HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 89-28 � � ORDINANCE N0. 89-28 AN ORDINANCE AM�:NPING TH� FRIENDSWOOi} CITY COD� �Y STR�KING TH�.R�FROM THE SECOND SEHT�NCF OF S�CTION 9-7 �F ARTYCLF. I QF CHAPT�R 9 ArdD SUBSTYTUTING TH�REFOR A NEW SECOND SENTENCE; PROVIDING 'I'HAT ANY FENCE OR STRUCTURE SURRQUNnING A SWIMMING P40L SHALI. BE NOT J.,�SS T�AN THREE AND ON�-HALF (3 1/2) FEET IN H�IGHT ANll SHALL BE CONSTRUCT�D AS TO NOT HAVE VOI�S, HOLES, OR OPENZNGS �,ARGER THAN FOUR (4) INCHES IN ONE DIMFNSIaN; pROVYDTNG A P�I�ALTY �F AN AI�i0U1�IT NOT TO F,XCEEn $S00 FOR EACH DAY 4�' VI4LAT�ON; AND PROVIDING FOit SEVERAB�LITY. * � � � �e BE YT ORDATN�D BY THE CYTY COUNGIL �F THE CYTY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF T�XAS : Section 1. The Friendswood CiCy Code is h�reby amended by striking therefrom all of the second sentence of SecCion 9-7 o� Art�cle Y of Ch�pt�r 9, which pxovides as follows : [". . .The te��ce or other solid struc�ure shall not be less than thr�e �znd one-half (3 1/2) feet in height, with no openings therei.n longer �han faur (4) inches squ�re, excepr doors or g�tes when open. . ."J and aubsCi�uting therefor a new second sentence of said Section 9-7 �o provide as �ollows : ". . ,The fence or o�her sol�d structure shall be not lesg t A[1 C ree an one- a eet n e t &[1 S & � COri$CY'I.iCC� SO 8S t0 qOt &Ve VO S 10 eS� OY' �0��[l 1'lR8 &L'�r � 8ri OLIY' 11C eS I.I1 011@ �imenS�on, excepC`doors or �ates wTen open, . „ Section 2. Any person who shal.l vio�atc an� prov�.s�on o£ this Ordinance �halt be deemed gui.l�y o£ a mxsdemeanor and upan convictian, shall be fined in an amounC not �o exceed $SOO.OQ. �ach dey of violation shall cons�itu�e a separate offense. Sectiion 3. In Che even� any section, paragraph, subdivtsion, clause, phrase, provision, sentenc�, or part of . � th�.s Qrdi.nance or the epp],ic�tion of the sa�e �o any person or ci�'GUmstance shall for any reasan be adjudged i�valid or k�eld unconstiCuCional by a court of compeCent �juriscliction, it shall. not afEec�, imp�ir, or invalidate thi.s Ordinartce as a who1� or any p�rt or pravisian her�of o�her than rhe part declared ta be inva�.id or unconstituC.iona�. ; and �h� City Counci.l of Che Ci�y of_ �riendswood, Teaas, d�cXer�s rhat iC wou�d have pas�3ed e�ch �nd every p�rt of �he same no�with�tand�.ng the omission of Rny such part �hus declared to be inv�tlid ar unconstiitutianal, or wherhex rheYe b� one or more parts . PASSED AND APPROV�D c�n first reading this 8th �isy of January 1990. �� � PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTFD on second and fint�l reading th�.s 22nd dey 4f Januar � 1990. aul W. Schrad�r, Mayor ATT ' • Deloris Archer Ci.ty Secretary, CMC