HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 88-21 _ , , . .� - � .W . . � , ��� _ . � � ORDINANCF� y0. " . AN ORDINANC� AMENDXNG THE CODE OF ORDINANCFS OF T�t� CITY OF FR��ND,SWOOD, TEXAS , BY STRIKING THEREFROM ALL 0�' ARTIC�,E �I OF CHAPTER 3 AND SUBSTITUTING THEREF4R A N�W ARTICLF II OF CHAPTER 3 ; FROVIDING RULES AND R�GULATIONS GOVERN�NG THF. KE�FING AND LTCFNSING 0�' ANXMALS ; PRdV�DING - D�FINITIONS; ESTABLISHING xH� PQW�RS ANA DUTIES 0�' THE CITY' S HUMANE 4�FICFRS ; PROVIDING �'QR RABIES VACCINATIONS ; PROVIDING �'aR I.�GENSING ANn PERMITTING �'E�S ; PROVY�ING pROCEDURES �Oti REGUI�ATING, QUARANTINING, ZMFOUNDING, CQNTROLL�NG, AND �ISPOSING OF DANG�ROUS OR RABID ANIrtALS ; MAKING Ix UNLAWFUL TO KEEP WILD OR �XOTIC ANIMALS ; MAKXNG IT UNI�AWFUL T� ABANDON OR DiJMF ANIMALS; PRC�VIDING FOR THF CA1Z12YING OF �IABILITY �NSUR.ANC� BY OWN�RS OF DANGER�US ANIMALS ; D�CLARING A PUSLIC NUISANCE; pROVIDXNG OTH�R MATTE�2S R�LATYNG TO 'TH�; SUBJFCT; PROV�DYNG A P�NALTY 0�` AN AM4UNT NOT T4 EXCFFD $2,000 FaR FACH DAY OF VIOLATION OF ANY PRQVYSION HER�OF; PROVIDING FO�t SrV�TtABILITY; PROVInrNG FOR TH� r�EPEAL OF ALL �O�tDINANCES �R PAl�TS OF ORDINANCES INC4NSIST�NT HEt2EW�TH; AND PROVIDING AN EFFFC:TIVE DATE. � 4 '� X x �'t �Y B� IT ORDAINED BY THF, GYTY COUNGIL OF TFiE CITY 0�' �RIFNDSWOOI�, TEXAS : Sect�on 1 . The Code o� Ordinar�c�s of the City of �riendswaod , T�xas , is hereby amended by sCriki.ng theref.rom a1�. of Art�cle II o£ Chepter 3 a«d substituCing rhere�or the �ollowi.ng : "Arti:�c.le_ II. Ar,im�.� Can�rol . - ,. - Sec. 3�I� ADO�"�ION �Y RFF�RENGF Animal pogu�.a�toit, animal control , prohi.biCton, and excPptidns for keeping wild �r exo�ic ani.inals, rabie:� vaccination, rabies eradication, licenses , pe.rmi.ts , f�es, revacation o£ permi.ts or l3.censes, quaran�i_ning , impoundment, nuisances, animal Estabti�hm�nts , etc. , sha11 be accomplished and regulHted in �xccord�nce and conf.orcnance wiCh Chis Article and Axticle �+477-6a, V.T. C.S . , �he "RaUies Contxol �tnd Eradicati,on" rules af �h� Texas Department 4f __--_ _ . � ` , . r w„. � ' ..�. • � � � � y . ' r . . ' ✓ _� ' � , Healtn 169. 2J. - 169. 33 ar�d the Vicious Dog Hct , � ' Section 42. 12, Texas Pen€�I Code, or Che currenC - or lr��es� addition and/or revisian of said rule or law which are made parC hereo£. � ' Sec. 3-lb PURPOSE Th� primary function and intent o� this ArC�.cle is prat�ction af �h� health, safety, and w�lfare o� the peop�e withi.n the Ci�y of Friendswood by controll�ng � �he animal papulation r�nd speci�s and �stablishing uniform ruies for Che contral and eradicatiori of rabies . Sec. 3-17 D�FINITIONS For th�> ��urpose of Chis Article the definitions as s�ated in �he currer►t or lates� '�RRbies Can�rol. and Frt�d�.ca�ion" xulea of Che Texas Department o� He,�l�h sh�11 also apply wi�h the followin� exceptions and/or addi.�ions : (�;} "Ani.mal" shall mean t� warm or cold-blood�d animal . (b) "Animal establishment" shall mean �ny pet sho�, grooming shop, tzucCion, riding schaal or stable, zoologic�l parlc, circus, perform�.ng an�.mal. exhibition, ar kennel . {c) "A��i.mel shelC�r" sha21 mea�z any f�cili�y opera�ed by the CiCy, a humane soci�ty, munieipal agency, � or �ny oCher governmental en�:ity or their aurt�ori.zed r�gents for th� purpose a� impounciin� or caring f�x animaJ.s held under Che authority of this Article or SC�te law. {d) "A� Lar�e" shall mean �cny dog nat under voice and sight control. of i.ts owner or keeper on its uwner' s or k�eper' s private property unless such dog �s conf�_t�ed or in conf.inemen�, or any dog not under leash contral o� its owner or keeper on pxoperty oCher than i.ts awner' s or keeper' s pri.vate proper�y. (�} "Auc�ion" shall m�an z�t�y plac� or facil�ty where �nimals are regularly bought, sold, or traded, or where animals are svld to the hi_�;hes� bidder, axcept for �hose f�ci].i.ties otherwise defined in th�� Article. This Section does not . apply to individusl SA223 of animals by owners. (f) "Circus" shal.l mcan g commerci�Z variety show featiuring animal acts far public entertainmen� . -2- . , � , . . �_ � • , .�.. . . , �. . , - . � ' ' "Confined or canfinemenC" sha11 mean confined � ' - � ' (g} wi�hia . a buil.ding., house, or structure ar wi�h3.n - a fenced yard or premise�, so th�t the animal cannot e�eape from said building, hous�, sti�uc�ure , or fenced yard or premises without � human ass�.s�ance. (h) "C�Cy" sh�ll mean the Ci�y of Friendswood, Texgs. {i) "Direct�r" shall me�n the Supervisor of the Animal Cantro]. Departu�en� of the City Qr hi.s duly au�hori2�c1 represenCative. (�j} "Enclo�sure" stlall. me�n a hause or a building , ar in the case of a �ence or a structure/pen, ta qua�.i�'y as �n "enclosur�" �he �ence or sCruc�ure/pen musC have minimum dimensians o� five (5) feet by (10) fee�, �nust be af Auch hei�ht as �a preven� �n�ry of young children ar escape by ,jumping by the dog , mus� be locked and s�cured such �hat a dog can��ot climb, d�.g, or orherwise esca�e o� its awn volition, shall be securely locked at r�11 timas, must have secure si.des �o prevent a dog from escaping from Ch� enclosur�, and must provid� protection fram Che e�.emenCs for �t�e animal con�ai.ned �herein. (k) "Exo�ic animal" shall mean rhe r��me �s wi1c� anim�J. . (1) "G�ooming shop" shsll cne�n a commercial establ�shm�tlt where animal� are ba�hed, cli.pped, plucked , ar atherwise groomed. {m) "High risk rznima��" sh�ll include skunks, baCs , foxes, and raccoons. (n) "Hob?�y bre�:der" shall mean any persan eng���ed fn �h� �art-time recraRtional activity af raising or br�eding ani.mals to streng�tien or further develop �he specie� . This can includa the occs�ional sale ar rrade of the offspring as a means ta recover expenses and reduce the populat�on o£ �h� en�_mals �ioused. A gErsozi engaged in the hobby breeding of �i�.rds shall hav� no inare than twenty (2p) bi.rds . Qualifications of a hobby breed�r shall be as hereafter established by the Ci�y Counctl of City following recomm�ndation by the Director (o) "Kenn�1" sha1,1 mean any building, establishment, place, or premises wlzerein any persan engages in the baarding , breeding, buy�.ng, ��ll�ng, lettin� -3- � � ' � �.' � . , � «.+.., ' � � ......,. � " � � � r � � . i . � ` � � �or hire, or training for a �ee any canine or _ £eline a�ntmal or ar►imals , or whexein any person k�eps , harbors , pogResses, or maint�ins more Chan four (4) dogs or four (�+) caCs or a combinati.on o� said an�m�ls with the tot�l number exceedin� four (4} over ttiree (3) monthe o1d . (p) "Licensi.n� authori.ty" S�1R�.�. have th� sarne meaning �s Director. (c�) "I.ow risk �nimals" are �11 animals of Ch� orders m�rsupi�lia, insectivor�c, rod�ntia, lagam�rph�, � anc� xenartha. (t) "Multiple �iwelling" shall mean any sCrucrure desigcted and in�endecl �o �ccomadate more than one (1} family and includ�s but �s not limi_ted �o duplex buildin�s and aparCment buil.c�inga. {s) 'r�wner" �ha11 m�t�n any person, partnership, ar corporation owr�ing, Iceeping or �zarboring one (1) or more a�zi,ma�.s. An ani.mal s1�a11 be deemed to be harbored if it is fed, sheltered, vr allowed or permi�eted t� r4main on a �erson' s pro�.�erty or praperty und�r control o� said person £nr rhree (3) or more days withou� said person nnti.fying the ot•fica ot the Direc�or. If th� owner/keeper of ��i animal is a minor, �he �arenC or guardisn o£ that minor shall Ue responsi.ble for complj,ance with the specificatipns of this Article . (t) "Person" shall mean an ind�.vidual , par�nership , �irm, public or privat� corporatian, assaciation, Crus�, or esCate. (u) "Pet shop" sha11 mer�n �tny building, establishment, premises, or plaees used for ar in ��i� bus3.izess of buyi.ng , selling , trading, or boarding any species o� animal wh�cti shall include but no� be limi.ted �o gerbil.s, hamsCers, guinea pigs , mice, �abbiCs , birds , dog� , cats , and r�p�i�es. This does not include a lieensed k�nnal or individual sales of animals by owners. This defini.t�on shall not include hob�y breeders, or persons engagin� i.