HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 88-12 ►J P���(`�(Jr' �Q'��"0 d . � � . . , , ��`� �uCt�.�¢.� ORDINANCE N0. 88-12 AN ORDINANCE �STABLISHING RUI.�S ANI� REGUI�ATIONS GdV�RNING THF INSTALLATYON OF MAILB�XES ADJACENT TC1 STATF HIGHWAY� ; PROVIDING D�ST.GN ANp CONSTRUCTIQN STANDARD$; PROVIDING A P�NAT�TY Q�' AIV AMOUNT NOT TO �XC�ED $500.00 FOR EACH DAY C1F VZOI�ATION; AND �'R(3VIDING �OR SEVERA$ILITY. �Gc �'r �k �C � �� WHER�,AS , the S��te De�art�nenr of Hi.ghways and Public Tr�nspor�aCic�n has developed design and conBtructian standards for mailbo�e$ �4GEit(3C� along �.nd adjacent to Srate highways ; and WH�R�AS, tihe StaCe DepartmenC af H�ghways and Public 'Trt�t�spor�a�ion has reqUes�ed Chat the City pf �`ri.endswood adop� and i.mplemen� such st�ndards for all new and r�placemen� m�ilboxes ins�all�d aJ.ong �nr� ad�acent to SCate hi.ghw�ys locatied withi.n Che corpor�zte l�ound�.r�es of �he CiCy; now �h����ore ; BF IT �RDAIN�D BY THE �ITY COUNCIT� OF TH� CITY OF FRIENDSW�OD, STATE OF 'TEXAS : SecCior� 1 . ThE f�cta and m��rers �et forCl� in �he preamble of this Ordinac�ce are hereby found to be true and corr�ct . Section 2, �t shal.l b� unlawful for any person ta in�tall �any mailbox, whe�h�r new or replacem�nt , �1ong ox' adjacerit to r�ny S��te af Texas highway or farmwto-m�rke� ro�d located wi�hin the corporate bauizdariea c�f the CiCy of Friendswoad unl�$s such mailbox installat�.on compl�es with the sCandards seC forth in Exhibit "A" �ttached here�o nnd made a part hereof. S��tion 3. A�y persan who �ha11 violate any provi$ion af this �rdinanc� shall be deemed guf.lty af a misdemeanor and upon convic�i.on, �shall b� fined in an �maunC not tc� exceed $500.00. E�ch day a£ violaCion sha11 con�titute a separate o£fense. Section �i. In the event any s�ction, paragraph, subdivi$ion, clau�e, phrase, provision, sentence, or part o� th�s Ordinance or the applica�ion o� the same ta any person or circums��nce aha1J. for �tny rea�on be ad�udged invalid or held uneons�iruCional by a courG of competen� ,jurisd3.ction, it shall nc�C a�fect, impair, or 3.nvalidate this Ordi��€�nce as � whole or �ny p�rt ar pravision ltereof o�her �han �he part declared �o be inval�d �r uneon$titutional ; And �he CiCy Council o£ the CiGy ot Friendswood, Texas, declares th�� �t would h�ve pa8sed �&C11 and every park� af �he s�me notwiChstandi.ng the omission c�f �ny sucl� par� thus dec�ar�d to be invalid or unconstitutional, or whe�her there be one or more parts . ^ ` PASSED, APPROVFD, AND ADdPTEp on £irsC r��din,g th3.s3rd �aY �� Qctober ,Y� �98$• l�ASSEU, APPROVED, ANU