HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 82-04 ORDINANCE N0 . ,�2-
Section l. The Personnel Policies attached hereto as
Exhibit "A" be , and they are hereby, adopted.
Section 2 . City of Friendswood, Texas , Ordinance No. 93 ,
passed and approved March 7 , 1967 , as amended by Ordinance No.
147 , passed and approved July 15 , 1971 , and adopting personnel
policies for the City, is hereby repealed.
PASSED AP1D APPROVED on first reading this 1 � day of
�,,Q.�j�,,�.,�.,(�C,/ _, 19 8 2 .
PASSED AI�tD APPROVED on second reading this � day of
r.���s��x- , 19 8 2 .
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED on third and final reading
this �� day of _,1�G����� , 1982 .
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City Secretary �
Introduction :
The following personnel policies are established to bring into
the service of the Gity formal guidelines for all employees .
By the use of sound and s�stematic application of procedures ,
a high degree of understanding, cooperation , unity , and
efficiency can be achieved. The fundamental objectives of good
personnel administration sought to be achieved by these policies
are declared to be :
A. To p�ovide fair and equal opportunity to all qualified
citizens to enter city employment on a basis of demon-
strated merit , ability , and physical and moral fitness
as ascertained through fair and practical methods of
selection, free of personal and political considerations .
B. To promote and increase efficiency and economy in the
service of the City.
C. To establish and promote high morale among city
employees by providing a uniform personnel policy,
opportunity for advancement , good working relation-
ships , and consideration of employees ' needs and
desires .
D. To establish and maintain a uniform plan for evalua-
tion and compensation based on duties and responsi-
bilities relative to the positions in city service.
E. To develop a plan of advancement , recruitment, and
tenure that will make employment with the City attrac-
tive as a career and encourage each employee to render
his/her best service to the City.
F. To provide that continued employment be subject to
good behavior, satisfactory work performance , neces�
sity for performance of work, and availability.
To some extent , written rules or statements of policy are
generally recognized as being essential to the efficient per-
formance of necessary and important municipal services . This
document is also intended to define and classify the mutual
duties , responsibilities , and relationships which it is believed
will best serve to promote and safeguard the common interests
and welfare of the City of Friendswood, its employees , and their
jobs .
While it is admittedly difficult to formulate definite rules
and policies which can be readily applied to every possible
problem or situation, it is believed that the statements con-
tained herein will serve as a general basis and guide for the
proper, efficient, and effective administration of personnel
matters relating to the employees of the City of Friendswood.
The rules contained herein are intended to replace and super-
sede any previously issued personnel rules and regulations of
the City of Friendswood.
' / ��-� �
ames C. Morgan, Czt Mana r
2 .
1. 00 Effective Date
March l, 1982
1. 01 Scope
These rules shall apply to and govern all employees of
the City of Friendswood except those where the rules
affecting firemen and policemen are inconsistent with
State Legislation.
1. 02 Authority for Creation of Jobs
With the exception of those positions established by
statutory or Charter provisions , all positions or
offices in the municipal service are created and
authorized by action of the City Manager.
1. 03 Administrative and Appointive Authority
With the exception of matters and appointments reserved
to the City Council by statutory provision, general
authority and responsibility for the conduct and admin-
istration of municipal affairs is vested in the City
Manager, including appointments to positions and the
establishment and maintenance of satisfactory standards
of efficiency, welfare, and morale of City employees
and the exercise of general control and supervision over
all departments , officials , and positions created and
approved by the City Council.
Final authority, in the form of review and approval , is
reserved by the City Manager, with regard to all matters
and subjects covered by these regulations , Department
Heads and/or other subordinates .
1. 04 Duties and Functions of Personnel Department
The Director of Personnel and the Personnel Department ,
acting under his supervision , will represent the City
Manager with regard to routine administration of all
phases of these rules and policies .
When and until a Personnel Department and Director are
established by City Council, the duties outlined herein
pertaining to the Personnel Director are the responsi-
bility of the City Manager and his office.
1. 05 Departmental Administration of T�ese Ru1es
Department Heads will be respansible for the proper and
effective administration of these rules and policies
within their respective departments . Routine matters
and duties in connection therewith may be assigned to a
subordinate employee--such as the proper preparation and
handling of all required records , reports , payrolls , etc.
In all such cases , the name of the employee to whom such
duties are assigned should be reported to the central
Personnel Office.
