HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 89-01 . • � �, 4RU�I�ANCE N0. �5�3-1 AN ORL�INANCE ALT�RING THF, PRY1�1A FACIF SPEED LIMITS ESTASLiSH�;U FOR vEHiCL�:s UNn�R THE PRUVIS10NS OF ARTYCLE 6741D, VERNON' S TEX/�S CIVIL STATUT�S, UFON TN� BASIS OF AN �NG�NEERING AND TRAFFZG �NV�STIGATIaN, TO 45 M.P.N. AT10NG �'.M. 2351 FROM THE BRA70RIA/GALVFST4N CQUNmY LIN� TO SUNSET, TO �p M. F.t�. ALONG F.M. 2351 FROM SUNS�T TO ONE-TENTH MILE SDUTHW�ST OF THF NARRIS/G11T.VESTON C:OUNTY I.T.NF,, AND TO �+5 M. P.�l, ALONG F.M. 2351 FROM ON�-'1'ENTH M�LE SOUTHWEST OF T�iE HARRIS/GAIaV�STpN� C4UNTY �aINE TO }3EAr1ER ROAD•, ALL SA�D P4RTIONS BEING LOCAT�D WITHIN TH� C�RP�RAT� L�IMITS 0�' TH� C�TY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS ; PR(7VYDING FOR TH� PI�AC�M�NT OF SIGNAGE; PROVIDING IT UNLAWFUI. �'Ol� ANY PFRSON TO UP�RATE A VEHICi�F IN �XCESS OF TH� FOST�D MAXIMUM S�'EED; AND PRaVIDING A PENALTY OF A FINE NOT TO FXCEE� �?.DO FOR THE V�.OLATiON OF T��IS ORniNANCE. �'e �F * �'c �C WH�REAS , Art�.c2e 6701D, V�r�ion' s Texas Civi� Sratut�s, pravic�es thaC wheciever �he g�verning i�ody af ttl� City sha11 de�erm�.ne u�on �l�e be��is df �n engineerin� �nd treffic investi�ation that any prima facie �pe�d therei.n set forth is gr�ater or less than i.s reasonable or sa�e under �h� condit�ans found to exis� at any inrers�ct�on or other place or upan any p�rC of a sCreet or highway within the City, taki.ng in�o cbn�id�ra�ion �he w�_dtt1 €�nd condfrion of Che pavemenr and o�her cirGUmst�nces oc� such porti.an of said stree� or highway, as well as Che usual treffic Chereon, said governing bvdy m�y determine ancl dec].are g reason�ble �nd ��fe prima facie speed ].imit C1�ereat or ther�on by the p�ssage of an ordfnance , wlni�h shr�11 be e£feCtiive whect r�ppropriR�e si.pns giving no�i�e thereof �re ereczed �C �uch i�t�terseceivn or other place or part c�f ��i� street ar highw�ty, now, there�ore , BF IT ORI7AINED BY TNE CYTY COt1NCIT.� OF TH�; CtTY �F �'RIENDSWQOD, S'rATE OF TEXAS : Section 1 . Upon �h� bas�,s af an engineeri.ng and traf£ic investigaCion heretoFore made Hs �tuthorized by the provisions Qf Ar�icl� 6701D, V�rnon' s Texas Civil St�tutes , Che £ollowing prima facie speed 1i.mits h�rcaf�er indica� ed �or vehicles are Yte�reby determ�ned �nd declared to be reasongble and eafe ; and �uch speed 1irni.ts are hereby fixed a� rhe ra�e af speed indicated for vehicles traveling upon the named streets and highways, or parts thereof, deseribed as follows : Along F .M. 2351 from the Brazoria/Galveston County Line to Sunset , a distanee of approximately 0 .750 mile , 45 m. p.h. , Along F .M. 2351 from Sunset to one-tenth mile southwest of the Harris/Galveston County Line , a distance of approximately 1 . 445 miles, �0 m. p.h. , Along F.M. 2351 from one-tenth mile southwest of the Harris/Galveston County Line to Beamer Road , a distanee of approximately 1 . 630 miles , 45 m. p .h. Section 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to notify the Texas Department Highways & Public Transportation and request the placement of speed limit signs along the above-described roadways specifying the maximum speed limits established hereby. Seetion 3 • It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a vehiele at speeds in excess of the speed limits established hereby and upon the placement of appropriate si.gns and any speed in excess of such limits as described herein shall be prima facie evidence that the speed is not reasonable or prudent and that it is unlawful . Seetion � . Any person who shall violate any provision of this ordinanee shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convietion thereof, shall be fined in an amount not to exeeed $200. 00 . PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this 23rdday of January , 1989 , PASSED , APPROVED , AND ADOPTED on second and final reading this 3rdday of April , 1g89 . Mayor Paul W. Schrader ATT T• c , , Deloris MeK nzi , CMC City Se�re�ary