HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 86-30 � . oR1�Ira�NCr ra�a. �F�—�so
� AC� URf)INnNCE FX'I'Er�UING '1'llf? �;I'f'Y i,I�tl'1'S OF 7'!lE CI1'Y UE
FRIr,NUS�dUOU, 'I'F.,XAS , "l�O 11�c'(,(11)E 111,L f,/1Ni) ARFA [�I'I'lIIN
� CCR'I'AIN LIMI'I'S � nNb f�vUNU�It1J?� nPdU /1[�J��lf;XiNG '1'U 'TII.I? CI'1'Y
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WHEKEAS , tFie City Counci_l oF tlie t:i.ty ��f I'ri�nclswood , Texas,
has , followinp due notice anct puhli.catio►� :�nd in �ccordance
with the requirements of Ar_ticle 97O� , V./1. '1'. S . , conducted two
(2) pubtic hearings regardi_ng tlie City ' s i.nte�tcied annexation of
certain land and properties ; �znd
WI�EftF.AS , each of sai � �,uhl tc I,���rin�;S wer� lietd in
accordance with ttie requirements of tlrti_cl.e 970a , V.A.'T. S . , the
first said hearing being conclucr_ed be�ore the City Council
on November 17, 1986 � a� 7:U0 n ' c l ock p .m . , and the
second on November 1Q, 1986 � s�t 5:UO o ' c locic p .m . , each
s�ch hearing being held at the Fri_endswood City Hall , 109
, Willowick Avenue, Fr.iendswood , 'I'exas ; �ncl
WHEREAS, the City of Friecidswood l�as , in accor.dance witti
Article 970a , V.A.T. S . , compl_iec� wi.th all procedural
requirements regarding the annexatio�i of territory , including
the preparation of a plan for P_XtPT1S�0i1 of municipal services
into the area annexed to the Cj_ty ; and
W�IFREAS , ttie City inte�ids to Eul E� 11 ttiose oUligations
imposed upon it by St�te law r_e��rding newly annexed areas,
including ti�nely provision of rnuni_ci_p�l services as r_equired by
law; and
WHEREAS , the City Council finds and deter.inines that the
annexation intended by this Or.di.riat�ce ts ici the best interests
of the City of Friendswood and benefi_ts tlle health, saFety, and
welfare of the citizens of said Ci.ty ; �iow, therefore ,
Section 1 . That the boundaries �nc� limits of tlie City of
Friendswood are tiereby exterided to embrt�ce nr�d include the
follvwing described area oF lan�i , r�r��i tiie Lc71�.c�wing described
land is liereby annexed to and m�de a part of ttie City of
Frienc�Swood , r_o-wi_t : ,
� All L�nd and territory descr. ihec] in rxlii_hit "A" attached
hereto and made a part hereof .
Section 2 . The plan f_or exr_���si��r� c�.f_ rnuni_ctpal. services
into the area a�i►iexe� t� the Ci_ty c� E f'rienclswood by the
provis�ons of ttlis Ordinance i s �et £��rtli i_n tlie "Municipal
Service Plan" attached herPt� r�s Fxl�i.hi_t "li" �n�l mnde a part
hereof for all purposes . Such t�9uni_cip� l Servi ce P1�[l is hereby
approved .
Section 3 . If any secti_ori or p�r_r_ c�f_ tt►i_s Ordinance be
held unconstitutional , ille�al or ir.iv� li�3 , or the application
thereof inef£ect9_ve or �_napplic�ble �s to any territory , such
unconstitutionality, illegat�.ty , invF� li_�ti_r_y , or inefectiveness
of_ such section or part shall i� no wise affect , tmpair or
invalidate the remaining por_tion or portions hereof, but as to
such remaining portion or porti_ons , t1�e sarne sliall be and
remain in full force and effect ; and sliouJ.�] ttiis Ordinance for
any reason bp ineffective as to any part of_ tlie area hereby
annexed to the City of Friendswood , such ineffectiveness of
this Ordinance as to any such part or. pr�rts of. any such area
sh�ll not affect the effectiveness of t}ii_s Ordinance as to all
of the remainder of such area , and tlle Ctty Councit hereby
declares it to be its purpose to aciiiex , to ttie City of
Fr�.endswood every part of the area (jP_SCC�hPa in Section 1 of
this Ordinance, regardless of wtlether ���y ottier p�rt of such
described area is hereby effectively an�iexed to ttte City.
Provided , further, that if there is included in the general
description vf territory set out in Secti_on l. of t}iis Ordinance
any land or area which is already a part of and inclucied within
the general limits of ttie City of Friendswood , or which is
p.�resently part of and included in the l i�ni_ts of any other city,
town or vil).age , or wtij_cti �_s not �oit}�in tlie City of
Friendswood ' s jurisd�_ction to annex , ttie same is hereby
excluded and excepted from ttie terr4_tory to be annexed as fully
aS ., iE �uch eYClttcled and Pxce�rc��l :� r��t was spectfically
described tierein .
PASSED ANll APPROVEll ocl f_i rs t r.eacl i_ng ttiis 19th day
of ,7anuary , 198�.
PASSEU ANll APPROVED c�n �econcl r. e�ciing r_t�is 2nd day
of Februarv , 198� .
