HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 89-18 ' ORDZNANCE NO. 89�18_ AN ORDINANCE AM�NDING CITY OF FRIFNDSW44D, TEXAS, O�tDINA�VC� N0. 8�+-15, A$ AMENDED, ORIGTNALLY ADO1'T�n THE �.9TH DAY QF NOVErSBER, 1R$4, AND B�zNG 'FHE ZONING ORDINANCE 4F THE CITY, BY ADD�NG ��SERVANTS QR CARETAKER5 QUARTEfiS" AS A PERMITT�n USE UNDE�ft SECTIQN 7-P THERE4F F4R DiSTRICTS BP (BUS�NESS PARK AND OP (0�'FZCE FA1�K) ; pROVIDING A PENAT.TY QF AN AMOUNT NOT TO �XC��D $2,a00 FOR �ACH DAY OF' VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION H�I��OF; ANp PROVIDING FOR SEV�RABILITY. � * �'r * x B�: IT 4RDAINFD BY THE C�TY COUNCIL OF THF CITY OF FRIFN�SWOOD, STA'TE OF T�XAS : Section I . City a£ Fxiendawaod, Texas, Ordinance No. 84-15, as amended, ari.ginally �dopted the 19th day o� November, 1984, is hereby amended by adding "Serv�nts or Garetakers Quarters" as a permitted use under rhe P�rmit�ed Use Table �.n Sec�ion 7-p thereof tor Di.stxicta BP (Rus�ness Perk) t�nd Ol' 4fffce 1'ark) . Saction 2: Any person who sha11. violate any provision a� this Orc�in�nca sha1Z be deemed guil�y of a misd��ueanor �nd, upon conviction, shall be fined i.n an amount not �o �xc�sd $2,000.04. �ach day of viola�ion st1�11 consCi�uCe a separate offense. Sectio�t �3. In the event any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause , phrase, provision, sentence , or part o£ thts Ordinance ar the appl�cat3.on of �he same ta any person or circums�ance sha11 for any reasvn be adjudged invalid or held Unconstitutional by � court of COID�Ot@ilt jurisdiction, it shall not &ffect, impa�.r, or inv�lidate this Ordinance as a whole or any part or provision tle.reof oCher tha►z the part declared to be. invRlid or unconstitutional ; and the City Council of �he City of Fri.endswood, Texas, declares Cha� i.t would hav� passed each snd every part of Che same no�wi�hstr�nd�_+�g Che omi.ssion o£ aciy such parr thus declarecj to be invalid or unconstitutional , or whether there be one or more parts . PAS5�D AND APPROV�D on first reading Chis 16th day of October � 1 989. PASSFD, APPR4V�D, AND AD4pTED on second and £�nal reading this 6th d�y of _No� mh r > 1989. u . c ra er, ayor ATTFST: e o s rc er, City Secretary _2..