HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 88-15 ORDINANCE NO. 88-15 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING RULES AND REGULATIONS COVERNING THE ALTERATION OF ROADSIDE DRAINAGE DITCHES ; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS; PROVIDING A PENALTY OF AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $200 FOR EACH DAY OF VIOLATION; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. * * * * * * WHEREAS, due to the existence of numerous natural drainageways within and adjacent to the City of Friendswood, flooding from storm waters has been and contiinues to be a critical problem to the citizenry of the City; and WHEREAS, it is of paramount importance that the City continue to rectify drainageways and improve local drainage systems to minimize losses to persons and property from flooding; and WHEREAS, the use of roadside ditches within the City is an integral part of the City's drainage system; and WHEREAS , the adoption of rules and regulations governing the alteration of roadside ditches is necessary to reduce the probability of flooding and the dangers inherent therein; now therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSW04D, TEXAS, STATE OFTEXAS : Section 1 . The facts and matters set forth in the preamble of this Ordinance are hereby found to be true and correct. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to alter, cause to be altered, or permit the alteration of any roadside drainage ditch within public street right-of-way in the City of Friendswood unless such alteration is in accordance with the terms of this ordinance. Section 3. Alterations of roadside drainage ditches located within public street rights-of-way in the City of Friendswood, Texas, which reduce the carrying capacity or storage capacity of storm waters therein, are hereby prohibited unless: a} such alterations wi],1 not i.ncreas� �loo� elevations of neighboring or upsrream pro�e�ties ; b) suct� altera�ions wi11 not adversely aff�ct the dra�nage of starm warers aver and across other properties wi�hin the 1oca1 dr�inage ar�a or watershed ; and c) �uch �1�e���to�i� ar� naG vCh�rwi�� prQhi�ited by any rul�, r�gulation, ardinance, st�tuCe, o� ��W b� �ny govermen�el unit Qr �gsnGy h�v��� �uri�����i�n ther�av�r. SecC�an �. It sh�11 ba unlawful �or any per�on to alter at�y roadside drairiage ditch lacAteci wi��ti.ti public a��eet -�ight�-o�-�way in the City o� �'riend;swaod, Texas, unless a permit Cherefar has be�n ob�ained in gccordance with Cha,s Ordinanc�. Applications f.or permi.ts srtit�l.l be filed wi�h th� City Manr�ger o� �h� Czty or the official designat�d by �he City Manager ta receive such apglicatians. Forma for such permi� appl.ications sha11 be avgilable in the office a£ the City Secretary. All permit app�ica�i.on� shall be accompanied t�y p1an8 and specificatiions for the praposed al�eratians . F�es �or alterattan p�rmitis shall be as estahlished by �he City Counci.� . Sectidn 5. Any per:�on who sha11 vial�t� �r►y provision o� this �rdinance shall be deemed guilty o� � misd�meanar c�nd upan eonvic�ion, shall be �ined �n an amaunt not ta �xce�d $200.OQ� Fach day of viola�ion shall. consti�ute a s�p�rate o��ense. SBCC�.001 6. In the even� any sectic�n, paragraph, subdivision, clause , phxase, provisi�n, �entenc�, or part of this �rdinance ar Che appli_cation o� the s�me to any persor► ar circumst�nce �ha11 for any rea�on �e adjudgecl inval�.d or held unca��sCituti�n�l. by a court af competenC ,jur�.sdict�on, i� shall not affecC, impair, or i.nvalidt��e thia Ordinance as a whole or any pArt or pravisa.on hereof other than the part dec].�r�d Co be invalid or uncon�tituriont�l ; and Ch� City Council of, tne Gitiy o£ �ri.endswood, Texas , c�eclars� that it wduld hav� p�ssed each �t�d every part of the same noCwi_�hsranding rhe omissipn af any st�ch par� thus d�clgred to be invalid or uncon�ti.tu�ional, or wtle�her �here be at�e or mare par�s . -2- PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this 17th day of October, 1988. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED on second and final reading this the 7th day of November, 1988. , Mayor ATTEST: Deloris McKenzie City Secretary I , DELORIS MCKENZIE , CITY SECRETARY OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ON October 4 , 1988 , PROPOSED ORDINANCE N0 . T88-15 WAS POSTED AT THE CITY HALL AND PUBLIC LIBRARY BULLETIN BOARDS AND DISTRIBUTED TO CITY COUNCIL FOR REVIEW. DELORIS MCKENZIE , CMC CITY SECRETARY . DATE : October 4 , 1988 1ST READING : 10-17-88 A�� TIME : 5 : 00 p .m. 2ND AND FINAL READING : 11- -88 ATTEST : -3-