HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 89-03 ORDINANCE N0. 89-3 AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF A CERTAIN 8 . 8441 ACRE TRACT OF LAND FROM COMMUNITY SHOPPING CENTER TO NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER ; DESCRIBING SAID 8 . 8��1 ACRE TRACT OF LAND ; AMENDIMG THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF THE CITY AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE N0. 84-15; AND CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. � * � � * * � WHEREAS , CLINTON HACKNEY is the owner of a certain tract of land known as SE Corner Whispering Pines & FM 528 situated within the corporate limits of the City of Friendswood, Texas, said tract being more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attaehed hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS; said 8 . 8�41 acre tract of land presently has a zoning classification of COMMUNITY SHOPPING CENTER pursuant to Ordinanee No . 8�-15, passed and approved the 19th day of November , 1984 , same being the City of Friendswood Zoning Ordinance ; and WHEREAS , CLINTON HACKNEY has made applieation to the City of Friendswood to chan�e the zoning classification of said tract of land from CSC to NC as authorized by the City' s Zoning Ordinance ; and WHEREAS , the Plannin� and Zoning Commission and the City Council of the City of Friendswood have conducted , in the time and manner and after the notice required by law and the Zoning Ordinanee of the City, a publie hearing on such request for change in zoning elassification; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended and the City Council now deems it appropriate to grant sueh requested change in classification; now, therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , STATE OF TEXAS: Seetion � The facts and matters set forth in the preamble of this Ordinance are hereby found to be true and correet . Section � The zonin� elassification of that certain 8 , 84�1 acre tract of land described in Exhibit "A" hereto is hereby changed from CSC to NC . 1 Seetion 3�. The Zoning District Map of the City of Friendswood shall be revised and amended to show the zoning classification of the above described 8 . Sk41 acre tract of land as provided in Section 2 hereof, with the appropriate reference thereon to the number and effective date of the Ordinanee and brief description of the nature of the chan$e . �eetion � This Ordinance shall in no manner amend , change , supplement , or revise any provision of any ordinance of the City of Friendswood, save and exeept the change in zoning classification of the 8 . 8�41 acre traet of land described in Section 2 hereof. PASSED and APPROVED on first reading this 6th day of February, 1989 . PASSED , APPROVED , and ADOPTED on second and final readin� this 20th day of February, 1989 . Mayor Paul W. Schrader ATTEST : c 5 Deloris MeKenz ' e , C City Seeretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: John Olson City Attorney 2 �/ , � r.� ' ��.i�IBIT "A" . �";�=';�_:i�'i F'-i I i7tv Of a 8. t3�41 a�_re i:�a�_t ,��f 1 ��nd ���_it ��f a lcj. �;��f3 a,�re tra�=t , as . re�_�rcied under V��1ume :'_�67, F'��.