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HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 88-19 OR�INA�C� N0, 88- 19 AN �RDINANC� AM�NU�NG T1�� FRIENDSWOOD CITY C�D� 8Y STRIK�NG T1iF, �AST SFNTFNCF. OF SECTION 9-7 OF ARTICLE I dF CHAPTER � THERF.OF AND SII�STITUTING TH�R�.FO�t A NEW I.AST SEN'��NCE; �RdVIDING IT UNLAtdFUL TQ MAINTAIN A StdIMMING POOL WITNZN THE CITX WIiICH IS N4T FENC�D IN ACCORDANCF. WITH SECTION 9-7 EXCEPT FOR SWIMMING �'d4L5 �XISTING pN T�I� DATE HFRFpF �JHI�H ARF LOC�ATEn ON FIV� (5} �R MnRE ACRES OR LOCAT�D NOT LESS THAN TWQ HUNDR�D SIXTY-FI"V� �'��T (265' ) FROM ANY BUJLDZNG DESXGN�D OR USLD FpR RESIDENTIAL OK COMI�i�RCTAL pURPOS�S OTH�It THAN A SINGLE FAMILY RESID�NTIAL DW�LLING LaCAT�D ON T�F SAME TEtACT AS THE SWIMMING POOI�; PR�VIDING FOR S�V�RA,BILYTY; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY OF AN AMOUNT NOT TO �XCF�:D $SOQ. 00 �'QR �ACH �AY OF VTOLATIQN. � � � � � S� YT ORI�AZNED BY TI-iR CITY COUNCII. OF T��E CLTY OF FRI�NDSWOOD, STATE OF T�KAS : S�ction 1 . Th� Friendawood Ci�y Code is hereby am�nded by striking there£rom rhe las� s�ntence of Section 9-7 of Article I of Ch$p�er 9 �h�reo£ and substituting there�or the fo2low�ng : "It sha11 be unlawful �o m�in�ain �ny swimming pQOl in the Ci�y whi�h ia not fenced in accordance wi�h �he requi,rements o� Chi.s S�ction ; except that any exisring swimming pool loca��d on �iv� (5) or more �tcr�s or a►�y existing swimming pool 1oc�ted not lesa tih�n two hux�dred s�.xty-��.ve �eet (265' ) �rom any building desi�ned or us�d fdr residet�tin� or comm�rcial purpos�s vther than �� single family residenei�l �welli.n� �.oca�ed on the same tract rxs the swimmin� pool need nd� be �a fer�ced. " Sec�iotz 2. In �he ev�t�� any sectz.on, paragraph,, clause, phre�se, provision, sentence, or parC af. �hi� Ordinan�� or the appl•icaCf�n of Ctie 9AIn� �o any person ar circumstance sha.l� �o-r any reason be ad�udged inv�lid or held unconsti.tutional b� a courr of competeclt ,jurisdictioi�, it shall not a£�ect, impair, or �.»validate �Tli3 C?rdinance a� a whole or a��y part or provisi.on her,eof other tt�an the part c�eclered �o be invalid or uncanstiCUCiortal ; and the Ci�q Counci.l a£ the City a� Fri�nciswood, Texas, declares tl�at a.t wuuld have passed each and every part of the �am� notwithst�nding Che omi.ssion of any such part Chus decl�r�d to b� i.�va��d or unconstitutional, or wherher there be one or more pares. SecCion 3. Any peraon who sh�I1 va.o1A�� t�ny pxovi�sion af �his Orda.nance shal�. be de�med �tiilty o� �i ma.sdemet�t�or and upon conviction, sha1l be fined in an amoun� not to exceed $SUq. pO. ��ch day of violation sha11 constitute a sep�rate offense . PASSED AND APPRdVED on first r�adi.n� thi.s 5�� day Of DECEMBER , 1gHS. PASS�D AND A�PROV�D on second and fina� reading this 6TH C�gy Of FEBRUARY � 198��, gYQr Paul W. Schrader ATT�ST: ty . ec�etary Deloris McKenzie , CMC -2-