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Ordinance No. 88-04
t y ORDINANCE 88-� AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , TEXAS ORDINANCE N0. 87-24 , PASSED AND APPROVED AUGUST 14 , 1987 AND BEING AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CITY 'S GENERAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1987-$$ ; PROVIDING AMENDMENTS TO SUCH BUDGET: AND PROVIDING OTHER MATTERS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT . * * � � * � � * � � � WHEREAS , BY ORDINANCE 87-24 , THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ADOPTED ITS GENERAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1987-88 ; WHEREAS , THE CITY COUNCIL HAS DETERMINED THAT TRANSFER OF CERTAIN FUNDS INTERDEPARTMENTALLY IS ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE AND IN THE BEST INTEREST OF PRUDENT BUDGETING; AND WHEREAS , THE CITY COUNCIL DESIRES TO AMEND SAID GENERAL BUDGET TO REFLECT SUCH TRANSFER IN THE FISCAL YEAR 1987-88 ; NOW THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , STATE OF TEXAS : SECTION 1 . THE FACTS AND MATTERS SET FORTH IN THE PREAMBLE OF THIS ORDINANCE ARE HEREBY FOUND TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. SECTION 2. THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , TEXAS , GENERAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1987-88 , IS HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS ON ATTACHMENT A AND B, SAME BEING ENTITLED "AMENDMENT I" TO THE � CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , TEXAS , GENERAL BUDGET, FISCAL YEAR 1987-88 • PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 2ND DAY OF MAY , 1988 . MAYOR ALPH L . LOWE ATTEST: . � DELO IS MCKEN E , MC CITY SECRETAR City of Friendswood . � ATTACHMENT A 1987-1988 8udget Amendent t � � ' May 2, 1988 Original Amendment Amended Account Number Account Description An�ndment Description 8udget Amount 8udget ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL �UND: REVENUES 01-00-00-3012 Resarve-Prior Ysar Furchase Orders �rior Year Encumbrances 0 78,780 73,730 ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL REVENUES 0 78,780 78,?80 ----------- ----------- ----------- EXPENDITURES 01-02-01-7291 Special Services Prior Year Encumbrances 0 1,OOQ 1,000 01-21-01-5843 Light Police Equipmant Prior Year Encumbrances 4,500 161 4,651 01-21-01-8130 8uildings Prior Year Encumbrances 0 46,412 d6,412 Ot-21-Oi-8815 Othar Computer Equipment Rrior Year Encumbrances 0 1,500 1,500 01-21-01-8816 Software License Fee Frior Year Encumbrances 0 2,500 2,500 Ot-27-Ot-5730 Pound Supplies Prior Year Encumbrances 130 111 241 01-38-Qt-7291 Special Services Rrior Year Encumbrances 0 1,000 1,Q00 01-61-Q1-8170 �arking Lot Prior Year Encumbrances 0 1,112 1,11� Ot-62-13-8140 Building Renovation Prior Year Encumbrances 25,000 24,384 49,384 O1-S3-Ot-6103 Baautification Program Prior Year Encumbrances 2,500 600 3,100 ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL EXPENDI?URES 32,130 7�,730 110,910 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- REVENUE SNARIN6 FUND: --------------------- REVENUES 11-00-00-3012 Reserve-Prior Year Purchase Orders Prior Year Encumbrances 0 2,995 2,9?5 ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL REVENUES 0 2,975 2,975 ----------- ----------- ----------- EXPENDITUftES 11-16-01-fi316 Software Maintenance Contract Prior Year Encumbrances 0 T50 75Q 11-16-21-3816 Computer Software License Fae Prior Year Encumbrances 2,2d6 390 2,626 11-16-21-7621 Fares/Fue1/Meals/Lodqing �rior Year Encumbrances 0 1,3d5 1,845 ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTA� EXPENDITURES 2,246 2,975 5,221 15-Apr-88 FIN�8A8801A.WK1 Paga t City of Friendswood ATTACHMENT A 1937-1938 8udget Amendent I ' � � May 2, 19�� Original Amandment Amendad Account Numbar Account Description Amandment Description 8udget Amount 8udget ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WATER AND SEWER FUND: REVENUES 4�-00-OQ-3�12 Reserve-Prior Year Purchase Orders Prior Year Encumbrances 0 1,035 1,035 ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL REVENUES 0 1,035 1,035 ----------- ----------- ----------- EXRENDITJRES 40-d0-Ot-7143 Programming Modification Prior Year Encumbrances 1,600 765 2,365 40-43-Ot-6675 B/H Lift Station Maintanance Prior Year Encumbrances 10,000 237 10,�37 40-43-01-7330 Books and Periodicals Prior Year Encumbrances 150 33 183 ----------- ----------- ----------- TOT�L EXFENDITURES 11,75Q 1,035 12,785 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- CARITAL RROJECTS PUNO: ---------------------- REVENUES 50-00-00-3012 Reserve-Prior Year Purchase Orders Prior Yaar Encumbrances � 335,144 385,144 ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL REVENUES D 385,144 385,144 ----------- ----------- ----------- EXPENDITURES 50-32-11-8920 Inspection Engineering - Failing Leaf Prior Year Encumbrances 0 13,046 13,046 50-32-11-3987 Contract Sarvices - Falling Leaf Prior Year E�cumbrancas 0 105,214 105,214 50-32-12-8920 Inspection Engineering - Imperial Drive Prior Year Encumbrances 0 20,097 20,097 50-32-12-E987 Contract Services - Imperial Drive Prior Year Encumbrances 0 161,�46 161,746 50-32-13-8920 Inspection Engineering - Merriewoad Prior Year Encumbrances 0 2,065 2,065 50-3�-13-3987 Contract S�rvices - Merriewood Rrior Year Encumbrancas 0 1T,553 17,553 50-32-14-8920 Inspection Engineering - Misty Lane Prior Year Encumbrances 0 7,108 7,108 50-32-id-8987 Cantract Servicas - Misty Lane �rior Year Encumbrances 0 58,315 58,315 ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL EXPENDITUR�S 0 385,144 385,144 TOTAL RRIOR YEAR ENCUM8RANCES 46,126 467,934 514,O6Q 15-Apr-88 FIN\BA8801A.WK1 Page 2 C�ty of r^iendswEOd ATTAC�MENT 3 '48'-?9$8 audaet Amendent ; � � May 2, 1968 :,riginal Amendment Amended Account Number Account Description