�� �he raisit�g or breedin� o� ].arge domesCicated animals sueh as catCle, horses , or sheep. (v) "Quarantine" shall mean comple�e �nc� to�a1 isolation in such a �lac� and in such a ro�nner and �or A period of time as n�ay be prescr�beri by the Di.rector. _4_ , , , , _ ' � , _.._�. , • . � � - ', , , , . � � - . ` ' I (w) "Regulatiory �uthariCy" sha].1 mean Che Director of the City or hi.s duly authorized repr�senCaCive. (x) "Riding schoal" or "stable" sha�l m��n any plsce which has avai.l.able for hire, boardi.ng, and/or riding gny horse, pc�ny, donkey, mule, or burro. (y) "T. D. H. " shall menn th� T�xas Department of Health. (z) "Veterinary hv$pita2" shft11 mean any esCablishmea� maintained a»d opera�ed by a licensed ve�eritiar�an f.or surgery, diagno+�is, and Creatmant of diseases and in,juries af animals . (�a) "Wild animal" s}��11 met�n and inel.ude any mammz�l , smph�bian, reptile , or fowl. whtch is of e specieR which is wild by na�ux�e, and af a species which, dve ta size, vicious na�ure, or other charac�erisCic is or may be dangerous �o hum�i� beings . Such animals sha�.1 include , but not be - Iimited to, lians, Ci�ers , leopards , panthers, lyiix, wolves, raccoons, ferre�s, skunks , (wk►ether deoderized or nat) , monkeys whc�se average weigh� as Rn aclul� exceeds twcnty (20) pouncis , foxPS , elephan�s , rhinoceroses, alligato�'s , crocodiles , ��zd a2.1 forrns of poiSOnous repti2es. The term "wild animal" �s useci in Chi.s Ar�icl� shall not �.nclude gerbi.ls , h�msCers , guinea pigs, mice , or rabbi.Cs . (bb) "Zoological park" shall mean a Cr€�ct o£ land set asi�de i.n a natural ar man made state which displays or exhibits more �ha�� on� (t) non-domesticat�d animal whi.ch are under �he con�rol r�nd supervision of a trained e�cperianced prt�fess�onal anima�. handler and cared for Uy a licen�ed veteri.nariati. The D�.rec�or m�y require proof of trainin� and e�cperience. Th� pr�rlc sha11 be construct�d in such a manner as Co px'eclude Che possib�lity of an animal escaping �r�m �uch park and/or cageg or pens. Park construction, pens , cages, and equipmen� sh��l be desi�a�ed and coiis�ructed ii� such a m�nner as to pra�ect the animals and Chc� gubl3.c . Proof of accep�able d�sign ac�d constructi.on may be required by Che D�rec�or. A11 aniMals �herein and the�.r enclasures shall be approved by Che Director. Where required, a17, zoalogical parks shall be federally inspac�ad and licensed. A park attend�nt shA11 be on duty at al�. t�.rnes the park is open or accessible �o th� public. -5- , .1 , I i , . :...+.. , � r ...,�,. ' ' , � , • � _ , . � . ` , a I �. Sec. 3-].8 RABIES VACCINA'TI4N REQUIRFn - (s) Immunization P�r�od Fach person owning, harhoring , or having in hi� or her poss�sston a dog or ca� shall hnve the dog or cat vaccinated agai_nst rabies , by �he �ime the animal is four (4) months o� age , by means of an anti-r�bies vaccine -approved by t�ie T.D.H. The r�b�.es vaccine shall he administered by a duly lic�nsad v�ternarian. The i.mrnunization shall be for a g�riod of up ta orie (1) year. No dog or caC over fc�ur (4) months a� age sha11 be brought into the City which has noC been vaccinated for rabi�s. (b) Cert�ficate of Vaccination Every veternArian who vHCC�.naCes �ny dog or cat wi.thin the Ci�y �ha21 issuE a cer�ificate af veccination to the owner, sCating the ngme and �ddress of the owner, description of the dog or cat , the dare of vaccination, number of the raUies vaccina�ion �ag, �nd in adc3it�.on, other i.nform�tioi� ss specified by the veCerin€�ry licensing ���I1Cy which the owner shaJ.l prese«t nr give to the Director upon reques� . Sec . 3-19 RABI�S VACCIN� ADMINIST�R�D (a} Vacci��ation To prevent i.mproper vaccj_n�t�on af ai��.ma1s anc� �he 8CC1tJ0I1C&1 expasure o� hum�ns to rabi�s , xabies vaccine far at�imals shall be administexed anly by or under the direcC supervision o� a veterinariAn who is licensed to pracCice in �he StaCe of Texas . {b) Sale o� Vaccine No person sh�ll sel7. or d�sCriuute rabies vaccine for nnimals �o any parsan except a licensed veterinaxian or r� a person working in e veterinary clinic who accepts the vaccine on behalf of the veterinarian. (c) Licensed Phs�rmacy This Ar�icle does noG prohibit a pharmacy licensed by th� Texrzs State �oard of Pharmacy �ram supplying rabies vaccine �ar animal� Co lice��sed vet�rinarians. -6- • 1 i ' ,.1' �t { ' ' ..»� � � ..�.,. ' � . � . � � ' . � s , I ' Sec. 3-24 LICENSE REQtJIRED . a) I.ic�nse for Each Animal. Every person own�.��g , harbarii�g, or having in hi.s or her poss�ssion a dog or aa� is h�reby required �o abCai.n from the l�censing authority for each dog or cgt an annur�l license wh�.ch musC be obtain�c� within s�ven (7) days following an annual rabies vaccinatioii as required her�i.n. It sha11 be unlawfu]. for any person to awn, ke�p, � harbor, or have in his possession within the City a clog or cat tor whic�� a currenr license has nar been obtained as provided herein, and sAi.d currenC license shaJ�l be val�d and unrevoked. (b} proof of Vaccin�tt�on A 13.cense for a dog or cat sha11 not be issued ut�less �here is exhibited to Che licens3.ng autht�rity a cerCificHte from a licansed veterinarian shawi.ng that th� Rnimal to be 1i.cen�ed has been �IlOCU�FI��� w��h an approved r�bies vaccine i.r� accardance with the recomme�zdation of the manufacturer. (�} Valid Period The Iicens� and x�gisCrati.on requ�red by Sec . 3-20(a) and Sec. 3-34(�) , shall be valid for a period not ta exce�ci one (1} year and shall coincide wiC'ci the begint�i.ng and expiration da�e o£ Che rabtes vaccination certifi.csCe. (d} Animats Brou ht Into Ci.t Any owner a£ a dog or cat brough� into Che City Lrom oCher areas shaJ.1 withi.n seven (7) days o� ar.ri.val obtr�i.n a 1 ic�n5e for each dog or c�C as required herein. Sr�id lieense shall be vali.d for �he time stated in Sec . 3-20(c) a� �his Article bu� ut�der no conditions sha11 such license be v�lic� far longer than one (].) year from the dxte o� the laHt rabies vaccinati.on. (e) Tags Required Upon aecepCance of the lic�nse application or rabies vacc�t�aCion cerCifieate end payment df a licens� fee, the licensing autihori�y sha�]. issu� � durable tt�g, starn��d with an identifying numb�r Ancl �he year af issuance. The tag and/or the receipt far pay�nent o� said license t�g shall be -7� , . � , presented to the licensing authoriCy upon - demand, Failure to pres�nti rhe licens� ta� ox Ch� rec�ipt for said tag shall constitute a violarion ot this Articl�. (f} Tags Attach�d The owner o� every dag sY�all a�t�ch the license idenrific�t3on Cag to a callar or harr►ess a,nci said call.ar or harness with �ags sha11 be warn by the dog at all times when off the premises of the owner. Tags sha�1 not be swi�ched fram one ani.mal to �nother. (�) Ta s Lost The licensing z�u�hoxity shal� maintr�in a record of ttie identifying numbers of a�l tags issued ��nc� this record sh�ll be avai��ble �o the public . If �he license tag has been 1ost , a duplicat� may be ob�ained from the licensing authority �or three dollars ($3. 