HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 90-18 . • . . ORDINANCE N0, 90-18 ___._�_.___. . AN ORDxNANC� AM�NUING CITY 0�' 1^RI�NDSW�OD, TEXAS, 4RDZNANCE N0. $�-1S, PASSED AND APPROV�D TH� I9TH AAY 0�' NOV�M�ER, 1984, AND BEING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THF CITY, BY STRIKZNG ALL 0�' SUBPARAGRApH b OF PARAGRAPH 3 OF THE SUBS�:CTION 0 OF SECTION 7 .AND - SUBSTTTUTING _ THEREFOR A NEW SUBPARAGRAPH b, RY STR�KZNG ALT� 0�' SUBSECTION C OF SECTION 11 ,AND SUBSTITUTING THERFFOR NFW SUBSF.CTIONS C AND D; PROVYDxNG THA�' BUZLpYNGS AI�TD STRUCTUR�S IN ANY ZONING - DTSTRICT � MAY EXC�ED THE DISTRICT MAXXMUM H�ZGHT - REGULATIONS UP(}N THE GftANTING OF A SPECIAL EXCEPTION BY THE BOARD OF AD.JUSTMENT IF SHOWN TNAT TH� BUII.DxNG 4R STRUCTURE WZLL FIT UNDER AN IMAGINARY LINE THAT IS 63. 5 D�GR��S, WITH TH� HORT70NTAL, AT THE OUTER EDGE OF THE YARD; FROVXDYNG THAT THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT - MAY, IN APFROPRIATE CASES, MAKF SPFCIAL EXCEP'rYONS TO TH� ZONING ORDxNA�TC� IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPLICA��,E RUI,�S CONTAINFD THE,R�IN; PROVIDTt3G A P�NALTY IN AN AMOUNT NOT Tp EXCE�D $I,OQO FOR EACH 7�AY OF VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION HEREOF; AND PROVIDIKG FOR SEVERAB�T,ITY. * * � � � - B�; IT ORDAINED BX THE CITY COUNCIL OF TNE CITY OF FRZENDSWOOD, STAT� OF TEXAS ; . Section I. City oE Fri�ndswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 8�C-15, passed and approved the 14th day of November, I98/-+, is h�reby amended by striking all of subparagraph b of Paragraph 3 o£ Subsection 0 of Section 7, which provides as fo�.lows : - ["b. A bui�d�ng or srrucCure �n any xoning district may exceed Che district maximum he�ght regu�.a�ions wi�h a specific use per�ai� provf.ded �haC tha bui2ding or structure will fit under an imaginary l.in� that is 63. 5°, wi�h the horizonta]., a� zhe auter - edge of the yard. "� and svbsti�u�ing �herefor the following : "b. A buildin or struc�ure ma - exceed the -- diB�r�CC max mum e C re u at ons u on � � rant n o a s ec a exce � on � e oar a usemen� prov e t e u ng or stxucrure w t un er an ima inar line that is 63. 5 de rees wirh the or zon a , � at t e ou er e ge o t e yar . - Section 2. Sa�d City of Friendswood, TexaB, Or�inance No. 84-15 is hereby furCher amended by strik�ng all of Subsection C of Sec�ion 11 which provides as fo�lows : ["C. Vate Re uired: A eals; Variances. The _ concurring vo�e o our mem ers o t e Board shall be n�cessary to reverse any ordez, requirement, decis�on, or determination of an ad��nistrat�ve official , or to decide in favor of the appl�cant �n any matter upon which it is Xequired �d pass under this ordinance, or to effect any variat�on in the applicat�on o£ th�s ordinance."� and subst�tuting there£or the following: "C. S ecial Exce tions. To hear and decide s eCial exce t ons to C e Cerms o � s or nance u 4n w C t e Oar �8 re u r� to �88 un er C s or nance. : "D. Vore Re uired: A eals; Variancea; S ecia� Exce tions. e concurr n vote o our mem ers . o r e oar s a � neeessary_to �everse any or e�, re uirementi�, ec s on, or ererm nat on of an a m n s rat ve o c a _, or to e ect any var at on � in �fie a I�cat o�� t s or ��nance, or ro de�ae in svor o t e ap.�c�ant on any ma er o� s ec a exce C�on u� on which 1C si'- re U�re to ass' or ec � e un er t s or nance. Section 3. Any person who shall viola�e any provision of thi.s Ordinance shall be deemed gu�lty o£ a misdemeanor and � upon convicrion, shall be �ined in en amount not �o exceed �1,000. 00. �ach day of violation shal.l constitute a separ�tCe - of�ense. , SecCion �+. In the . event any section, paragraph, subdivi.��on, clause, phrase, provision, sentence, or part o£ thi.s Ordin�nce or the epplicACion of the same to sny p�rson or� circumsCance shall for any reason be ad,judged invalid or held � -2- JUL — 2 — afa MON S = 4Ey OLSCiN � OL. SC ' P a 94 • +d . . unconstitutional by a court o£ campetent �urisdiction, it shall noG affect, impair, or invalidate thi.s Ordinance as a whole or any part or provision her�of� other than the paxt dec�ared to be invalid or unconstitutionsl; Hnd the City Council o£ the Ci�y o£ Friendawood, Texas, declares that it would have pasaed each and every par� of the sa�ae no�withatanding the omission of any - such par� �hus declared to be invalid or unconsCi�U�ional, or whether �here be one or more parrs. PASSED ANU APPROVED on first reading rhis 9th day of �uly _, 1990. PASSED, APPfZpVED, AND ADOPT�D on second reading this 23rd dgy of July � 1990. . aul. W. Sch ader, Mayor ATTEST: _ De oris Archer, CMC , City Secretary -3r