HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 89-09 � , ORDINANCE N0. ' 89-9 AN ORDINANCE AMEND�NG CITY OF FRZENDSWOOD, TEXAS, ORDxNA1�iCE N0. 84•15, AS AM�NDED, ORIGINALLY PA3S�D AND • APPROVED THE 19TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1984, AND BLING THE � ZQNING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY, BY STRIKYNG ALL 0�' PARAG1tAPH 5 OF SUBSECTION P OF SECTION 20 THEREOF AND SUBSTITUTING THER�FC3R A NEW P.ARAGRAPH 5 0�' SUBSECTION P OF SEC'�ION 20; PROVIDING 'THAT ADVERTISING OF HOME � OCCUPATIONS fiHROUGH PUBLiSHED OR PRYNTED MATTER IS NOT PROHIBIT�D; PR4VIDING FOR SEVERABILITY' AND PR4VIDING A P�NALTY 0�' AN AMOUNT NQT TO EXCE�D �i1,040 FdR EACH DAY OF VIOLATION QF ANY PROVISION HEREQF. �e * * * * �r BE IT ORDAXNED BY THE CITY COUNCiL 0�' THE CITY OF FRIEriDSW00D, STATE OF TEXAS : ' Sec�ion 1. City of Friertdswood, Texas, Ordin�r►ce No. $4-15, aB �.mended, orig3nally gassed and approved the 19th day � oF November, 1984, and being the Zoning �rdinance o� Che City, is hereby amend�d by s�riking a11 of Paragraph 5 af Subseczion P o� Section 20 thereo£ and subsCitut�.ng therefor Che following : "�. Th�re is no advertising vf any Cype on the premises and na other display or starage o� mater�als or exterior identifiCation of the home occupaCion or varia�ion from Che rebidential chara�ter of �he main building or any accessory bui2ding ; however, advertising o� �he home occupaCion by pub2ished vr printed matter is ailowed. " S�ctior► 2. In Che evenC any sect�.on, garagraph, �ubdivision, clause , phrase, provzsi�n, sentence, or part o£ th�s �rdinance ar �he agplica�ion o� the same to any peraon or circumstance sha11 for any reason be adjudged i.nvalid or held unconsti�utional by a court o� compeCent �urisdiction, iti shall � not af£ect, impair, ar �.nvalidate �hi.s 4rdinance as a whole or any part or provision hereof other than �he par� declared ta he invalid or unconstiCUtional; and the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, declares that it would have passed each and every parti of the same notwiths�anding �he omission of any � auch part thus declared to be �nvalid or uncons�itutional, or wheCher rhere be one or more par�s. � �, Section 3. Any person who sha11 violate any provision o£ this Ordinance ahall be deemed guilty o£ a misdemeanor and upan conviction, sha11 be £ined in an amoun� no� to exceed $1,000. Each day of v�olation shall consCitute a separate oEfen$e. PASSED AND APPR4VED on first reading this 2� 15c day of Au ust � . , 1989. PASSEU, APPRQVED, AND ADOPTED on second and final reading t�1�.8 llth d&y O� � Se tember > �g8�• ��_ yOr Paul W., Schrader ATTE • , � y ecretary Deloris Archer, CMC **ORDINANCE PREPARED BY CITY ATTORNEY. . . . . . . . . . . . . John Olaon. -2- - _ � .� ,