HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 80-17 ORDINANCE N0 . � � AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY OF FRTENDSWOOD ORDINANCE N0. 291 , PASSED AND APPROVED ON NOVEMBER 7 , 1977 AND KNOWN AS THE ZUNING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY, BY CHANGING 'I'HE ZONING OF A CERTAIN PARCEL OP LAND FROM C-1 TO R-2 ; CHANGING Tf�E ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY; AND PROVIllING FOR OTHER MAT�I'ERS RELATING TO THE S1_1BJECT. WH�REAS , the Fri_endswood City Council and the Friendswood Plarlriir�g and Zoning Comrni.ssion coriducted a joint public hearirig on September 15 , 1980 to consider the rezoning of the here,inafte:r described parcel of land from C-1 to R-2 ; arid Wf�EREAS , the hearing was duly called as provided by the laws of thE� State of Texas and Urdinance No. 291 of the City of Friends- wood , and that in such hearing all persons attending were allowed to be heard on the question of whether or not the rezoning of said paoperty from C-1 to R-2 would affect the public healtti , safety, morale , convenierice or gerieral welfare of the citizeris of Friendswood , and wYiether or not such rezoning would violate the rights of any interested pe�sons ; n��w, therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS : Section 1. City of F'riendswood , `l'exas , Ordirlance No . 2 91 , passed and approved on November 7 , :1977 , and known as the Zoning Ordinance , is hereby amended hy chang.ing the 2oning classification of the following described pr�apF�rt_y from C-1 to R-2 : 0. 335 ucres of l�nd out of the Southeast � of Lot 9, Block 2, I'riendswood Sub��ivision of the Sar�h McKissick Le;�gue , G�;{lve"ton Courity, Texas, accordirig to the M�ap of Friendswood Subdivi�ion, accorc�irig ta the Pl��t recorded in Volume 7, Page �'0, NI��� Records, Galve;�ton County, TexaU, and being more p<.�rticularly Uescribed by metes arzd bounds as follows: BLGI111dIldG ��t «n ir�r� �ipe for corner from which the most Sgutherly corner of Lot 9, I�l�ck 2, be��_rs a 45 00� VJ - 67.0 feet aricl S 45 00� E - 180.0 feet; `I'Ii�NCE T�I 45° 00� 6'V a dist�rice; of 100.0 feet to � an iron pipe for corrier; TH�NCE Tv 45° 00� E a distarice of 13.0 feet to ar� iron �ipe for corner; THENCE N 45° 00� 6"J a dist�nce of 90.0 feet to an iron pipe for corner in the Southeast Right- of--ti'Jay line of a 60.0 foot road; THENCE N 45° 00� E �ilong said road, a �i�tance of 70.0 feet to an iron pipe for corner; THLNCE s 45° OU� L <a distance of 190.0 feet to an a.ron rod for corner; TH�i`JCE S 45° 00� �V a dist�,nce of 83.0 feet to the PLACE UF' I3EGINNII;G and cont<aining 0.335 acres of land. Seetion 2 . The official zoning map of the City shall be revised to show the above described tracts rezoned from C-1 to R-2 , and the date of final passage of the ordinance. Section 3 . This ordinance shall in no way reduce , amend, supplement , or change any provision of any ordinance of the City of Friendswood other than to accomplish the rezoning of the tracts described in Section 1 from C-1 to R-2 . APPROVED ON FIRST READING this 6th day af October , 1980 APPROVED ON SECOND READING this<��t" l��C- day of ��{����,.�� , 1980 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THIRD READING this �, � day of �� 1980 . � z.i:i' ����.-�i � �/�� ��� ��-L� , �� Dale Whittenburg, Ma or ATT ST: ; � ���� � City Secretary