HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 87-12 ORDINANCE N0. 87-12 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY CODE BY STRIKING THEREFROM ALL OF SECTION 18-3 AND SUBSTITUTING THEREFOR A NEW SECTION 18-3; PROVIDING WATER RATES FOR CUSTOMERS CONNECTED TO THE CITY'S WATER SYSTEM; PROVIDING FOR MONTHLY WATER RATES AND BILLINGS ; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. �r 9r �'c x � BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS : Section l . The Friendswood City Code is hereby amended by striking therefrom all of Section 18-3, which provides as follows : ["Sec. 18-3. Water rates . (a) Sale of potable water inside corporate limits : The following bimonthly rates shall hereafter bP ck�arged for potable water service .furnished through water meters by the City to all single-family units and businesses including, but not limited to, trailers , apartments , condominiums , multifamily, multibusiness and commercial units using potable water inside the corporate limits of the City of Friendswood: (1) Single-family or single-business units : For the first six thousand (6,000) gallons, TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS ($25.00) minimum . After six thousand (6,000) g�.11ons , an additional charge above the minimum shall be as follows : From 6,000 to 100,000 gallons : $1 . 55 per thousand gallons Over 100,000 gallons : $1 .00 per thousand gallons (2) Trailers , apartments , condominiums , multifamily, multibusiness or commercial units including but not limited to strip centers , professional office buildings , and shopping centers : For the first six thousand (6,000) gallons per unit , FIFTEEN DOLLARS ($15.00) per unit . The minimum gallonage shall be the number of units multiplied by six thousand (6,000) gallons . After the minimum gallonage, an additional chargP of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY-FIVE CENTS ($1. 55) per one thousand (1,000) gallons used. Each unit shall be multiplied by one hundred thousand (100,000) gallons and all gallons of water used above this number shall be charged at a rate of ONE DOLLAR ($1 .00) pPr one thousand (1 ,000) gallons used. (b) Sale of potable water outside corporate limits : The following bimonthly rates shall hereafter be charged for potable water service furnished through water meters to all users of potable water outside the corporate limits of the City of Friendswood , Texas , except where the City has , by contract with a user of potable water, agreed to sell at different rates : (1) Single-family or single-business units : For the first six thousand (6,000) gallons, THIRTY-SEVEN DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS ($37. 50) minimum. AftPr six thousand (6,000) gallons , an additional charge above the minimum shall be as follows : From 6,000 to 100,000 gallons : $2. 32 per thousand gallons Over 100,000 gallons : $1. 50 per thousand gallons (2) Trailers , apartments , condominiums , multifamily, multibusiness or commercial units , including but not limited to strip centers , professional office buildings , and shopping centers : For the first six thousand (6,000) g311ons per unit , TWENTY-TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS ($22. 50) per unit . The minimum gallonage shall be the number of units multiplied by six thousand (6,000) gallons . After the minimum gallonage, an additional charge of TWO DOLLARS AND THIRTY-TWO CENTS ($2. 32) per one thousand (1,000) gallons used . Each unit shall be multiplied by one hundred thousand (100,000) gallons and all gallons of water used above this number shall be char ed at a rate of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY-FIVE CENTS (�1 . 55) per one thousand (1,000) gallons used. ] and substituting therefor the following : "Sec. 18-3. Water rates . � Sale of potable water inside corporate limits : The followin monthl rates shall hereafter be char ed for otable water service urnished t rou water meters t e Cit to a sin e- ami units and businesses inclu in ut not imited to trai ers a artments con ominiums mu ti ami multibusiness and commercia units usin ota e water �.nsi e t e corporate imits o t e ity o r�en swoo : (1) Si.n�le-family or sin�le-business units : For the first three thousand 3 000 allons TWELVE DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS 12. 5 minimum. After three thousand (3,000) �;allons , an additional char e above the minimum shall be as 0 ows • From 3,000 to 50,000 �allons : �1. 55 per thousand gal on�s — -2- Over 50,000 �allons : $1.00 per thousand ga�lons (2� Trailers a artments condominiums multifamil mu ti usiness or commercia units includin but not i.mite to stri centers ro essiona o ice bui dings , an shopping centers : For the first three thousand (3 000 allons er unit SEVEN DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS . 5 er unit . The minimum allona e sha e the number o units mu ti ie t ree t ousand ga lons . After the minimum allona e an additional char e o ONE DOLLAR D FIFTY-FIVE CENTS er one t ousan a ons use . Each unit shall be multi lied b fift thousand 5 allons and all allons of water used a ove t is num er s a e c ar ed at a rate o ONE DOLLAR 1. er one t ousand 1 ga ons use . (� Sale of potable water outside corporate limits : The followin monthl rates shall hereafter be char ed for otable water service urnis ed t rou water meters to a users o otable water outsi e t e cor orate mits o t e Cit o Frien swoo Texas exce t w ere t e Cit as contract wit a user o ota e water a ree to se at i erent rates : � Sin�le-family or sin�le-business units : For the first three thousand 3 000 allons EIGHTEEN DOLLARS AND SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS 1 . 5 -r -r- m in imum. After three thousand (3,000� gallons , an a�c�itiona c ar e a o'�ve t iFe minim��1 be as ol ows • From 3,000 to 50,000 gallons : $2. 32 er thousand �a ons Over 50,000 gallons : �1. 50 per thousand gallons � Trailers , apartments , condominiums , multifamily, multibusiness or commercial units includin but not imite to stri centers ro essional o ice ui din�s , and shoppin� centers : For the first three thousand (3,000) �allons per unit ELEVEN DOLLARS AND TWENTY-FIVE CENTS 11. 25 per unit. T e m n mum �allona e shall e t e num er o un ts multi Tied t ree t ousan a ons . After the minimum allona e an additional char e o TWO DOLLARS AND THIRTY-TWO CENTS er one thousand 1 allons used. Each unit shall be multi lied b fift thousand 5 �allons and all�g_a ons o water used a ov�e tf is num e�r s�11 �c ar ed at a rate� ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY-FIVE CENTS er one t ousan a ons use . -3- _-- ------�-�----�---.---,� ______�.._ __ Section 2. In the event any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, provision, sentence, or part of this Ordinance or the application of the same to any person or circumstance shall for any reason be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect , impair, or invalidate this Ordinance as a whole or any part or provision hereof other than the part declar.ed to be invalid or unconstitutional ; and the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas , declar�s that it would have passed each and every part of the same notwithstanding the omission of any such part thus declared to be invalid or unconstitutional , or whether there be one or more parts . Section 3 . Thi�s Ordinance shall be effective for all billings on or after April 1 , 1987, and any and all billings pursuant to this Ordinance are hereby RATIFIED, APPROVED, AND CONFIRr�IED. PASSED ON FIRST READING THIS 6th day of �1 , 1987. PASSED ON SECOND READING THIS 2�-th day of ,gSr; l , 1987. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THIRD AND FINAL READING THIS 18th day of Mav , 1987• i Mayor ATTEST: . City ecretary -4- _ _�....�.�__ __,_ �. ,_ ____