HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 81-27 . . � . . . ��; `C�C'�- �' � ORDINAI�CE N0. �� � r AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, ORDINANCE N0. 291, AS AMENDED, PASSED AND APPROVED NOVEMBER 7, 1977 , AND KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE, BY STRIKING THEREFROM ALL OF SUBPARAGRAPHS 11 AND 12 OF PARAGRAPH A OF SUBSECTION 6 OF SECTION 8 AND SUBSTITUTING THEREFOR NEW SUBPARAGRAPHS 11 AND 12 AND ADDING THERETO NEW SUBPARAGRAPHS 25 AND 26, BY STRIKING THEREFROM ALL OF SUBPARAGRAPH 1 OF PARA- GRAPH Z OF SUBSECTION 6 OF SECTION 8 AND SUBSTI- TUTING THEREFOR A NEW SUBPARAGRAPH 1, BY STRIKING THEREFROM ALL OF PARAGRAPHS N, 0 AND S OF SUBSEC- TION 6 OF SECTION 8 AND 5UBSTITUTING THEREFOR NEW PARAGR.APHS N, 0 AND S, AND BY ADDING TO PARAGR.APH Z OF SUBSECTION 6 OF SECTION 8 NEW SUBPARAGRAPHS 14 AND 15; PROVIDING DEFIN"tTI0N5 FOK "TEMPORARY SIGNS," "PORTABLE SIGNS," "NEW BUSINESS," AI1D "GRAND OPENING" ; PROVIDING IT UNLAWFUL TO ERECT, STRUCTURALLY ALTER, OR RELOCATE ANY TEMPORARY 5IGN OR PORTABLE SIGN WITH- IN THE CITY; PROVIDING EXCEPTIONS FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES TO ALLOW USE OF CERTAIN TEMPORARY 5IGNS AND PORTABLE SIGNS FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED TWENTY- ONE (21) DAYS IN ANY ONE CALENDAR YEAR; PROVIDING EXCEPTIONS FOR THE USE OF CERTAIN TEMPORARY SIGNS AND PORTABLE SIGNS FOR GRAND OPENINGS OF NEW BUSINESSES FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED FOURTEEN (14) DAYS; PRO- VIDING CERTAIN REGULATIONS FOR THE USE OF TEMPORARY SIGNS FOR POLITICAL PURPOSES; PROVIDING FOR EXCEPTIONS FOR SIGNS ON MOTOR VEHICLES; PROVIDING FOR THE OB- TAINING OF PERMITS; MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO SUBSECTION 6 OF SECTION 8 IN ITS ENTIRETY; PROVIDING OTHER MATTERS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; PROVIDING A PENALTY OF AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS FOR EACH DAY OF VIO- LATION; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. � � � � WHEREAS, on January 22, 1977 , the City Council finally adopted Ordinance No. 323, which ordinance amended Ordinance No. 291, the Zoning Ordinance of the City; and WHEREAS, said Ordinance No. 323 provides rules and regu- lations governing the use of signs within the corporate bounda- ries of the City; and . WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds and determines that the unregulated construction of signs can present structural hazards which threaten the health, safety and welfare of the citizens o£ Friendswood; and WHEREAS , the City Council hereby finds and determines that the unregulated placement of signs can present impediments and dangers to vehicular and pedestrian traffic along city thorough- fares and easements ; and . , . , _ . WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds and determines that the construction and use of signs which direct atten- tion to a business , commodity, service or entertainment con- ducted, sold or offered elsewhere than on the premises where such sign appears leads to the dimunition of property values for adjacent properties and thereby adversely impacts the taxable value of such affected property; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds and determines that the construction and use of signs which direct atten- tion to a business, commodity, service or entertainment con- r ducted, sold or offered elsewhere than on the premises where such sign appears causes increased risk of distraction and danger to citizens driving and walking on thoroughfares and easements due to the present high volume of traffic on the City' s thoroughfares; and � WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds and determines that the unlimited and unregulated use of temporary signs and portable signs , as those terms are defined in said Ordi- nance No. 291, as amended, presents special traffic hazards when towed in public streets or displayed on or in close proximity of public rights-of-way or areas accessible to the general public and present dangers to the health and safety of the citizens of the City because of their propensity to be blown about; and WHEREAS, Texas Revised Civil Statutes Annotated, Article 1175-24, specifically enumerates as one of the powers possessed by the City of Friendswood� Texas , the authority to license, regulate, control, or prohibit the erection of signs or bill- boards; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS : -2- Section 1, The facts and recitals set forth in the pre� amble of this Ordinance are hereby found to be true and correct. Section 2. Ordinance