HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 89-29 ORDINANCE N0. 89-29 AN ORDTNANCE AMENDING CXTY OF FRIF.NDSWOOD, TEXAS , ORDINANCE N0. 84-15, AS AMF.NDED, ORIGINALI.Y PASSED AND ApPROVED THE 19TH DAY OF NOVFMBER, 1984, AND BEING 2HE �,uVXNG ORDINr'iivvE OF TKE CITY, BY STRIKII�TG ALI., OF SUBS�:CTZON T 0�' SECTION 20 AND SUBSTITUTING THEREFOR A tVF.W SUBS�C'�rON T; PROVYDYNG A DEFIHITIQN OF "SERVANTS OR CARETAKfiRS QUAKTERS't ; PROVIDING A PENALTY OF AN At�fOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1000 FOR �ACH DAY OF VIOLATZO` OF ANY PROVISION HF.REOF; AND PROVIDYNG FOR SEVEt2ABILITY. �r � x 9c �Y B� IT ORDAIN�D 8Y THE CITY COUNGIL OF TIiE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section 1 . City of Friendswood, Te�:as, Ordinance No. 8�+-15, as amended, orfginally sdopted the I9th day of November, 1984, is hereby aruended by s�riking Cherefrom all o£ Subsection T o£ SecCion 20 and subHCi�uting �herefor the following : "T. Servantr� or Care�akers Quar�ers. An accessory u�. ng ocate on � e same ot as Che main building, or a porC�.on of rhe mttin building, vsed as living ...�.... �... ..G'-'SC,;� nr'�ii��' P¢ C2.1-ors,�Lo,r� ef rhn y�=- ---� --� r property or by employed servants and not renred or oCherwise used as a separate domicile and no� used except as an accessory use to Che prim�ry use of ehe property." Sec�i.on Z: Any person who sha21 violate any provision of th�s Ordinance shaZt be deemed guilty of a misdeme�aor And, upon conviction, shall be fined in an amount not tv exceed $1,000.00. Each day of violgtion sha11 consCitute a separRte o�£ense. � Sectiort 3. In the evenC any section, paragraph, subdivision, cl�use, phrase, prov�sioii, sen�ence, or part of Cttts Ordinaitce or the application of ehe same to eny person or circumstance shall �or any reason be ad�judged invalid or he�d uciconstitutional by R court of competetlt jurisdiction, i.t shall noC affect, impai.r, or invaliclr��e this Ordinance as a who2.e or any �art or provisio�t herevf oCher than the psrC decYared to be iiivaZid or unconsti�tutior►el; _ and rhe City Council oE the City of Friendswood, �exes, declares that ir would Ytave pagsed each end evcry part of ehe sarae n�t�•:� �:-:stanatnp *�,�_- o:�ni�ssion of any such part thus declared to be invalid or unconstitu�ional, or Wizether tlzere be one or more parts. PASSED ANA APPROVED on fi,rst reading t�zis 8th day �£ January - - � 1990.. PASSEn, APPR4VED, AND ADOPTED on secoad and final reading thi8 22nd d&y of January � �ggp, u . c er, ayor ATTEST: _ - . e or rc er, Ci.ty Secre�ary _Z_