Amendment Descriatior Budget Amount Budget ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GE�JERAL �UND: kEVENJES 2'-00-GC-35?1 Elect^ica' Francnise-TNPCO Revenues under-budgeted 'S6,OOD ?0,000 iSS,000 Oi-QG-00-3512 Eiectrical �ranch�se-NL&P Reverues 'under-pudgetec 83,OCQ 5,000 88,00� 01-00-00-3520 Telephone Franchise Reven�es Under-budgeted 23,656 15,0�0 38,056 01-00-OC-3540 Cable TV rrancnise Revanues 'under-budgetec 3�,CGC C,'OC 38,i0C Ci-CO-OQ-3830 interest �arned on Investments Reverues Under-budgeted �C,QQO 5,CC0 35,000 Ct-00-00-3384 Other insurance Reimbursements i�surance Re�unds C S,5iC 6,5i0 D1-00-00-38i9 Donations - Library L;brary aoard donat?on for Littia �iorary 0 5,OOD 5,OG0 C1-0�-CO-348? Canoe Safar; Proceads Recespts fro� new a^ogrem 0 S5G 650 01-00-�0-381i Donations - Police Donations tor Computer Terminals C i,375 1,3?5 Q?-00-QO-3335 Interest Earr.ed-�sc�owed Securi�ies Saie & Re-�urcnase of Escrowea Secur�ties 0 46,�5`' �8,46? �'-GO-�C-3998 Miscellaneous Administrative Revenues Cnarge rar Re-Inspection Afte^ �ours � s� 3D 01-00-00-303C Prior Year Reserves Spec�a' Equipment for ii':icit Ar,t�vity � 2,500 2,�00 Oi-00-QO-9i'3 ?ransfer f^om par�s and Recreatian �unc St^ie%Sea�/'�ax Har,gar F'oor 0 2,600 2,600 ----------- ----------- ----------- ?0?AL REVEN�ES 326,6�7 I�S,332 G33,488 ----------- ----------- ----------- EX?EN�iTUR�S p�-03-Oi-'7?' Eiectian Serv��es K�'"ot 6oxes 3,SC0 385 �,��5 01-03-Ci-8811 Compute^ System Epuipme��t Baliot Re�der :! 29,8�G 29,85C �1-O6-Q1-72i' =�x �opra;sais GCAC charges Over-Budge*. SO,�DO 7,5G0 �',yOQ Q1-O6-01-98�3 Homestead Refunds Anticipated Cver-Budget 15;OOC G,32C 13,30C 0�-21-Q1-8812 Computer Terminai Eq��pment Jonations for �omputer ienmina':s 0 ':,3?S ?,37v 01-22-04-?38Q Contract Services - Galveston County in-HLuse �aramadic Health insurarce iS,884 ('25} 1S,?5° �',-79-Oi-7C1S umbre??a �iabiiity :ns�^ance Additional Premium due after Audi� � i>CCO �,OQO 01-79-01-748i Hospitalization insurance In-House Paramedic Nealth Insurance i32,�v� 725 ;33,?3� G;-61-01-8130 8uilding Renovations - Little Heuse '_ibrary 8oard donation for �ittle ���rary 3,978 5,00� 13,973 C1-S2-14-T381 �anitoria� Services - yeavesiy Parh S.^ip/Sea'/Wax Hangar r':ao� C 2,60C 2,50u 01-53-22-77?0 Parks Services use of Harris vounty Parks-�anoe �a�ari Q �5� i5� 01-?9-Q1-�4i� Specia? rvent Insurance Canoe 5afa�i Program ;nsurance Premiur 2 35� 350 01-9i-Ot-9150 TransTers to Capitai ?rojects FurG ��ateriais-Wi�dsong/Windwood/Windcreek 85?,767 48,457 �C6,25Y 01-21-G1-1550 Teie�hone - Police Correct Budget Errer i�,50� (7?,5C�; 4 ��!-7?-2?