HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 80-10 r • � ORDINANCE N0. ��i' /1^'i AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS , SETTING FORTH STANDARDS FOR PRIVATE SEWAGE FACILITIES ; PROVIDING FOR LICENS- ING, PERMITS, INSPECTIONS , FEES AND TESTS ; PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT BY THE GALVESTON COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT; PROVID- ING FOR EXCEPTIONS AND APPEALS ; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY NOT TO EXCEED TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200 . 00 ) FOR EACH VIULATION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS : Section l. CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS FOR PRIVATE SEWAGE FACILITIES : Construction of private sewage facilities in all of the area lying within the boundaries of the incorporated limits of the City of Friendswood, Texas will be accomplished in conformance with the Standards of the Texas Department of Health adopted by the Texas Board of Health November 30 , 1977 titled "Construction Standards for Private Sewage Facilities" which is made part of this Ordinance by reference. Section 2 . AMENDMENTS : The "Construction Standards for Private Sewage Facilities" as adopted by the Texas Board of Health November 30 , 1977 is hereby amended as follows : A. Definitions : For the purpose of this Ordinance , the terms listed shall have the following meanings : l. "Board" means the Texas Department of Water Resources . 2 . "Building"-the word building shall include any house , business , factory, schoolhouse , theatre , filling station, tourist court , bus station, tavern or any other roofed and walled structure , public or private. 3 . "City" shall mean the City of Friendswood , Texas . 4 . "Council" shall mean the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas . 5 . "Director" means the Director of the Galveston County Health Distri:ct or his delegated representative. 6 . "Disposal System" shall have the same meaning as the septic tank system. 7. "Drainfield" shall have the same meaning as subsurface sewage disposal system. 8 . "Health District" means the Galveston County Health District. 9 . "Multiple Dwelling" means any structure designed and intended to accommodate more than one family and includes but is not limited to duplex buildings and apartment buildings . 10. "Person" means any individual , partnership , firm, public or private corporation , association , trust , estate , political subdivision or agency , or any other legal entity or their legal representatives , agents , or assigns . 11. "Public Wastewater System" means any wastewater system, public or private owned, which has collection and treat- ment facilities , is available to the general public, and has a Texas Department of Water Resources permit. 12 . "Septic Tank System" shall mean all of the outside plumbing associated with the collection , treatment and disposal of wastewater including the septic tank and drainfield. 13 . "Subdivision" means (1) a subdivision which has been platted and recorded with the County Clerk of Galveston County or which is required by statute to be so platted and recorded; or (2 ) any four or more contiguous lots or tracts , each of which is less than two (2 ) acres in size. 14. "Toilet" means the hopper device for the deposit and discharge of human excreta into a water carriage system. 15 . "Trailer Parks" is any tract or parcel of land maintain- ed, offered or used for the parking or accommodation of house trailers , house cars or similar mobile units or any other portable structures designed for use , or which may be used, or which are used for human habita- tion or living quarters . 16 . "Wastewater" means water carried waste , liquid or solics , organic or inorganic, which includes but is not limited to , human excreta and effluent from toilets , bathtubs , showers , washing machines and cooking operations includ- ing food preparation and service clean-up. (used inter- changeably with the term sewage) B. Discharge of Wastewater : l. After the effective date of this Ordinance, only the following types of wastewater discharge shall be lawful : a. Wastewater discharged into a public wastewater system operating under a valid permit of the Board. b. Wastewater discharged into a private wastewater facility permitted in accordance with the regulations contained in this ordinance. 2 . All wastewater of any kind discharged into a private wastewater facility shall be di�posed of through a septic tank unless otherwise approved by the Health District. C. Licensing Authority Designated: Under authority of the Board, the Director of the Galveston County Health District shall have the following powers : l. To enforce all regulations contained in this Ordinance. 2 . To make all required inspections of all private waste- water facilities . 3 . To collect all fees set by the Commission necessary to recover the costs incurred in meeting the requirements of this Ordinance. -2- D. Permit Requirements : l. Every owner of any building or part thereof occupied by people for any purpose , any part of the day or night , shall provide sanitary toilet accommodations and said accommodations shall be kept and maintained in proper working condition. 2 . Every owner of a building described in Cl) above which utilizes private wastewater facilities must have a valid wastewater permit. 3. Application for permit must be on forms prescribed by the Health District and all information required must be furnished and any inspections required by this Ordinance shall be allowed. 