A�OPTED on second �nd final r��ding C11�.S 17th t�8y d� October , 1�$$. yor AT�r� �� . - y ecret�ry I , DELORIS MCKENZIE , CITY SECRETARY OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ON September 14 , 1988 , PROPOSED ORDINANCE T 88-12 WAS POSTED AT THE CITY HALL AND PUBLIC LIBRARY BULLETIN BOARDS AND DISTRIBUTED TO CITY COUNCIL FOR REVIEW . DELORIS MCKENZIE , CMC CITY SECRETARY DATE : September 14 , 1988 1ST READING : ( Scheduled 10-3-88 )/' TIME : 5 : 00 p .m. 2ND AND FINAL READING : ( Scheduled 10-17-88 )A ATTEST : ������ .. „� �.._.-_� � • r .+�__._._. . ...__. ..._ � U.S. � _� MQIL __ --.Y- •r•.��-_�-: --r-� .�. .� q , SE�..OE�A11=. I � I � � — N j if � � � — AT'f''.;UVLI? . �) ,� ��"`'� I�'�rILllC)X 3 _� � SIit�1'()ft'1' � � . �;� _'- �l :'�' ..-� � 1!t=I1 �! 1 === 1 =�illl=l�f llfl==IlI� � �.11lf� 1�11�i�,{lii , �� �� :�411� 4�. ��p :� .� ► �R�N7� SIOE i\Iy1�1:c�VF:D MA�I,BOX SUE'Pt)RTS $,r�V�� �YA• ._ ...-..- � ---.. ..-- -----�--. ��3✓$�� b�A. X eo�.-rs--�:, 5�e"wi�ocK � � t�t:i,i��;t�•i��a t�o��r (2 i bs/�t) . � WaSHER a '� �� ��� NUT I I/8" `� �` . � .'I�SIIFd W1�LI., STI��;T. TU��F. � 1 • �6��(�.l). r , �' �\ S�I1lV�)/1K(1 �. ua� «�r,r. ����c�r,�:N�:�s) wT�r�� _�.------ --.�'....���,��_ _-ru��Li3ox V-1�(�(: 11�IC!'C�]?I1GI_ � MU�'N'l'I NG --- � - - -- �� a� •K—l'OS`I` CO1ZT' . — S1�F1:`i`Y N1AII.SOX 1'OST �' _ ---''' ..�. BRACY.F.T � `�~�a�� � I � STCY�T. 2" x Z" xy 4�� •1���:"Z.ili�Cl " L lU$,ft ���.�7�i. " i , �3.l.gOx A10UN�1t1G`1V � FiRACKL'1' A!`�GI,I•:S •C;E:N1;Rl�r, l'UST �_ORf'. — 1�'� Pll�t: �/$"DIA, (ONE �ACH ST!)F. VIITti I�ItANG1�3I.E CO[J�LiNG W/�OCK CAUT I ON ^ RO NOT MOUNT MORE THl1N FOUR yyp�}-{�� $� NUY �"—��� S 1 NGl£ SUPPORTS 1 N A RON � w i Tf�i rt �E�� ��Fn� zor�E L7 Erl'All... 1 �... ���c;Li:; r�.rzt,ri�x MouNm . , , _ . . ,�I�lLl�7, ��� �.+.� +.+� .� � P , �-. � Ma� _ _� .__ �_: -1=����_- :.._ ��--._f=..� -! _l� 4.. ...-•_'....�� . _� � �'�,$EE: UETl�iL,l -r-�--�r ._..,,.__.._ UfR�CTION OF� TRAV�I, �_-� " p.a. d� VEHlCLE ~ T HIN VJALL �•�_�, �f-� I FOFIM�D -fUB� FOF2M�0 TUE3� '~`—�.._ r--�_�� 3�"� " SUPF'�FZl� � SuPPORT FRAnnE � F�1ar�n� _ - A •-_r3/8"UTA.x 5", _ � � BGL.T(� kE4�) ._.... ..�.�� _ � -- ,,-, -- ._. � � _; �,,�, .,,F� • -�51; , i ►�k�.:� � :lli N -. Ilfi-� j��' _�11�= (!!1 , . _` � ' .il! =_Illl ' ` _ - � � ��i� _�',�li::� � � � t..._,_ � � .__ FI.USH � ' _..�1NGL� �� � V-WWG ��T � �� -� ---�--.. �.� _ � � � ' l.�C aOGK�T+_��--- . �, .---: � f �r �_�� FRaN�r s �o� � 31i6��ntA _T_..��� _. , , STOV� BpI.TS `�.�� � ; � . ` . k, ._. �,� --.,�,�.