-9550 ie�epnone - 8ui':dings - Poiice Correct Budget �rror u 13,500 '.?,5Q0 01-27-01-�5'C Eiectric�ty - Humane Correct B�dget �r�or SOC (600; 0 01-77-2i-7510 Electr�eicy - Bu?ldings - Humane �a^rect Budget Err�r 0 a00 606 01-22-04-757C Natura�' Gas - �ire - City Adm Co^rect Budget Error i,50C (i,500) � �i-7�-31-757G tiatural uas - Buiidinys - ��r� u�tat;�n ? Cor^ect Budget Error u i,5u0 ',50� Gi-22-04-?51C F'ect^?city - �ire - C1ty Acm Correct 8udget E^^o^ S,GOQ (9,QOC; � 0'-i7-3i-1�1C ��ec�r�c�ty - Bui;dings - F;re Station 1 Correc� Budget C"�4P 0 S,uDu S,�C� G1-i'i-32-751C Electricity - 8uiicings - =ire Sta�icr 2 Co�^ecc Buocet �r^or � 2,D"v� 2,GGC 0�-i?-"s3-?5'u E'ec�ricity - aui`di�gs - rire 5tat�on 3 vcr,^ect Budget Error � 2,000 2,O�u 01-61-Gt-7510 Etectricity - �ibra^y Correct Sudge� Error i',?�� (1i,20�) � ui-+7-S1-75,0 c'ect^;city - 8uildings - Librany ;orrect 8udget Error 0 ?1,.D0 ?i,2C0 1�-Aw^-8S FIN\BA88016.WK? paye ' �ity of �rien�sw�od A?TACHMENT B 198?-1988 8udget Amendent : May ?, i988 �r?ginal Amendment Amended Account Number Account Descriptior Amendroent Description Budget Amount 8udget ..------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ �E�ERAL FUND: (cont;nueu; EXPENDITURES (continued} 01-6?-01-?550 Teiephone - �io^ary �orrect Sudget �rror 2,000 (2,000} G 01-7?-61-�55G ?etephone - Build�ngs - Libra^y Correct Bu�get Erre^ � 2,QOC 2,OGG 01-61-01-7570 tiaturai Gas - �ip^a^y �orrect Budget trror 558 {558) 0 C1-?^-61-'5i� tiatura' Ges - 8ui�!d�ngs - Library Correct Budget rrror � 55° 558 01-01-�1-7999 Misceiiar,eous Expense - Mayor & Counc?1 TransTer to City Secretary 1,500 (323} `,�'„ 0?-Q3-Ci-�i?� Base Sa�a^ies & Wages - City Secreta^y ?rar,s{ar �o tiity Secretary d5,S78 228 45,9v5 u�-03-Qi-48Q1 Sociai Security "ransfer to City Secre.ary �,384 i7 3>4G'. Ct-G3-Oi-?6iC Speciai Training ?ransfsr to City Secreta:^y "GS ?8 �78 01-38-0?-4301 �vertime - �nspectien uharge fo; Re-:;�spQction Afcer 'r'ours 3,'QC �C 3,�30 � � �rans�e.s to Emer enc Reserve r4nG �au, ie Whitehead �ria to hasnin ton 6. �. i'i,541 '��u' ;":, 4? 01-9':-0'-917' ` ^ 9 Y ' " 9 � r � S?-ut-0?-7999 Misce?ianecus txpense - Mayor & Counci': Laurie �hitenead trip to Was��ingtor, G. v. ','�7 5Cu :,o?? 01-2?-08-88gg Miscelianeous Equ�pmert - S�eciai Inves� Special Equipment for i1�1Clt Activity C 2,5uG 2,.7G0 Ot-91-01-9102 Transfer to Swimming Poo' Fund 4hemica' �hange Over and �hemica? Supply 34,613 3,325 3?,93$ ----------- ----------- ----------- iOTAL EXPENCiiuRES ;,3$8,1G5 106,$32 "�:.�Sk,937 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- PARKS ANC RECREATION FL'NC: -------------------------- �XprNDI?URc5 '3-62-14-$140 Bui'ding Renovation - �eaves�y Park Str?p/Sea'JWax Hangar Fioor 'O,��G (2,SOOj ?,70� ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL EX�ENDi'URES "0,304 j2,S00} 7,'DG ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- WATeR AND S�WEK �UNG: REVkNUES 4Q-CO-00-383C Interest Earned �� invest�ents Y-T-D Actuai Collections 0 i?,424 i�,a2A 40-CQ-00-3839 Interest - NOW C�ecking Accou�nt Y-?-^v Actuai Coiiections C 3,S7i 3,57i 40-00-00-385? Sale of �qu�pment Y-?