HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 79-14 �, .
F.. ' � ' � • � .. � + � . ,
OR.DINANCE N0. 9 / `7"
. �
* * * * �
Section 1. SHORT TITLE.
This ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the City
of Friendswood-The Meca Corporation CATV Fxanchise Ordinance.
Section 2 . DEFINITIONS .
For the purposes of this ordinance the fallov�ing �erms ,
phrases , words , abbreviations and theix derivations shall have
the meaning given herein. When not incon��stent with �he con-
text , words used in the pzesent tensQ incl�de the future tense,
words in the plural number include the si�gular number, and
words in the singular number include �h� p�.uX�l nuxnbe�. The
word "shall" is always mandatory, and nQt u�ex�lx directQry.
A. "City" shall mean the City Q� Frie�dswopcl, Texas , a
municipal corporation of the State s�� T��as .
B. "City Council" shall mean the pr�$ent �QVerning° body
of the City or any successor �o the l�gi�l$'Cive poWers of the
present City Council .
C. "Person" shall mean any person� �i�n, ��xtn�rship � asso-
ciation, corporati.on , company, or organ�.��tiQ� A� any kind.
D. "Grantee" sha11 mean The Meca Coa�goxat�on, Qr a�Y
person who succeeds The rieca Corpor�tio.rt, �.tZ �t�co�'ds�ce with
the provisions of this ordinance.
E. "Basic Service" shall mean the s�.multaneous d�livery by
Grantee to the television receivers , ox' a�y othe� Suitable type
of audio-video communication receivers , of �1�. af i�s subscribers
of all broadcast signals authorized for carxi$ge by the FGC and
of all regul�ar non-broadcast signals provided t4 &11 p� �.ts sub-
scribers .
F. "Channel" shall mean a band of fr�qu�n�xes , S�ix megahertz
wide , in the electro-magnetic spectrum �h�.�� 3.S ���ab�.e of carry-
ing either one audio-video television sigYt81 at�� a number of non-
. , . .-� .,,�, �
vici�;u si�,nals ar several thousand non-yideo #�i&T�a16 .
� . "�'�deral CoR►munications Commission'' �h�l� mean that
a�;��►cy as presently consistuCed by the Unit�d 6�etes Congress
ur a�►y successor agency .
H . "rCC" shall mean the Federal Communica��.pns Commission .
I . "Street" shall mean the surface o� �pd th� �p$c� above
�n� L�:low any public stree[, road, highwa�►, �11ey, bridge ,
SiJ�walk , or other public place or Way noy► Qx h���a�t�r held
Uy ch� Cicy for the purpose of public trav�l ��►d �hall i�clude
�Ltier easenients ar rights of way now held or �'l�x�$fC�� held
t-�y ttle City which shall , within the�i.r prop��c u�� �pd pn�aaning,
encitle the City and Grantee Co the u�e Ch4X�o� �qT �he purpos�s
of installing or transmitting CATV �y8tenl tr,�n$�ai.ss�ons OVer
poles , wires , cables , conductors , �onduiGB , �1aRhQ��� , am�lifiers ,
ap�urt�nances , attachments , and othe� �truc�ux�a � �quipment , and
, .
facilities as may be ordinarily aeces�ary ��rs�� g��t�.r►enC ta a `
CA'TV sys tem.
, � �� �� � �
.T . "CATV Sys tem" shal l mean a aye Cea� Q� ��1���� � wir�s �
1 ines , tawers , wave uides , microwavR 1 ¢e ���i1p$� � 4iN #�►
& � � :,� , � �
�ther converters , equipmer►t , or faci�it�is�► d�R��n�,�l and �0�1-
structed for the purpose of prpducing, x�ce�.��,�►�, �►�►p�.ifying ,
ancl distributing by audio . video and p�hR� �Qr� Qf �1RCtxonic
or electric signals to and from subscrib��� un� �.ocstian� in
the City . �
K. "CATV" shall mean conununity antetln� t�1.gY�.�i.ul�,
L . "Converter" shall mean an electrQni.� deVi�� Whi�ch con-
verLs si�nals t�o a frequency not susceptib�p �o i���rference
wi �hin th� celevisi�n receiver of a subscrib�r a�td by an appro-
priatc chdnilel selector also peXmits a sub$��ib�� �p yi,�W S11
s i�na 1 5 de 1 i vered at clesi�;nated dial loCatlOCE� �
Sec t i c�n 3 . GI�AN"I' OF AUTHORITY .
'1'i��r� i5 t��r�t�y branted to __ The PZeca Cor�or8tio�n
�.. .� _._..�
- 3-
.... �� "� ` .