1. 06 Amendments
The City Council, by �������ee , may change or amend
these rules within statutory and Charter limitations to
the extent deemed necessary in order to more effectively
and efficiently promote the interest of the city and its
2 . 00 Basis of Employment
All initial employment with the City of Friendswood shall
be based on merit , ability, and physical and moral fit-
ness , as evidenced by:
A. Training and experience as reflected by the applica-
tion form, plus other documentary evidence as to
certification, registration , etc. , if requested.
B. Mental examination or performance test , if required.
C. Physical examination , if required.
D. Identification check by the City of Friendswood
Police Department or other agencies , if required.
E. Character investigations made by the Personnel
Department and/or the head of the department
2 . 01 Recruitment
This function is one of the services performed by the
Personnel Office , when requested to do so by any of the
various departments . The central Personnel Office may
be of help through maintaining files of applications ,
through contact with established employment agencies , or
by the use of advertising. The Director of Personnel ,
or those designated by him, will assist in the initial
recruiti.ng, screening, and in interviewing when requested
to do so by the Department Heads seeking employees . Any
Department Head that is aware of a possible , qualified,
employee should have the individual obtain an application
and ask the Personnel Department to begin the process of
checking on the individual.
2 . 02 Requests for Personnel
When departments submit requests to the Personnel
Department for persons to fill vacancies , such requests
shall include the title of the position to be filled,
contemplated initial salary or wages , desired training
and/or experience qualifications , and such other per-
tinent information as may be needed to enable the
Personnel Department to most satisfactorily find the
personnel being sought by the department . When circum-
stances permit , requests for personnel should be made
a �reasor.able period of time in advance of the actual n�ed.
5 .
2 . 03 Residence
Other qualifications being equal , applicants who live
inside the corporate limits of the City of Friendswood
should be given preference over those living outside
the City limits when appointments to positions with the
City are being made.
2 . 04 Nepotism (Employment of Relatives)
A. The City Charter provides that no person related
within the second degree of affinity (marriage) , or
within the third degree by consanguinity (blood) , to
the Mayor, a Councilman, or the City Manager, shall
be appointed to any office , position , clerkship , or
service of the City.
B. In addition to the above stipulation, it is hereby
provided that relatives and members of the immediate
family shall not be appointed to serve in positions
in the same department unless specific approval has
been obtained from the Director of Personnel.
Department Heads who feel that such appointments are
justified should present to the Director of Personnel
the reason and needs which are the basis for request-
ing the appointment. The City Manager' s approval
will be needed to make the appointments official.
2 . 05 Discrimination
No person employed in the administrative service of the
City, or who seeks an appointment thereto , shall be
appointed, promoted, reduced, removed, or in any way
favored or discriminated against because of hislher
race , sex, or political or religious opinions or
affiliations . (Charter Section 4. 06 )
2 . 06 Appointments
A. The Personnel Director shall advertise in a positive
manner the employment needs of the City with a view
toward non-discrimination and toward obtaining the
best qualified candidates for each vacancy to be
filled by recruitment from within or outside the city
B. The Personnel Director shall require each applicant
for a position to:
1. Complete an application form prescribed by the
City Manager and require the applicant to submit
additional information regarding his education ,
experience, and training, if so required.
6 .
2 . Complete a physical questionnaire and to undergo
a physical examination , if required.
3 . Furnish a copy of his/her birth certificate unless
a veteran, in which case the applicant would fur-
nish a copy of his/her military service record
(DD Form 214) .
4 . Complete an oral interview which shall appraise
each candidate' s personal fitness for the posi-
tion, such as the ability to get along well with
people and other personnel, and temperament
5 . Be fingerprinted if required.
6 . Take a written examination which shall include
a written demonstration of each candidate ' s
knowledge , information, and skill in the field
for which the test is being held and which may
include standard tests of inental alertness and
ability of English grammar, mathematics , or of
general education attainments , if required.
7 . Take a performance test , which shall include
such tests of performance as shall determine
the ability or manual skill of each candidate
to perform the work involved and which may be
either competitive or qualifying , if required.
2 . 07 Applications
All persons seeking initial employment, or re-employment ,
will be required to complete , sign , and file an applica-
tion with the Personnel Department , Application forms
will be furnished by the Personnel Department for use by
individuals interested in applying for employment .
2 . 08 Processing
Perferably at the time of original employment , and if
possible , not more than twenty-four hours after assuming
duties , all new employees (or previous employees who are
being re-employed) will report to the Personnel Department
for necessary processing and instructions .