�`_— � �� �� „ �� � . : � � STANUARD 2 x 2 x + S'�qNOhRf) MJ�I L1307C MUUN'1'1NG MRII,D�X �RACx�'T� A��'.GT,�.s r��t'.".TYNG tONF. I,ACIi �a T DF') L31�11CY.L'1' 318�� OIA BOLT __.,,7_r.., .,�-t�y,rr t'rrC'`'�T -�--- __W/LQCK WASHER �- , �b NUT �tiwo or< r�oR� MULT I PLE ��s�n�L�ri�o,NS D�TAI�. i �+ � CLEnR �I STnt�CE BETwE Err l�dSTALLAT I ON5 ML3,�!�I�i,t' M�Ir.r�c�X Ntc�c;r��!� � ' . r.• 'b � . � • . . , • . , ' ��r�l������ � (� � -, ��• ; � 8racket � � � � Brocket . �. � �f1. �� , ��� �-----' MQilbox `� � .� ` �G` � � . cJ �� / � �fC7� ,�• �� ,� � � Spacer � 7/8 " lonq ,•- mode from t/2��plpe 6rack�t to moiibox 6�1/4" dio. x 2 " screws 2 woshers and t nut for each screw i �. �. � / Anqle fo brocket �I6 " dia. x 5/8" boJt with . , fock washer dnd �ut � .. � ., •i� ; � Angi� to delineafor .a��, �• c 3/8" dio. x 2-1/2" bolt �:�d nut . �/ ; � � � .-�" - ��� � � o ,.''� _ ;' � . M�ilf�nx Mn�int fnr ti�p N(1. �� M�1�hAk. , -• •• . � ��+����� t , . .� � _�„rJ Brocket 8 ra ck e t --�-�� _,` � � � ���'�;, Moilbox � ¢ .�-�� � .��� `� � . . '�l� , �/�� �7 �J . � `�,,,. :� 3► ��'� ' ��'�¢p� �-✓ � ' `r�� '1./ $paCEr t 2'�����r `01'14 mode from i/2 p�Pe (�wo required) �3ratket to moilbox #astener � b�- 1/4�� dia. x 3�� bolt with 2 washers and i nui for eoch bo4t • � ' i r �i �. •:ii � ���....� �. c � Q - � • � � + qdopter �late to bracket ' Q � fastener = 4 ea. 3/$�� dia. x - �� �= � 5I8" bolt ; EOCh �O�t hOS � -; �� � � � lock wosher and nut ; ,� �,,� p % - . e ° a :°_ � � a ° 'l o �� ,.� __. �� e ,,- � � ,1 . I .. ' � � s 0 / . Mailbox P1c}urlt fc►r Size No. 7. Mailbox. . �,.�. . � . n- , .. � � ' ,,. �[ , �����i��� ..�"" . • , � .. � S �� � -- -• 1 �� C�IRECTION OF V�NiCL� = ; Y�A���- /16" BOLT WIl'H � 2 1NASHERS E� NUT ¢ � i r ` ���� r+� i� , �Q„ QQL.IVEA��R y �_� r-=.�_:;: — � ADAPTER NAS THREE PUNCHED �r r i r� . _ � „p�� MQLES A7 ' i r�`` �p i*i � f_..—�--- GROUND L�VEL N �- _ t i .Gb�� o.o. , a.o47�� � � ,��!�l�� ; � �� wa I 1 th i cicne55) --�-7� � � ti i� � ��� ����� '` � � I�� . .. ... ..�!1 ��� ��.'11111 If��� i � ��� �� ��I�'" S" Single � , M t Mount � a" Double � Mount or Na. 2 $ox � �RONT ��p May ��Iso be used for double �not�nt or singte No. 2 box providGd V-l.oc fin5 are modified, DiR�C�f(�N OF ��.usw v�u�cx OELW�ATQR TRAV�L ��CKET _ POS Y a�R�c-rlorv � 4F� V�L� �� TRAVEL . _��aApT�� . � ADARTER SE��'1(�N "A,.,,�" S��TION ''Q B" MODIF1Eb V-LC1� SYST�M iJSING SEC710N OF DfL1NEA7QR POST • .�.. . •; . : � . �,�`�1���� .�«'�]'�''' � , �(� Adapter Plate � � . . ,�f� �,,.- ; _ ; ,s� `�i � - ', . . o + o e - Adopfer plate to � �� � � bracke! fasteners� . ..,,/� _,,. ----..._�,.� _ 4 e�. 