� ,w
� , � i , ' 7� . ' . . � ' �
� curpor�tian organized and exiating und��r �he l�w� o� th+�
sc�ce of Texas , the right + privi.lege� $nd f�s�cbi�e to have �
a�yuire , construct , reconstruc[. maintain� use, �nd operate
in the City af Friendswood, Tex�s . e CATV (�yqCe�►, �nd tp bave ,
a�c{uire , construct , reconstx'uct , maintein. uee, and operete �n ,
over , under , and along the pres�nt �and �utu�e �G�re4t� of Ch� '
City all necessary or desireable pole6� , tow�xR � �ncl�oX� � wlres ,
caUles , electronic conducCors , undergrownd Cq�dµit# , tpanholes .
and ocher structur�s and appurtenances t}e�����ry �(�x Che con-
s t ruc t ion . cnaintenance , and opex'8tip�t O€ � �1�j �}�rl�C�tA 1Y'1 the
Ciry . .
Upon the filing with' the O�ty by Gx'�nt�� q� ��1►e wri.tten
acceptance required herein , �his franchi�� �tha�.� b� �.li �u�ll
force and effect for a term and perfod o� f�.f����t �1�►� y�e�re �
commencing �hirty (30) days aft�r i�s �in��. j����►q�+� �t1�d BQproval .
i � � f . . , � + . �
Such franchise may be �cenewed b� the G�.�y ��� � {�d4����Qt��1
� I � � � f
� 5
period of �ifteen (15) year8 . � ;' , s .
� ,.
Se c t i on 5 . USE , RENTAI. aR ��►S� Q�' �T��.���f �QT.ES Ai�D
FACILITIES. � - , ":� , '
, . .� i'R 1.� . � , . ,
There is hereby granted t4� Gr�nt�� �h� a���tG��'�.��t �R contract
with the City or with any appropria�� bos�cd Q� ,�;���c�r �h�reot
, , _
ar with the holder ar awner of any ut�.li��r �7C�i��t�,�i� �.C} the
: . :x.
City for the use , rental , or lease of iC� OX C11��,� �o1e� , under-
bround conduits , and other strucGures and f$�i1�:��,�5 �Qx' �he
purpose of ext�:nding, carrying, ox' laying Gr�c��e�' p w��'e�, Gables ,
electrc�nic conductors , and other faciliCiea At�� a�p����nanee$
nec�ssary or desireable in conjunctian with th� p��r�t�iott of a
CA'I'V syscem in the City . The City agreea CX►.4C �n�t �4bl�.c uCility
o�rr►in�; ur controlling such poles or undergro�d �ot�4�u1�� 111d�y,
wi tt�out �in►�ndi��ent a,£ its franchise , a11oW Cb� C�,���,�'1�@�t ,kp 1p8�c.8
such u�e therCoF pursuanC ta any agreement reacl���i �et��en �uch
utility and Grantee . �
. . .- . t �
� �
. . � ' , ,
'1'h� wor►c done and activity in connect�o� Wi��� the con-
s L 1'uc t i �[1 , recons truc tion , maintenan��, opez'at�p�, ox' repair
o� Cruntee ' s CATV system shal�. be eub,�ec� xo ARd �overned by
all present and Euture laws , rulea and regul�Gi.an� O� Ghe Ci.ty ,
the 5cate of Texas , the Ur►ited St�tes of Ameri��� the FCC � and
any other state or federal agency having j4x'i.Rdic�lon ov�r such
mutters .