-D Rctuai Gcllections 0 4,743 4,'4� 40-CO-OG-3890 �isce'ianeous Rece�ats Y-'-C Actua� Co'iections 0 523 528 40-00-00-3892 Rental Kevenue ;=urest Band Civic 84�i�ding Q ',u5C 1,05G ----------- ----------- ----------- ?OT,4t RvV�hUES � ?;,3�2 2�,32i ----------- ----------- ----------- 19-Apr-83 FIN\BA880iB.WK`• ?age 2 �i�y of Friendswooa A�'TA.C4P�EN? 6 1S8�-i988 Budpet Amendent i ' � May 2. ?988 Criginal A�nendment Amended Acccur� hu�nber Account Description Amenament Descriotior 9udge*. Amount E3udget ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•------- �ATER AN� 9EWtR FUNC: (eontin�e�; --------------------- EX�ENDiTUR�S �0-00-DO-9;41 Transfer to W/5 Censtruction �und Wa*_er line to sports compiex 90,000 39,000 ;?9,000 �O-OC-00-9?4i Transfer to W/S Construc�ion Fund Cast �verrur: - l�ti'ity :ine Re?cca�?ons u 9G,D"uu '3u,CGv �0-0�-OQ-9'42 'rans�er to Surface Wacer Construc�ion ':nterest Payment - �ity of Nouston � 32,03° 32,038 4�-p�-pp-g;q2 ?r�r;Sfgr to Surface Watar Const^uction Surface �ater Constructio+� 0 A,622 4,62i �0-9i-�9-9t43 ?ransfer to W/S Revenue Debt Service Reduce Surtace Water Bond ?�oceeds 33?,C�O (i44,�38; i!32,&92 ----------- ----------- ----------- ?OiA� EXaENDi'UR�S u2?,u3� 2?,3Z2 448,352 ----------- ----------- -----..___-- ----------- ----------- -----�------ �A;FR AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION �U��D: ---------------------------------- R�VE�L'rS Gi-00-00-3819 �eveioper �ontributions Water �ine to Saorts Comp�ex 0 iS,DOG "5,u0� 41-OG-00-3824 Water and Sewer Bono Proceeds Reduce Surface Water Bond ?roceeds 24u,ODG (240,000) C 41-uC-GO-39A0 Transfer ±rom Water and Sewer Fund No Change 90,000 0 43C,000 41-00-OG-3941 Transfer to W/S Construction rund Water ;ine tc sports compiex 90,aoe 39,OOC t?S,OGC 4T-00-00-3941 Transfer to W/S Constructien �und �ost Overrun - Utility Line Relocations � 90,000 !�O,OGO ----------- ----------- -----�------ iOiAL REVF�UES 420,000 ;56,000) 324,000 ----------- ----------- -----�------ EXP�ND;'URES �':-41-30 �acer �i,�e - rire Stn #2-Tawer estates �ecuce Surface Water Bond Proceeds 32,C00 t2,0u� ii4,000 4?-4?-31 Water !ine - Cowarts Crk across Sunset Reduce Surface Wate^ 3ond �rocesds �O,C�C ;�u,a�G; 0 a�-G1-32 Water Line - Co�arts Crk acrass Castlewd Reduce 5ur{ace Water Bond ?roceeds ;C,OCO ;°4;C00; � 4i-di-3? Water :ine - Windsong Tie-in Reduce Surface Water Bond Proceeds 6,QC� (S,O�Cj C 41-41-34 Re1acate �ater L�ne-F�5i8 to �eague City Cost �verrun d5,000 30,000 '!5,000 4?-��-35 �ire Hydrant improvamen�s Reduce Surface Water Bond Preceeds 20,QQ0 (20,COCj � 4i-4'-3S Remove ��2vated Water Storage Reduce Surface Water BonG ?roceeds '5,OOu (?5,uDC} 0 d;-�3-3� Re�ocaze Sewer !ine-FM5�8 to �eague City Cost Gverrun 45,Q�G 6G,GCC 1(JS,OGC 41-43-35 Man��ole Rehabi±itation Reduce Surface Water Bond Froceeds �C,�QO (50,OOD) 0 41-91-0�-9?42 ?ransTer to Surface �ater �or,struc�io^ keduce Surface Water 8ond Proceeds 37,CCC (S�,OQQ; � ----------- ----------- ------------ TO?AL cXPENDITURES 330,OQ� (46,QCOj 2;3�,OOC 19-Apr-88 FIN\BA88016.WKi Page ? C;�y n� �riends�ooa A?TACN�ENT B 1987-1988 8udget Aroendent I �ay 2, '988 ��ig;na' Amendment Amer�ed Account Number Account Descr�p;ion Amendme�7t �escrip�ior Budget Rmour� Budge� ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUR�ACE WAT�R CONSTRUC??