HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 89-13 ORDINANCE N0. 89-13 AN ORDINANCE APPRQVING AND ADOPTING THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , TEXAS , GENERAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1989-90; MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY FOR SUCH FISCAL YEAR AS REFLECTED IN SAID BUDGET ; AND MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS AND CONTAINING CERTAIN PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. � � t � � * WHEREAS , on the i�th day of August, 1989 , the City Mana�er presented to the City Council a proposed Budget of the expenditures of the City of Friendswood for the fiscal year 1989 - 1990 and , WHEREAS, pursuant to notiee as required by law, public hearing on such Budget was held in the Couneil Chambers in the City Hall , at which hearings all citizens and taxpayers of the City had the right to be present and to be heard and those who requested to be heard were heard ; and , WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the proposed Budget and has made such changes therein as in the City Council ' s judgment were warranted by law and were in the best interests of the citizens and taxpayers of the Ci�y; and , WHEREAS, a copy of the Budget has been filed with the City Secretary and the City Council desires to adopt the same ; and , WHEREAS , in aceordance with Section 8 . Q3(A) of the City Charter, the City Council has reviewed estimates of revenue to be derived by the City during the 1989-1990 fiscal year , ineluding the most up-to-date preliminary tax evaluation figures as have been made available to the City by the Galveston County Appraisal Distriet , the City Couneil finds and determines that as of the date of this ordinanee, and in order to meet the requirements as 1 set out in by Section 8 . 03�E) of the City Charter, the proposed budget referred to here-in is based on the best information available to the City to assure that budgeted expenditures do not exceed total estimated ineome ; now, therefore , BE IT ORDAINED $Y THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRZENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS ; Section 1 . The facts and reeitations set forth in the preamble of this Ordinance are hereby found to be true and correct. Section 2. In accordanee with the provisions of Artiele 689a-15, V. T. C.S. , the City Council hereby approves and adopts the Budget described above, the same being on file with the City Secretary. The City Secretary is hereby directed to pZace on said Budget and to sign an endorsement reading as follows: "The Original General Budget of the City of Friendswood , Texas , for the fiseal year 1989-1990" and to keep such Budget on file in her office as a public record . Seetion 3 . In support of said Budget and by virtue of the adoption thereof, there are hereby appropriated out of availab]_e ca.sh funds and out of the �eneral and special revenues of the City whieh will be received in the treasury during the fiscal year �989-19go the amount set forth in said approved Rud�et for the various purposes stated therein, not ineludin�, however, those bud�et amounts which are to be received by way of transfers or �rants from other agencies. The total amount now 2 thus appropriated and the funds from which the same are derived are as follows : FUNDS Unrestricted cash and general revenues , including current taxes , delinquent taxes and miscellaneous revenue . . . . . . . . $10 , 924 , 28� . 