'I'he cons�ruction , maintenance , end o��x�tion�9� Grsntee' s
CA'I'V sys te�u and all property of Gxantee �ub,�+�c� �p Che �rovis�.ons
of this ordinance shall be sub�eCt �Q �►1� �aW�41 pA1�Ce pQwers �
rules , ac�d re6ulations of the Ci,ty. T�� ��C�' fl���•�, bpv� Che
pow�r at any time to order and xequl�cl� ���t�►��R� Gt� �'��v� or
abate any pole � line � tower� w�.r. e� c+�l�ll� �u�►� �A�#dv�.C, electric
conductor � or any other atructurp pr ��AC���t,� ���� �� L��T���rous
to life or property . In the �v�nt Gxpt���i��• ����� 1��1tX�e�1 notice �
fails or refuses to acC� th� Cit�l pt��}1�. ��t�1� �� � �Ai�if�x �4 �e'
, , . ,- ,
move or abate the same 8t tY�e ��X�B�A� �?� �h� ��gp���� .��� �"��'�h'
. ,�'�% •,, .. ��
out compensation ox liability fQx d�a►e�e� ��► ,C�X ��},��� • :
Section 8 . CONDITIONS OF STR��T UG�61�"d11,�1�Y. �
A. Use . Al l s tructureS � wir�as , c�b��� � �t!�u�.�m�nC. and
facilities erected or maintained by Grant�� �1�.�h��'► th� C#.ty
shall be l�cated as to cause minimum in�exfe��p�� W�Kh ���
proper and intended use of the $t�reets , and �p ����� �minfmum
interference with the rights or reasonabl� �ot�v�A�.��!c� of the
�wn�rs or occupiers of property whieh 8djoinR �T►Y A� �aid
. �
stre�:ts . �
E . Cu� �in}i of Street Surface . No SurfaC� 4� atly paved
scrc:e� s1►� 11 be cut or disturbed by GranC�(� ��i 1�►�/11n�,� C4R�
struc�inb , in�intaining , operating , usic►g� �xCR�1��11�, �'eR►Qv�ng�
replvcin� , ur repairin� its CATV system W�.Ct101,�� F;'1Q� tlOti.ce
- 5-
''^� .__. "1 �' ".,`
to tf�e Cicy or its designated reNresenta�iy�. �� Ch� CiCy or
its clesignated representative 1s of th� ppinion Ch�C such pro-
��osed cut or disturbance of a paved 6Cx��� �ur�Eace Gauld not
be ci«�ely and satisfactorily repa�.red oY �C��Coxed, �h� Gity
n►ay require Crantee ' s proposed work to be per�oxmed b�r tunne].-
,. ,
linb under such paved surfece ratheY �h4R b�l Cu�tin�, e�tme.
C. Kestoration. The surface pf any �tree� di�turbed by
� ,
Gran[ee in laying , constructing, mainzai.nin�� operati.n�,� using �
�xtending , removi�g, replacing, or x�pa�.�'1}1� �t�1 GATy S�sCem
sl�all be restored by Grantee imanadlatQly $fc�r th� Gompletion
of the work , at its cost and expea��� GQ �1# �oos� � �P�dition
as before the corYunencement of the work 8�d ��nC��ne� �Y Gx�ntee
� , , ,
to the satisfaction of the City , or of aTt� C�.Gy Q���F1g1 to
wt�o��� such duties have been or may be de1e�,�►C�� � �o� on� year
f rom the date of compleCion of �uch resCr�,r�C�Qt� �Qrk, No
screet shall be encumbered by con&truct�.qn� ��.}�t�nanc�, re-�
moval , resGoraCion, or repair work by �aX��l���1 ,��?� � luRg�x' period
Chan shall be necessary to �x�cuG� ��t�h ylp�k�;� ' ��, �.1� th� opi�nion
of the Ci ty Council � there ie an unr�eaRq.n�t�1�� t��l±��► 1�► Grantee in
� , � �
restoring and maintainirtg streets 8f��t�ti �1�C�} ����YSC1Q!n� Qr re-
pairs have been made � the City �ha�.l huv�t �h� �'�,�h1: w�thout
further notice to restore or xepaix th� �a�11@ ��1� �o x�+quire
Grantee �o pay the reasonable coat of 64�CI1 r���Q��z�o� QX repair .
D . Relocation . Whenever by reasor� of th� CAnst�uction �
re�air , maintnenance , relocation, wide�r►in� , raiein�, 4�r �.QWez�n$
of tt-►e �racie of any sCreet by the City 0; by ��1� lACaCipn or
�nanner of c:onsGruction � reconstruction, mai.ntenanee, or repair
�f any pul,lic property , strucCure , or facility b�r th6 C�ty . it
sl��ll be �i��nieci necessary by the City fax' Grantes CO move � re-
lc�c��� , �I��,nbe , alter , or modify any of its facili,�i�� Or '
str►�cc�res , such chatt�,e , relocation , alteretiQn� p� modi��ica-
� i ��� �I�� I1 l>e }�i-�rnptly n��de by GranCee , at �.t� �o$t �1[1d expense .
� •
� , � �.
-,. ' �. �+
when directed in writing to do so by the City �' W1Chout claim
for or right of rein►bursement of cost ox d$m8$�6 ��,ainst th�
Ci ty . In the �ve�t Grantee , aftex' such tioticE� , fails oz refuses
c� conunence , pursue , or comple�e such reloc��ioa work within a
reasonable time , the City shall h�V� Che �utho�'��y � buC not the
�b 1 i gat ion , co remove or abaCe such t�tru�tu�'�q o� faci.li�ties
and to require Grantee to pay Co tk�e C1ty X���onsbl� �06� of
such removal or abatement, all Without Comp�jt����on Oz' 13�ability
for damages to Grantee . �
E . Tem �arar Removal of Wire for 8uildin Movin .