��e :���6 ��f the n�-�ed F'e�_��rds •��f . � 1]d1V25�:�=�f1 i_:���unty, T�:cZS� 3flCj �:)(=1ilQ �=�111, ��f �1riY�: !�f �.�_it5 1 and ' 1•1 , 81���1; 6 �_�f Friend�w�_��_�d ��.�I:�divi ��,i ��n, +a�?1vEStr_�n �:�:-����ntyt Te:a�� cZ�_�=i�Yfjlflla t��1 {:}lE� �1 ���: ���f '��e1tj _:�lt�]�1V'131 �.�f1� .7`.� YCo�:��'fi�t?!j l_lllCjCY V��l�une ��8, F'age 1�# �.nd V�-�l �.�rr�e :'��4, F'�.q� :�7 ��f i:he C�,unty . ��lerk:' s Offi�_e ��f ���1v�:51:,�,n �_:;;�_�nty, Y��:%��•�, �.�id �3. a�a��#i ��_res ��f 1 and bei nq m��r e p�ir t i�:ul ar 1 y �le�-�=r i t,��d l�y tnc�t�-s and b����nds as , f��ll��ws: fAll bear- in�a� 1��_is�d �����_�n Hiiaht.�:.y D��;�ri:i���:�nt d�_�cri�ti���n • r_�f a ���. ;'�@ a�_re �:ra�_t , as re�_��rded uri�E�r Film �:;�de� : Nc�. c:ii���-:�5- 17i►i�, iaal v�st��n �_:�����n1;y, 7e�;a�s� . BE��I�INII�f,; at a �/� in��h ir���n r��ci ��et f��r tti� rn�_�st �a�terly �_��rner ��f said I_��t I1 , ancj �ls�_� beinq in thta �s�_�t_►i;fi lin� �_�f Tim��rfi�ld Estates, a�_c�±rdinq t��� a pl at f i. 1 ec� ���f r F_��_c�rdt�d �+c�d�r V��l��rne ]8, F'aqe L7 ��f the �=��un�y �=1�rE:' s Office �_�f i.�alve<.�{:��n �_�_��_�nty, Te%as; 7HEN�;�E South �1 �J�� JJ�� 4Je�t �:�_��ll �=d ��-�uth �14°�E' 17" 41e�t ? al<<<nq the s�_�ui:hca<ast�rly line ��f I_��t 11 , a di �sl-.._z�i�_e ��f 51'�. ��t� fe�i: t�� a p�_�int f��r �=��rner in t}�e b��nl: ��f �=����ward' s i=:reet::; 7HEN�:E in a n��rtfierly dire�_ti�_�n al ��ng tFie b;anF: ��f said �-:��ward' s �=�eek:, the f��ll��wir�q �_alls: N��rth 75°JJ� J�" t�lest �:�_alled f�l�_�rth 7�y°�8' 3��" West7 a distan�_e ��f 33. 5� feet t!� an anyle ��_�int ; N�=�rtFi 61 °�7' �t" West �:�=alled N��rth 5'�°�?��' W�st :� a distan�=e ��f 78.L� feet t�� an anqle p���int ; Narth 48°57' ���" West �:�_alled North 46`����' West ► a di5tan�_e ��f '�6. �� feet t�_� an anqle p��int ; N��rth 73°�#��' ;=�" 4Jest t�_alled N��rth 7�?°�#�' Westy a distarn=e �f 18E. �:�c.� f��et t�� a p���int f��r �_��rr-�er in the ��all�d nurtMeasterly F'igl�t-Of�l�Jay line ��f F. M. �lA �.s des�=ribed in said 1��. '�36 ��_re tra�_t ; . THENi-:E N��rtFi 11 ° 15' '�'�" West ��_al 1 ed PJ��r th C�8° 18' 3��" W�St ) � �1��nq the n��rtheasterly line �_�f said F. M. 518, a distan�_e ��f �'3. '�7 feet tr_� a p��i nt f_�r �=��r-ner , sai d p���i nt bei nq tfie m��st w�ster� 1 y . ���utFi �_���rner ��f said ��. ":'E8 a�_re tra+_t , as �_��nv�yed t��� i�alvest���n �=����nty; TI-IEhI�=E S����th 73°�#�' ��:" East al��nq the ��_��,�ith 1 i ne ��f sai d ��. ��E8 a�_re tra�=t , a distan�_e ��f 3�?. '31 f�ei: (�=all �=d :��. �-� fe�t :� t�_� a p��int f��Y �=��rner , Shcd �i��lfl� �Elllq t�1G RIGSt ��t���terly S��Ut�l �_��rner �af said �y. �6 a�_re tra�_t ; THENGE in a n��rtFierly dire��ti ��n al �_���q tf��e E_�.aterly line ��f sa.id i�. '��8 a�=re tra�_t , the f��ll ���winq �_all�: PJ��rtM 11 ° 15' '��" West a di �t�yTICE ��f �'] �. '�� f��=t t�� a 1/'� in�_h ir��n r���d szt f��r an ar��al� �J�=�lflt ; N��rtF� '�3`�►7' �7" We�t a distan�_e ��f 1��'�. 