2 . 09 Political and Religious Restrictions
No political , fraternal, or religious connections or
affiliations shall be required as conditions of employ-
ment by the City of Friendswood, nor shall such matters
be permitted to influence any actions or recommendations
relating to present employees .
2 . 10 Physical Standards
A. Medical examination requirements : Except as herein
after provided, all new and ormer employees will be
required to satisfactorily undergo a prescribed
medical and physical examination , if required, to be
made by some officially designated medical authority.
The purpose of the examination will be the determina-
tion and certification of physical fitness and ability
to perform duties of the position to which appointment
is being considered. Preferably, such examinations
are to be made as near the effective date of employ-
ment as possible. The Personnel Department has the
responsibility of making appointments and arrangements
for obtaining the examination. Matters concerning the
initiation and completion of the requirements should
be taken up with the Personnel Department , if required.
B. Exceptions : Physical standards and requirements may
vary somewhat in accordance with duties and working
conditions as generally set forth in the specifica-
tions for various positions and also �s to anticipated
length of employment. The Personnel Department will
be glad to advise the examining medical officer
regarding any special or unusual requirements of this
nature .
The opinion and recommendations of the examining
medical officer will govern and determine the accept-
ability of any person for employment and particular
attention will be given to any impairment , degenerative
disease , or abnormality which might adversely affect
either the present or future capacity of the prospec-
tive employee to perform the required duties of the
position for which he is being considered. The
examining medical officer will complete and forward
to the Personnel Department a complete report on the
prescribed form indicating his specific recommenda-
tions as to the suitability of the person for employ-
ment in the position indicated, if required.
C. Department Heads and their supervisory personnel shall
examine carefully the personnel needs of each activity
for which they are responsible in terms of the most
economical use of manpower to achieve their work
programs , while maintaining a high level of service
to the public. Whenever a vacancy occurs or establish-
ment of a new position is contemplated, the department
head shall thoroughly investigate the need for the
services to be rendered, and the possible alternate
ways of performing the required tasks .
8 .
2 . 11 Age Requirements
Age limits, as indicated in some classifications , will be
specified in the request to the Personnel Department.
Where no age limit is specified, the minimum and maximum
age for initial employment will vary in ancordance with
the duties and responsibilities of the position, and
also according to the best interests of the department
as interpreted by the Department Head. No person under
the age of eighteen (18) will be employed in any per-
manent position. Minors may be considered for part-time
employment in positions of a non-hazardous nature . In
all instances , the parents of such minors shall be
required to execute a waiver and release form.
2 . 12 Standards of Conduct
To an unusual extent , and in a peculiar sense , employees
in a municipal organization are the "Good Will Ambassadors"
of the City, and such status involves a degree of duty
and obligation regarding public and private conduct
which is not common to many other classes of employment.
The attitude and deportment of the City employee should,
at all times , be such as to promote the good will and
favorable attitude of the public toward the City Adminis-
tration and its programs and policies .
2 . 13 Types of Positions
A. Permanent : These are positions with a required work
week equaling or exceeding the full-time , established
work week. This work week shall be established as
forty (40 ) hours per week. To all intents and pur-
poses , as can best be foreseen by employers and
employees , these are positions which offer career
possibilities and the ultimate likelihood of retirement.
B. Temporary: These are positions (whether part-time ,
full-time , or hourly paid) which are anticipated to
be of comparatively short , or definitely limited
duration. If a temporary employee who has had no
break of time in his service and who works a full
eight-hour day and a full normal work week, is trans-
ferred to permanent status , he will be eligible for
all the benefits of a permanent employee retroactive
to the employment date of his uninterrupted service.
2 . 14 Outside Employment
The City Administration disapproves of permanent employees
engaging in outside work which will interfere in the
carrying out of their normal duties for the City of
9 .
2 . 15 Probationary Period
Upon initial employment, permanent employees will serve
a probationary three months tenure. Upon successful
completion of this probationary period, the employee
will be eligible for all the benefits of regular
employees. All sick leave, a floating holiday, and
vacation time accrued will be retroactive to the date
of original employment.
10 .
3 . 00 Accounting Responsibilities
A. Department Heads are responsible for providing com-
plete and accurate records relative to all forms of
leave , attendance, and absence of their employees
due to any cause whether with or without pay, to the
Payroll Department. Proper indications by the use
of appropriate symbols as to the cause of absence
will be made on departmental payrolls and/or any
other required records set up from time to time
under special operating rules .
