HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 86-27 ORDII�AT�CE N0. 86-27 AN ORDIIdANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD AI'�IENDING ORDINANCE N0. 84-15 PASSED AND APPROVED AS OF NOVEMBER 19, 1984, AI�Tll KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDIT�ANCE OF THE CITY, BY CHANGING THE ZONING OF CERTAIN PARCELS OF LI�ND LOCATED 807 CEDAR- WOOD, FkIEIQDSW00D, lEXAS FRONI OLD BUSINESS DISTRICT TO SINGLE FAMIL� RESIDENCE. WHEd��AS, tlie Friendswood City Council and the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a joint public hearing on October 16, 19�6 to consider the rezoning of the hereinafter descriped parcels of land frorn OLD BUSINESS DIS�'RICT TO SIP�GLE FAP��ILY RESSllENCE. WHEREAS, the hearing was duly called as provided by the law� of the State of Texas and Ordinance No. 84-15 oF tt�e City of Friendswood, and that in such hearing all persons attending were allowed to be heard on the question of whe�'rder or not the rezoning of said �roperty from OBD to SFR woula affect the public health, safety, moraie, convenience or general welfare oi the ci�izens of Frienc�swooa, and w'riether or not rezoning would vioiate the rights of any intere�ted persons; and WHEREAS, as a result of t�ie said public hearing and recommendation fro;n tlze Pianniny ana Zoning Commission the City Council finds that such rezoning is not c�etrim�ntal to the community, now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCTL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section l. City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance t1o. 84-15, passed and approved on November 19, I984 and known as the Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing the zoning classification of the follo�aing described properties from OLD BUSINESS DISTICT TO SINGLE FAr1ILY RESIDENCE known as 807 Cedarwood, 1. 1136 acres . (EXHTBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND I�iADE A PART HEREOF) Section 2 . The officia3 zoning map of the City shall ue revised to show ttie above described tracts rezoned from OLD BUSINESS DISTRICT TO SINGLE FATatILY RESIDENCE. Section 3 . This ordinance shall in no way reduce, amend, 1 � . � _� � � � _. . � . � �4-68-0�55� � � . � . 00 � � - � i ; 1 . 254 acres of l�ind , k�cing a part of Lot ].2 , i � F31ock 3 of thc Friend�wood Subdivision in the � ; Sarah McKissicl: Leac�ue , �bstiract 151 „ Galveston � County , Tcxas , according to the plal-. zecorded in ! volur.►c 501 , pages 982 and 983 of the Galveston Coun�y Dccd Records , and said 1 . 254 acre tract being more partic�l��rly describcd as �ollows : ', Degi�ining at a pointi marl:ing thc most westcrly ' corn�r of the herein described tract on the northcast right of c�ay line of Ccdar.wood Drive , , said point bcing locat-ed South 95 dcg . 00 ma.n . �ast - 309 , 0 feet fram thc intcrscction on the� northeast riyht of way linc of Cedarwood Dr�vc ; and �llc sou�hcast riyht of way line of Echo '� Aven��e , said intersec�ion bcing at the most. «cst�rly corncr oF said Lot 12 , F3].ock 3 of said � Subdivision ; � T({E�:CL•' Nortn 45 deg . Q0, min . East a dist�nce of 331 . 0 feet to a poi7t for� corner; TFIEtvCE South 45 deg . 00 min . East a distanc� of 165 . 00 fcet to a poinL- for corncr ; THENCE Sou�h 45 deg . 00 mi.� . wcst a distance of 331 . 0 feet tq a poini: for the mast southerly corner of the here.in described t.ract on the nartheast right oF way lin� of Cedarwood Drive ; THEN�E North 45 dcg . 00 min . West along said right ' of w�y line a distance of 165 . O�ee� to thc PLACE • OF IIEG�Ir1N�.C?J.G.� and containing ]. . 254 acres o.E land . �1LE� FOt' f?�Cft�U Ju� lg 9 57 AW '85 ^�L^ �.s..::.r.r.s:..� CSl'i!N{1 iICF�.i,!+if.:�`lik 4'i{!k1�.iE1laS .,,,......_..._...._._.._.__._�._ ..__ �- -- SiATE OF TEXJI$ COUNTY Of GAtYESTON 1 hereby cestiry thn ffii�inalrymen�wts Rk4 en tM d�te rnd tlme stampM hereon 6y me en0 nas du}�tECOrdld +n the Otfic�al inblie Reoords o{ Re�i Properh af Gal,�n r Counh,leaas,on , .lUL 18 � �r��, . ��' /� �, �jJ�(j a p �� �V ,�44 �'`'t gN.G E�s �'couNS�� COU�:�w,(,�It� d�lre;tan Coun� supplement, or change any provision of any or�inance of the City of Friendswood, other than to accomplish �he rezoning of the tracts described in Section 1 from OLD BUSINESS llISTRICT TO SIIJGLE FAP�IILY RESIDENCE. APPROVED ON FIRST READING THIS 15TH DAY �F DECEN�BER, 1986. APPROVED ON SECOND READING THIS 5TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1987 APPROVED ON THIRD AND FINAL READiNG ON19TH llAY OF JANUARY, 1987 . �"��C�'"Lt/'� � � T�AYOR RA H L. LOWE C � 3 0 DE 0 IS MCKENZI CITY SECRETARY 2 -r---------�-� _ . _--- -.__ . _