No. 291, as amended, originally passed and approved November 7, 1977, and known as the Zoning Ordinance of the City, is hereby amended by striking all of Subparagraphs 11 and 12 of Paragraph A of Subsection 6 of Secti�n 8 which provide as follows: ("11. Temporary Sign - Any sign constructed or painted on cloth, canvass, light fabric, card- board, wallboard, or other material with short life expectancies , or any other sign designated for temporary use. ("12. Portable Sign - Any moveable sign not � secured or atta�hed to an approved structure � support of anchor. ") � and substituting therefor the following: "11. Temporar Si - An si n constructed of clot canvass li ht abric car oard wall- oar3 - or ot er li ht materia s with short i e expectancies . A porta e si�n s a not e con- sidered a temporary sign. "12. Portable Si n - An si n desi ned or con- structe to e easi y move rom one ocation to another includin si ns mounted u on or desi ned to e mounte u on a trai er w ee e carrier, or other non-motorize mo i e structure. A orta e si n whic as its w ee s remove s a sti e consi ere a portab e sign ereun er. Section 3. Paragraph A of Subsection 6 of Section 8 of said Ordinance No. 291 , as amended, is hereby amended by adding to said Paragraph A new subparagraphs 25 and 26 to provide as follows : "25. New Business - A ro'ect or undertakin which invo ves t e use o any Property, ui in�, or structure, ermanent or tem orar or t e rimar ur ose o con uctin in sai ui in or struc- ture or on sai ro ert a e itimate co�nercia � enter rise, or ot er non-resi entia use �:n com--. iance wit a or nances an re u ations o t e it o r en swoo and when the rimar use o sai ro ert ui in or sCructure at such eo ra xca ocation as not existed or a eriod excee in sixt a s . or t e u oses o t ' s su section e ansion o an exi.stin ui in or structure s a not const tute a new usiness un ess � suc e ansion ncreases t e size o the area devoted to t e rimar use n ui in loor s uare oota e not ess t an i t ercent Oo . -3- "26 Grand Opening - The formal offering by a new business of its goo s , wares , merchana�se, service, entertainment , or activity. Section 4. Paragraph I of Subsection 6 of Sec�ion 8 of said Ordinance No. 291, as amended, is hereby amended by striking all of Subparagraph 1 of said Paragraph I, which provides as follows : ("1. Signs which do not pertain to a commercial use on site. ") and substituting therefor a new Subparagraph 1 to provide as follows : - "1. Billboards ." Section 5 . Paragraph N of Subsection 6 of Section 8 of said Ordinance No. 291, as amended, is hereby amended by striking a11 of said Paragraph N which provides as follows : ("N. Portable Signs ("1. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, structurally alter, or relocate within the City any portable sign. ("2. Exception ("(aa) A portable sign may be used by a new business for its grand opening for a period not to exceed two weeks . Such portable sign' must be located within one thousand (1,000) feet from the site of the business . ("(bb) Portable signs may, in addition to a grand opening, be displayed for a period not to exceed three weeks in any one calendar year. ("(cc) A permit shall be ob�ained prior to in- stallation of a portable sign.") and substituting therefor the following: "N. Portable Signs . �� '"1. Zt shall be unlawful for any person to erect, structurall� alter, or relocate within the • City any portable si�n. "2. Exceptions . "(aa) One portable sign, not exceedin� thirty- two (32) square feet in si�n area, maY be disnlayed bv a new business to �ive notice of its Qrand opening for a period not to exceed fourteen (14) consecutive aa S. � -4- " (bb) One ortable si n, not exceedin thirt - two s uare eet in si n area, ma e is�laye on non-residential ro erty, in�a dition �o t at al�.owe or rand o enin s , or twent -one da s durin eac ca en ar ear; rovi e owever, use of such ortable si ns sha 1 e in increments o seven 7 consecutive ays . " (cc) A ermit shall be obtained rior to in- sta ation an isp a o a orta e si n, an� use o a porta e sign shall co� � wit ara ra s , c, d, e, , , , i, ,Z, , , m an x o t is su section. Section 6. Paragraph 0 of Subsection 6 of Section 8 of said Ordinance No. 291, as amended, is hereby amended by striking all of said Paragraph 0, which provides as follows : ("0. Temporary Signs < "1. Temporary signs �are permitted provided that said temporary signs sha11 not be displayed for more �han three (3) weeks in any one calendar year. "2. Pennants , banners , spinners , and other similar temporary devices or signs shall be prohibited. "3 . A permit for any temporary sign shall be ob- tained from the Building Tnspector prior to installation of any such sign. "4. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit the display of the flag of the United States , State of Texas , or any other political subdivision, or any flag or banner of a bonafied religious or fraternal organiza- tion. ") and substituting therefor the following: "0. Temporary Signs . "l. Unless otherwise s ecificall authorized in t is su section, it s a e �un aw u or an �erson to erect, stru�tura y alter, or re- ocate a temporary sign within the City. "2. Exceptions . " (aa) One tem orar si n, not exceedi,n thirt - two s uare eet in si n area, ma e isp�e _ b� a new business to�ve notice �its ran o enin or a erio not to excee ourteen consecutive ays . " (bb) One tem orar si n, not exceedin thirt - two s uare eet in si n area, ma e isp �e on non-resi entia property, in �aition to tFiat allowe or a gran opening, -5- for twent -one (21) da s durin each calen- ar ear; rovided however, use o such tem orar si ns sha 1 e in increments o seven consecutive ays. " (cc) Pennants , banners , s inners , and other similar tem orar evices or si ns shall e pro i ite . " (dd) A ermit shall be obtained rior to in- sta ation an isp ay o any temporary sign, an use o a tem�orar�si n shall com 1 wit ara ra -� b, c , d, e, , , , i, j , , 1, m and x o t is su section. " Section 7. Paragraph S of Subsection 6 of Section 8 of said Ordinance No. 291, as amended, is hereby amended by striking all of said Paragraph S. which provides as follows : ("S. Temporary Political Signs - Temporary political signs are permitted provid�ed that : "1. No political sign sha11 be posted more than thirty (30) days preceding the date of the election to which the sign pertains . "2 . All such signs shall be removed within seven (7) days following the date of the election to which the sign pertains . "3. No such sign sha�1 be more than twenty (20) square feet in sign area. "4. No permit shall be required for the erection of a temporary political sign. _ "5 . Such temporary political sign shall otherwise comply with all provisions of this Ordinance.") and substituting therefor the following: "S. Tem orar Political Si ns - Tem orar olitical signs are permitte provi e that : "1. All such si ns shall be removed within twenty-one ays o owing t e e ection date on which the office or ro osition is ina etermine in accor ance wit t e Texas E ection Co e. "2 . No such sign shall exceed twenty (20) square .eet in sign area. . "3 . No ermit shall be reguired for the erection o a temporary political sign. "4. Such temporary olitical sign shall other- wise comply wi�ll provisions o�t�iis ��inance. -6- � Section 8. Paragraph Z of Subsection 6 of Section 8 of said Ordinance No. 291, as amended, is hereby amended by adding to said Paragraph Z new subparagraphs 14 and 15 to pro- vide as followss "14. Signs on motor vehicles , as such term "motor vehicle" is defined in Article 6701d, Texas Revised Civil Statutes, as amended, when the primary use of such motor vehicle is the � transportation of persons or property. A motor vehicle, or any part thereof, parked or stored with one or more signs displayed thereon, whicfi is not used on a regular basis for the transportation of persons or property but is used as a substitute sign structure shall not constitute an exception under this subparagraph. "15. Flags of the United States, State of Texas � or any other political �subdivision, or any flag or banner of a bonafide religious , fraternal or charitable organization." Section 9. Severability. In the event any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, provision, sentence, or part of this Ordinance or the application of the same to any person or circumstance shall for any reason be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect, impair, nor invalidate this Ordinance as a whole or any part or provision hereof other than the part so declared to be invalid or uncon- stitutional; and the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas , declare� that it would have passed each and every part the same notwithstanding the omission of any such part so declared to be invalid or unconstitutional , or whether there be one or more parts. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this�� day of ��P��'��.�<_/��,� i , 1981. -. PASSED AND APPROVED on second reading this � day of � c--� , 198�, —, S PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED on third and final reading this � day of ; _ �_z�l f�. __, 198�: , � ayor , --?- -� . , ♦ .J, . • e _ _ • ATTEST: ��-G%�"`� � City Secretary . � I� _��