Each Department Head may designate one or more
capable employees who, as a part of their regular
duties, will keep and certify as to the accuracy of
daily records covering all forms of attendance and
absence of each of their employees. Such records
consistute the basis for preparation of department
payroll, and will be preserved by the Payroll
Department for future and auditing purposes as
needed or required . Certification of records will
be by means of signing or initialing individual time
cards, departmental payrolls , or other such records.
Department Heads must necessarily keep close check
on attendance records and payrolls in order to
insure that salary and wage expenditures stay within
budgetary limits. The Director of Finance will
report any failure to comply with the above
B. The Personnel/Payroll Department is responsible for
certifying as to the compliance of departments with
the requirements and policies established by the
officials as to the conformity with the established
policies and rules governing vacation, sick leave,
service awards, retirement, etc . , and maintain
permanent absentee records on each permanent employee.
C . The Director of Finance, among other duties, directs
and sees to the proper control of the disbursement
of all City money, including that for payroll . In
connection with this specific function, he will
establish such accounting procedures as seem advis-
able for personnel accounting in order to insure
conformity with the budgetary limits. The payroll
section of the Accounting Department is responsible
for the actual computation of pay check amounts and
will instruct and assist Department Heads in such
details of payroll preparation as are needed and
required to meet fiscal budgetary and auditing
standards which are being upheld by the City Manager.
3. 01 Wages and Salaries , Hours, etc.
A. Wages , salaries, and working schedules for various
departments shall be in aceordance with the provi-
sions of the official pay plan currently in effect
including amendments thereto and within the limita-
tions of the fina.ncial provisions of each department
as approved by the City Manager for each fiscal year.
B. Overtime work will be performed only on authoriza-
tion of the Public Works Director, Police Chief,
Finance Director, or City Manager with regard to
the appropriate departments . Overtime will be used
only to meet essential operating requirements. Only
in emergency situations may a Department Head approve
overtime. In case of a public safety emergency, the
Police Supervisor may authorize overtime of non-
police personnel.
C. Department Heads and other administrative, super-
visory, and professional personnel are expected to
work for whatever number of hours necessary to
properly perform the duties assigned them. The
salaries for such groups are determined and estab-
lished in accordance with this assumption. These
employees will be compensated for overtime by time
off with pay on a one-for-one basis. Any exceptions
to this policy may be granted by the Personnel
D . The normal work week for the City' s employees shall
be figured at forty (40 ) hours per week. Any time
worked in excess of 40 hours per week will be com-
pensated by time and one-half pay. Al1 employees
required to work overtime, except City Officials and
Department Heads, shall be paid for all additional
time worked to the nearest quarter-hour. All over-
time must be authorized.
1. Exceptions to Section D: Employees of any
department that is required to operate on a 24
hour a day basis may be exceptions to the above
overtime statements. In those departments ,
overtime will not be paid until the employee
has worked more than 80 hours in a two-week pay
period .
2 . Water and Sewer Department Overtime Policy: All
hourly employees of the Water and Sewer Department
will be paid overtime as stated in Section 3 . 01 D.
Salaried personnel , other than the Department
Head, will be required to work one weekend (16
hours) per rotation. They are not to be paid
12 .
overtime for these hours. The salaries of these
employees include compensation for these hours .
If the on-call salaried employee is called out
after the regular day of work, including the
weekend hours, he will be compensated with time
off with pay on a one-for-one basis up to 16
hours. When an employee has accumulated more
than 16 hours of overtime, he wiTl then be paid
for additional hours at straight time. It is
the policy of this department to require any
employee with 16 hours of compensatory time to
take at least one day off during the month.
E. Any employee that is off on sick leave or on compensa-
tory time either the work day before or the work day
following a holiday, or both of those days, will not
be paid for the holiday. Exceptions to this section
may be granted by the Personnel Dire.ctor.
F. Any employee that is employed in a department that
does not, as a result of normal scheduling , work on
holidays, will be paid double time for any hours
worked on a holiday. All 24 hour a day departments '
personnel will not be paid double time, but shall
receive 8 hours of time off with pay.