00} . (h) �xcepCions The provisian� of this Section requirin� the licensin� of dogs and ca�� shall noC apply ro the followi.ng : (1) Dogs and cats under th� age o£ faur (4) months �.f kep� confined. (2} Dogs or cats owned by, or in cus�.ody or und�r the control of, persons who are . izon�residents of the Ciry traveling through Che City or temporarily sajaurning therein £or a periad na� exceedii�g thirCy (3Q) days. (3) Dogs Qr cats brought ta Che City exclusi.vely for the purpose of entering rtte same in any show or �xhibition, and which are actua�ly enCered �.n ancl kept at such shaw or exh�bition. (4) Dogs du1.y and prop�rly trained to aid t�r assisr blind persons when such dogs are actuelly used by blind persons far the purpase o£ aidin� or assisting such bl�.nd perso1ls in goi.�zg fram place Co place. (5) Dogs duly and properly trained to aid or assist de�£ persons when such dogs are sctually used by d�a£ persons for the �-8- . , � , . . ,� �. , �... , . , , - � j , � r � � , , , � , , purpose of aidin�; or asssisting such deaf � persons in going from pZace to place. (6) Dogs or cats kep� in quali�iad institutions, approv�d by th� Df.rec�or, for teach�.ng or research purpases. (7) Dogs or cats kept in veterinary hospitals or animal shelters �.s d�fined in Sec. 3-17. Sec . 3-21 LICENSE ANb REGISTRATION FEES Any par�n required tinder Sec. 3-2d af thig Article to ob�ain a licens� for an �nimal ar any person required uttder Sec. 3-30 (g) of this Article to regi.ster a vicious anima2 sha11 obtai.n said licens� and/ox regi,stra�ion from �he Director and shall pay a �.�cense and/or registration fee as follows : (1} Neutered or spayed animals . . . . . . .� 5. 00 (2) Animals c�ot neutered or spayed . . . $10. 00 (3) Regi.strat�.on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50. 00 Sec. 3-22 PERMITS RFQUIRED FOR ANIMAL ESTABLISHMENTS (a) Ve1 id Perm�.t Requ�.red Any person conducti.ng , managin�, owning , or ms�intAi.ni.ng �n anim�l establ.ishrnen� must h�ve. a valid, neither s�ispended nor revoked , permi.t for said establ�shmenr . (b) Permit Fees ' Any person in the City canduc�ing, managing, owning, ar mai.ntai.ni.ng art animal �s�ab�.ishemnt sh�all obtaii� a permit to do so from th� DirecCor and pay a permit fe� as foJ.lows : (1) For eFich kennel authorized �o house 2ess than ten (10) do$s or cats . . . . . . . $I0. 00 {2) Far ea�h kennel ��uthorizeci to house tien {IO) �o twenty-five (25) dogs or ca�s . . $15. 00 (3) For er�ct� kennel authorized �o hous� ov�r twei�ty-five (2S) dogs or cats . . . .$25. 00 (�+) For each pet shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$25. 00 -9- ` 1' �, , ' . 1' . .,a.�.. ' � ... f � i • �' i � � �S) For each ra.ding stable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$25. 00 (6) For each auction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$25. 00 (�) For �ach zoolagica], park . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�25.00 (8) For each circus . . . . . . . , . � � . . . . . , . . . , . .$25. 00 (9) For �ach performi�ng an�mal exhibition .$25. 00 (10} �ar each graoming shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�25. Od (c) E&ch F&cility Separate Each and every facility re ulated by thi.s Arricle and lxsted �n Sec. 3-22 (b� shall be cvnsidered a separa�e �nterpri.sc and sha�.1 r�c{uire an indtvidual permi� . (d) Construction Plans A11 p2�ns for co��s�ruction of an�mal establzshmentr shal.l be submi�Ced �o and appr�ved by th� City before any building permi� is issued or any construction is begun. Submiss�an o£ plans and general compliance with the provisions of this ArCicle shall. be the responsibiliGy o£ �he owner. (�) Sep�zr�tioci From Residence No an�mal establishment sha11 be opera�ed within the confines of a residentiRl struc�ure, ti►zle�s th�t por�ion uBed for the ani.mal. estsblishment cz�n b� operated sep�r�teiy from the dw�lling with in$ress and egr�ss to Ch� shop completely ��dep�ndent from any portiot� of the builfling which is use�i for residen�iA1 purposes. (�) �xception� Na �ee sha�.1 be requi.rad o£ any veCerinary hospital , anir�al shelter, �overnment-operated zoola�ical park �r i.nstitut�.on apFroved by the nirector for �e�ch�.ng or research purposes. (g) A 1�caCion for Permie Any persan desiring to COnsCrucC or operate an animal establishm�n� lis�ed in Sec . 3-22 (b) ahall make wri.tten application for a permit on form� provided by th� G�.ty. -10- " , . . . • �.. . � . ' . � � � �� � ' , ' � � . ,� � � , -� ' ' (h} P1Rns Ins ecCed � � Prior to the a�proval af an app].ication for a p�rmi� Che Director shall in�spec� �he plana and specific��ions o� the prapos�d esCablishment ta determine camplianee wizh Chis Article �.nd Che City' s "Construction S�andards For Animal EsC�blishments". (i) Eguipment Requirements Al1 animal �stabli.shments must comply w3.th any equipmenC and facility requirem�nts as may be adop��d by Che Ci�y, (�) Valid�Cion Period 'rhe Director shall issue a permit to the applicant f� the Direc�or' s �inal inspection r�veals rha� the �aid animal establistlment complies w�th the requ�.remen�s of tll�s Article ,�nd the City' s "Constructian Standards For Animal Establishments" . Each pe�'mit issued under the prov�.s�ons of this ArC�.cle shall be va�,id for a period beginning January ls� and, re�;ardless of date i.ssued, wi.l.l expire becember 31st . {k) Inspec�tons It sh�11 be a cot�dit�.on of the i.ssuance of any permi.t or licen�e thae Che Director shaJ.�. be permitted to insPect alJ, ani,mals and the premises where the �nimals are k�p� at a�iy reasai3eble timc� Rnd shall , if permission for such inspect�.on is rafused, suspend and/or revake the permi.t or licen4e of the r�fusing awn�r. �t shall be . unlawful Ear x�ny owner �a deny access to the Director in vialaCian of this SubsecCi.c�n. {1) Animal Cruelty No person who ir� or has been convie��d of cru�2ty to an animAl shall be issued or allowed ta hold a per�nzt to operate an ani.mal establtshmen�. Sec. 3-23 �OLLFCTION OF FEHS (a) Fees Prerequisite A1�. permit and license fees sh�11 b� paid to and collected by the City be€ore �ny permit ar license will be issued . C�rtified checks, cashier' s checks , personal checks , or money -11- . �' � F � i , 1 . � orders sha11 be sent or d�livered to the City df - �`ri.e��dswood, 1d9 Wi�.lowick, Friendswaad, Texas 7'75�+6-389$, and shal.l be made payable to City of Fri.e�dawoad, Texas . (b) Accounti.ng The Director shall keep a currenr and accurate � account�ng of a11 permit and license feea and oCher monies collected, the name o£ a11 persvns upon whose account the same was pai.d, rh� dat�, and amounC �herefor. S�c. 3-24 SUSPEIV�IQN OF PFRM�T {a) Fai].ure to Camply The Director may suspend any anim�l es�r�blishmen� � �ermi� at any tim� for fRilure of �he �ermi,t io�.der to keep his or her establishment and/or premi�es in a s�ni�ary coizdi.tion. A permiC may also be suspet�ded for wi11fu1 or repeaCed viols�ions of any oE th� requirements of this Articl� or a� any federa]. , State ox' local law, other ereicle, or rule governing the pratection and k�eping of animals . (b) Heax'ing Request When�ver a perrni.t is sus�ended, the halder of tihe p�rmi,t or the person in charge shall be e�ot�fied in writing �hat the �ermit is , upon service of the notice , immadiately suspend�d, and that an opporeunity for a hear�.ng will be provided if a written requesr for a hearing is filed with Che Direc�or by �he holder of the per�nit within ten (10) days . If na written r�quest �or a hearin� �s f.iled within s�i.d ten (�0) day periQd, ttle suspension is susta�.ned. The Dtrectar may end the suspension at any �im� if. reasons for �he suspension no longer exist. S�c. 3-25 REVQCATION OF FERMIT OR LICENSE (a) F&i�.ure to Comply The DirecCOr m�y, af.ter prov�.ding vppor�unitiy� �"or • � a hearing, revoke a permit or Zic�n�e for serious, willful or repeated vialations o� �ny of �he rcquirements of this Article