3I8" dia. x 5/8" ' 4 ' ^ � bof t ; eoch bolt hny a ] - '� - ( i lock washer ond nut � 1� � � • ' �I i � • � o � ,���._� __.�.::'�__ .�= _ r . Angle to delineator fa�tener: p�7 not place more than tl�ree 3/$ " dio. X 2- 1/2 �� bolt ctoub 1� moiin ts in a row. and nut � - Uaublc Box t�tc�unt for Size Nu. 1 Mailbox. � , I y • • • ' � � � � •����:���3��' ,�.� . . +. �+ .� � . �nc�fes m�y bc furnished wi t�� � �_ ��� �_ _r on� leg 3" long anci cor�tainin� twp hplas� this iey should be 3/$`�()IA. attdched to supnort post. .,�... I/2�� 2�� ��� Q-,_� ,r_ 2�� ,.�.. -- —-..._� �. .....� 3/8�� QIA. o.�o" ANGLE ; , _..�.�i-vQ".�. a" -�-----,. ,� - - -- 4 �i 2"-�----�-�,r-------- a" ---}-��•v�"��— � � � � � �,, �i� .�I ,.[--� �� 4 u -- — C� — _._. ....... _.b ....., .._._ _.. _..._ p. � ._.� ..._. .r p._._. — � ��� � � ��� 4,.r... �� I�_.�....._.._---.....,------------...._ (�J'� ^— . _.._..� Ho�.�s aR� 3is" a�A. b.14�� �"HICK {CUT �RUM USED SlGN BLANK ) ADAPT�R PLATE Acfapter PlatP and An�le Detail�`. ' . . . �:�������...�.��. ,� , � . , . � , . . /�� ' ����GHWAY DES[GN L)!'�[S10N C}FE�:ttA'I'ION5 ANll PItOCt�.I)�JItF,S MANUAL I-8� �V reaci�ed anly i f t�►e guard fence is less a d�nger than tlie hazard it would prot�ct, or if thc cast of vtherwise safety treating tl�e haz��rd is prohibitive. c� Use of highcr thai� minimum design se�ndards result in a driver environment whicli is Eltl�damentslly safer because it is more likely to compcnsate far driver e.rrors. �'rcquently, a more liberal dcsign, i��cluding sight distgnces g,rcater tktian minimum, f1aCC80Cd slopes, etc. � eosts titt}.e mor� over [hc: life of a project and increases its saf�:ty and use�- ful.tzess substant ially. d. Far improved safety p�rformance, highway g�ometry and traffic canrrol clevice� should merely co��firm drivers ' ex�ecc��tion�. U�lexpected situ:�tions, such �s left side r�mps on Freeways, sharp t�orizontal curvstura introduced within a series of flat curves , etc. , have c�etnpnstruted zdvNrs� effe.cts oTi trafEic operations and safety. Thesc� principles have been incorporated as apprnpriate into tl�c� desiqn standards inrluded t�erein. It is the responsibility of the designer that t��ese principles be care.futly examined Eor their applicability at each p3rticular s'tte based on itsl particular circumsta��ces , in�Iuding the aspects of social impact , environrnental impact , e�onomy, and safety. y 8. Horizontal Clearancc�s_CurObstructions A clear recovery arez should bc� provided zlong high sp�ed rural highways. SucY� a r�:covery are3 s1�a»ld bc cicar of unyielding ` objects whc:r� practical