4. Private wastewater facilities existing within the city on the date of the passage of this Ordinance are automatically permitted hereunder so long as the system is not changed, the building is not enlarged or altered , and/or the loading increased and the system is not shown to be causing water pollution or nuisance conditions . Any new construction or additions to existing private wastewater facilities must be designed and constructed in accordance with this Ordinance and must meet all special design and construction requirements of the Health District. E. Submission of Plans l. Any person interested or desiring to construct private wastewater facilities within Galveston County must obtain approval from the Health District for his plan of wastewater disposal by fulfilling the following equirements : a. Submit two completed copies of the form entitled "Galveston Cou.nty Health District Inspection Report of Private Wastewater Disposal System" to the Health District . b. All plans for construction of new private waste- water treatment facilities. shall be submitted to and approved by the Health District before any construction of any kind is begun on the property. 2 . The plans of all private wastewater facilities shall be submitted to and approved by the Health District before any building permit is issued. F. Approval of Subdivision Plans : Any developer or other interested person creating a subdivision using private waste- water facilities must first obtain approval of the Health District of his plan for wastewater dispcsal. l. To obtain approval he must meet all the terms and condi- tions of this Ordinance and he must inform each prospect- ive buyer in writing : a. That the subdivision is subject to this Ordinance. b. That a permit will be required for private wastewater facilities constructed. -3- c. That a wastewater disposal plan has been filed for the subdivision and that adherence to that plan will be required. 2 . If it is determined that certain lots or areas of the subdivision are not suitable for the use of private wastewater facilities , the buyex will also be notified by the developer. G. Inspection � General 1. Any permit required to construct , enlarge , alter or repair any building or structure will be obtained and the permit number furnished to the Health District before any on-site inspection of the septic tank system will be made. 2 . The Director of the Health District or his representative may inspect at various intervals all materials , constr•uc- tion, or work and may either approve the materials and that portion of the construction as completed or may notify the permit holder , or his agent ,or the owner or his agent , or the person doing the work, wherein the same failed to comply with this Ordinance. 3. Upon notice from the Dlrector or his representative that the work on any wastewater facility is being done contrary to the provisions of this Ordinance, such work shall be immediately stopped. Such notice shall be in writing and shall be given to the owner of the property or to his agent , to the permit holder or his agent , or to the person doing the work, and shall state the conditions under• which such work may be resumed. 4. The Director or his representative may revoke and/or withhold a permit or approval issued or to be issued under the provisions of this Qrdinance in case there has been any false statement or misrepresentation as to a material fact in the application or plans upon which the permit or approval was based or for any other reason the private wastewater facilitiy does not meet all the requirements of this Ordlnance. 5. The building foundation slab shall not be poured before the plumbing has been inspected by the City to ascertain the compatibility of said plumbing with a septic tank system. 6 . The Health District Director shall have the right and privilege of entering any premises within the City within reasonable hours for the purpose of inspecting private wastewater facilities after displaying proper identifi- cation to an occupant of said premises . H. Fina1 Inspection l. The property owner or his agent or the person construct- ing the wastewater facilities or his agent shall notify the Health bistrict at least one (l) day in advance of the desired date of the final inspection. All work shall be completed before the final inspection is made except that the septic tank or tanks be open and the backfill on the absorption field shall not be applied. 2 . All construction of the septic tank system shall be completed and the final inspection made by the Health District within one (1) year of the approval of the septic tank system plans or new plans shall be submitted. -4- 3 . Final inspection shall not relieve the septic tank system contractor of his responsibility to the owner of the property for any defective work or material. 4 . Connection of utility services shall not be made or the building occupied until a final inspection of the septic tank system has been completed by the Health District and a private sewage facility permit has been issued. I. Special Inspections : The Galveston County Health District shall be paid a reasonable fee of fifteen ( $15 . 00 ) dollars to recover the costs of administration and services for the inspection of existing septic tank systems on any property , where an inspection is requested by any person and where the inspection is incidental to the sale of said property. J. Fees : l. Where a building permit is required by the City to erect , construct , enlarge , alter, repair, or improve any building or structure which utilizes a private wastewater facility, a fee of fifteen ($15 . 00) dollars over and above the required building permit fee shall be charged and collected by the Health District. 2 . There shall be no fee charged for any inspection as may be made under G2 of this Ordinance. 3 . If after a final inspection is requested as outlined in Hl the wastewater system does not meet all the require- ments of this Ordinance, a notice in writing of the violations shall be given to the owner of the property or his agent , the permit holder or his agent , or to the person doing the work. For each additional inspection , a fee of ten ($10 . 