3 . 02 Authority for Absence
No City employee shall be absent from his regularly
scheduled duties except by authority of his Department
Head or other responsible supervisor. Employees absent
due to reasons beyond their control will be responsible
for reporting their absence with the reason for absence
to the Department Head or other authority as soon as
possible after the beginning of their assigned shift or
regular schedule of duties. Except in cases of leave
due to vacation or illness, all absences for a period
in excess of two weeks must be approved by the Personnel
3 . 03 Sick Leave with Pay
Employees in permanent positions will be eligible for
sick leave with full pay on the basis of one working day
for each month of employment subject to the following
conditions :
A. Any sick leave which exceeds 12 consecutive working
days in any one calendar year must have the joint
approval of the Department Head, the Director of
Personnel , and the City Manager.
B. Any employee terminating employment, not as a result
of any disciplinary action, will be authorized pay
for unused sick leave for 500 of the accrued sick
leave hours.
C. Employees who are absent more than two days due to
unconfirmed illness may be required by the Department
Head to submit a physician' s statement.
D. Department Heads are authorized to make investigations
of benefits claimed under this rule which they deem
necessary and to disapprove any claims not properly
E. Sick leave will not be authorized or reported on the
payroll for periods of less than one-half of the
regular work shift of an employee. Any authorized
or substantiated absence for a sho�ter period under
this rule need not be reported as sick leave .
F . Frequent claiming of benefits under this rule will
constitute grounds for the assumption by the
Department Head that the physical condition of the
employee is below the standard necessary for proper
performance of his/her duties. Evidence of malinger-
ing, or the abuse of this benefit , will constitute
grounds for prompt dismissal or di�ciplinary action
by either the Department Head or the City Manager .
G. If an employee that is scheduled to work a holiday,
is sick (not at work) on the day a holiday occurs,
the employee will not be paid extra for the day.
3. 04 Vacation
A. Conditioned upon completion of three (3 ) months of
service, employees in permanent positions will be
eligible for vacation benefits , either as time off
with pay or as terminal pay in cases of separation
from City employment.
l. A permanent employee will receive 2 weeks (10 work-
ing days) of vacation on completion of one Cl)
year of service and then two (2 ) weeks per year
beginning the following January lst. After com-
pletion of three (3 ) years of continuous service,
the employee will receive one (1) additional day
of vacation per year of employments (In the 4th
year, 11 days; 5th year, 12 days, etc. ) l�P t� a
maximum of twenty (20 ) days . There will be no
carry-over from year to year withou� approval of
the City Manager.
B. Except in extreme cases, when provided by separation,
budget, or when approval of the Director of Personnel
is obtained, it is not contemplated that vacation
leaves will involve or necessitate the use of extra
or "relief" employees .
C . Department Heads will arrange vacation schedules and
reallocate duties on such basis as to cause minimum
interference with the normal function and operation
of their organizations .
D. No vacation benefits will be earned by temporary
E. If an employee is on vacation and a holiday should
occur, the employee will be granted an extra day of
3 . 05 Pregnancy Leave
Disabilities caused or contributed to by pregnancy,
childbirth, or related medical conditions, for all job
related purposes, shall be treated the same as disability
caused or contributed to by other medical conditions .
3 . 06 Emergency Leave with Pay
Department Heads may grant emergency leave with pay for
not more than three ( 3) working days to employees who
have completed at least three ( 3 ) months of continuous
service, in case of serious illness or death of a member
of the employee ' s immediate family or person related to
the employee (husband or wife) not more distantly than
that of Uncle or Aunt.
3. 07 Military Leave with Pay
The provisions of H.B . 761 Acts of the 53rd Texas Legislature
provided in effect that, effective on or after May 27 ,
1953 , all employees of a municipality who are members of
the National Guard or Official Militia of Texas, or of
any of the Reserve Components of the Armed Forces of the
United States, when so ordered or authorized by proper
authority, shall be entitled to leave of absence during
any period when they shall be engaged in field training or
encampment, or when ordered to duty with troops in field
exercises, or for instruction, and a period not to exceed
fifteen (15 ) days during only one (1) calendar year. In
order that no City employee shall suffer loss of income
while performing his civic duty, any employee meeting the
following requirements shall receive the difference between
his regular City pay and his military pay . Employees
receiving this leave must meet the following standards :
15 .
A. Employees must notify the City at least forty-eight
(48 ) hours after receiving leave orders .
B. Leave shall be granted to employees who are members
of the organizations mentioned under the paragraph
above,,. but not to employees who volunteer or are
drafted into any braneh of the armed forces after
employment by the City.
C. The provisions of this act apply to all permanent
City employees who qualify under the terms of the
first paragraph of sub-section 3 . 06 , regardless of
length of service, provided they are so employed at
the time of receipt of orders to engage in the
activities mentioned.