or shieided by erssh eushion3 c�r gua rd ra i 1 . Fi�ure �t-21 shows criteria for hori2ontal clearanceR to c�bstructinnS on new location projects and "r�ajor" reconSCrucCi.Ot� projects o�� existing routes. "Major" reconstructi.an pr�jncCs arf: thosc� which ir�vnlve c�xte+�sive verk�c�l or t�or?zontal re-�Iignment , and/or ex�ensi��e alt�raCi��n of side slopes. Tf�e clear zane v�lues show�l in Figurc� 4-21 are mcasured frum the edge of trs�v��i l�ne. Th�;��� are appropri�te desigsi values for sll cut seccious {sec Para�raph 4-202(ti )3 for cross sectional de.sign o� ditchc�s within th� cl�ar zoi�e} and for all fill s�:ction� witt� sidc siopes 6: 1 or flarrer. For sreeper Fill slopes , erranc vet�iele, have red�,ce�d eha��c� of rccovery and t}�e laCeral ��xtenC of e.ach YOA��Sidt� eneroachment inCre�ses. It ls th�refore pref�rablc Co provid�. a haz:�rd-frce arc:� beyond th�� toe of steep side slapes evan wh�n ci� is area is nutside the clear zone. �- 1 �3-39 { ' . . . '� ;;TG�iWAX D�:SYGN�IVISiON OPI�RA"TiONS ANri PRUCEDUR�S MA,NUAI, , Rev. 2-87 �����S . HORZ20NTAL CL�ARANCE3 ON N�W F�pCATYbN • AND MAJOR RECONSTRUCTIc�N PROJLCTS � • � �,ocstian �'unccional Dcsign Avg, p�ily Clear Zone width (ft, )2�3,4 Classification Sgeed (mph} Trafficl Miniwum Desirable Rural Freeways Al.l All 30 (16' for raa�ps) Rural Arterial All 0 J 750 10 16 750 - 1500 16 30 l.SUO or more 3Q -- Rural Col�ector 45 or more AtZ lise abovc rural arterial Criteria. �i0 or less All 10 -- Rural T.ocal All AI�1 10 '-- _ Urban Freeways Al.l All 30 {lb' for xamps) Urba» All (curbed) 45 or less All 1.5 from 3' curh face� � Uxban All (uncu�bed} 45 or more All Use above rural arterial t �rxteria. Urb�n All (uncurbeci) 40 or less A1� 105 -- Urban All {curbed) 50 or more AI1 Use above rural arterial � y criteria insofar as avail- able border w�,dth ermits. 1 Averaga ADrt' over pro,ject life, i .e. , Q. 5 (present ADT and Eutnre ADT). Use Cotal ADT on two-way raadways, dfrectional AD'f on one-way roadways. 2 SJ/0 barrier or other s�fety treatmcnt; of appureen3nces. 3 Measured from edge of travel lanc fnr all. ce�� sections and fox ��1 fill. secti.ons wl�ere side sloQes are 6: 1 or flatter, Wilere fill slopes are steeper than 6: 1 it fs desirsbLe to provide a hazr�rd�free ar.c�� heyond the tae of slope. � Desirable, rather than roinimum, valucs :�t�ould be used where feasible. � See diacuseion �q Se�tion 4�307.(J) regarding �viverC end offsek . F'or lateral cZearance valucs te bridge picrs fur underpassing curbed atcects, see �'igure 4�68. r Figure 4-21. Refers to Paz�agraph 4-202(G)8 a.an