or oi any federal , S�ate, or lac�,1 law ar other ordinance or £or interference with th� Director in the p�rfor,manc� of his duties . Two (2) or more -12- '' • } ! , i 1 � � convictian� wiChin a twelve (12) mon�h periad - sh��l conatitute repeated viola�ions. The Director may suspend , revoke , or wtithhold a permit or license if the applic�nt withholds, falsifies , or misr�presents �ny informat�on on Che applica�ian form. {b) Hearing RequesC Prior �o revocation, the Di.rector shal.l noti£y the holder of the per�ni� ar Iicense , or �he person in ch�r��, in writing of Che reason for whieh the p�rmxt or lic�rise is sub3ect to revocation; and t���t th� permit or li.cens� shall be revoked at the end of the ten (10) days £ollowing ser�rice af suctt notice unless a wr�tten reque.st for a he€�r.ing �.s filed wirh Che Director by Cile holder of the permit or license within such ten (10) day period . I� no request far hearing ig fil�d wi�hin the ten (10) day p�riad, �he r�VOCA��On of the permit or license becomes ff.nr�I . No pt�rt o� a perm�.t or 2icense fee shall be ref�ndad upon xevocation �hereo£ pursuan� to Chi.s Secrion. (c) Service of NoCice A notice provi.dec� far in �his ArCi�le is properly served when ir is deliver�d to the holder of the permit oz lzcense or the person in charge, or when i� is sent by regisrered or certified mail , return receipt requesred, to thP last known address of the holder of the perrait or licen�e , regarciless if th� letter is or is nat received by �he holder o� �he permi� or license. Sec. 3-2b H�A,RINGS � lieari.a�gs providad for in �hi s Artic].e shall be conduc�ed ��y the Director at a tim� and pJ.ace des#.gnatad by him. Rased upon the evidence of such hearing, �11e Directc�r sha11 mak� a fina� findii�g , and sha:tl sustain, modify or rescind any tlatice or c�rder considerad in the heari.ng. S�c . 3�27 UISP�SITIOrd 0�' ANIi�ALS A�'T�R REVOCATTON Any person whos� per��nit or licen�se is revaked ahall , within ten (10) d�ys a£t�r revocation: (1) humaneiy dispose a� all gnimals owned, k�pt , or harbvred by such person ; or -13- � � . . "' . ,�.ww. i .r � . ' � , � 1 � � t 1 1 (2) relocate animals �o areas or places outside _ the carpora�e boundarie� o� �he Ci�y; or (3) release animxls to th� Direetor and pay a11 cost incurred a.n �he handling of sa�.d aiz�mals �uch �s trar,sporting, housing, f�eding, and disposqt. Sec . 3�2$ APPLICATI0�1 AFT�R REVOCATION Whenever a revocation has becom� final, the person whos� permxt or 1ic�nse has been r�voked m�y not apply for or recetve a new permit or license for a peri�od of one (1) year from the date of �he revocation. One (1) year after the date o� revocatxon a �erson may r��apply fQr � perrnit or 2icense and shal.l include wi.th the appli.cation, verif�c�tion �haC �11 reAsons and conditions which 1ed t� th� revocation h�ve beer� corr�cCed. Any perspn re'applyiag for a permit und�r t11i.s Section �h�].1 be sub,jecC to �11�� requir�men�s �s s�atec� in this Art�cle. Any persan having n per�nit or license revoked for a second rime sha11 na� be eligible for a new p�rmiC or license . Sec . 3-29 DQGS RUNNING AT LA12GE �.'ROHIBIT�D (�) At Large - Ridi.ng-_in_Vehicle Na owner or keeper of any dog shall permit or a11Qw such dog to run at large withi.n the limits nf the Ci.ty. The owner or keeper o£ any dog running a� large sht�ll be �.n violation of this AxCicle. Dags in �tie b�ck of pfekup trucks which are not covered w�,th a camper cover or o�her such device sha11 b� consider�d at l�rge. Dogs ic� vehicles shall be restirained in a manner wh�.ch '� will not cause in,jury �nd wi.11 prevent the an�.mal from reaching the ouCSide of Che vehicle . {b) At Large - Animal Es��blishment Any dog off �he pr�mises of an anfmal establ.ishmenC or ou�side the approved can£inement area within sHid animal es�ablishmenr shall be cans�dered at large and in viol�tion of this Arti.cle. (c) At �,ar�� on Fx�.vate PrQperry Any dog found at large upan priv�te property ottier than �li� property of i.Cs owner Qr keeper . �14- � � �� �� �� , ;� � � � � � � ° � , - . . _ ' , � may be taken up by the p�x'son upon who�e priva�e . proper�y �he dog is at large and d�livered ta the Director. (ci} Notice � Any person other than th� Director who �akes up �ny animr�l under the provisions o� �hig Article or otherwise s�a1�. i�nmediat�ly therea�ter g�.ve notice thereaf Co the - Direc�or. Every such person, or any person in whose custody such an�mal m�y in Che meantim� b� placed, sha].1 upon demand deli.ver such aizimal to the Di�rec�or. The ari�m�l shall be d�liver�d ta a pla�e desigr7ated by �he Uirectar, withouC fee or charge, and �h� Directar shall tihereupon holc� and dispose o� such animR� �s though such animal had been found ru►zning at large and impound�d by th� Director. Sec . 3-30 V�CiOUS AN�MAL� (a) Vi��ous Tendencies. F'or the pur�oses of Chis rt�.c e t e o owing ar� hereby de�lsred �o posaes� vicious �endencies : (1} any animal tiha� inflic�s severe in,jury or d�a�h Ca a person, pr bi�e� a person on publie or private property ; ar (2) any r�ni.m�l that has killad a domestic animal without provocazian while off the awi�er' � propexty; or (3} any anima� which ch�sas or appraaches a person upon �he streets , sidewalks, ar any public ar private property in a menacing fash�.on or app�.rent ar�iCude of attHCk such th�� a person o� ordinary sensibil�.t�.es wc�uJ.d xeasonebly believe �ha� the �.n�mal would cause physical. in�ury ta �hat person; or (�+� any indivi.duftl animal with a known propensity, tendency, ar dispo�i�ion to atta�k unprvvaked, �o cause in,jurq, or ta otherwi�3e threaten the safety of perr�4ns or damestic animals ; and (5) all anim�ls de£ined in Sec. 3�1.7 (aa) of thi.s Arti�le. -15- ' . ..�. � . • , - , , , . , .�. , � , � �b) . Mischievous Tendencies • If any animal overturns a garbage container, or removes any garbage fram any such contain�r, or 4�herwi4e destroys or damages any property, Chen guch ani.mal shal� b� conclusively presumed to be a mischievous �nimal and an animal of mischievous propensities and tend�ncies . (c) Declarati.on of a Viciaus Animal The Director m��y find and d�elar� �n animal �o be a vicious animal. if the afficial has c�use to believe that an animr��. is a vicious �r►imAl under Sec, 3-30 (a) of this Arti].c� . (d) No�iiication o� Declara�ion of a Vf.cious Anim�l The Director sha11 nuti.fy th� owner of an animal of irs des:Lgnation as mi.schevioua or vicious and , if viciou� , of the requirements �or owners of. vici.ous anima7.s as set out in Sec . 3-30 (h} �f th�s Artic�.e. The natic� required herei.n sha12 be served as stated in Sec . 3-35 af �his Ar�iele. {e) �iearing Request If i�n ani.�nal is deelared to be vicipus or mischievous under this Art�.c2e , �he no�iGe sha11 �.c�form the owner o� the animal that A Detexmina�ian Hearing may Ue requested to contest Che dec3.�ration. The reques� for a hearing must be in writing and must be receivad by the f3irec�or within t�n (IO} days o� the date of the decl�.ration. Failure to appeal the decl.�tra�ian wit��i.n �he ten (10) day perfod shall result in the birecCar' s declRr�tion as £i.nal . (f} Defense ta Declarstion of Vic�ous Animal It is a d�fens� to th� determination �hAt an animal is vicious and ta �tle prasecution af �he owner of an �nimal previausly declared to be vic�ous : {1) if �he person killed, in,�ured, bi��en, or in fear af in�ury was teasing, Cormenting , abuszng , or assaulCing �he animal or has, in the past, teased , tarmented, abused, ox assaulted the animal ; or -1G- � . � , I t (2) if �he person killed, injured, bitC�en, or �ear of injury was cvmmitCing ar aCtempting - to commit � cri�ne ; ar (3} if the domesttc enimal k�lled was at the time �easir►g, tormenting, abusing, or assaulCing �he animal. ; or (4) if �he c�ni.m�1 wae protecti.ng or defendi.ng a persoc� wi�hin the immedi�te vi.c�ni.ty of tha �nimal from an un�justi£ier3 a��ack ar assault ; or (S) if Che animgl was in,jured and responding to pain; or (6) if th� �.nimal was protecting its o£fspring, i.tself, ar i�s k�nn�lma�es . (g) Viciou� Ani.mal Regis�ra�ion Requ�.red The awner o£ an an�mal declar�d v�.ciaus under this Article sha�l wi.