D. Where recall to active status is contingent upon
a physical examination to be undergone by the employee
after reporting for duty, payment of leave hereunder
will be deferred until such time as the Personnel
Department is furnished with satisfactory evidence
of final acceptance. This may be in the form of a
special memorandum or report f rom the medical off icer
making the examination, or the employee ' s commanding
officer, or other competent authority. Upon receipt
of such evidence, payment covering military leave
under this sub-section will be approved and a check
for same delivered to the employee or forwarded to
the address furnished by him.
3. 08 Military Leave Without Pay
A. This provision applies to all City employees with
one year or more of service in a permanent position ,
and who are inducted directly from such position into
any branch of the U. S . Armed Forces.
B. Leave under this provision continues for the duration
of the employee ' s service.
C. Leave under this provision does not necessarily
involve or include the special fifteen days leave
with pay, except as provided under sub-section 3 . 07 .
D. Separations under this rule will be treated as resig-
nations with the following notation: "Resigned due
to induction (or recall to duty) in the U. S. Armed
Services. "
16 .
3 . 09 Re-employment Following Service in Arrned Forces
A. Employees granted leave under sub-section 3. 08
above, and who upon being honorably discharged
from service , promptly apply for re-employment by
the City shall be entitled to be restored to the same
or an equivalent position or office as that held by
him at the time of entrance into military service,
together with any seniority to which he may be
entitled covering such period of absence.
B. Upon applying for re-employment, employees terminated
under this rule may be required to furnish acceptable
proof of honorable discharge from his military service;
also to undergo and pass the usual employment physical
examination, if required.
3 . 10 Hol idays
The City of Friendswood officially declares and desig-
nates the following holidays to be observed; with pay,
by all City employees occupying permanent positions,
and subject to the provisions and limitations herein-
after set forth:
New Year' s Day. . . . . . . . . . . January lst
Memorial Day. . . . . . . . . . . . .Monday closest to May 30th
Independence Day. . . . . . . . . July 4th
Labor Day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .First Monday in September
Thanksgiving Day. . . . . . . . .Fourth Thursday in November
Christmas Day. . . . . . . . . . . .December 25th
Floating Holiday. . . . . . . . .A11 City employees shall
have one day off with pay
of their choice during the
Also , any other day which may be designated by the govern-
ing body of the City. If a holiday occurs on a Saturday,
the Friday prior to the holiday will be granted. If
the holiday occurs on a Sunday, the Monday following the
holiday will be granted. Designation of the above or
any other dates as holidays shall not construe , to any
employee, the right to observe same , or to be absent from
his duties on the dates above designated except under the
following conditions:
A. The provisions of this sub-section are applicable to
all City employees who meet the qualifications set
forth in the first paragraph of sub-section 3 . 10 .
B. Department Heads shall specifically authorize the
observance of any holiday designated above, and may
revoke or restrict the observance of these holidays
in order to provide necessary functions and services
of the department.
17 .
�. 00 Discipline
Department Heads will be charged with the responsibility
of enforcing and maintaining proper standards of disci-
pline and personal conduct among their employees , and are
vested with discretionary authority to practice the fo1-
lowing suggested forms and sequence of remEdial measures
incident to the enforcement and observance of these rules,
or of any of the operating rules of their departments.
A. Calling the attention of an employee to any unsatis-
factory conduct or performance of duties .
B. Written reprimand of the employee.
C. Suspension of the employee without pay for an
appropriate period subject to review and approval
by the Personnel Director, and as provided for under
sub-section 4 . 03 of this section.
D. Demotion of an employee to a position of lower classi-
fication, as provided under sub-section 4 . 03 of this
E. Dismissal of the employee.
4 . 01 Specific Grounds for Dismissal
Any of the following acts or conduct on the part of an
employee may constitute special grounds for prompt dis-
missal by either the Department Head or City Manager, via
the Personnel Director.
A. Conviction under a felony charge .
B. Repeated convictions during service on misdemeanor
and/or traffic charges .
C. Possession of or use of intoxicants or drugs while
on duty, or repeated off-duty intoxication, regard-
less of whether or not legally convicted of same.
D. Flagrar�t or persistent insubordination.
E. Conduct subversive to the proper order, discipline,
and morale of the municipal service, including but
not limited to:
1. Unauthorized possession of weapons .
2 . All forms of gambling.