Up�n written request of any person holdi�,� # t�u�ld3.ng moving
permit issued by th� City + Gxantee �hall rgmav�� r8iw�� or lower
its wires and ca6les temporaxily �o P�xm�.t ��� 1pGV1n� pf houses ,
builciings , ur other bulky struCture� , , Th(� ��asonable expense
of such temporary remova� . x'ai�ing, qx �.r�w�xi��, �►h�ll b� paid by
the benefited person and Grant�e �y xsc�u�,�C� �t��h ���ment in
advance , it being without ob�.i.ga�is�n GQ �R��li,. �a��� �, ox lower
i ts wires and cables until such p��ment #��i1�� �}��(� ���� made .
Grantee shall be given no� �.ess �ha�t�, fp�C�}t���.�',�1� �4f��. hours
advance written noCice to �X��ngp fQx �@�+�1'� ,��t�P�,���'� �t1T� �nd
caLle adjusC[r►enCS ,
F. Tree Trimming . Grantee �h�l� 1�eVe ���i �!rttliAx�.�y. Co
the sar�►e exr.ent that [he Cit�r has Bµch �►uxbp�C�.��►� �A txim trees
upon or overhanging street� in ard�� to p�eu�n� Cb� bx'�nches
of such trees f rom coming into conC�cC W��h, �h� w�.�'es , cables ,
ele�trpnic cond�cCprs , or othex �a�i1lCi�t� p; Q�ui�ttAe�t 4# the
Grante� .
(� . Ylacement of Fixtures . Gr�Qtt;e �h�ll mp� pl�ce poles ,
iow�rs , or similar fixtures where the same Wi.11 ir►terf�ere with
.iny f;�y , �1 ectric , or telephone fixtures , W�t��' hyd�'sn� Q=
,n.� in , drainaKe facility ar saniCary sewer � ��1t� M�l iiuCh PA1es �
���w�rs , a��� siinilar facilities shall b� placed �� di�PCCed �y
_ 7�
� � �
. •
the City and in such manner �s not CO iRt��fQxe w�Ch �h� usual
travel or use of streets .
H. Approval af Plans and SPecrifications . Gr�ntee shall
provide plans and epecificatione fo� all �opotruction wiChin
streets to the City or i.ta designated r�pr��entativ� for review
ac least thirty (30) days prior to tho �tp�t VE Conatructlon .
'1'his provision shall apply to each co�qtxu��lan e�quet�ce if
the construcCiar► is accompliahed in pha��i1 .
Section 9 . SURETY BOND
A. Amount and Conditione . The Grant�� shall �ualntain, and
by its acceptance of this francbia�� �pe���i��ll�t agre�e that it will
rnaintain, throughout the teru► of thi� fXsA�hi�►I� A �altih�ul perfar-
mance bnnd running in favor' of the City� t�T�1�t�n by �► corporate
sureCy licensed to do businese in the St�t� of Texap , ip Ghe penal
sum of One Hundred Thoueand Dollars ($1Q(?,�OO . QO� � �ondi���oned that
Grantee shall well and truly obeerve� �ul€�.11 . atnd p�r�oran each
and every Cerm and conditlott of thi� �acan�t�i�� �►�!d Ch�t in the
event of any breach of condition pf the bQAd Gh0 au►ounX thereo�
shall be recoverable . jointl.y and aev�rab�,�(� f�cQR1 �he''principal
and surety thereof by the City for �].1 da�a$e� , plu� re$sonabl.e
attorneys ' �ees and court cae[q , prox�.uu�tt�l�l rt�e��lti,ng from the
failure of Grantee to well and fai.th#ully pl����'Ve �nd perforu►
any provisian of this franch�ee oXdlna�►C�.
B . Premiums and Term. Grantee �h�l�. p1t�/ all pFemiums
ct►argeable for the bond and ehell kee� �hQ iiAm� �.t1 torCe �nd
effect at all times throughout the exi�cence of �hi.� �ra�chise
and thereafter until Grantee haa liqu�dst6d al.l o� iCs obligatior►s
with �he Cicy that may have arieen from the accQpC�nce of thia
franchise �rdinance by Grantee or frot�u. th� I�xerCi�� 4f any x'ight
or privilege granted hereunder, lncludittg thy �'�1AAV�i1 0� all poles ,
wi res , cables , underground conduits� � mar�l�plA�i � �n+� q�h�r CQnductors
and fixtures incident ta the main[enance and Qperntion A� 1t8 CATv
syste��� , st�ould such remaval be required by Gity �otutc�.�. c,lX under-
�aken t�y Grantee upon the termination of thi� �xqqClli��.