�hin t�n (10} days o� the da�� of Che fiti��l vici�us r�nimal declar�Cion, r�gis�er the ani.mal with rhe City. The owner shall notify �he nirector as soor� as is reaso�z�bly �ossit�le of discovery �h�t a vicious animal is loose, s�o.len, un�onfi.ned �.n at� approved enclosure, has a�txcked ano�hr�r anim�I or a person, or ha� da.ed• I� Che owner of a vicious ani.m�l r�loca�es , se11s , or gtves away a vicious animal , the owner shall provide the Direc�or wiCh the n�me, address and Celephone numb�r of the t�ew owner or location o� Che n�w enclosure. The new owner must sign & sworn statem�nt that he wi11 compiy wi.th all o£ Che requiremenCR o� own�rs af vici.aus animals. A new awner sha11 comply wi�h the requir�ments af v�cious animal awners with�n Chir�y (30) days af �uch acquisition. (h) RequiremenCs v� Vici�us Animal �wnexs Upon fiva2 deCerminat�on �hat an �nimal is a , vicious animal , the owner tihereaf, sha}.I : (1) as soan as is reasonably ��ssible, buC in na event I�ss tt1an twenty-faur (24) houx�, cause such vicioug anxmal to be plac�d and kep� in a proper enc2asure excepC as otherwi.se specifically permitted h�rein; �tnd -17- � �, � , : . , ...�. , ... > � • , • (2) wi�h'in sixty (b0) days � present to Che C�.ty a Certific�te of Public Liability Insurance in the amount of one-hundred thousand dol].ars ($100,000.00) to cover any damagea caused or which may be caused by the vi.c�.ous animal . The insurance shall be fox� a twelve (12} month peri�d, sha11 not be cancelled uiiless the animal. is no longer kept by �he owner, and shall provide for r►o�ice C� �he City of any car7ce11a�i�n not 1+�ss than th:irty (30} days prior to cancellation; (3} securely muzzle such vicious animal , when . taken ou�side the enclosure , in a manner th�t will not cause in,jury �o the vicious an�.ma� or interfere wi�h its vision or respira�ion bu� shall prevenC. it from b�ting any person or anim�l . The vicious animal mus� be restrai.ned by a suUsta,ntial chain or cable le�sh hav�.ng a min3.mum tensiie strength of one thousand (]. ,400) paunds and sha11 not exce�d si.x �eet (6 ' ) in length; (4) within ten (10} days , posti a sign on hi.s premi.ses warn�.ng that there i.s a vi.cious ani.mal on the pro�er�y. This sign shall be visible and capable of being �:ead f�om any public street or highway ad,jacent �o th� property where the vicious �nimal is lvcated , and fram �ny aci,�acent private prop�rty ; and (S) within thir�� (30) days , cause �he vicioug animtzl to be spayed or neuCered ; anci (b} within thirty (30) d�ys , cause th� ani�mal to wear at a11 times a fluorescent ye1].ow callar or harness which is af such size �►nd calor fntensi�y as �c� be visible aC a distance o� nat� less tht�n fi£ty feet (50' ) by a persotl of ordinary visiot�; and {7) within thir�y (30) days, display, immediately below eaeh sign describad in paragrgph (4) af �his subsection, a �ymbol -18- � � � � , . . , � ........ � � ....... ' , � ' , • - warni.ng a£ Ch� pre��n�e o� the vicious animal. The sixe and design of such symbol shall be es her�afCer approved by the City Council of Ci.ty following recomm�nda�ion of the Airector. If the owner af an an�.ma� decla�ed �o be vicious under this Ar�icle fails Go comply with th� ownership requirements listed �bov� with�n the stated per3.od�s, the animal shal�. be euthanized by an animal shel.ter, animal con�rol agency, ].�censed veteri.n�rian, o� th� Dir�Gtor. An animal decla�ed to be va.cious under Chis Ar�icl.e shal]. no� be offered for �dop�l.on or sale and shall not be m�ved �xom the a�prov�d enclosure or the Ciry wiChvu� prior writCen na�ification thereo� to the �ity. (i) Vicious Animal at Large Any vicious animal £ound at laxge a£te� �he owner th�reof has been issued notice that such animal is vicious m�y be ki1.1�d Uy �ny law ofti.cer stated in Sec. 3-33 of this Articl.e withouti the officer having to catch or impautld such �n�mal or no�ifying the awner of Che �nimal . (�j ) Licenge Revocation of Vicious ar Mischievoua n ma The Director may , after providing opportuni.ty for a her�ring, revoke a liceczse for �ny ani.mal whose vw«er tias been i�oti£i.�d that the enimal ha� been conclusively presumed to be vicipus or mischievous i� said animal : (1) is not confin,ed ar i.s �ound running at large ; or {2) is a vi.cf.ous animal and is not muzzled as required herein; flr (3} bites or a�tem�ts to bite any person or chases or otherwise attemgt� Co ca�ch a person; or (4) afitacks or attempts to ettack any other animal whEn in violat3.on of any Section or part o� this Ar�icle ; or (5) is owned by a persan who has been conviceed of any violation af federal , State , or 1QCa1 1aw, article , vr rule pertaining �o said animal ; or _lg., � , .. �. � �� � � � . (b} is vicious and i�s 4wner fails to maintain - insur�nce �oversge in �h� manner and in Che amounes as a�� forth in Sec. 3-30 (h) (3) hereof; or (7) is vicious and i�s owner does not register the vicious animal as required in Sec. 3-30 (g) a£ thi.s Article ; or (8) �.s v�.cious and �ts owner does not buil.d, obtain or provide an enclosu�'e for rhe vicious animal and confine �h� vicious ana.mal withi.n the �nc�osure with�n th�.rty {34) days af auch nari.fication. (k) Muzzles Required Any dag tied ar staked on public proper�y shall be securely muzzled by the owner i.n a manner that wi.11 nor cause injury to the anim�l o�r interfere . with iCS vision or reapire.�ion but sha11 prevei�� it fram biting any pexsan or anima� , FurCher, ttte owner of any ani.mal which h�ts been con�lusively pr�sumed t� be vicious sha11 , beginni.ng immedi,aCely fo�lowing such d�termina�ion, muzzle such animal when: (1} tha animal is t�oC confined in a secure �nclosure or is of£ the premises of the owner; anci/or (2} Ghe animal is on the premises c��� a bcasi.ness W�1�[1 such btssiness i�� open and/or accessible to the public. (1). Exemptiions The provisions under Sec. 3-34 ot this Article shall not apply to Any 1aw enforc�m�n� agency wher� a dog is being used far law enforcern�rtt . Sec. 3-31 BITCHES IN HEAT The awner af a bitch dag is in viol�t:ion of �hia Article i£ �he dog while in heat f..s a� l�rge, Such bltches in heat sha1,1 be securely confined by thc owner to . the premises o:E the awc�er in such a manner as sh�ll ttot create ar c�use to be crea�ed a nuisance ot any kind to any person ar persons. -20- Sec. 3-32 REPORT OF ANIMAL ATTACKS Any person having knawl�dge of an animal bite or scratch or other attack on an individual or of an anirna� that the person suspects is rabid, shall �eport the incidenC or animal �o the Director of the City. The report shall inc�ude the name �nd address of �ny vict�m and of tihe owner of the animal , if known, and any other data whiah m�y aid �n the loca�ing of Clze vic��m or the animal. The p�rson shall mak� said report as soon as po86ible� but not later than Cwenty-four (24) hours from Che time of Ch� incidene . Se�. 