18 .
3. All threats or acts of violence.
4 . Stealing.
5 . Horseplay.
6 . Failure to comply with Sub-section 3 . 02 .
F. Inciting or engaging in strikes or riots.
G . Misappropriation or unauthorized use of City equip-
ment, tools, machines, funds , etc .
H. Incompetence or repeated neglect of duty.
I. Unauthorized absence from duty without satisfactory
4. 02 Disciplinary Suspension
Under justifiable circumstances, the Personnel Director
or Department. Head, subject to review and approval by the
City Manager, may suspend an employee without pay for
a period of not in excess of sixty days . Any offense of
a similar nature occurring within three years will consti-
tute grounds for dismissal . An employee charged with a
law violation may be suspended without pay until the
charge is dismissed, or until a decision settling the
case is rendered. A verdict of "not guilty" will make
the suspended employee eligible for reinstatement upon
such terms and conditions as may be specified and approved
by the City Manager.
4 . 03 Demotions
Subject to review and approval by the City Manager, via
the Director of Personnel , Department Heads are vested
with discretionary authority to demote employees to
positions in lower classifications, on the following
general grounds .
A. For disciplinary purposes .
B. Due to lack of work or funds, or the abolishment of
positions; such action to be without prejudice, and
the employee involved to be eligible for preferential
consideration relative to reinstatement in his former
position, or promotion to a similar position for
which he is qualified .
19 .
4 . 04 Transfers
Only when transfers are approved by Department Heads
involved, the City Manager, and will be in the best
interest of the City, will interdepartmental transfers
be allowed.
4. 05 Seniority and Termination by Force Reduction (Layoff)
A. Seniority.
Seniority shall be defined as length of continuous
service with the last date of hiring.
No employee shall have any seniority during the
probationary period. However, seniority will
commence retroactive to the first day of full-time
permanent employment for all new employees who
have passed their probationary period.
Seniority will be lost permanently as a result of:
l . Layoff for a continuous period greater than six
(6) months or time equal to total employment,
whichever is less .
2 . Failure to return from an authorized leave of
absence .
3 . Discharge for just cause as defined in Section IV .
4. Resignation or quitting.
5 . Absence for three ( 3) consecutive working days
without calling in.
6 . Retirement.
B. Termination by Force Reduction (Layoff) .
Employees may be laid off without perjudice by
reason of lack of work or funds, or the abolishment
of positions. Insofar as practicable or for the
betterment of a department, Department Heads will
give at least two weeks advance notice of such layoff,
and such action will be taken on the following basis,
all other things being equal :
l. First: Employees in temporary positions , with
least seniority.
2 . Next: Temporary employees with more seniority
than l. above .
3 . Next: Permanent employees with least seniority.
4 . Next: Permanent employees with more seniority
than 3. above.
In the event that a permanent employee or employees
are laid off, they will be permitted to exercise
their seniority to displace employees with less
seniority within a job classification, provided
that they have the ability to immediately perform
the job without special supervision.
Employees wishing to exercise their seniority rights
must notify the City within twenty-four ( 24 ) hours
of layoff notice.
4. 06 Unauthorized or Improper Use of Offic�.�l Badge of Authority
No official or employee whose duties involve the use of a
badge, card, or cloth insignia as evidence of authority
or for identification purposes shall permit such badge,
card, or insignia to be used or worn by any other person
who is not authorized to use or wear same, not permit same
to be out of his possession without good cause, or approval
of his Department Head or other authorized superior. Such
badge , card, or insignia shall be used only in the per-
formance of the official duties of the position to which
they relate.
4. 07 Re-employment of Dismissed Persons
Persons who have been dismissed from the municipal service
will not be considered for re-employment except under
definitely extenuating circumstances , vouched for, to the
Director of Personnel, by the head of the department from
which dismissed, or other responsible persons , and subject
to review and approval by the City Manager unless other-
wise specifically recommended by the head of the depart-
ment in which sueh person is to be re-employed and agreed
to by the Director of Personnel. They will be subject to
all other rules applicable to new employees.
4. 08 Impartial Action of Recommending Officials
No Department Head or other official or employee whose
duties involve the approval or making of recommendations
relative to the qualifications of candidates for employ-
ment or promotions, or in connection with disciplinary
action against employees , shall permit their recommenda-
tions or decisions to be "distorted" or unduly influenced
by "hearsay" information or evidence, or by the personal
prejudice of either themselves or other persons.
