HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 90-17 ORDINANCE N0 . 90-17 AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY BEING A TRACT OF LAND KNOWN AS 1 . 0030 ACRES OF LAND , BEING A PART OF 11 .�003 ACRES OF LAND OUT OF LOTS 15 AND 16 , BLOCK 5 , FRIENDSWOOD SUBDIVISION" LOCATED ON CASTLEWOOD , FROM COMMUNITY SHOPPING CENTER TO SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE; AMENDING THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF THE CITY AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE N0 . 84-15 ; AND CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. � * � � � * � WHEREAS , Record Owner, Thomas E. Burke , has requested rezoning for a certain tract of land some 1 . 0030 acres being a part of 11 . 4003 aeres of land out of lots 15 and 16 , bloek 5 , Friendswood Subdivision located on Castlewood , situated within the corporate limits of the City of Friendswood , Texas , said traet being more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attaehed hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS; said 1 . 0030 acres located on Castlewood , presently has a zoning elassification of COMMUNITY SHOPPING CENTER pursuant to Ordinance No . 84-15 , passed and approved the 19th day of November , 1984 , same being the City of Friendswood Zoning Ordinance ; and WHEREAS, Thomas E. Burke , agent record owner for said property, has made application to the City of Friendswood to chan�e the zoning classification of said tract of land from COMMUNITY SHOPPING CENTER , as authorized by the City' s Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zonin� Commission and the City Council of the City of Friendswood have conducted , in the time and manner and after the notice required by law and the Zoning Ordinance of the City, a public hearing on such request for ehan�e in zoning classification; and WHEREAS , the Plannin� and Zoning Commission has recommended and the City Couneil now deems it appropriate to grant such requested change in elassification; now, therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , STATE OF TEXAS: Seetion L The facts and matters set forth in the preamble of this Ordinance are hereby found to be true and correct . Section � The zoning classification of that certain 1 � . property some 1 . 0030 acres being a part of 11 . �4003 aeres of land out of lots 15 and 16 , bloek 5 , Friendswood Subdivision, as shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto is hereby changed from CSC to SFR . Section � The Zoning District Map of the City of Friendswood shall be revised and amended to show the zoning classification of the above deseribed property some 1 . 0030 aeres being a part of 11 . 4003 acres of land out of lots 15 and 16 , block 5 , Friendswood Subdivision, as shown on Exhibit "A" as provided in Section 2 hereof, with the appropriate referenee thereon to the number and effective date of the ordinance and brief deseription of the nature of the change . Seetion �. This Ordinance shall in no manner amend , change , supplement , or revise any provision of any ordinance of the City of Friendswood , save and except the ehange in zoning elassification of said property some 1 . 0030 acres of land being a part of 11 . 4003 aeres of land out of lots 15 and 16 , block 5 , Friendswood Subdivision, as described in Exhibit "A" as provided in Seetion 2. PASSED and APPROVED on first reading this 9th day of July, 1990 . PASSED , APPROVED , and ADOPTED on second and final reading this 23rd day of July, 1990 . Mayor Paul W. Schrader ATTEST: D loris Arch r , CMC C ' ty Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: John Olson City Attorney DA/ 2 �--�--� . . � ` � r�;�_�•-,-,�91 � -`� C-C� 1.0030 ACP,ES i3::ING A PT.RT OF 11.4003 ACi2ES OF L\::D OUT OF LOTS 15 A;dD 16, BLOCR 5, 'ri�I::NDSYrOOD SU3J:',+ISION AS RECURDED [N VOLU!•1E 7_38, PA.GE 14 A::D VO:,Ut;E 259� P.AG° 37 Or THE ;ALVLSiON COUNTY DEED i2�CORDS, IN THE :;A3A}i "CiiISSICF OR J. R. h'ILLIAMS L6'AGUE IN GALVE:iTOId COU[J'PY, TEXAS, AI�D 3�:i7G h;OR[, PAK`PICULARI,] ll�SCRI.3�ll BY F;ETES A1dD BOL'":�S .�S FOI,LOSdS: CO::t;E?�CING from the north corn,�r of said Lot -15, corner b�ing the interse..�ion of the �enterline of Castl�_w000 Drive (60 feet)r and th� cenLerline of an origir�al 60 foot road (r:; 516 or crinndswood Drive now 100 feet �ide) ; T;=NCF, South 95 degre�s �)0 mir•u��s 00 seca�,cis T.'est, a distance of '8.00 feet along t-,e centerline of Castleaood Drive to a ooin*_; _..�!+C�, South 45 dearees 00 ,iinut�s 00 �econds East, a dist:�ce of 30.00 feet l-o a 5/3' irun rod, said iron cod being tne intersecCion of tha southeast ...O.W. l�ne of Castle�aood Drive and the south•..est R.O.W, line of Fri�:;ci��.:ood Drive; �i:�!�CE, South �5 d�grees �0 ninutes 00 seconds F�est, along the southeast R.O.W, liie of Castlewood Drive, a distance of 335.00 feet to a 5/&' iron rod and being the ?OI::T OF 3LV_TN:`IING� THEt7CE, South SS deqrees JO min��tes 00 secor.ds East, a distance of 170,00 feet to a ��i�t. for corner; !t;_::C�, SouLh S5 ci��gre�s U� ninutes 00 �econds �•7�st, a dists^ce of 257.00 £eet to a poiot foc cor��=r; i:iE'�CE, ?dorth 45 d��rees 00 minutes 00 seconds i•7est, a cista�c<_ of 170.00 feet to a Foint for corner, said corner also being on the southeast R.O.W. line of Castle»ood Dri•. , .,.�t:CE, t.orth 45 o°grees DO mir,utes OQ seconds �ast, ziong said seuth�ast R.O.h, line of Cas��l��:ood �rive, a oistanc� of 257.00 feet to the c"OIC+T OF BEGIt:IdING; CG:::'AZ:7I*�G 1.0030 acres of land, noce or less. �I L t D�,:i F. �,E C 0.;D STATE OF TIXAS courm OF Gun�srD� I nere0r c•.m�•'CE�thi5�nStrum[nt.�s IiIM rn tte DEC �t O 50 h� IQ9 date and ���- �' . -� e�nd «as duly reroAeO � fl UJ in tne 0"� . 'omrty of GNRStcn � Countr.it.. DEC 27 1983 � , ...._,... �,���«,,,� ��:, .. , � `�s ,� � � \ �f�`�A.'iS D��[ 'y�� 1,=�=.•.fi}ssw .�'./�,.c.s,�.�^..-� ��`..,. � , (., . °��� CG'u:�iY C.fUK.G�;.•,ton Counry.`ecr.. EX!iIl3IT ,�A,� \ '��; ��. _.. ,_' ..•c.- � ` '\ �•. `_Z-'r `t� .. , . � C � � —=- -•f .(`.f`� �- , EXHIBIT "A"