3�33 KILLING ANIMALS WITH RABIES, ETC. It is hereby made �he du�y o£ �he Ghie£ of Palice and his cert�f��d officers to extermin�te any and all animals at large , wh�n said animals are , or reasonably appear to be, affected wi�h rabias, or any other infectious , cont�gious , or dnngerous dis�ase or when an an�mal is attacking , or when such animal is sick, injured, or in such oCher condit�on as it may not be expected �o liv� ; provided Chae any animal suspec�ed o� rabies shall be killed in such a manner as not ro damage the br�in. The officer killing such animals , 6efore disposing of same, �hall report it to the Director who shall order rhe disposal Qf the carcass as he deems necessary and sai.d afficer shall furthex submit a wri�ten report Co the DirecCor cont�i.ning the facts th�reo£. The Director shall attemp�. Ca notify th� owner, i€ ltnown or ascertainable from the dag' s license tag, if any, of the kill.ing prior to disposal , which notice shall also include the Dir�ctor' s • plan of disposal . S�c. 3-34 �UARAN'rINING OF RABIES SUSP�;�TS (�) Approved Shel�er Any ani�nal that has rabies or symptoms �hereaf, ox Ghr�t bi.res, scratc��es, or a�herwise attacks any p�rson within �he City sha11 be quar�ntin�d by the owner of said an�mal. The owner sha11 yuar�ntine the animal as soon as possible, but not ].a�er than twenty-four (2�+) hours from the time of the i.ncident . The quaranCin� periad sha11 be ten (10} days ar lon�er �.n a pub13.G or other placa of con�in�ment designae�d or appraved by the T.D.H, or under such condi�ions and in such a mann�r as may b� prescribed by the T.D.H. -21- I It shall be � violation of Chis Article for the own�r or any other person to remove any an�mal ChaC is required to be quarantined ar euthanized or which is O�herwise in violation of Chis Article from the �urisdiction of the C�ty without writCen consen� f�om Che Director� (b) Release Animal to Director The awner, keeper, or p�rsan �n charge o� any anim�l tha� has rabies , or that has been exposed to rab�es , or that has sym�toms thereof, or that has bitten, scratched , or o�herwi�� ArCa�ked any person ar other anima]. , ar Ghat is qu��.rantin�d a� a rabies suspec�, shall on dernand, turn over said ariim�l to the Dixector. (c} Unvwned Dogs and Catis At the discretion of Che Director, an unowned dog o�r est which has bitten a human may be human�Iy killed in such a mant�er Ch�� �he brai.n is not muri,lated. The brain sha11 be submitt�d to a T, D.H. cert�£�ed laboratory fvr rabies diagnosis. (d) High Risk Animals If �hE biting anim�l is a high ris�C animal , it shall be humanely killed and �he bra�.n s�bmitted for rabi�s testing. (e) Low ltisk Animals If the bi�ing ani.mal is tz low risk an�m�1 , � quarantine ar rabi�s �est will no� b� requir�d unless Che Directaz' has cause to believ� Che biting animal i.s xab�.d. (�) Wild Animals No wil.d nnimal wi.�l be placed in quarantiae. A11 wild ani.mals involved in bi.�ing incidents will be humaE�ely killed in such a manner �hat the brain is not mutilated . Th� brain shall be submi.t�ed G4 � T.D.H, c�rtifi.ed laboratory far rabies diag��osis. If �ha b�.�ing ariimal is a high risk animal , i� sha11 b� hum�nely kill�c3 and �h� brain subwiCted for rabies . (g) Exceptions Any animal inflicCing a sever� b3.te �o an individual sha11 be humanely lcilled and �he bra�.n _2 2.. . � . � � • , , tested for rabies . An excep�i.on to this ' requirement may be gxanCed by rhe he�lth authority providing tha follawing cri�er3a are met : (1) The biting Animal is a dom�s��.c dog or domestiic ca.t ; and {2) it is currently vaccinr�ted r�gainst, rabies ; and (3) i� was not in violatian of arty law at the time o£ the b�.re, If an excepCian is granted, ���e dog or cat sha�l b� quarantined in accordanca wi�h �his Articte. Hawever, home quarantine is prohibited. (h). Head 8ubmi�ted - Quarantine If Che biting animal is not a dog or �aG or is not included �n (c) , {d) , {e) , or (f) of this Section, the biting animal will b� humat�ely killed &I1C� the brain tes�ed for rabies or the health authoriCy may require the an�.mal. �o be quaranCin�d for thir�y {30) days as an altern�tive to killing and testi.ng. (i) H�me Quarantine Whenever and wherever in this Axti.cle an �nimal is required to be impounded or confined in quarant�ne , the time , pla.ce , anci method of �.mpoundm�nt or confinemen� sh�ll be in accord�nce with ttie rules and regula�ions o� T. D,H, and the City; hawever, the owner of th� animal may request permissi.on from the Directar for home quaranti.ne if the follow�.ng cri�eria can be meC : (1) secura quar�ntin� �acilities are available at the home of rhe animal ' s ow�zer, and ar� cer�ified by the Di.rec�dr as such; and (2} th� anima� is currently vHCeinated against rabies ; and (3) Che Uir�ctor ar a licensed veterinari.an observes the an�.ma1 at least on the firs� and las� day o£ the quarantiine p�riod. If tih� animal becomes ill during the observati�n �eriod, the D�.reGCOr sha11 be notified by the person having possession af the art�.mal. At �he �nd o£ the abservati�n . -23- . , period the release from quarantin� must be � accomplished i.n wri�ing; and (4) Che animal was nat in violation of any law, ordinance, or rule at the time of tihe bitE or at Che time of ordered coi�finem�nC ; and (S) the owner of the animal was n�C in violation of any law, art�cl.e , or rule at the time of the biCe or at the time of the or�lered confinement . (�) Submi��ed to �,aboratory Any a�ii.mal order�d c�nf in�ci in qut��ant tne that cannot be mainCained or placed �n aeeure quara��tine , shall be iium�nely d�stroyed and ttie brain submitted to a T. D. H. cer�ified 1�boraCOry for rabies diagnosis . The own�r of t�n ai�ima2 which has b�en declnred dangerous or vicious , �ha� Uites a pex'son, shall upon demand, �urn over the an�mal to Che Direc�or. The Director shr�ll humanely kill Ch� r�nim�l and the br�i.n sha11 b� suUmiCted for rabies examin�xtion. (k) F�es and Cost Transportat�.on, capture, laboratory cost , veC�rinari�n fees , impoundment or quart�ntine cost, euthanasia, bc�dy disposal , and any �nd a11 o�her fees , costs, charges, and dutfes shall be the dir�ct responsibility of Che animal owner Qr custodian . Failure of �he owner ta pay suGh �osts and fees shall cvnsCi�uCe n vialation af this Article. (1} Released or Moved Fram Quarant�ne Prohibited Na animal shall be rele�sed or moved from �he place of approved confinem�nt , excepC by rhe Directar, until after tih� Cen (10) day quarantine period and then only �iter insgection af the animal has been made and i�s release a�prov�d by the Directax. (m) Vaccination of Qu�trantined Ani.mals Na anim�l con�ined or quaran�ined as a rabies suspect as requfred herei.� sha11 b� iven a r�bies vaccinativn until a£ter the �en �10) clay quarantin� period. All unvaccinated animals shall �hen be vaccinated . -2�+- (n} Rabies Suspec�ed It a quarantined anima� i� found to be r�bid or i£ in th� opinion of the Director or veterinArian, is suspec�ed of b�ing rab�d, Che Director sha11 humanely d�stroy the animal o�r cause the animal to be humanely destrayed and the brain submitted to a T,D.H. certified laboratory £ox rebies diagnosis . Sec. 3-35 NC}TICE OF IMPOUNDMENT As soon �s poss�b�e �f�er an animal hAS been delivered to or picked up by the Di.rec�or, a recorc� of sai.d an�.mal will be recorded. Tha recar�l shall include a description of each animal , wheCher bearfng a license tag or no� , and the number af Che tag ancl Ch� name o� Ch� person registering �he �nim�.l in e�ch case where the �nimal bcars a license tag. In case the ani.mal besrs � licec�se tag , the Directior sha11 notify the person �o wham such license tag was issued. The owner of said an�.mal may b�. notified in person, te].ephone, or written notice left at his iast knawn resi.dence . Th� owner shall b� deemed not�.fied upoc� mailing of said l���er or posfial cnrd or leaving of said wriC��n notice whether the own�r of �he animal receives the norice or not. Sec. 3-36 RFLFASE OF QLIARANTINED AND IMPOUND�D ANIMALS If �a quaranti.ned or impounded �nxmal is found to be free from rabies or othe� infecCious or c�,ntagious di.seases , the Director sh�ll release it to �he owner £ollowing the quarantine or impoundment periad es sp�citied in �his Article � i.