HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 88-22 �. NO "� - 2r3.— �: s3 , f�1ON 1 ' 0 ? OLBON �. OLSOt . ' P _ � 2 ORT��NANCE N0. 8�'�2- AN ORUINANC� AMENDING CIT'Y OP FRIENllSW00U, 'I'BXAS , QRllINANCE NU. 84-15 , I'ASSED AND APPRUVEI) 'i'f#� 19'rf{ llAY OF NOVfiMBfiR, 19$4 , AND BEING 'I'FIF, ZONiNG �RbINANCE OF THFs CITY, BY CHANGING TI�E ZONING CI,ASSI�ICA'TION OF A GERTAIN a. 2241 AC�tE TRACT OF LAND FROM DfUI�TIPL� FAMILY RESIDENTIAL-DWELLING Ai�DIUM bENSITY DISTRXCT TO PLANNED UNIT D�iVFLOpI�1�NT DISTRICT N0. Z ; R�GULATING AND RESTRICTING Tf{E USE, SIZ�, HEIGHT AND D�NaITY OF POPULATION StfITEiIN SAID �ISTRICT ; GRANTING A SPBCIFIC USE PERMIT FOR DTsV�LOPMENT WITHIN SAID DXST1tIC'I' OF AN �iXT�ZNI?BD H�ALTH CARfi AND NURS I N G HOhfE FAC I 1�Y TY; PROVIDING LIMXTATIONS , RESTRICTIONS, AND CON�7ITIONS ON SUCiI SPfiCX�IC USE ; PROVIDING FOR THE AhlENbMENT OF THF OFI�ICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY ; CONTAINING OTNER MA'�'��RS RELATING TO TH� SUBJ�C'F ; PROVIUING FOR S�VERABILITY ; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY OF AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCBED $1 , 000 FOR EACH llAY OF VIOI�ATION OF ANY PROVISrON HFR�O�. * * * � n * WHFR�AS, �'lio�aas 4. Montgomery , Trustee , is the owner af a cert�in � . 22�1 acr� tract of land located on Windiug Way just south of its intersectixon wi�h F, M. 528, situated within the corpora�e limits of thc City of Friendswood , 'X'exas ; and WH�R�AS, said �ract of land is currently zoned as blultiple �amily Residential Dwelling �l�tedium Density DisCrict ; and WH�REAS, Thomas 0. I�ton�gomery , Trustee , has m�:d.e applica�ion to the City for a change it� zoning classification £ot' such tract to Planned Uni� Development District and has turther r8quested the granting of a Specx£ic Use Pertnit authorizing the aevelopmeiit of an extended i�ealtli care and a nursing hon�e facility wi.l'.liiii said proposed District ; and WN�REAS, �he Ylanning and Zoning Comm�ssion and the City Coun�il have conducted , �n rlie time and manner required by law and the Zoning Ordinance o£ the City, a public hearing on each such request ; and WH�REAS, the Planning a�id Zoning Commission recommended and tha City �ouncil now deer�s it apprv�riatv Co grant each such request subj@ct to certain regulations , restrictions , and conditions ; now, tllerefore , BB IT ORnAINFD BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF T�IE CITY 0� FRIENDSWOOA, BTA',CB OF TAXAB : S�c�intt 1 . Tltie facts and matters set �ort}1 in the pr��►mble �f ���� ord�r��n�e ��� ������y �Q�in� �� b� ���i� �nc� ��rc���� , Section 2 . The.. zoniiig classification o£ said 4. 224� aCre tract of land is hereby changcd fram Multiple Family Residential Dwelling-btedium Density District to tt►e desigiiatiot� o� Planned Uniti beveolpment District No. 2 , subject to the regulations , restrictions , and conditions hereina£ter set fortl1. Said 4. 2241 acre tract of land is more £uJ.ly discribed and depicted in Exhibit "A" attach�d hereto aiid made a part hereof. Section 3. Planned Unit Development AistricC No. 2 ("Pt1D #2") shall be , and is hereby , subject to t�ie following regulations and XesCriGtions : A. Us�e Regulation, I�i PUD #2 no building ar l.and sh��� be used and no building shall be herea.�ter erecCed , reconstructed , altered or enlarged , unless otherwxse providec� in this Ordinantc , except for o�ie of more of the following uses : 1 . ExL•ended health care and iiursing home facilities �nd customary atcessory uses in accordance with and subject to the Specific Use Permit granted herein below. 2. Common ppen and/or recreational space. B, Height Regulations. No building or structure sJ���.l exceed thirty five feet (35 ' ) in }ieight or exceed two (2) story. C. Yard Requi�remelits . The minimum front , side , a�id rear yaras sha11 be as depicted atid delineated oil �xhibit "B" hereto. D. Si�n Regulations . Signs shall comply with appliGable sign regulations for MFR-M. Ts. Additiallai Re ulations. PUD �2 sliall be developed substantially in acc�xdance witli the development plan attached hCreta as Exhibit "H" , which development shall comm�nce within two ( 2) years from the date of adoption hexeo£. For the pur�oses herein , deveJ.opment shall be decmed to haves commen�ed upon the start o£ artual construction o£ £aCilit��s a�t�d/ox impravements serving such facilities such as roads , drainage � VI� utilit;ies . In the event such development .. 