� _. � ..
, C . Cancellation. The bond ahall cont$1�1 p p�'ovi.eion that
ic shall not be cancelled or otherwi,ee allow�d � �p explre witbout
ct�ircy (30) days ' prior written noti.ce to �haG e�fect being given
to the City , by delivery to Che C1ty Secrstar�r, qnd to zhe Grante� .
D. Approval of Form. The bond �ph��.1� �� iA � #o�ttt satisfactory
to che City Attorney and shall b� fil�d� �o�oCh�tx wi.Ch w�ritten evi-
�lence of payment ot the requi.red premium� , t�ti�h ��e C1t�► Secretary
durin� the term of Chie franchiee.
E. Not a Limit of Liability. Ne1�h�t�C the prpvi.�ians of this
section, the filing of the bond requized �pr��i�, 1�pr sny d$ma$es
recovered by the C�.ty thereunder shall b� Gox�qt�'u�d �o excuse faith-
ful performance by Grantee ox limlt xh� l�ab�,�.1ty, Qf G�entee under
Ghis franchise ordinance or for dau�a�ea �Q �n� F411 $wount of the
bond or otherwise .
: ,
By its acceptance of thi,a fran�t�i�►�► Qxl��.��►��, Grantee specif-
� .,
ically agrees th�t Grantee �hall ii�4i���►�y 11�� �1Ql�l th� G�.ty, its
' •. +
of f icers , agent� , �nd employee� � h�,�����4 ��GQ,�i �1�, liability, damage ,
� r., !
� . � � � '
cost , or expense arising from cl$�.aa �piC �.�,�,��� Ct� �ex8one , damage
to property � or penaltiea ocCaeione� �?�► ���MQ� 4�` A�'►�► �onduct under-
taken by reason of Chie prdinance. �,'l�1� C�i��t fi�}�].� n�t and does► not
by reason of this ordinance o� th4 �x�tn►t�n� Q� Ch�.$ �r�nchise assume
any liability of Grantee whatsoever fAT �.�1,����I tQ pr�son� , damage
to property or penalites .
A. Minimum Coverage . Within thir��/ (3Q� ;daye sftex the
effective date of this ordinanc� � Grantee sh��.�. �il� WiGh the City
Secretary and shall maintain on fil� throughput Ghq term of �his
franchise a liability insurance policy i�sued t�y A compexly duly
authorized to do busi�ness in the SCaG� Qf T�#�A# ��puxix►� Cb� City
and Grantee with respect to the inatalleC�4A� i��t►�GR�1�1�7►��, gn�i opera- i
t ion of Gran[ee ' s CATV system in Che fo114Wi.ri� 1A1R11WU�lt �w�ta ;
' � �^ ..,,
(1) One Person . Or►e Hundr�d ThOUO$��d Dp1�8�cs
($100 ,000. 00) for bodily injury pr death to any one
(2) One Accident . Three Hundred Thou$and Dollars
($300, 000 . 00) for bodily injury or death reeulting from
any one accidenC. �
(3) Property Dama�,e. One �i�,}T�dr�Cd Thoue$nd Dollars
($100 ,000. 00) for properCy da�►ag� re�ulting from any or►e
occurrenCe .
(4) All Other Types of Liability. Otte Hundred Thou-
.+ w ww � i ri i�i -
sar►d Dollars ($100 .Q00.Q0) for � ��l �ath�� type� of liability .
B . Increased Covera�e. The CiCX Gpy��il ;e�etye� the right
t� require Grantee to increae� ths m�nimu�l {�1AUi►�Y of �.i$bility
insurance coverage at any �i�ue . S4ch xeqt�iz��nC ��iall b� expressed
by resolution ox ordinance.
C. Notice of Cancellation or Reduetion. $a�.d pol�cy of lia-
bility insurance ahall contaitt Ch�t �rpV�.���11;1� �1'�$� W��txen notice of
expiration� cancellati.on� or reducCi4r� �.� CQY���►��R LI� ��►� policy
shall be delivered to the City Secr�t�ry �d tQ �h� Grantee at
� _ •,,�
least thirty (30) days 1n advance of �h.� ill�f����.V� �datt� �h�reof .
