HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 89-11-E . t , OF�DINANCE NO. 89-11E �1N ORbZt111NCE E'TtF�7ING PFtICE.9 C11AF2GEY7 'I'U t�NS[.II�IEILS BY VI'�1LX)FLS, tt�E�CfiI�ITS AND (yTEiER PE�tSONS SE�,LING� OR OF��RiNG TO SEI�, EI'I'�iER RF�'I'AII� OR . WfiOLE'SAL�, I.,F'..�1SE, OR RE�rx ANX C�YJOI�S OR SERV�.GFS TO TfiE t�3Jh''Ri1I, PUflLIC WITHIN TfiE CZ'i'Y LIMIT3 OF 7'fiE CITY OF F'£�IE�IDSWC7UU, `L'F.}C11.S i PRf.3VIDING A FE3�IALTY FOR VIOLATICIN f AND PF�VIDI2��G �1N EFFElC1'IVE D11TE ANU DDQ�I1�tING AN EMERGENCX DL1E TO �'fiE II�YVI.INF�1I' 'i'IiRE�' TO 7'�IE CITIZENS OF F'RIII�75'4JOOD BY HURRICANE CHANTAL. WfiEFtEA5, the Citx of Frietu3swood may sustait� substar�tiial. da�nage and destructiion fran flurricaz�e CHANT�L �21d t1�e get�ezal public may suffer a severe loss of property, goods, and services; aixl, WEi�,RE115, iru3iscriminate ver�dors, mercl�ants, lairtlords, or otl�er persons selling, or offerinq for sale, eittier retail or wliolesale, lease, rent or otlierwise prwida��g gooc3s or services to tl�e general public for car�ensation or consideration at an it�creased rate abave ai�d b�yQnd any reasonable price or rate; ar�d, WEiEREAS, the increased prices or rates are, or would be, unreasonable and would not be in t1�e best iciterest; Wfi�;ItE'.�1S, the C�ty Coui�cil hereby fitids artid c�etern�iries tl�at ar� emeryei�cy exist� requiri��g tl�e e►�acb»et�t of price co«trol �t�asures as contained in this ordinance in order to preserve at�d pzotect publie health, safety, and welfare during sucl� period of calarni�y caused by Ilurricane CHANTAL and NC7W� Z'fiEf2II�'OkE, BE IT ORDAINE� BY T71E CITY OOC)NCIL OF 'I'�iE CI'I'Y OF . FRIENDS��100D, Z�XAS: S�Ci'ION 1. �`}ie facts aiid matters se� fortl� iii tlie preanJ�le of this or.dinance are hereby found to be true and correct. 5ElCTION 2. It shall be urilawfu.l for as�y vei�dor, ntercl�aiat, larxilord atid otl�er person selling or offeririg to sel.l, whett�er retail or wholesale, goods or services at a rate or price ir� �cess of tliose rates or prices prevailing in City of �'riendswood, Galvesto►� Courity on Augdst 2, 1989. SF�CTION 3. It staall be unlawful for a1�y ver�3or� mercttarit, landlord or otl�er person or persons to �ease as lessor, re»t or ' otiherwise provide real property, it�cluding but »oti linated to apartments, condaninitAns, duplexes, four-plexes, or aray otlier dwellit�g, intended for human liabitatior�, at a rate, price or term u� excess of �hose rates, prices vr tern�s w}�ich were in effect on Aug�s�t 2, �989. SF�CI'ION 4. Tliis orditiar�ce st�all be and beccme effec�i.vs upon adoption of tt�is ord�nartce. Due to ��xgency corrditioc�s prevailing ak this time, requirement of notice arui publication is hereby waived. SDCI'ION 5. Any person wt�o shall violate at�y provisioii o� ttiis Ordinance shall be deesred guilty of a misdeic�ar�or ai�d upon co�ivictior� shall be fined in a penal s+�n not t.o exceed $500.00 per violatfon. PASSED AND APPROVED AS AN EMERGENCY ON ONE READING ON AUGU T 2, 1989. MAYOR PAUL W. SCHRADER ATTEST: D L IS AltCHER, MC CITY SECRETARY