HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 81-22 ORDZNANCE N0. 81/22 AtJ ORDINANCE CALLING A BOND ELECTION AND PROVIDING DETAILS RELATI?JG TO SUCH ELECTION. WHEREAS, the City Council deems it necessary to call the election hereinafter described; now therefore , BE IT ORDAZNED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRZENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS : Section l. An election shall be held in the City of Friendswood, Texas, on November 3 , 1981. All resident , qualified electors of the City shall be entitled to vote at such election. The polls shall be opened for voting from 7 : 00 a.m. to 7: 00 p.m. Section 2 . By ordinance heretofore adopted by the City Council, the City is divided into three election precincts. Such precincts were established by and described in such ordinance, which is on file and of record in the official minutes of the City Council. The following named persons are hereby appointed officers to conduct such election in the election precinct and at the polling place indicated: ELECTION PRECINCT 56 : Boundaries the same as that portion of Galveston County Election Precinct 56 lying within the city li.mits of the City of Friendswood. Polling Place: Friendswood City Hall 109 Willowick Street Friendswood, Texas Election Officers : Louise Bacon, Presiding Judge Lynn Chatham, Alternate Presiding Judge ELECTION PRECINCT 57 : Boundaries the same as Galveston County Election Precinct 57. Polling Place: Westwood Elementary School 506 West Edgewood Avenue Friendswood, Texas Election Officers: John Lewis, Presiding Judge Richard Rosenkranz, Alternate Presidi.ng Judge , ELECTION PRECINCT 60 : Boundaries the same as Galveston County Election Precinct 60_ Polling Place: Friendswood Junior High School . 402 Laurel Drive Friendswood, Texas Election Officers : Ruth Pringle , Presiding Judge Phyllis Ru�unel, Alternate Presiding Judge The presiding juage of each election precinct shall appoint not less than two (2) nor more than three ( 3) election clerks to serve at the polling place under his or her juris- diction. Bobbie C. Henry and Ruth P. Henry are hereby appointed clerk and assistant clerk, respectively, for absentee vozing, and the: Office of the City Secretar-,� City Hall 109 Willawick Street Friendswood, Texas 775�+6 is hereby designated as the polling place for absentee votino for said election. During the lawful absentee voting period, said clerks shall keep the place for absentee voting open for at least eight C8) hours, that is , from 9:00 a.m. rto 5 :00 p.m. , on each day which is not a Saturday, a Sunday, or an official State holiday; provided, however, except as au�thorized by Article 5. 05 , Subdivision 3d, Texas Election Code, said clerks shall not permit anyone to vote absentee by personal appearance on any day which is not a regular working day for the clerk-s office , and under no circumstances shall they permit anyone to vote absentee by personal appearance at any time when such office is nat open to the public. Section 3. At said election the following PROPOSITION shall be submitted in accordance with law: PROPOSITION SHALL THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZID TO ISSUE ON OR BEFORE APRIL l, 1983, THE BONDS OF THE CITY, IN ONE OR MORE SERIES OR ISSUES, IN THE AGGR£6ATE PRINCIPAL A2�i0UNT OF $1,5�0,000, WITH THE BONDS OF £ACH SERIES OR ISSUE, RESPECTIVELY, TO 2'IATURE SERIALLY WITHIN NOT TO EXCEED 40 YEARS FROM THEIR DATE, AT ANY PRICE OR PRICES OF NOT LESS THAN pAR AND ACCRUED INTEREST AND BEARING INTEREST AT ANY RATE OR RATES NOT TO EXCEED Tf� HAXIHUrI I�ITEREST RATE NOW OR AUTAORIZED BY LAW, BUT IN NO EVENT TO EXCEED THIRTEFTT PERCENT (13$) , AS SHALL BE DE1�iIHID WITHIN Tf� DZSCRETION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, FOR THE PURPOSE OF THE CON- STRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE ROADS, BRIDCES, AND STREETS OF THE CITY, AND TO LEVY AND COLLECT A?1 ANNUAL TAX ON ALL - .. . _� a � TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHI2J THE CITY SUFFICIENT TO PAY TIiE IIITEREST ON SAID BONDS AS IT ACCRUES AND TO CREAT£ AND PROVIDE A SINKING FUND TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL OF SAID BONDS AS IT MATURES? Section �+ . Voting machines shall be used for said election except that paper ballots shall be used for absentee vo�ing. The official ballots for the election shall be prepared in accordance with the Texas Election Code so as to permit electors to vote "FOR" or "AGAINST" the foregoing PROPOSI- TI0�1, which shall be set forth on all official ballots in substantially the following form: OFFICIAL BALLOT PROPOSITION ( ) FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $1,500 ,000 ROAD, BRIDGE AilD STREET BONDS AT INTEREST O AGAINST RATE NOT TO EXCEED 13� , SAMF TO BE ISSUED PRIOR TO APRIL 1, 1983. Each elector using a vating machine and desiring to vote in favar of the proposition shall move the voting pointer to indicate "FOR" the proposition, and each elector using a voting machine and desiring to vote against the proposition shall move the voting pointer to indicate "AGAItdST" the proposition. Each elector voting absentee and using a paper ballot shall vote on the proposition by placing an "X" or other clear mark in the square beside the statement indicating the way such elector wishes to vote on the proposition. Section 5. Al1 resident, qualified electors of the Cirty of Friendswood, Texas, shall be entitled .to vote on the pro- position at such election. Section 6. Notice of the election shall be given by posting a substantial copy of this Ordinance in a public place in each of the election precincts of the City and also at the City Hall not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date set for the election, and by publication thereof on the . !__ ,.�. �. same day in each of two successive weeks in The Journal , which is a newspaper published in the City and of general circulation in the City, the date of the first publication to be not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the date set for said election. Section 7. Said election shall be held in accordance with the Texas Election Code , except as modified by the Federal Voting Rights Act of 1965 , as amended. Section 8. This Ordinance was read once by the City Council and shall take effect immediately. Section 9. The Notice of Meeting relating to the meeting of the City Council at which this Ordinance is adopted, which notice was heretofore posted by the City Secretary, and the posting thereof are hereby authorized, approved, adopted, and ratified. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this l�th - day of O�tober, 1981. `��- .Z,- G ,r-t. Mayor � � ATTEST: - �� ���. � �� City Secretary (SEAL)