D. Term. Such liability 1ARUra�}e,� �1tl��l� bti 1�4��t in fu�.l force
and efFect by Grantee during the exiex�nC� q►f thi� �r+�►chise and
thereafter until after the removal of a�1 �Q1�� , �Tirea � c�bles ,
underground conduits � manholee , and otber �Qx►duCto=A and fixtures in-
cidenG to the maint�nance and operati,op of C��a�t��' � CATV system,
should such removal be required by Cixy Cpt,unc�l o� tu�d�7ctaken by
Gran[ee .
--- - �
A. Yermits , Licenses , and Certi�icatee . Withln thirty (30)
ciays df�er the acceptance of thi$ franchie4 p�c�inance. Grantee
sh�ll proceed with due dili.gence to obt�itl �1�.1 �1�Cpp�Bx�l p��- .
�nit� and autharizations which axe requlx8d �.� �h� �QL1d�uCt o�
ic5 t>usin�ss inc: luding , buC not limited to� utillty ,�olt�Z-us8
� Ct ���hiu�:nl a�r��inenLS , and permitS , I1Ce118�� . authoxl�etione ,
s�ncl c�r t i t � cu t c�s t � be granted by duly con8tituCet� lOC4� . BtBte �
.._ _____
_._ --
. � � .�*,!^..�u'
f �'
• • . , ,
. ;' � '
an� fecleral �overnmental enGities and ;�gu1ACp�Cy `p�SnCi��9 having
jurisclictian over the ins�allation 8nd op�raxion o� Che CATV
system. �
B. State of Construction. Within �ixty (60� ¢�yq after
obtaini.n� all necessary permits � licen��11 , �uthoriza�ions � and
certificates , Gra�tee shall �omme�ct Ganqtx'uc�io� aRd ltnsta�la-
tion o� its CATV system� sub,j�ct ta Chf� ��ild�Ci4n� Q#� t�ie or-
` ,
dinance .
C. Initial Renderin� of &ervice . W�.thip Cwo (Z) years
af ter commencement of cott�truction �rt� in+�t�llatiotl, oF 1k6 CATV
system, Grantee shall compl�t4 th• �8mi► i,t1 ��corc�an�� Wi,t� the
requirements of this franc�iae and th� �t,tlqq �nd xe,�ul�Cions of
the FCC. �
D . Compliance . Failure of G=ant�� to �pmme�►c� �nd dili-
benCly pursue each of the foregoin� ��qu1����t� �tn¢ CQ abide
by and to complete each of Ch� mat��er�1 ��� �p�cG� hereip `shall
be grounds for termination o# thi+� �x�►n�,kiip@� ��'AV�d�d� how-
ever , City Council in ita discre�lQn fi�� i��t(��� ��1� �i�pu� for
the conunencement and eampl�zion p� �Q�fiCX�,tC��,q� �,�1� �1,��tallation
for additional p�riods in thp �vent Gr�lt�p , ,����,�,� 1n g,uod
faich , experiences delays by x'�aapt� p� ��,rCU�#IC�R�e� b+�yond its
control .
Grantee ' s CATV system sha11 be in���l�.�d� waintain�d� and
op�:rated in accordance with the hi�he�C accept�d �Cand�rd9 of
che industry to the end that the 6�becrib�x� ,uay r�ceive Ghe
best and most desira6le form af serv�.�e. TpW�rd ��complishmenG
of �his purpose , Grantee and its CA�v� eypt�cn �thal� meet the
followin�; minimum standards and servic� o���Xi�►g� ;
A . Cuu�liance with I�CC Rules . GX8c1��� �ha�.� C01n�ly Wlth
��res�:nt a�►ci tuture r�les and regulati.011a p� Gt1�► �C� �R ConnectioR
wi th �,nc1 rtlatin� to the operation oE 1t� CATV 1��►�t�p►.
13 . (;u�� 1 i c�_ o f Co] �r_ S i�n a 1 s . GrantQe ' 1� C,,�T� s�/s Cenl 6h�11
- 11-
,.�- � � ,,,�,�,,�R ���, ,. �
' • ;
be capable of transmitting and pasaing th� e�,C�.rR �414x' tele-
visi�n spec[rum without Che �ntroducCiotl o� vu�t���.�� de�rada-
, �„
tian of color intelligence and fldeliCy. ,
(:. RaLed for Continuance Operation. C�=�,pCe�' p CATV sysCem
sh�ll be desi�ned and rated for Cwen�y��ou� ��4,� ho�r � day
continuous operation.