00 PASSED , APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 18th day of September, 1989• ayor Paul W. SchraQer ��� ATTE Delo is Archer, CMC City Secretary 3 i � ;ity ofi Friendswoo+ � � 13-Sep-89 Detail Budget Summa� � - Revenues Cu�rent Current Proposed i Actual Budget Forecasted Budget , 87-88 88-89 88-89 89-90 � . ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Revenues 8y Source: _ � i � -----=------------- - � Taxes i Ad Valorem Taxes 4,249,023 4,402,218 4,405,702 4,402,200 i Delinquent Taxes 117,904 120,000 72,000 60,322 Subtotal - Ad Valorem Taxas 4,366,927 4,522,218 4,477,702 4,4&2,522 Exemption for > 65 (Not In Tqtal) (71 , 195) Exemption-Disabled (Not In Tota') (7, 147) Penalty/Interest 75,611 70,000 45,CCC 27,O�C � Sales Tax 509,551 515,OOII 570,000 575,QOC �ranchise Tax Electric - TNMPCO ?70,797 ',8'. ,550 185,685 195,000 Electric - H�&P 88,744 92,000 87,SC9 90,OQC Te?ephone 33,7�? 38, 700 4D,S31 42,C00 � Natural Gas _ 30, 100 3C, 100 31 ,29C 32,Q00 Cable TV 38,739 38,800 43,452 45,OOQ , S�nK 8,664 7,8�Q 12,42^0 12,40C j Mixed Orink Tax ` _y-^__'-023 ____-_--800 ___'___-800 ________800 ` Total Taxes 5,328,367 5,497, C68 5,4S4,437 5,481 ,722 � ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ' Services rlater Revenues � ,992,898 1 ,980,000 1 ,940,000 2,204,992 Sewer Revenues 947,829 450,QQ0 980,DD0 980,000 Garbage Collection 518, 168 525,304 522,745 556,288 Garbage Administration Fee 26,962 15,759 15,660 16,689 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Total Services 3,485,857 3,471 , 063 3,458,405 3,757,96S ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Permits & Fees Construction Permits � Building 35,909 37,000 36,000 36,000 Electrical 17 ,031 16,000 14,00� 14,000 Plumbing ;3,559 13,000 11 ,OOQ t1 ,Q00 Air Conditioning 12,411 11 ,000 10,500 10,500 Re-Inspection 650 500 350 350 Sign Permits 1 ,643 2,OOC 3,000 3,000 Miscellaneous Permits 857 1 ,300 2, �55 2,215 Water & Sewer Taps/Water Meter Fee 112,750 6,555 10,50� 9,500 Parks and Recreation Fees Park Fees: Arena & Stevenson C 0 0 1 ,900 Summer Recreation Program 1Q,401 0 3,000 3,000 Summer Oay Camp 0. ?6,500 18,038 22,000 Canoe Safari 650 650 1 ,819 1 ,800 Hangar Fees 9,942 1D, OOD 70,OD0 10,000 Pool Fees 12,755 12,450 12,450 12,450 Adult �eagues 0 16,C00 2,345 4,400 Animal Control Fees Licenses 3,371 2,500 4,840 5,000 Pound Pick-Up Fees 3,T28 6,000 3,926 4,000 Pound Fees 3,462 4,000 3.600 4,000 RR\BU090\BDGREVS.WK1 Page 1 � City of Friendswoo< � ',3-Sep-89 , Detail 8udget Summa� y - Revenues . � � Current Current Proposed Actual Budget Forecasted ; Budget / 87-88 88-89 _` 88-89 � $9-90 t ' ----------- --------- ---------- ,-------- -- Revenues By Source: (continued) � Returned Check%Penalty Fees 5,000 11 ,000 5,80Q 6;OOQ � Miscellaneous Fees 3,414 3,317 2, 150 1 ,750 Electrical Licenses 7,815 7,800 7,800 7,800 � ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Total Permits and Fees 258,348 i77,572 1b4,281 170,665 � ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- i Fines and Forfeitures � Court Fines and Forfeitures 162,455 153,000 177,OQQ 170,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- � Total Fines and Forfeitures 162,455 153,000 177,CD0 170,OOC ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Intergovernmental Fevenues Galveston County Grants _ 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Harris County Grants 5,525 5,525 5,320 5,320 HGAC Grants 0 2,355 2,355 0 Crime Prevention Officer Grant 7,337 0 0 0 � Fwci Independent School District 30, 145 30,450 29,789 0 ' ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Total Intergovernmental Revenues 49,OQ7 4d,330 43,4b4 11 ,320 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Miscellaneous Revenues Certificates ot Obligation 0 4,335,090 4,400,OOQ 0 Interest 241 ,267 139,341 297, 148 175,082 Oonations EMS/Fire Optional Payment 5,295 40,000 43,000 43,000 Police 26,375 240 0 10,000 Animal Control Faci',ity 0 6,500 6,530 0 �Community Appearance Soard 0 0 1 ,500 2,500 Parks & Recreation 300 0 0 0 Fourth of July Activities 220 0 84 p Sesquicentennial 345 0 0 0 Library Renovation 5,004 0 Q p Water/Sewer Line Donations D 0 29,536 0 Swimming Pool Heater 0 0 1 ,800 0 Economic Development 0 400 400 400 Mowing Revenues 1 ,920 1 ,OOQ 4,000 3, 100 Sale of City Property 0 0 11 ,000 0 Sale of Oocuments 1 ,700 1 ,500 1 ,775 1 ,600 Insurance Reimbursements 1 ,631 9,575 23,897 0 Vending Machine/Concession 4,323 3,0'70 3,000 3,000 Miscellaneous Receipts 33,672 4,725 12,096 4,000 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Total Miscellaneous Revenues 322,052 4,541 ,441 4,835,766 242,682 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Total Revenues $9,606,586 $13,884,474 $14, 173,403 $9,834.358 RR\BUD90\80GREVS.WK1 Page 2 � �ity ofi Friendswo�� --- 13-Sep-89 ' Detail .Budget Sua, �y - txpenditures and Fund Balar. , . ' � Current Current � Proposed Actual Bud'get Forecasted 8udget �- ---87_88--- ---88_89--- ----88_89 ----89_90 ' ---- ----- Expenditures By Department: --- -- - --- ---------- � Mayor & Cauncil - . 13,278 13,850 15,715 15,445 ! City Secretary 109,376 85, 159 78,935 89,383 ----------- ----------- ---------^- ----------- � Total Mayor & Council 122,654 99,009 94,7„C 104,928 � �ire 23C,223 289,670 289,67Q 297,885 City Manager t17,579 13D,76D 724,J13 133,63? Fire Marshal 53,368 54,9?0 54,970 57,534i Municipal Court 67,724 81 ,859 70,474 79 ,G�Ci Economic Development 0 8,4u^0 8, ' 75 d,O�C ' Personnei Services 7,OCC 8,745 8,7a5 S,3a5 !. _ega i 5ez,vices �S,333 C' ,30� 3"', •... ., �.. ' Library 259,535 328,239 329,9�i 255,�33 : Insurance 4D4,DD3 463,000 478,5?1 544,CC7 Tax Administration 146,278 137 ,5C0 123,383 135,��� , Finance I Accountinc 182,055 184,483 184,479 192,351 ' Data Processing 59,793 117 ,229 117 , 180 108,529 Water/Sewer P.dmin-Finance 233, 196 244,528 244,377 247, 335 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Total Finance 485,044 546,240 546,036 548,3'S Public Works Administrative 95,033 96, 184 95,6$6 99,357 Streets 485,053 424 ,870 410,314 �31 ,33C Orainage ?9,257 95,437 88,916 99,833 Sanitation 523,844 525,304 531 ,91�1 565. 11C Water/Sewer Admin-Operations 74,572 63,214 59,7$1 62,751 Water Operations 488,408 497 , 639 478, 159 458, �22 Surfiace Water 0 0 C 450,450 Sewer Operations 785, 115 �87 ,890 792,712 797 ,684 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Total Public Works 2,471 ,292 2,490,538 2,457,4$2 �,4b5,937 Police Administration 1 ,360,500 281 ,648 2T2,442 23'7, 2�:3 Patrol Division 0 860,845 865,492 945,255 Crimina� Investigation Divis�on 0 177,598 177,256 '86,837 Crime Prevention Officer Grant 40,044 36,840 38,91 ? „ Speci�l Services Officer 34,419 33,883 33,784 D Special Investigations 951 1 ,549 0 1 ,54S ?olice Inves�igation Fund 0 23,960 21 ,055 � � 14,258 Communications 154,763 153,306 156,241 751 ,945 Emergency Management 4, 779 7,353 14, 112 32,350 Animal Control 55,271 118,387 117,939 56,98C ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Total Police 1 ,650,727 1 ,695,369 t ,647,232 1 ,S3b,458 RR\BUD90\BUGEXPS.WK1 