HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 90-12 dR1�INANC� N0. , � �l� � AN bRDINANC� GRAN'I'ING A SPECIF'�C USE PFRMIT FOR A Tl2ACT OF LAND KNOWN AS 301 I�FISURE LAN�, LOT 1 4F THF. T.�ISURE LANE SUBAIVISION, BEING A �ESUBDIVISION OF A �'ART OF LOTS 29�36, FOR CHURCH USE; AMENDING TH� ZpNING DIS7'RICT MAP OF THF. CITY AS ADOPTED BY OR�INANCE N0. 84-15; AND CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. �r � � � � WHERFAS, H. K. S�eck, agenC for the record owner has requested �hat a Specific Use Permit for Church Use be granted £or a certai.n �ract of lnnd located aC 301 �,e�sure Lane, Leisure Lane Subdivision, s�tu+�Ced withi.n the coxpora�e l�.�nits o£ �he City of. Friendswood, Texas , s&id tract being more parCi.cularly described in �',}chibit "A" attached hereto �nd mAde a part hereo�; and _ WH�R�:.AS, said property located at 301 Leisure LAne is currently situated in the S�.ngle Family Residential Dwell�ng DisCricC {SFR) pursuan� to City of Friendswood Ordinance No. 8�+-15, �h� Zoning Drdinance of the City; and WH�.REAS, H. K. Speck, _ for and on behalf oE the owner, has made epplication to the City Co acquire a Spec�.fic Use �'ermi_t autihorizing Che use o� said property Eox Church purpos�s; �nd WNFR�AS, �he Pl.anning and Zonin� Commission and the City Council of the Ci�y ot Fr�endswood, in th� time and manne� and a�ter the notice required by 1aw and the 7.oning Ord�.nance o� the City, h�ve cortducCed a public hear�.ng on such requ8st �or Che gran�ing of a Specific Use Perm�t ; and W�i�REAS, the P1ann�ng a�d Zan�ng Commiss�on has recommended and the City Council now deems it appropriafie to gran� and issue a Specific Uae Per�it auChoriz�ng the above described Cract to be us�d for Ghurch purposes; now, �herefore, B� X'r ORDAXNED BY THE CITY C�UNCiL OF TH� CITY OF �RIENDSW04D, STAT� OF T�XAS: SecCi.on 1 . The facts and matCers set forth ir► the preamble oE �h�.s 4rdinance are he�'eby found to be tru� and correc� . Section 2. A Sgecific Use Permit is hereby grr�nted for thaC certain �ract o� land located at 30}. Letsure Lane in Leisure Lane Subdivision, said tracC being more par�icul�rly describe� on F'xh�bit "A" attached hereto, for Church use. Sec�ion 3. The Zoni.ng Dis�ricC Map of Che CiCy shall be revised to re£lec� �he grRnt�.n, o£ the Specific Use Permi� - Church, as p�'ovided in SecCion 2 above, wi�h appropriate reference �herean to �he t►umber and e£fective date o� rhis QrdS.nanee. S�cCion �. This 4rdinance sha11 �n no manner amend, ch�an�e, supplement, or revise any provision of any ord�nance �£ th� Ci�y of �'r�endswood, s�ve �nc� except the granting o£ �he Spec�.£ic Use Perm�� provided 1»rain for the tracC located �t 30Y Leisure �an� des�ribed in Ex#�ibiC "A" �s pravided in Sect�.on 2 above. PA�SF,D AND APPR01lFD on f3.rs� reading this 2na day � 0� April � 14}�. _2_ FASS�D, APPROVFD AND ADOPT�D thi8 16th day Off April � 1990. � ""� au . c �a er ayor ATT�STs e or s rc e�, City Secxe���y ApPRdVED AS Td �'4RM: o n . son City A��orney -3-