D. quality of Picture . Grantee ' � CA�V •�►��etAn shall b�
. , ,.
c�pable of and shall produce 8 picture u�op �c��r subecriber' s
television screen in black and whiC� o�' CQ1px� Qx'oY1d�d the
sul�scriber ' s television sQt is capablq . pt �xpdu�3.n� a c�lor
picture , cha[ is undistorted and f�'ee �xo1R �h�i�,t� �.ut,��e$ �nd
accompanied by proper sQund, asauming �11� ���hni�el� ��&pdard
production televisi.o� set is 1tt gooc� x����� �nd �h� t�l�viaion
broadcast signal transmiGtion i� e�ti(I�a��Q;x, ��t ��y �v�nt ,
the picture produced shall. be as gooc� ��i Ch�i RtaC@ t�� the art
allows . • '
E. No Cross t9odulation or Interf�renc� ��s�,t��� � CATV �
_ � �.i �� ri w.y.�A�JI �wi:� . , .� � �
. . _ . . � i:, . � .
syscem shall transmit Q� dfe�x'ibut� �1�,���� Q� �t���uat� ���'ength
to produce goad Qicture� wi�h good �¢ui�d �T}' ��,1 ,���.�►�}�i�,i4n �e-
„ ,
ceivers of all subscriber� without cau�lr�� �i�ps� tp+��lu�.�t�on in
the cables or interference wi�h other pI.4�C�i�C$� o�' �].�cKronic
systems .
I'. Channe l Capaci ty. Grantee' B GATV ii�/�i��1�A �hsl l ha�8 a
minirnum channel capacity of twenty-six (2b� �eleYi.sion channels .
G. Signals to be carried. Gr�r►Cee phal�, �arry an its CATV
systems the si�nals of all stations eig,nific�antly vl�wed in th�
Cicy , and �he signals of n� less tha� �wo (2� distant independent
conur�ercial stati�ns . Initially � Grantee ah�l� carry o11 its CATV
systen► the following signals :
St�iClc�n Location Affiliation
Kt'FtC Nous ton , Texas NBC
hIIUU }lous ton , Texas CBS
K'I�kK Hous ton , Texas ABC
K11'1'V Houston , Texas IND. ,
, �•., ,..� �-'1� ' �
. �r. •
' . ,., , � .
;, ,
Static�n LocaCion � Affiliati.on
___�______ ___.
t�.klV Houstan, Texas � IND.
KU111' Hous[on� TexaB , . PHS
W�'�� Atlar►ta , Georgia 'IND.
W��N Chicago . Illinpie - � IND.
ctir3 Virginia Beach� Vir�,i.p1,� GHRT5TIAN
�y�►dison Square Garden New York, New Yoark
Fri�ndswood Informatlon-�'ubli� AcC�st�
W�:�,Cher Radar GalvesCort� Tex��t � '
. Newy -Sports-Weather U . F . i .
It�t� New Y�rk, N�w �axk
N . Converter-Parental Lock• Selection of �i nal l�umber .
Ai�y converter offered or prov�d�d by �r&��#� �th�l.� b� �quipped
. , . .
wi th a parental lock capable of loGki�1� or RQCt��1n� Qr1s �harin�l
or all channels . Further, th� channel �fgli�ctpr p� the converter
shall be numbered so that �here t�ch�iG�11�( ����ibl� Cran�ee
may carry all relevent over-the-��.Z ��1�V�.t�ip11 S1gi}�lii Qn the
channel number of the station. ,
I . Temperature Ran�e . Gratltee' i1 G�A�� Iiy���tu� ahal� be �cap-
able of operaCing throughout Cbe �i�C t��p��x,��t�;� �8n�e qf 0 to
110 de�re�s Fahrenheit withouC �e�r�d���Q� �� . �µ��.Q qx '��.deo
, �� , �. ,;; ,
fidelity . . �' �
J . Educational Channels , p� ],��q� p�}Q 5�,��,�}��. �hel�, be
� � � . �,, �s �. �
reserved for the use of the edt�c�Cion�l ,pl���}px�.���tA in �he
, f
Ci ty . Such channel shall be p�ovida�i �r�g pf �ct�ax�e.
K . Public Channels . At l�ast onp �h.s�t�n��, �t�all be Xeserved
for the use of the public , which shall h�V� no�di&Gx�.m�natory
access without Gharge on a firsC come , fixq� 1���'vpt b��3.& •
L. Standard of Care . Grantee shall. RC �l].� time� �employ
� I�i�h s�dndard of care and shall iRS�al� , main�a��► � and use
�E��rov�.d �nethods and devices �for preventing f�ilur�& or accidencs
which ar� likely t� cause damages , injux'ies , QX nu�s�ilces Co the
�uUl1L' .