00) dollars will be charged until the facilities meet all requirements of this Ordinance and each inspection shall be requested as outlined in Hl. 4. All inspection fees and special inspection fees shall be collected on or before the final inspection and credit- ed to the account of the Galveston County Health District and added to other monthly payments as paid to the Health District. Certified checks , cashier' s checks , personal checks , or money orders shall be sent to the Galveston County Health District , 1207 Oak Street (P. O. Box 939 ) La Marque , Texas 77568 , and shall be made payable to Galveston County Health District. 5 . The Director of the Galveston County Health District shall keep a permanent and accurate accounting of all permit fees and other monies collected, the names of all persons upon whose account the same was paid, the date and amount therefor. K. Connection to Public Wastewater System: Every owner of a building or part thereof occupied by people for any purpose , any part of the day or night , where a main or lateral sewer -5- of a public wastewater system is laid and maintained within three hundred (300 ) feet of such building and in such part of a street or alley as lies immediately adjacent to the lot, lots , parcel of land or premises on which such building or part of a building is located, or when otherwise becomes available , shall connect with the public wastewater system. L. Percolation Test : l. The Director of the Health District may require , or the property owner may request , a percolation test on any lot or section , or any other previously untested area. The test shall be conducted under the direction of a sanitarian re�istered by the State of Texas or by any registered professional engineer licensed by the State of Texas. 2 . It shall be the responsibility of the contractor or the property owner to prepare all test holes and provide adequate clean water necessary to conduct the percola- tion test. 3. The Health District shall be paid a reasonable fee of fifty ( $50 . 00 ) dollars to recover the costs of adminis- tration and service performed for a percolation test. M. Registration Required: l. Any person constructing private wastewater facilities for anyone other than themselves on any property other than their own must be registered with the Galveston County Health District. 2. Any constructor who knowin�ly violates any section or subsection of this Ordinance may be removed from the register and is subject to all penalties herein. N. Revocation : l. Any violation of this Ordinance or any State law shall constitute grounds for revocation of the wastewater facilities permit. 2 . The wastewater facilities permit will be considered revoked when a written notice containing reasons for revocation is presented �o the property owner or his agent or to the occupant ,stating any violation of this Ordinance or any State law from the Director of the Health District. The written notice may be delivered in person by the Director or sent by regular U. S. mail to the property owner or his agent or to the address where the violation occurred. 0. Director May Promulgate Rules : The Director of the Health District shall have the power, with the approval of the City Council, to prescribe and pramulgate such rules and regula- tions , not inconsistent with any law of the State , as may be deemed necessary to protect the health and safety of the people and to effectively perform the duties imposed herein. -6- P. Liability: Any suit brought against any officer or employee of the Health District because of some act performed by him in the enforcement of any provision of this Ordinance shall be defended by legal council of the City until the final termination of the proceedings . Q. Exceptions : 1. A person desiring an exception to any requirement of this Qrdinance shall file a written statement with the Health District stating : a. The nature of the exception. b. The reason the exception should be granted. 2 . The Director shall review the request and reply to the applicant in writing within thirty ( 30 ) days either grant- ing or denying the request. 3. If the request is denied , the Director shall include in its reply the reasons for denial. R. Appeals : A person aggrieved by an action of the Health District made pursuant to this Ordinance is entitled to appeal to the Director of the Health District if the following terms and conditions are met : l. All of the appropriate steps required of the aggrieved person by the terms and conditions of this Ordinance have been met. 2 . The aggrieved person has made a conscientious effort to resolve his pr�oblem with the Health District. S. Penalty: Whenever in this Ordinance an act is prohibited or is made or declared to be unlawful, or whenever in such Ordinance the doing of an act is required or the failure to do any act is declared to be unlawful , the violation of any such provision of this Ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-seven dollars and fifty ( $27 . 50) cents nor more than two hundred dollars ( $200 . G0) . Each day any violation of this Ordinance continues shall constitute a separate offense. T. Invalidity : In case any section , clause , sentence or para- graph or part of this Ordinance shall for any reason be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid , such invalidity shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder of this Ordinance. -7- U. Appendices : Galveston County Health District Design and Construction Requirements . V. Effective Date : This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and its publication as provided by Law. PASSED ON FIRST READING this ��,c day of zc�-��,� _- , 1980 . r�� (/ ' PASSED ON SECOND READING this �-� �z� day of � _� ��: , 1980 . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED ON THIRD READING this � C� day o f (��tl',z;q�� , 19 8 0 . � L__ �' ? -' � - ' —�--i�� CC;f� - �.;���' Dale Whlttenburg, Mayorr._. ATTEST: � 1 � . 5 ��� t`l� c�-c..L C � *., y �` ity Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney