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Ordinance No. 90-04
ORDINANCE 90-� AN ORDINANCE KNOWN AS "AMENDMENT I" , AMENDING CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , TEXAS, ORDINANCE N0. 89-13 , PASSED AND APPROVED SEPTEMBER 18 , 1989 AND BEING AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CITY 'S GENERAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1989-90 ; PROVIDING AMENDMENTS TO SUCH BUDGET : AND PROVIDING OTHER MATTERS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT. * � � � � � * � � � � WHEREAS, BY ORDINANCE N0. 89-13 , THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ADOPTED ITS GENERAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1989-90 ; WHEREAS , THE CITY COUNCIL HAS DETERMINED THAT TRANSFER OF CERTAIN FUNDS INTERDEPARTMENTALLY IS ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE AND IN THE BEST INTEREST OF PRUDENT BUDGETING; AND WHEREAS , THE CITY COUNCIL DESIRES TO AMEND SAID GENERAL BUDGET TO REFLECT SUCH TRANSFER IN THE FISCAL YEAR 1989-9� ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , STATE OF TEXAS : SECTION 1 . THE FACTS AND MATTERS SET FORTH IN THE PREAMBLE OF THIS ORDINANCE ARE HEREBY FOUND TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT . SECTION 2. THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , TEXAS, GENERAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1989-90 , IS HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS ON ATTACHMENT A , PAGE 1-7 , SAME BEING ENTITLED "AMENDMENT I" TO THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, GENERAL BUDGET , FISCAL YEAR 1989-90 . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 19TH DAY OF FEBRU Y 1990 . YOR PAUL W. SCHRADER AT T • DE ORIS ARCHER , CMC CITY SECRETARY City of Friendswood 02IOSI90 CC: Mayor and Council Budget Amendment I ATTACHMENT A Annette Brand Fiscal Year 1989-1990 Roger Roecker Lynn Bucher Original Amendment Amended Acct No Account Description Budget Amount Budget Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- GENERAL FUND: 01-00-00-3011 Cash Balance Carried Forward 332,402 (46,574) 285,828 Adjust Cash Balance Carried Forward to Actual 01-00-00-3012 Prior Year Encumbrances 0 275,297 275,297 Encumbrances 01-00-00-3811 Donations to Police Department 0 1,192 1,192 Fwd Rotary Club and Fwd Police Off Assoc 01-00-00-3819 Miscellaneous Donations 400 165 565 Savard Electrical Co - Install Stain Glass Window 01-00-00-3851 Sale of Fixed Assets 0 800 800 Sold Xerox Copier to FISD 01-00-00-3883 Insurance Reimbursements 0 6,415 6,415 Police Accidents 01-00-00-3940 Transfer From Water & Sewer Fund 339,641 43,281 382,922 Adj GF Cash Bal Carried Fwd to Actual-Increase Trn 01-00-00-3970 Transfer From Contingency Fund 0 15,745 15,745 DARE Prog City Sec Copier Unempl Comp. � ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL REVENUES 672,443 296,321 968,764 01-01-01-5110 Office Supplies 50 54 104 Encumbrances 01-01-01-7320 Printing 150 35 185 Encumbrances t 01-01-01-7999 Miscellaneous Expense 900 19 919 Encumbrances 01-02-01-7667 Friendswood Newsletter 4,000 2,416 6,416 Encumbrances 01-02-01-7999 Miscellaneous Expense 175 304 479 Encumbrances - Frame Constitutions 01-02-01-8440 Office Furniture 0 400 400 Encumbrances 01-03-01-5110 Office Supplies 1,200 37 1,237 Encumbrances 01-03-01-5120 Printed Forms 200 38 238 Encumbrances 01-03-01-6411 Copy Machine Maintenance 0 593 593 New Machine - Fund from Contingency. 01-03-01-7393 Rental of Equipment 0 800 800 Sold Xerox Copier to FISD 01-03-01-7621 Fares, Fuel, Meals, Lodging 1,500 85 1,585 Encumbrances 01-03-01-8411 Copy Machine Equipment 0 2,572 2,572 New Machine - Fund from Contingency. 01-04-01-4720 Unemployment Compensation 0 1,268 1,268 K. Neilson - Fund from Contingency. 01-04-01-8440 Office Furniture 0 695 695 Encumbrances O1-OS-01-7291 Special Services 0 400 400 Encumbrances 01-08-01-7131 Legal Retainer Fees 30,000 2,750 32,750 Encumbrances 01-11-01-4720 Unemployment Compensation 0 75 75 Dan Pugh - Fund from Contingency. 01-16-01-5841 Light Office Equipment 200 3,369 3,569 Encumbrances 01-16-01-8812 Computer Terminai Equipment 1,353 1,353 2,706 Encumbrances . 01-16-01-8814 Personal Computer Equipment 0 300 300 Encumbrances 01-16-01-8816 Computer Software License Fee 9,790 13,097 22,887 Encumbrances 01-16-01-8817 Software Modifications 0 2,200 2,200 Encumbrances 01-16-01-8818 Software InstallationlTraining 0 7,740 7,740 Encumbrances 01-21-01-5841 Light Office Equipment 350 192 542 Folding Tables - Donation by Fwd Police Assoc 01-21-01-6411 Copy Machine Maintenance 0 1,200 1,200 Encumbrances 01-21-01-6890 Other Equipment Maintenance 250 600 850 Encumbrances 01-21-01-7260 Professional Consultant Services 0 22,895 22,895 Encumbrances 01-21-02-4301 Overtime Wages 20,000 8,254 28,254 DARE Program in CCISL - Fund from Contingency. 01-21-02-4401 Parttime Wages 19,908 1,898 21,806 DARE Program in CCISD - Fund from Contingency. 01-21-01-4801 Social Security 55,079 776 55,855 DARE Program in CCISD - Fund from Contingency. 01-21-01-4802 TMRS Retirement 26,043 309 26,352 DARE Program in CCISD - Fund from Contingency. 01-21-02-5865 DARE Program Supplies 0 1,000 1,000 DARE Program in FISD-Donation-Fwd Rotary Club. 01-21-02-6219 Automobile Maintenance-Major 2,500 2,458 4,958 Bob Doss motorcycle accident. Insur reimbursement. 01-21-02-6531 Radar Equipment Maintenance 1,500 74 1,574 Encumbrances 01-21-02-8210 Automobiles - Patrol 43,000 2,500 45,500 Sgt Peterson's Accident. Znsurance reimbursement. OS-Feb-90 FIN-FIN90\BA90I.WR1 Page 1 City of Friendswood 02�05)90 CC: Mayor and Council Budget Amendment I ATTACHMENT A Annette Brand Fiscal Year 1489-1990 Roger Roecker Lynn Bucher Original Amendment Amended Acct No Account Description Budget Amount Budget Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- GENERAL FUND: (continued) 01-21-03-6219 Automobile Maintenance-Major 250 1,457 1,707 Lt. Edwards's auto accident. Insur reimbursement. 01-21-08-8899 Miscellaneous Equipment 0 135 135 Encumbrances 01-22-04-8211 Ambulance Vehicles 0 59,975 59,975 Encumbrances 01-25-01-5301 Fuel and Oil 900 23 923 Encumbrances 01-25-01-6201 Vehicle Maintenance 500 25 525 Encumbrances 01-25-01-7310 Postage 250 6 256 Encumbrances 01-25-01-8140 Building Renovation 0 500 500 Encumbrances 01-26-15-6710 Street Maintenance 0 140 140 Encumbrances 01-26-01-6890 Other Equipment Maintenance 500 498 998 Encumbrances 01-27-01-5990 Miscellaneous Supplies 30 196 226 Encumbrances 01-27-01-6102 Grounds Maintenance 0 575 575 Encumbrances 01-27-27-8180 Fence Improvements 0 3,000 3,000 Encumbrances 01-31-01-7380 Contract Services 12,000 3,742 15,742 Encumbrances - Impact Fee Study 01-31-01-8440 Office Furniture 0 1,140 1,140 Encumbrances 01-31-01-8444 File Cabinets 0 800 800 Encumbrances 01-31-01-8814 Personal Computer Equipment 0 25,000 25,000 Encumbrances - Reference Note 1 01-32-01-6710 Street Maintenance 12,000 883 12,883 Encumbrances 01-32-01-6821 Radio Equipment Maintenance 500 45 545 Encumbrances -----------------------------------'- 01-32-01-7510 Electricity 118,000 18 118,018 Encumbrances � NOTE 1: � 01-33-01-6780 Drainage Maintenance 12,000 108 12,108 Encumbrances �--------- � 01-61-01-5772 Records 700 40 740 Encumbrances �Funds were originally budgeted for � 01-62-10-7510 Electricity 5,700 18 5,718 Encumbrances �a Planner and the Impact Fee Study � 01-62-13-8160 Lighting 9,800 5,200 15,000 Encumbrances �was to be done inhouse. The unused� 01-62-14-6160 Lighting Maintenance 1,000 2,700 3,700 Encumbrances �funds were encumbered for computer � 01-63-04-8161 Christmas Lights 1,000 2,100 3,100 Encumbrances �equipment (to allow two technicians� 01-63-25-5864 Awards 0 168 168 Encumbrances �to work at the same time), but will� 01-77-27-7510 Electricity 1,500 166 1,666 Encumbrances �be used to complete the Impact Fee � 01-77-33-7510 Electricity 2,500 100 2,600 Encumbrances �Study with outside personnel. � 01-77-51-5841 Light Office Equipment 0 242 242 Encumbrances ------------------------------------- 01-77-51-7381 Janitorial Services 1,350 125 1,475 Encumbrances 01-61-61-5713 Backup Media Supplies 0 594 594 Encumbrances - Dynix Computer System 01-61-61-7148 Software Training 0 6,227 6,227 Encumbrances - Dynix Computer System 01-61-61-7149 DP Service-Data Conversion 0 1,864 1,864 Encumbrances - Dynix Computer System 01-61-61-8811 Computer System Unit Equipment 0 33,195 33,195 Encumbrances - Dynix Computer System 01-61-61-8812 Computer Terminal Equipment 0 8,643 8,643 Encumbrances - Dynix Computer System 01-61-61-8813 Computer Printer Equipment 0 4,129 4,129 Encumbrances - Dynix Computer System 01-61-61-8815 Other Computer Equipment 0 910 910 Encumbrances - Dynix Computer System 01-61-61-8816 Computer Software License Fee 0 23,435 23,435 Encumbrances - Dynix Computer System 01-61-61-8819 Hardware Installation 0 5,788 5,788 Encumbrances - Dynix Computer System 01-77-71-6148 Building Alterations 0 165 165 Savard Electrical Co - Install Stain Glass Window 01-77-71-8141 Roof Renovation 5,000 10,000 15,0�0 Encumbrances 01-77-71-8142 Air Conditioning 5,000 10,000 15,000 Encumbrances 01-77-71-8442 Tables 0 480 480 Encumbrances 01-77-71-8443 Chairs 0 1,120 1,120 Encumbrances 01-77-73-7510 Electricity 2,500 106 2,606 Encumbrances 01-79-01-7416 Umbrella Liability Insurance 75,000 1,077 76,077 Encumbrances OS-Feb-90 FIN-FIN90�BA90I.WK1 Page 2 City of Friendswood 02�05190 CC: Mayor and Council Budget Amendment I ATTACHMENT A Annette Brand Fiscal Year 1989-1990 Roger Roecker Lynn Bucher Original Amendment Amended Acct No Account Description Budget Amount Budget Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- GENERAL FUND: (continued) 01-91-01-9102 Transfers To Swimming Pool Fund 46,591 (6,773) 39,818 Adjust Cash Bal Carried Fwd to Actual-Decrease Trn 01-91-01-9115 Transfers to Fine Arts Council Fund 2,946 (785) 2,161 Adjust Cash Bal Carried Fwd to Actual-Decrease Trn 01-91-01-9150 Transfer To Capital Projects Fund 224,399 4,265 228,664 Adjust Cash Bal Carried Fwd to Actual-Increase Trn ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL EXPENDITURES 760,064 296,321 1,056,385 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- SWZMMZNG POOL FUND: 02-00-00-3011 Cash Balance Carried Forward 1,159 6,918 8,077 Adjust Cash Balance Carried Forward to Actual 02-00-00-3012 Prior Year Encumbrances 0 1,775 1,775 Encumbrances 02-00-00-3901 Transfers From General Fund 46,591 (6,773) 39,818 Adj GF Cash Bal Carried Fwd to Actual-Decrease Trn ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL REVENUES 47,750 1,920 49,670 ----------- ----------- ----------- 02-68-01-6160 Lighting Maintenance 50 275 325 Encumbrances 02-68-01-7621 Fares, Fuel, Meals and Lodging 200 145 345 Pool Manager Training 02-68-01-8876 Swimming Pool Equipment 1,500 1,500 3,000 Encumbrances ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,750 1,920 3,670 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- POLICE INVESTIGATION TRUST FUND: -------------------------------- 10-00-00-3011 Cash Balance Carried Forward 4,258 9,395 13,653 Adjust Cash Balance Carried Forward to Actual ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL REVENUES 4,258 9,395 13,653 MOWING FUND: 12-00-00-3011 Cash Balance Carried Forward 4,023 1,670 5,693 Adjust Cash Balance Carried Forward to Actual ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL REVENUES 4,023 1,670 5,693 � ___________ ___________ ___________ PARKS AND RECREATION FUND: -------------------------- 13-00-00-3011 Cash Balance Carried Forward 5,708 21 5,729 Adjust Cash Balance Carried Forward to Actual ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL REVENUES 5,708 21 5,729 ----------- ----------- ----------- 13-62-14-8140 Building Renovation-Leavesly Park 3,400 800 4,200 Additional kitchen and paneling renovation. ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,400 800 4,200 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- OS-Feb-90 FIN-FIN90\BA90I.WK1 Page 3 City of Friendswood 02I05196 CC: Mayor and Council $udget Amendment I ATTACHMENfi A Annette Hraad Fiscal Year 1989-199(1 Roger Roecker Lynn Bucher Original Amendment Amended Acct No Account Description Budget Amount Budget Notes -------------------------------------------�-----------------------------___-------------- ---------------_�__----------------------------- SWIMMING POOL HEATER DONATION FUN➢: ----------------°----------------- 14-dQ-QO-3011 Cash Balance Carried Forward 1,889 (3) 1,886 Adjust Cash Halance Carried Forward to Actual ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL REVENUES I,889 (3) 1,886 FINE ARTS COUNCIL FUND: ----------------------- 15-00-40-3�11 Cash Balance Carried Forward 54 1,007 1,061 Adjust Cash Balance Carried Forward to Actual 15-00-OQ-3901 Transfers Froca General Fund 2,946 (785) 2,161 Adj GF Cash Bal Carried Fwd Co Actua2-Decrease Tril ___________ ________..__ __--------- TOTAL REVENUES 3,000 222 3,222 15-63-03-7664 Friendswood Community Chorus 0 222 222 Reimbursement request for prior fiscal qear. ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL EXPENDITURES a 222 222 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND: ---------------------- 50-DO-00-30Z1 Gash Balance Carried Forward 65,701 (4,265} 61,436 Adjust Cash Balance Car�ied Forward to Actual SQ-00-00-3012 Prior Year Encwnbrances 6 223,911 223,911 Encumbrances 50-00-0�-3901 Transfers From General Fund 224,399 4,265 228,664 Adjust Cash Hal Carried Fwd to Actusl-Increase Trn 50-00-00-3970 Transfers From Contingency Fund 0 16,000 16,Q�Q Fund Ghigger Creek Low Water Crossing ----------- ----------- ---------- TOTAL REVENUES 290,1OQ 239,911 530,011 54-32-11- Falling Leaf - Trax 0 10,703 10,703 Encumbrances ' S0-32-12- Imperial Drive-Trax D 16,183 16,183 Encumbrances SQ-32-13- Merriewood - Trax 6 6,2�0 6,200 Encumbrances 50-32-14- Misty Lane - Trax 6 2,20Q 2,200 Encumbraaces 50-32-24- Leisure Lane - County 0 20,601 20,6�i Encumbxances 50-32-27- S Clear Creek Dr - County 0 15,91� i5,91Q Eacuaibrances 56-32-28- Lundy Lane 0 1,2Q0 1,200 Encumbrances 50-32-32- Eldorado 0 500 500 Encwnbrances 50-32-33- E1 Dorsda Circle 0 500 600 Encumbrances 50-33-11- Clover Acres Drainage 0 149,814 149,614 Encumbrances 5Q-33-12- Chigger Creek Low Water Crossing p 16,9�� 16,0�0 New pxoject approved hy city council 2�22/84. ----------- ----------- -----°---- TOTAL EXPENAITI3RE5 0 Z34,911 239,911 ----------- -----°---- ------------ ----°----- ----------- --------°- QS-Feb-90 FIN-FIN401BA90I.WK1 Page 4 City of Friendswood p2(p5/90 CC, Mayor and Council Budget Amendment I ATTACHMENT A Annette Brand Fiscal Year 1989-1990 Roger Roecker Lynn Bucher Original Amendment Amended Acct No Account Description Budget Amount Budget Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- CITY HALL CONSTRUCTION FUND: ---------------------------- 51-00-00-3011 Cash Balance Carried Forward 33,621 1,263 34,884 Adjust Cash Balance Carried Forward to Actual 51-00-00-3012 Prior Year Encumbrances 0 7,000 7,000 Encwnbrances ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL REVENUES 33,621 8,263 41,884 ----------- ----------- ----------- 51-77-40-8191 Fire Alarm System-City Aall Annex 0 7,000 7,000 Encumbrances ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 7,000 7,000 WATER AND SEWER FUND: ' 40-00-00-3011 Cash Balance Carried Forward 33,381 103,632 137,013 Adjust Cash Balance Carried Forward to Actual 40-00-00-3012 Prior Year Encumbrances 0 59,197 59,197 Encumbrances ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL REVENUES 33,381 162,829 196,210 ----------- ----------- ----------- 40-40-01-6251 Truck Maintenance-Regular 700 160 860 Encumbrances 40-40-01-6257 Truck Maintenance-Tires 250 81 331 Encumbrances 40-40-01-641D Office Equipment Maintenance 75 409 484 Encumbrances 40-40-01-6821 Radio Equipment Maintenance 250 228 478 Encumbrances 40-40-01-9780 Bond Cost Amortization 0 2,282 2,282 1988 CO issue costs amortized over life of issue. 40-41-01-5430 Water Equipment Parts/Material 500 7 507 Encumbrances 40-41-01-5620 Minor ToolsJShop Supplies 3,300 50 3,350 Encumbrances 40-41-01-6510 Water Meter Maintenance 8,200 1 8,201 Encumbrances 40-41-01-6535 Water Plant �k5 Equipment Maintenance 6,000 li 6,017 Encumbrances 40-41-01-6610 Distribution Line Maintenance 15,000 520 15,520 Encumbrances 40-41-01-7510 Electricity 100,000 2,923 102,923 Encumbrances 40-41-01-8161 Christmas Lights 0 2,100 2,100 Encumbrances 40-41-01-8510 Water Meters and Boxes 13,000 558 13,558 Encumbrances 40-41-01-8511 Water Meters-City Facilities 0 870 870 Encumbrances 40-43-01-6620 Collection Line Maintenance 20,000 30 20,030 Encumbrances 40-43-01-6673 SMUD Lift Station Maintenance 7,500 944 8,444 Encumbrances 40-43-01-6674 CID Lift Station Maintenance 2,500 13 2,513 Encumbrances 40-43-01-6899 Miscellaneous Equipment Maintenance 0 5 S Encumbrances 40-43-01-7231 B/H Sewer Plant Operation Fees 510,000 49,818 559,818 Encumbrances 40-43-01-7510 Electricity 76,000 462 76,462 Encumbrances 40-43-01-8620 Collection Lines 2,500 9,840 12,340 Emergency Sun Meadow sewer line maintenance. 40-91-01-9101 Transfer to General Fund 339,641 43,281 382,922 Adj GF Cash Bal Carried Fwd to Actual-Increase Trn 40-91-01-9141 Transfer to W/S Construction Fund 457,093 20,945 478,038 Adj Const Cash Bal Carried Fwd to Actual-Inc Trn 40-91-01-9149 Transfer to WIS Rev Debt Service 390,933 2,817 393,750 Adj Dbt Cash Bal Carried Fwd to Actual-Increase Tr ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,953,442 138,361 2,091,803 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- OS-Feb-90 FIN-FIN90�BA90I.WK1 Page 5 I City of Friendswood 02IOSI90 CC: Mayor and Council Budget Amendment I ATTACHMENT A Annette Brand Fiscal Year 1989-1990 Roger Roecker Lynn Bucher Original Amendment Amended Acct No Account Description Budget Aiuount Budget Notes -------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND: ---------------------------------- 41-00-00-3011 Cash Balance Carried Forward 207,032 (14,970) I92,062 Adjust Cash Balance Carried Forward to Actual 41-00-00-3012 Prior Year Encumbrances 0 41,088 91,088 Encumbrances 41-00-00-3940 Transfer From Water and Sewer Fund 457,093 20,945 478,038 Adj Const Cash Bal Carried Fwd to Actual-Inc Trn ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL REVENUES 664,125 97,063 761,188 ----------- ----------- ----------- 41-41-30- FM 528 Water Line - Fire Station dk3 to Tower Estates 0 21,632 21,632 Encumbrances 41-41-32- Water Line-Cowart's CreeklCastlewood 0 16,700 16,700 Encumbrances 41-41-35- Fire Hydrant Improvements 2,000 16,228 18,228 Encumbrances 41-4Z-38- Water Line - Leisure Lane 0 15,000 15,Q00 Encumbrances 41-41-43- Water Line - Murphy Lane 0 8,653 8,653 Encumbrances 41-41-44- Water Line Bore under FM 2351 at Whitley's Country Place D 3,800 3,800 Encumbrances 41-43-34- Sewer Line - Cowart's Creek at FM 518 0 5,975 5,975 Costs not encumbered. 