4. 09 Termination Rules and Requirements
A. In order to resign in good standing, employees in
permanent positions should give at least two weeks
notice of their intentions. All terminated employees
will be required to surrender and return to their
departments or other proper source all records and/
or property of the City which may be in their pos-
session or custody.
B. Supplemental payrolls will be honored for the sake
of prompt issuance of pay checks in cases where
employees are being dismissed on short notice.
Otherwise, the Department Heads should not submit
supplemental payrolls, unless approval for so doing
has been obtained from the City Manager.
C . In all cases in which the Department Head has
advance knowledge of an employee' s termination, the
Department Head is responsible for seeing that the
employ,ee reports in person to the Personnel Department
in order that any matters of unfinished business may
be properly handled.
4 . 10 Promotions
A. General Policy: Insofar as may be consistent with
the interest of the City, vacancies in higher classi-
fications will be filled by promotion of qualified
employees in lower classifications.
B. Acting in Advanced Positions: Department Heads may
designate and appoint employees to serve temporarily
in positions of higher classification, and wi-chout
increase in salary, if advisable, provided that if
such appointments extend over a period of more than
ninety (90) days, and in absence of extenuating
circumstances , it will be the general policy of the
City to anticipate and avoid occurrences of valid
4. 11 Complaints and Grievances
Insofar as may be possible, it is the general policy of
the City to anticipate and avoid occurrences of valid
complaints or grievances and to deal promp�tly with any
which may arise, except when there is an acceptable
22 .
reason for not doing so. All matters of this nature will
be handled and transmitted through superiors in the fol-
lowing order :
1. Immediate Superior (Foreman, etc. )
2. Department Head
3 . Director of Personnel
4 . City Manager
Each of the above officers will discuss all relevant cir-
cumstances with the person or persons immediately con-
cerned, and endeavor to adjust the matter to the extent
of his authority, and on a basis satisfactory to the
Department Head and subject to review and approval by the
City Manager. If unable to effect a satisfactory adjust-
ment of a particular problem or question, each of the
above officers will, in turn, submit the problEm to the
next in authority, as indicated, together with a report
setting forth such information and recommendations as
he may deem pertinent. If and when such matters are
finally referred to the City Manager, he will make
further investigation as may be deemed nECessary, foliow-
ing which he may either render a personal decision rela-
tive to the matter or refer the same to the City Council
for adjustment, either of which actions shall be f inal
and binding upon all parties concerned.
4. 12 Employees Advisory Committee
With regard to problems and matters of policy affecting
the interests of a number of employees , the City Manager
may appoint a special Employees Advisory Committee for
the purpose of investigating and considering all facts
and circumstances , and to submit recommendations for the
equitable handling of same at the earliest possible date.
Such committee shall preferably be composed of two
Department Heads, two non-supervisory employees, and the
Director of Personnel . Such committ�e will also be
authorized to confer with any Department Head or other
employee immediately involved and concerned in the matter
under consideration; also with other employees and
officials, if deemed advisable, in order to obtain infor-
mation on which to base its findings and recommendations .
4 . 13 Instruction and Training
A. In-service Training and Instruction: Department Heads
are charged with these responsibllities of their
positions; also regarding rules and procedures applic-
able to their particular department, and in matters of
23 .
interdepartmental relations throughout the entire
municipal organization, and to arrange such special
and general instructions deemed necessary to accom-
plish this objective.
B. Self-improvement: In addition to the in-service
training and instructions mentioned in the preceding
paragraph, there are several other methods by which
employees may obtain general and specialized training,
such as extension and correspondence courses; also
evening and adult classes offered by area colleges.
Employees who sincerely desire to equip thernselves
for advancement and promotion are urged to consider
these and similar arrangements and will be given
every possible consideration and assistance.
Any employee who receives written approval in
advance from his/her Department Head or the City
Manager, via the Director of Personnel, to enroll
in a course that will be useful in the performance
of his/her job, will , upon com�letion of the course
with a grade equivalent to a "C" or better, be
reimbursed 50o of the cost of tuition and books
and other required materials upon presenting copies
of such receipts to the Department Head.
4. 1 � Employee Code of Ethics
All City employees are required to maintain the highest
ethical standards in the conduct of their position or
office. In order to fulfill this requirement, the fol-
lowing points are made:
1. There shall be no activity which is in conflict
with the interest of the employee ' s official
2 . City employees cannot use their positions with
the City for private interest.