PASSEU, APPROVrU, ANU [1UUP'I'EU on thi_rcl �cid fin�l reading
this 16th day of February � 1y87 �
� �
,. � c
C ty Secretary
The following is a summary of the municipal services which will
be provided in the annexed area within sixty (60) days after the
effective date of the annexation:
Police Protection.
The Friendswood Police Department will expand its patrol
function to include the annexed area. On average, a vehicle
will patrol the area three times every 24-hour period. The
normal distribution of police patrol vehicles should result
in a response time of approximately four minutes.
Fire Protection.
Fire protection will be provided primarily from Fire Station
Number 1 located on South Friendswood Drive. Residents of
the annexed area will be provided the same fire service that
is being provided for all other residents of the City.
Solid Waste Collection.
The City will provide solid waste collection equal to that
being provided to all other areas of the City, either by
private companies or by City-operated garbage collection
service. Charges for these services will be the same as
charged all other residents of the City.
Maintenance of Water and Wastewater Facilities.
The City will provide maintenance of water and wastewater
facilities for the annexed area at the same rates that are
now being provided for all other residents of the City.
Charges for services provided by the Water and Sewer
Department will be of the same rate as charged all other City
residents and will be billed on a bimonthly basis.
Maintenance of Roads and Streets.
All City roads and streets in the annexed area will be
maintained by the City department of Public Works in
accordance with its regular maintenance program. The street
lighting program for the annexed area will be in accordance
with the City street lighting policy as it now exists or may
hereafter be amended.
Maintenance of Parks, Playgrounds and Swimming Pools and the
Maintenance of any Publicly-Owned Facilitv, Building or Service.
No public facilities of this nature exist in the annexed
Library Facilities.
Residents of the annexed area will be provided library
service at the City of Friendswood Library located at
Morningside and Spreading Oaks on the same basis as is
provided all other City residents.
No capital improvements are planned for the annexed area for the
reason that none are necessary to extend municipal services to
such area. Any utilities extensions required will be extended on
the same basis as extended in the other areas of the City.
. � _ _._ . . �� ,
. , , I
Field note description of a tract of land located north
of Clear Creek in Ilrirris County, "I'exas, out of the ,J<�hn
D.ic4ciilson Si�rvey, Abstract 15 �ncl beiti�; more particu-
larly described by metes and bduncls as follows:
B�GINNING: At the Point of Intersection of the centerl.ine of
Clear Creek with common line between the Fred J. Eleyne Tract and
the J.O. Webb Tract;
T�IENCE: North�aesterly, along aiid with said common line between
the Fred J. Heyne 'Tract and the J.O. [debb Tract and an extension
thereof, to its intersection with the existing northeast right-
of-way of Park Drive;
TI�ENCE: Northwesterly, along and with said e�isting northeast
right-of-way line ot Park Drive, to the most northerly point of
the Fred J. E�eyne Tract;
THENCE: Southwesterly, along and �aith the northwest line of the
Fred J. Heyne Tract, to its intersection with the existing
south��est rinht-of-wav line ot Park Dri��e;
THENCF: Southeasterly, a distance of 3, 100 feet more or less, to
the Point of Beginning.
, � , - �I
Ficld Notc Description of a 'Tract of land
located North of Clear Creek in Il�rris
�, County, Texas, out of ti�e Jot�n Dickinson
Survey, Abstract 15, and being more par-
ticularly described by metes and bounds
as follows: ,,
COA9RIENCING: For Point-of-Reference at the point of intersection of the existing southerly
right-of-way line of F.1�1, 528 with the West line of the August tVhitlock
Survey, Abstract 793;
THENCE: Northeasterly, along and with the existing southerly right-of-way line of
F.1�1. 528, a distance of 1,000 feet more or less, to a point;
THENCE: Southeasterly, QerQendicular to the existing southerly right-of-tivay line of
F.M. 528, a distance of 1,600 feet more or less, to a point for corner;
TfiENCE: Southwesterly, along a line that makes a deflection an�le of 54° more or less
z to the right (westerly), a distance of 300 feet more or less. to the Point-of-
Beginning of the herein described tract;
THENCE: Continuing along said course r� distance of 1.305 feet rnore or less, to an inter-
section with the southwesterlv line of the CDC Houston. Inc. propertV line,
a point for corner;
THENCE: Southeasterly, along and �ti�ith said CDC IIouston. Inc. propert�i line, a distance
of 920 feet more or less, to a point for corner;
THENCE: Southwesterly along and �vith said CDC f�ouston. Inc. propertv line and con-
tinuing on a southwesterlv projection to a point for intersection with the
northeasterly right-of-way of Grisson Road, (Park Dr.);
THENCE: Northwesterly, along a line which passes through the common point for the
Thomas Choate Surve��, Abstract 12; the John Dickinson Survev, Abstract 15;
and the Sarah NlcKissic4c Survey, Abstract 151; to its intersection with a line
�vhich is parallel to and at all points 5,280 feet perpendicularly North of the
centerline of Clear Creek;
THENCE: Northeasterly, parallel to and at all points 5,280 feet perpendicularly North
of the centerline of Clear Creek, to the Point of Beginning of the herein
described tract.