18 fe�t t�� a 1/'� in�_h ir��n r��d set f��r an an�le p��int ; fJr�Yt}1 11 ° 15' ��" W��t a cii •:,1:.=,n�_e ��f 1"I��. F�� f�:-��:t t�� a. 5/8 ir-��_h .lY�<<4 1''t-,{� :.-�-�t fi-,� ,=: .�:;,1- 1-: y,- ; i_i=�Y[1�:2Y •�1t ��,{�Il'Y ll��i�.i_1-•::,?i_ �� 1 �:�(1 iif �.: the s���utF�,easter 1 y F'i qht-Of -t•):.�.y 1 i n� ��f t-Jl-,i s{:,c=r i �-iq F'i nNS, as �_��nveyed tr� the !�i ty ��f Fr i ��n��sw�=��_�d, as , rt_�_��rded ��ndar �1��lume '�lt�'�* Faqe �83 ��f the Det,d F'e�_��rds ��f i�alvest�_�n �_��unty, Texas, and the �aster 1 y F'i ��ht-Of-t•Jay 1 i r�e ��f �ai d F. M. 513; THEN��� N_�rtFi '��°�3' 1'�" East al��nq �.aid s�t ba�_1:: 1 ine, a distan��e ��f ..�.'i'�. '�f� feet t�:l el 1�._ lr��=f1 lY�!fl Y�!� �Lt � ��Y ����il"ICY lfl t�lZ s�_�u�heaster 1 y F'i qht-Df-tJay 1 i ne ��f sai d Whi spe� i nq F'i nes; f-'a�e 1 ��f � , ,/� ' ' �. , .W. . - f►I..S�':F.�1 F�-f I ON �.tlt�T I fJi iE:D 7HENi_E N��rth E,�` ��_,' i:�0" Easi; �_���nt i r��_ii r�q .�1 �::�i-�q Lh� �sai d ' • s��utl-�easterly line ��f �aid Wf�►isE��rinq F•in�-=� -� di. �t��ri�-:� ��.f :=E�. ��7 feet ta a 1/'� in�=h ir��n r ��d set f���r a p��ii-�t ��f �=i_irvaL-i_ir�, beinq the beginninq ��f a c�_irve t�� the ] ��ft ; THENi::E in an c�asi;crly dir-t��_ti ��n +l �_�r-�q i;hc _;,-,�_it{�c_,�.•_t��rly �'iuhl:--Of- Way line ��f said Whi ��:ierin�a F'in��_, wiLh ���+id ��i.�rv� t�_� l:he left , Fiaving cl YciC�lUS pf ���._, 'jr fl_'t?t' � d �_(_'lltiT"�-il <�Il�_)it3 ��1 ._,_°(1f)� (1f)�� � cill ar�_ lenqth ��f ��'�. 2U f��c�t , a �=f.��_�r ci t:,c_�arir�g �_�f hl�_�rth `,:_°::'�, i�g�� East and a �_h��rd disl;t�n�_e c�f ,__.1. 7� f�_-�_L- t�=� a 1 /:' in�_t� ir �_�n r�-�d set f��r a p��int ��f t�,r��a�n�_y; � THF_Nt:E N!�rth 41 °'�5� i�p�� F_ast �_�_�n1; in�_�ir�g �lr_�rig tf��e <.��=��_�tl��a�ai:erly F'iUfit-Of-Way line ��f �aid Whisp��rir�y F'iri�,, a di �tan�_E ��f ��=�. 3'� feet t�� a 1/L irn=h ir��n r-�=�d s�t f��r �=�_�rn�.-r in i;h� s�_��_i�thw��_sterly 1 i ne ��f sai d Ti rnber f i el d Est at E.�s, �.a.i d Nc�i n� ��1 �,�_� bei ng 1 �_��_atc.d S��uth �#8°�i4' 36" F_as1: a di �tan�_� ��f :;'_C�, �:►1 f�_:r{: fr�_�m a 1/:' in�_h ir��n r��d f��und fc�r tFie m���t wcs�terly �_�=�r-n��r ��f L_�_�t 1 , Esl ���_E:: 1 ��f said Tirnberfield Fstates; 7HENi=E S��,uth 48°�i:#' �E" East ��-a11ed �c�uth 4�°�i7' 14" Fast :� al ��nq I:h� ���uthwesterly line ��f said Tiinber- field Fsi:ai;es and tFie n��rtFie��sterly line ��f said 1�=�. '��8 a�=re tra�_t , a di �tan�_e ��f 7'��. 35 feet i:�� the F'LA�_� OF CiE_i�IC�JNIP�Ji.] ��f the h�r-r�in des�_ribed tra�_t and �=��ntairiinq witf�in tt�ese �_alls �85, ���1'3 sq�.�are feet ��r 8. 8�#�1 a�_res �_�f land. WITNESS MY HAND �SE S 7�-IE 16TH DAY OF �1i7'JFt•1F�EF:, 1'�8H. '�E Ofi �.�+9 ---- ----- ----- % -.s / , *; .� /, , •••' ................�'':. . ,,, -- ---- - -- --- -��.�-R-�fiER-- �---- --------------- ILLY '. F STEF: 1='�_ ' s�ered Fubl i �'$�r����r•.J�� 1���:�'3 J �'•����rc*�'��{v . �/C'S�R:j4- E�I LLY �. FOSTER °< ASSui_ _� SUF='VF Y T Ni�, I N►�:. ��'��S Federal � F'asadena, Te%as 775�►4 F'F���ne: 1.71�? '�41-c_��j7�� JOB N0. 1163-H8 WS�/FILF_S/116�-88� F'<_��e .-_ �_�f �