rov�8�on ereo � 'o "fier � an t e art declare to e - nva or' uncons� tut ona ; an t e t ounc o t e t o r en swoo exas, ec ares � aC t wou ave z�s�e eac an ever arC o � e same notw t sran n� t e om ss_on o an guc �art� t us cTec ar�o"Te 3nval or vncons�3�'u� ona or w e er ere e one' or n�ore par�s. -3- �,dp. . "�'K�� :�.' . ...,..._ ,,.... � . '� i i M .. - ��''�' `'y . �. . _ � , .. -�<'. ' m . . . . i �� � , � � ��,: . �� T,�.�'�'� . •' , . �;. PASSEll AND APPTtOVED on firs� reading thi� 1��tt� d"ay of ugust � �.990, � PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED on second and final xeadi.ng th�s %`?�'x d�y of ;september , 1990. au . c ra er Mayor ATTEST: e o s rc er, City Secretary "�, PASSk:D AND APPROVED on firs� reading thi� i�'��4�i d�y ot �u�ust , ].990, : pASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED on second and final �eadi.ng th�.s ?��':r day Of ;September � 1990. au . c ra er Mayor ATTEST: . e o s rc er, City Se�retary w