�: (1) The owner pays such impoundment fees as may be es�ablished from t�.me to �ime by the Council of City £or each animal so redeemed , in additiion ta any tax ar �ine. No wild or exo�ic an�mal shall be rel�ased excepC to persons who qualify and comply w�.�h tihe requi.rements o� �t�is Ar�icle; and {2) The owner redeeras �iis animal within five (5) days , if s�uch animal is licensed and is wearing a �ic�nse tag, ar within sev�nty-Cwa (72) hours if such animal i.s noC licenseci or ia not wearing a license �ag, fo}.lowing no�ice thereof af capCur� and/or impoundment ; and _25_ (3} th� owner of a dog or ca� has an unexpired rabies vaccinatiion certiffcaC� and license for the enimal ; or (4} �he dog or cat i� vaccinated againsC rabies by a licensad veterinarian at Che owner' s Exp�nse and a licens� for the animal is obCained ; and (S) Che owner presents prop�r iden�ification and proo� of own�rship; and (b) a11 fees , costs , or ch�rges i�ncurred ht�ve been p�.id by the owner af the anf.mal . Sec, 3-37 DISPOSAL OF QUARANTINED ANA �M1'4UNDED ANIMA�S {a) Owner Fa�.ls tp C1aim The Director may se11 �or not�-experim�ntal ar � research purposes and retain the praceeds , keep , gran�, or humanely destroy or destroy in such �z manner as th� �irector may de�m necessary, under the GircumsCances , any animAl tha� the owner or custadiHn does not t�ke poss�ssion of as prav:ided in Sec . 3-3b an or before the third day followf.ng Che final day of quarantine or on or before the third day following no�ice of impoUndmert�. (b) Sic1c or �n�uxed Animals It is expressly prov3.ded Chat fn the c�s� of dis�ased, sick, in�uxad, or otherwi.se unhealthy animals imppunded under �h�se regt�lations , other th�n Chos� affected ar �haught to b� affected by �abies , it shall be unnecessary tv await the expiration of the impounded or rede�pGion period b�£ore disposing at such an�.ma].s if, under �he eircums��nces , the Director dete�rmines that it would be inhum�ne to fa3.1 �o dispose of any such an�mal. . Sec . 3-38 DISpQBAL OF CARCASS�S (a) Disposal M�thad . A1]. anim�ls shall be ciisposed df in �uch place anci in such manner ss may b� designated or gr�s�ribed by the T.D.H. and the City. -2b- � ., � , ��-� , � , ' ; . _ , . , . , t` . , (b) Ferson Responsible 'The own�r ar pErson having control or charge df any anfmal before or a� tihe time of the animal ' s death shal�. b� totally responsibl.e for the disposal of �he animal c�resss and shall con�act the City �or directiot� for the disposal oE said c�rcass . (c) Fee, Cost} or Charg�s A11 feea , CbS�S � or char�es incurred in the disposal of the �nima� carcass sha11 be the responsibility of the �nimal awner or person having charge or control of said �nima� ati Che time of or grior �p the animal ' s death. (d) Disposal Within Forty-eight (48} Hours The carcasses of all animrals shall b� properly dispased o£ i.n accord�nce with �he provi.sions of this Article as soon �ts possible, buC under no circumst�nces later th�3n forty-eighr (GS) hours after death. (�) Own�r Not IdenGified �f Che owner of the de�d animal cannot be idenCified , the property owner ar the per�on having charge or con�rai of �he property cot�taining the carc�ss shalJ. be responsible �or the carcass disposal and is sub�ect Go a11 provisions contai.ned her�in. I� the owner of th� animal is lacgted or identified after carcass disposal has been effected said owner sha11 reimburse• the prc�perty awner or person dispasfng of th� carcass and shall be subject to all costs , canditiions , and penal�ies contai.ned in this Article. Sec. 3-39 NUMBER OF DOGS AND CATS LIMITED (a) Private Premises �t sh�ll be unlawful for any person ro keep, , harbor, possess, maintain, ar A�1aW to be kept, harbored, possessed, or mainrain�d mor� �han four (�+) dogs or fc►ur (4) cats or a e4mbination of said animals with the to�al numb�r �xceeding four (4) , aver �hree (3) months old, upon or wi�hin any premises own�d , accupied, ar under the control of such person wi�hin the City except where apecifically �xempt in Sec. 3-39 (c) of thi,� Article. -27� . A� t ., ` ' .r.,... - � � �.� � . + , i . (b} Mu1t�.p1e Dwellings � It sha11 b� urilawful for any person to keep, harbor, possess , maintain, or allow to be kept , harbored, possessed , or maintained more than two (2) dogs or Cwo (2} ca�s or � combination of said �nimals wi�h Che total, number exceeding �.wo (2) , over three {3} months old, upon any premises or witihin Any apartment of � multiple dwellin� s�ructure within the City. (c) Litters � Only on� (1) litter from �nimals permit�ed under Sec . 3-39 (a� (b} of th3.s Art#.cle shall be al.lowed at any given �ime. {d) Exemntions The provisions of this Section limitiag �he number of Animals shall not apply to the fallawing : (1.) Veterinary Hospitals (2} PeG Shaps (3) K�nnels (4) Circuses {5) Anima�. Shelters (b) Hobby breeding acCivities conducted on tracts of land o� not less �han five (5) �cres , provided t�iat the �otal numb�r of " �nimais sha}.1 n�t �xceed tiwo (2) per acre ur twelve (12) , whichever is less . Provided further, all enclosures or other kanne� fac�.liCies uti.lized by hobby breeders operating pursuan� to this paragraph shall be located and canstruct�d so as �o pro��ct ad,jacent praperty awners from noise and aix� pallution whicti may result from such bre�ding act3.v�Cies . Sec . 3�44 K�EpYNG OF WILD 0� EX�TIC ANIMALS PROHIBITED W�TH PTION � . Th� primary purpose and intent of this Section �.s Ca protect the public 's heelth, saf.ety, and welfare. In �his endeavor the D�.r�cCor shall develop ru3es and re�ulations which 1�mi� wild -2$- . `• .. � � � ' • ... � .. h ' . . • �• I . � � �� � � � . r�nd/or exo�ic animals within �he City to par�ons ! who have th� knowledge , expertise, snd abil�.ty of animal c�re �nd the grounds , �'aGilities , and equipmen� to cr�re for such an�m8ls . Such rules and regulations shall be submitted to the City Couricil for �pproval. Following such approval , it shail be unlawful for �ny persQn to own, keep, or haxbor a wild or ExoCic animal excep� in accordance with this ArCicl� and Che rulea �nd regulations regarding the keeping of exot�.c snimals adopCed pursuan� her�to. Y� is also the purp4se and int�nt af C.his Section to prevent Che owning, kaeping, or harborin� of wild and/or exotic animals as pe�� within the City. (a) Possession ��rohibited It shall be unlawful for any person to buy, se11 , possess , keep, permi.� , suffer, cause, or allow any w�.ld or exoti.c animal upon or within any premises within �he Ci�y excepC as permiGted herei n. (U) ExoCic Ani.mal Permit The Director may issue an Exotic Animal Permi.t only as authorized by �he rules and regulaCions regardin� exoCic animals as herein provided for. (c) Temporary Permit The DirecCor may i.ssue a tecnporary perm�t for the_ keep�.ng, care, and protecti.on o� an in��nt animal naCive �o this area which has be�n deemed to �e homeless or injured. The application for a �emporary permit sh�ll be accomp anied with a . letter ar s�atement af approval fram Che T�xas Departmenr of Parks snd Wi.ldlife. (d) Exce tp ions Thi.s Section shs1l not be construed to apply �o veterinary hospitals ar zoolog�.csl p�rks , performing an�.mal exhibitions or circuses which have appli.ed far and rec�ived � permit £rom the Direc�or as provided for and requ�red in Chis Arti.c].e. Sec. 3-�+� 1t�:LEASING OR DUMPING 0�' ANIMALS (a) Vi,oJ.a�ion �o �ump Tt sha7.