2_ NO �r' - 23 - 'SS MQN i r ` 8 OLSOr-1 � ut_ � ur� � . _ u -r has ndt commenced within two ( 2) years a� Che dat� of adoptian hereof tl�en the zoning classifi�ation of said a , 2Z41 acre tract of land shall automatically revert to the cl�ssxficatians iri ef£ect immediately prior Lo advption o£ tt�is Ordinance . Section 4 . Tlze designation of PUD �Z shall be , and is hereby, conditioned upon substiantial compliance with the development plans attached liexeto as �ixl1ibit "B". Section 5 . The Zoning District Map of the City of �riendswood shall be revised a�ld amended to show the d�signation, o� PUD N2 an said 4 . 2241 acre tract of land as provided in Secti.ot� 2 above , wi�h the appropriate reference ther�on to the number and effective datc of this Ordi.nance anc! a brie£ description vf the naturc ot the change. S�ction 6. Said 4 . 224� acre tract of land is hereby granted a Specific Use Permit autl�orizing the use of said tract as an ExCended ltealth Gare and Nursing Home �acility, as �uthorized by City of Friendswood Ordinance No. 84-15, and subject to th� Ganditions and limitat �otis contaa.ned her�ili. S�c�ion 7. The Specific Use authorized and pezmitted hereby sY�ail be, and is , subject to the £ollowing limitations, restrictions , and condixions : A. Acc�ess. Ingress and egress into said tract sha�.1 be limited as shown on Exhibit "B" hereto. B. FenCes , Wa�ls , SGreening , �ufferin . A1l fences, walls , screenitlg and buffering shall be constru�ted and maintained in accordance with and subject to tlie deveXopment p�an for same as depicted ai�d d�lineated on �xhibit "B" hereto. C. Parki�ng_. Parking shall be provided in accordance witlt the p�rking plan contained in Bxhibit "B" hereto. D. Draina_ge._ All drainage improvements sha11 be cortstructed in accordanc� with the development plan contained in fixili�bit "B" hereto. B. Couipliance with Site and DeveloUment Plan. The granting of the Specific Use Permit shall be , and is her�b� , �qndi�lot��d upon substantial compliance with tlie site and -3- � Q �{ — '? � "— � � � h�1 � N 1 : 4_17 UL � V (Y ae tae... ou � , • � — _ development plan a'ftached hereto as Exhibit "B". Section $. This Ordinat�ce shall in no manner amend � �liange , sup�lement , or revise aiiy provision of any ordinance of the City a£ Friendswood , save and except the change in zoning classifiCation of said g. 22�1 acre tra�t of land to Planned Unit Aevelopment District No. 2 as described abave , the granting of thc Speci�ic Use Permit there£or, and the impositian of the rules , regulations , restrictions , and conditions applicable to the PUD �2 and Speci�ic �Jse Permit R , specifical�y contained herein. , Sectiort 9. Tn the event any section� paragraph, subdivision, clause , phrase , provision, sentence , or part o£ thi.s Oxdinance ar the a�plicatiatt of the same to any person or circumstance sha1X for any reason be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional by a cvurt of competent jurisdiction, it shall nut affect , impair, or invalidatc thi.s Ordinatice as a whole ox any �art or provision hcreof other i:han the part d�clared to be invalid qr unconstitutional ; and tfis Gity Council of tl�e City� of Nriendswood , Texas , declar�s tha� it would hav� passed each and every part of the same iiott�ithstanding th� omission o£ any such part thus declared to be invalid or unconst� tiutiional , or whether thvro be one ar more parts. 5ection X0. Any person wt�o shall violate any provisic,n of this Ordinan�e sha11 be deemed guilty o£ a misdemeatior and upon conviction, shall, be Eined in an amount not to exc�ed $1 , 000. 00. Fach day of violation shall constitutc a separate o�fense. , � PASSED AND AP�'ROV�D on f irst r�adirig this � _ da� ` o � , 19$$. « PASS�YI, APPROV�D, AND ADOPTED on second �nd final reading th3s � day af _ �Q� , layot' Pau1 W. Schrader ATT T: . ecretary -4-