Page 1 . , City of FriEndswood ' 13-Sep-85 Detail Budget Summary - Expenditures and Fund Balance , Current Current Aropased Actual Budget' Forecasted Budget 87-88 88-89 88-89 89-90 � � ----------- ----------- ------------- -------------- _ Expenditures 8y Department: (cont'd) , Ccmmunity Deveiopment Administrat�on 49,520 45,776 C5,7C3 59,689 ' Planning & Zoning 3�,74.1 43,647 C3,577 52,220 +� Engineering 78,336 128,5�7 1�S,S97 74,748 i Inspection • 82,D77 85,8Q3 85,015 85,27� I Mowing 7,009 4,�50 7,650 7,655 i ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ' Tota1 Com.^unity Ceve?opment 249,&83 3Q8,533 238,652 280,583 � Parks & Recreation Parks Operations 214,928 179,229 1fiQ,357 207,C49 Community Activities YNOC ; ,T00 2,550 2,550 2,550 Community Appearance Board 6G2 9,269 9,269 4,600 July 4th 19,768 2D,CDD 21 ,310 2C,000 � Canoe Safari Program 150 2,5S2 2,562 2,600 ' Adult Basketball 0 3,047 0 0 Adult Volleyball 0 2,48Q Q 0 Adult Softball 0 3,950 2,301 4,344 Recreation Programs 13,955 0 1 ,500 2, 165 ?een Nights 0 0 0 2,49? Summer Day Camp 0 15,425 13,038 21 ,268 Parks & Recreation-Adm 32,371 33,340 33,815 36,823 Swimming Pool 53,413 64,967 60,409 65,03Q ?arks and Recreation Fund 350 3, 7°C 3,4�D 3,4DQ 1776 Park C 11 ,896 G 13,SC? Building Operations 175 ,918 201 ,472 209,3C0 220,0'!9 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Total Parks and Recreation 513, 195 553,95? 544,831 606,406 Capital Improvement Projects .Vater System Improver,:ents 82,47d 265,21fi 135,881 40,000 Sewer System Improvements 96,886 106, 114 68, 178 16,750 W&S Line Relocation-2351 0 0 0 6 ! 1 , '75 W&S Line Relocation-528 (East-518) 0 p Q � W&S Line Relocatio�-528 (West-578) 0 D 0 0 Surface Water Construction 1 ,615,575 3,896,272 2,739,916 19,SCG Street Improvements 1 ,042,824 702, 125 657, 122 300,C0� Drainage Improvements 186 149,874 149,87� � City Hall Annex E4,925 150,000 86,367 C City Hall Remodeling - Phase II 0 50,OOC 0 33,52' ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Total Capita7 Improvements 2,922,870 5,319,541 3,837,278 1 ,021 ,C45 RR\BUD90\BOGEXPS.WK1 ?age 2 ..� _. i ' ` City of Friendswood 1..-Sep-89 , Detai'1 Budget Summary - Expenditures and Fund Balance , � Current Current Proposed Actual Budget ' Forecasted Budget - 87-$8 88-89 88-89 89-90 �� ----------- ----------- ------------- -------------- Expenditures 8y Department: (cortt'd) � j ----------- ------------------- ---- i Debt Service' I Tax Oebt Service 1 ,344,b92 1 ,3&6,595 1 ,308,7i7 1 ,306,615 � Water/Sewer Debt Service ____194_621 -^__509�200 _-_-423_129 ____498_437 � � Total Debt Service 1 ,539,313 1 ,375,735 1 ,731 ,846 1 ,805,052 Other Health Services 38,000 46,60C 46,600 38,Q00 Fine Arts 4 ,DD0 4,QOC 4,OOG 3,000 Contingency Fund * C 37,541 37,541 �OO,OQO Reserve Fund G 200,000 2CC,000 200,OCC ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- � Total Expenditures _ $11 ,308,425 $1d,721 ,586 $13,007,591 $10,359,55C ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- I Total Revenues -$9�60S�585 $13�884.474 $14�173�403 -$9=834�35° � I Excess (Deficiency) of . Revenues Over ExpendiCures ($1 ,701 ,839) ($;37,212) $1 , 165,812 (�1 ,025, 192) Seginning Fund Balance, 10/1 $1 , 192,539 $820,538 ($75,886} $1 ,08g,g26 Ending Fund Balance, 9/30 ($509,300) ($16,674) $1 ,Q39, 426 w&4 , ?34 Restricted Funds, 9/3C 39,625 Ending Fund 8alance, 9/30 - Unrestricted 25, 109 * The balance of the Contingency Fund is intended to cover expenses related to Hurricane Chantal , RR\BUD90\BDGEXPS_WK1 Page 3