�. be a viola�ion of this ArL-fcle �or nny person Co dump, releasE, or abandon any animal on -29- , , . � . , , . � � any property, whe�h�r public or private, witihin . the City. An animal shall be consic3ered abandoned if th� owner has not prov�ded care including faod, water, or shelter, for �hree (3j or more consecutive days . (b) Person Havir►g Knowled�e of Dumpin� Any person having knowledge af any anima], wtti.ch has been or #.s believ�d to have be�n dumped, released, or abandoned sha11 so notiify �he p�.�ector �nd shal� give a11 pert�.nen� infarmation including d�scripti.on and lac�z�ion of th� animal and the name, address , car license number, or Any other a.nformaCion or description of rhe person wha dumped, released, ar abandoned th� an�.mal , if known. (c) Kee�ing2 Harboring, or Feeding_ Srrays Any person whn keeps , harbors , feeds , �shelters , or oCherwise allows �ny stray animal or any animal which has been dumped, released, or abandon�d, ro remain on Che person' s proper�y �or three (3) or more days wi�hout noti�y�.ng th� City, shall hereby be deemed �he owner of said animal . Sec . 3-42 1'UBLIC NUISANCE (a) �'ai.�ure to Exercise Proper Care Ev�ry owner shail eYerc�.s� proper cere �znd conCrol of his snimal or animals and the premises where said anirnals are kegt to prevent them from becoming a public nuisance. (b) Condi.tian Constitutes Nuisance AlZ of the follawing condi�ions , siGuatians , or oGCUrrences are hereUy declared to be a public nuisaiice and constitutas failure o� tihe owner to exercise proper care and control of hi.s animal and/ar the premises where said animal or animals are or have been k�pt : (1) Any animal wY�ich Curns over garba�e - containers or scatters garbage or which otherwis� dacaages private or public proper�y; (2) Any anima� at large or free-roaming off o� privaCe properCy own�d or con�rolled by the owner t�iereu�; -30- • . , , � � , �' ; ,a ' , • - , ..� , : . (�) Any anima]. which barks , whines , howls, or makes oCher sou�zds or noises in an exc�ssive, continuous, or untimely fash�.on; or (4) Any buildf.ng , room, cage, kennel, yard, run, or atty other place or fa�ility where �r►imals are kept or herbored which is noti maintained in a clean and ��ni�ary condition so as Co preven� abnoxious odors , �he attracti.on, breedirig, ar potenti.al. breeding of flies , the �CCraction, harboring, �or breeding of rodents, ar potential bre�ding of rod�n�s or ttie creation Qf any other publi.c heal�h nu�.�en�ea . Sec. 3-43 DUTIES o� D�R�C�ro� Und�r authority vf Che Ci�y Cauncil , the Director shali enfor�e any and all regulations o£ th�.s � Article in any anc3 a11 pa�ts of th�. City as is ne�essary to c�ntrol the animal papul�t�on and prvtec� �he �lEA�.t�1 and safeCy of ttie citizens o£ rhe City. In furtherance thareof, Che Directar sha11 : (a) Collect �'ees Collect all fe�s set by the City Gouncil necessary ta recover the easts incurxed in �neeC�ng the requiremenrs of �his Article . The Director may furth�r collect for the cred�tor aiI unpaid cost, fees , or charges incurred by �he animal whi.le �.n violation af this Article. (b) Make �nspecCions Mak� all inspections required in this ArCicle. {c) To Take U and Im ound � - �'----- Take up and impound, ar cause to be t�ken up or impoundad, in �h� m�nner autho�iz�d by 1aw, all animals i.n �he City which are in violat�.on of this Ax�tiiGle. The Director may �rap, capture, shoot, �ranquilize, or us� any other means or metihods that may be deemed necessary and prudent to per�orm the du�ies imposed herein. Any person who has control ar possession aE any ani.mal which is in violation of this Article shall , upon decnand, �urn over such animal to the DirecCar. -31- �� • ,. , , , ; � � � , �n � , � , � ` � � , _ , .1 , _ , Sac. 3��+�+ D�R�CTOR MAY PR4MULGATE RULES - The Di.xector shall Iiave the power, w�,�h the apQroval of the Ci�y Counci.I , �o pre�cribe and promulgaCe such rul�s and �egulations , not inconsistent with any 1aw of rhe State or this Article, as may be d��med neceasary Co prot�ct the h�alth and safe�y of Che people and to effectively perform �he duties imposed herein. �ec. 3-�+5 �N�'ORCEMENT The provisions of this Article sha11 be enforced by �he Director or his deleg��ed represen�ative. It sha1.1 be a vialati.on c�f thf.s A��icle to interfex� with the birectar or his delegated repres�ntatives in the performance of their duCies , Sec. 3-46 APPEAi.S �'KOM DECISI4N 4F DIRECTOR Whenever in Chis Ar�icle provision is made for a hearing before the D�rector, any person aggrieved by the decision ot the Director fvllowing such hearing may appeal same ta �h� City Council by giving not�.ce thereof, served upon the C��y Secretary, within seven�y-two (72) hours fal�owing the date th� decision was so rendered. The CiCy Council sha11 hold a hearing on the appeal wirhin thirty (30) days fol�owing noti�e oE appeal . Any notice of �ppeal shall be served in wriring , sCaGing the in��rest af the person appeali�ng, �he reason for the appeal , and t� general descrip�ion of th� fnctual grounds upon which Che appel�.ant contends Che d�cision o£ the Dir�c�or was incarrect . SeC� 3-G7 �SSUANCE OF C�TATIONS In addition to or in lieu of impounding an anitnal whi.ch is in vi.dlation or has viol�ted any Section or Subsection of this Article, or in addiCion to or in lieu of suspens3on ar revocation of a license or permit , the Dir��tor or any peace officer may issue Co the owner of such ani.rnai or holder of such I�.cenae or permit a no�ice of via�.ati.on and shall fil� a complaint r-elating thereta with the Munic3pal Cc�urt of �he City. Upon conviction of a v#.ola,tion of this Artiicl�, the owner shall be punished as provic3ed i.n Sec. 3�48 of this Article. -32- . , . ; � � • � � , .�. . ' .. . , Sec. 3-�+S PENALTY Any perso�l who shall �ntentionally, lcnowi.ngly, recklessly, vr with criminal negligonce comm�.t any act prohibiCed or made or declared to be unlawful by this Article or fail. �o perform any aet required by this Ar��.c�.e sha11 be deemed guilCy of a misdemeanor and, upon convi.cCi.on �h�reof, shall b� fined in an amount not to exceeed two thousanci dollara ($2,400} . Each day any such violation sha11 continue to exi�C sha11 constitu�e a separate offense. " Section 3. SEVERABILITY In the event any sec�ion, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, pxovision, sentence, or part of this Ordinance or �h� applicatiion o� the same �a any persQn or c�.xcumst�nc� ahall for any reason be ad3udged invalid or h�1d unconstitutional by a caurt of competen� ,jurisdictian, it sha11 nofi a£fect, impair, or invalidaC� �his Ordinance as a whole or any par� or prov�sion hereo� a�her than the part declared to be invalid or unconsti�utional. ; snd the City Council of Che Ci�,y of Fr�endawoad, T�xas , d�c�.ares rhat it woul.d have passed each and every p�rr of �tZe s�me no�withs�anding th� omission of nny such part �hus dec�ar�d to be invalid or uncons�i�urional , or whether there be ane vr more parts . SecC�.dn G. REPEALER AI1 other oxdin�nces or p�rCs of ordinances i.nconsistent or iiz conflicC herewi.�h are, to the extent of such incansistency or conflict, hereby repealed. Section S. EFFECTIV� DATE Th�s px'd�nanGe sh�c11 be in full force and effect £rom and �fCer i�s passage and its �ubliaatian as provid�d by 1aw. -33� , . J ' . ' � �' • 1 . � �� , ...w. � �1 . � � �M . 4 1 - • l , • • - FASSED AND APPRO'�ED on first readin,g thi.s 6th day d.� March � 1�$$. PASSED, API'ROVED, AND AUOPTED on secand and finnl reading this 2oth day of March � ig$4 • � y�� Paul W. Schrader AT'�::5�'� c s �� �.1.� ty ecr��sr Deloris McKe zie , CMC -34-