41-43-34- Sewer Line - Cowart's Creek at FM 518 0 50Q 500 Encumbrances 41-43-43- Sewer Line - Murphy Lane 0 4,000 4,OD0 Encumbrances 41-43-44- Sewer Line Bore under FM 2351 at Whitley's Country Place 0 4,575 4,575 Encumbrances ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,000 97,063 99,063 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- SURFACE WATER CONSTRUCTION FUND: 42-00-00-3012 Prior Year Encwnbrances 0 962,5�6 962,506 Encumbrances TOTAL REVENUES D 962,506 962,506 ----------- ----------- ------°--- 42-41-16- Booster Pump Station-Contract dk2 0 456,047 456,047 Encumbrances 42-41-17- Transmission Line-Contract �F1 0 33,139 33,139 Encumbrances 42-41-18- Surface Water Telemetry-Contract !k4 0 131,000 231,000 Encumbrances 42-41-19- Transmission Line Modifications 0 144,509 144,509 Encumbrances 42-41-20- Plant Site Conversions-Contract 4E3 0 174,800 174,800 Encwnbrances 42-41-31- Water Line-Cowart's Creek @ Sunset 0 23,011 23,011 Encwnbrances ----------- ----------- ----------- TQTAL EXPENDITURES 0 962,506 962,506 d5-Feb-90 FIN-FIN90�BA90I.WK1 Page 6 City of Friendswood 02/o519� CC: Mayor and �ouii��� Budget Amendment I ATTACHMENT A Annette Brand Fiscal Year 1489-2990 Roger Roecker Lynxi Bucher Original Amendment Amended Acct No Account Description Budget Amount Budget Notes ----------------------_____-____-----°---------------------------------------------------- __--------°-------------------------------------- WATER ANb SEWER REVENUE DEBT SERVICE �'[IND: ---------°----°°----------------------° 49-00-40-3071 Cash Salance Carried Forward 99,904 {2,817) 97,087 Adjust Cash Balance Carried Forward to Actual 49-t10-00-3940 Transfers From W/S Fund 390,933 2,817 393,75Q Adj Bb[ Gash Bal Carried Fwd to Actual-Increase Tr ----------- ----------- ----------- TpTAL REVENIIES 49�,837 0 G90,837 ----------- ------_-_---- ---____---- -----_..____ ___________ ___________ Z776 PARK TRUST FUND: --------------------- 72-00-40-3Q21 Cash Balattce Carried Forward 12,507 210 12,S1i AdjusC Cash Balance Carried Forward to Actual ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL REVENI3E5 12,507 210 12,817 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- CONTINGENCX FUND: 76-00-QQ-3011 �ash Salance Carried Forward 0 11,989 11,989 Adjust Cash Balance Carried Forwaxd to Actual ----------- ----------- ----------- TQTAL REVENUES 0 11,989 12,989 ----------- ----------- ----------- 7�-91-01-910I T�ansfers to General Fund 0 15,745 15,745 DARE Program; City Sec Copier; Unempl Comp. 70-91-Q1-9150 Transfer to Capital Projects Fund 0 16,(100 16,000 Chigger Creek Low Water Crnssing ----------- ----------- ----------- TQTAL EXPENDITURES 0 31,745 31,745 ----------- ------°--- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- RESERVE FI3ND: 71-00-00-3�11 Cash Balance Carried Forward 19,460 3,024 22,484 Adjust Cash Saiance Garrzed Forward to Actuai TQTAL REVENUES 19,46Q 3,024 22,48G ______..---- ----------- --------°- ___________ ___________ ______.._°- i TAX DEST SERVICE FUND: 30-00-00-3011 Cash Balance Carried Forward 267,178 33,615 30fl,793 Adjust. Cash Balance Catried Porward to Actual ----------- ----------- ----------- T6TAL RBVENUES 267,i�8 33,615 300,743 -------_--- -.._..------- ----------- ___________ ___________ __________.. TOTAL AMENDMENfi REVENUES 1,828,956 TOTAL AMENDMENT EXPENRITURES 1,775,844 O5-Feb-90 FIN-FIN90�BA90I,WK1 Page 7