�N �UND: -------------------------------- RkVE��U:S 42-00-00-3823 Surface �`aCer 8ond �roceeds Reduce Sus��ace Wate� Bonq P�aceeds G,56?,968 (4,�6i,968) 0 42-QO-Ou-?83C Interest Earnea on Investments Reduce Surface Water 9orc ?rocee�s '�iv,55� ,??C,5��; G �Z-a0-00-394C Transfer trom Water and Sewer �und Interest Payment - City of Nouston Q 32,038 32,038 42-00-04-3940 Transfer from Water ana Sewer Fund Surface �ater Gonstruc*ior C 4,622 4,52G �2-CO-�0-39d1 ?ransfer trom W/S Canstruction Reduce Surface Water Band Proceeds 9?;u�0 ;97,OOOj � d2-OD-OC Loan `rom Gity Hali Cons�ructian �u.n,d City rali Reserves u 90i,355 ?�i,35� 42-00-OQ �oan from �apitai Pro�iects �und �'ove� 4cres Orainaae C 12Q,34; ?20,34� ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL REVENUES 4,359,518 {4,p1?,162) $58,356 ----------- ----------- ----------- EXDENDiTJR�S 42-41-12 Appl�cat?on `or Financiai n,i� Reduce Surface Water Bond Proceeds ?S,5u0 �i6,:0�� � C2-4i-�3 Shared 2�" Surface Wa�er �ine - MUC 5S Reduce tc Actua? 29�,26fi ;8C,299) 2Q9,96' G2-41-i4 Water S:crage - 8aypark Reduce Surface Water 8ond Proceeds 400,402 ;400,4�2) 0 w2-4i-15 Water ireatment Piant - Houstor� Reduce Surface Wa�er 8ond Proceeds 3,330,QQ0 ;2,686,233} 643,?S" 42-41-96 Pampi7g Station Reduce Surface Water Bond Procee�s 2G8,500 (208,5D0) D 42-4i-i' 14° water Line from MuC55 to FWD P?ant Reduce Surface Water Bond P�oceecs 25S,3G2 !?5E,3Q0} C 42-90-01-9542 Surface Water Reserves �educe Surface �ater acnd Proceeds 9?,000 ('92,378) 4,622 42-9?-01-9149 Iransfer to W/S Ravenue Debt Servica Fnd Reduce ;u^face Water Bond Procaeds 210,55C (2�0,55C) � ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL EXPENDITURES 4,8Sy,5?8 (G,011,152) 858,356 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- WP,iFR AND SEWER REVENUE D�87 SERVIC� FUh'D: ------------------------------------------ R�V�tiU�S 4J-2D-u�-30i1 Casn 8a?ance Carried �orward Na �hange 2,693 u 2,b93 40-00-QO-3942 ?rarsfer frem Surface Water Construction Reduce Surface Water Bond Proceeds 21C,55G {21Q,559} C 40-00-Op-39d0 Transfer trom Wate^ and Sewer �und Reduce Surrace Water 9ond ?raceecs 33',03C {';44,338� �92,592 ----------- ----------- ----------- ?u?,AL R�VE�UES �50,2�3 ,'3�4,888} �95,385 ----------- ----------- ----------- tXPEND':TURES 49-81-04-93 Pr�ncipai - W/S Revenue �9onds '�o Change '25,�00 0 '25,000 G9-8?-Od-94 inter�st - 19S9J197a �/S Revenue Bonds No �hange ?C,02i 0 7G,G27 d9-8'-0�-9456 Interest - ?98? Revenue Bo^ds Reduce Surface Water Bond Proceeds 354,$8R ���4,888} 0 49-81-04-9731 Paying Agenti's �ee No Cnange 35& 0 358 ----------- ----------- ----------- �n?A� EXPENDI;uRES 5�C,2?3 (354,388} �9,,38; ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ---------- 19-Apr-B° rIN\8A98016.WK? Page C City of Friendsw�od A'TACHMENi B 1987-?988 Budget Amandent : �ay 2, 1988 �n�g;nai Amendment Amended Account Number Accour.t Descr�ptio�� Amendment Description Butlget Amount Budgec ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITA� PROJECTS FUtiC: ---------------------- REVENUE� SC�-00-�0-3011 Cash �alance Carried Forward Aetual Af*er Aud�t 0 � � 50-00-GC-3801 Transfers ±rom Gene�al Fund Materiais-Windsong/Windwood/wirdcreey 85i,?5' 4E,46� 805,224 ----------- ----------- ----------- ?OTAL REVEhUFS 3�7,751 48,467 906,224 ----------- ----------- ----------- EXFENDI?URES �0-32-0?-87?� 87-88 Street Improvemer.t Program Materials-Wir,dsong/Windwood/��ndcreek 650,OOC �8,467 698,46? 50-32-Oi-87':Q 87-38 Street improvament Program City Hali Reserves v ;�8,45?`, (,8,467j �8-33-?1 Ciover Ac^es Drainage Loar: to Surface Water Genstruction ?50>G00 (i20,341) 25,0�9 50-90-01-4550 C�pital Improvemer.t Ressrves N� Cnange 5?,78? 0 5?,78? 50-90-02 �oans 5urface �ater Construction 0 ':20,34' 1?G,�4': b0-91-01-9751 Transfers to City Hail Constructior, �und Cicy Hall Heserves G 48,46't 48,45? ----------- ----------- ----------- TOTAL EXPEND:T�!RES $57,i�� 48,��? ��5,?54 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- CIFY NAtiL CON57RUC?ION �UND: ---------------------------- RcVENUES 5�-00-�0-3u11 Casn Ba�ance Car^?ea Forward Actua� .�ttar :4udit 650,000 2',325 671,325 5i-00-u0-3E30 intarast Earned on Investments Received tnrough 3i31188 C 2,25� ?,25G 51-00-00-3839 interest Earned - Now Account Received t�rough 3/31J88 C fi38 638 51-GO-GO-3950 ?rans'ers from Capitai Projects �und increase dus to Interest Earnea u 48,d6i 4�,46? TOTAL REVENU�S 65�,000 72,680 ?22,58C ----------- ----------- ----------- EXPENDITURtS 5?-9Q-01-955? Ci*.y Ha1? Reserves �ransferred from Capita': Projects Fund 650>000 51,"s55 i0?,355 51-90-Oi Loans Loan to Surface Water rund 0 (?01,3551 (7G1,355) ----------- ----------- ----------- '0'AL EXPEND?TURES 65Q,OOC (650,OOC) u ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 19-Apr-8° FI��BA880�a.wK� aa�� 5 �ity ot Fraenaswooa _ a?TACHMENT B '587-':988 8ua�et pmendent : ' hay 2, �986 Jrigirai Amendment Amended Account Number Account Descript�or; Amendment �e5cript?on Budget Amount 8udget ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EM�RGENCY RESERVt FUNC: ----------------------- RFVE�ii.�. ?t-CO-00-30?1 Cash Ba'ance Carr?ed rorward Actual .After Audit 5,20� 0 S,�uO 71-GO-0�-3901 Transfer from General �und Laurie Whitehaad trip to Washington D. C. 17�,94i �50C) 1??,Y�': 71-00-00-3976 ?rans{er from Contingency rund �o Cnange 22,859 0 ?2,855 ----------- ----------- ----------- ?OTAL REVENUES 200,00� (500} igg,5G0 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 19-Apr-8� FIN�BA880SS.WK; Paqe U