�t . Gran�ee_' s _Of`fice . Grantee shal�. ma�nt�tiq 4n� �rincipal
offi�E , �>>�i inay m�intain as many sub-offi.Ce6 s� $rg re�sonabl.y
►������<ii-y tc� pr�ino�e �;oud service and conve�ienc� t�l the public ,
i t� � ��� t; i c y , wh i ch 51�a1 1 U� open during $11 usu$1 buslness hours ,
I�,,v�� ., ! i ::, t �� tc�le��hun� , anJ be so equipped ARd opereted thaC
- 13-
�'""`+ V.� � ,.wr �
• , . _1 . � . �.,� , . ,. . . • .
con�plaints and requests for installation , repsir� � Qx �d,�ust-
mencs may be received and timely and reasonab�.y �n�wer�d.
N . Service and Repair . Grantee �h���, xe�der eFficier�t
service , make repairs promptly, and interru,pC 1i�xvlCe onl�r for
�ood cause and for the shortest time possibl��� �nsofar es p�s-
sible , such interruptions sk►all be pYSC�d�d by �ox�y-eight (4a)
hours notice and shall occur during periOd Q� p��,11`iiuwa 4�� of
the CATV system.
0. Service Calls . Grante� $hell r��p4nd, �q �pll �erYice
�alls within cwency-four (24� houre �n�i cor, ��e�� malfun�xione
, ,, .
as promptly as possible , but , i�n 811 �veri�� � !{�i�.�h�.i� �eYeinGY-
two (72) hours after notic� Ghe�eo�. Fo�� ,tlt�� pu►�cpos� � Grantee
shall maintain a competenC staff 4f emplQy��� �t3f�ici�qC i� size ..,.
to provide adequate and prompt eervice �Q ��bs��'i�i�rs •
P , S tate o f the Art . Grantee s�h6t11 t,�1d�x��k� any �nd all
construction and installation n�ce$e�ry �� k���► �u�rr�n� with
the latesc development in the s��,Ce Qf �h� ��'�� p,� �TV,
. � . . . y. � i� ' . .
Section 14. UNDERGR4UNA �H&TAI.LAT�0�+1.. `� '`�' ' ,
.___ . , .
, , . , .
In areas of the City havin� telept�qns �.�.µ�f� ��� e�lec��iC
, . _ �, ,
utility lines underground, any and �1� 0� G���i���' � 1�1ne� .
cables , and wires shall be underground. It ��hil�l b� thQ poli�y
of che CiCy that existin� poles �or e�eC�x�G �ri� CpAimynicatio�
purposes be utilized whenever possibl� �yn� '�tt�� u���rg,xound in-
stallation , even when not required� iR p����rpb�.� �o th� placing
uf additional poles . •
Grantee ' s system shall have the, capacity Co i.nterconnect
witti any oCher contiguous CATV syatem oper�tip� in Ch� 8re$•
5t c t i on_ 1 6� Et9ERGENCY USE OF THE CATV S�STF,.�I:
In �he eve�it of an einergency or di8astst� !Gr�i►C4� 8ha11
u��un ruyu�st ut Ll�c City Council or it6 d�sign�t�d �epresenta-
� iv� i���ik� �vaila►�le i cs Facilitie9 to the CiCy �ot gmer$ency
us� cl�,ri �i�; Lli� E�� riu�l of such e�ner6ency O�' dis�st�r and frY't8I1
�>> uv� �I�� :.u��l� ���rs��i�ti� 1 �is n��y be necessary t0 operate ft8
- 14-
. �� ,.... ��y� '..
facilities under the circumsCance� . Gxantee �hal� �.ncprparate
into its facility the capability for an emexgency intexrupt
whereby ttie City � in time of Gri.�is , may be itble Co 13�Croduce
a bulletin on all channels simulta�eously.
tJotwithstanding any other proviaion of Chi� ordinance to
the con[rary � Grantee shall at a11 timee Gomp�.�/ with ell laws �
rules , and regulations of the �s�ate ar►d �ed�ra�. governments
and any administrative agencies ther�o#, if �ny Qu�h state or
f�deral law, rule � or regulatioq �ha11 x�quir� or permit Grantee
to perform any service or shall prohibi� Crat��e� #roiR �e�'forming
any service in conflict with the prpvigi4�� o� �hi� vrdinanc�
or any other ordinance , rule , o� xegulaC�c�n t�,� �he C�.�y , then
inuneciiately following knowl.edge thexeo� C���nte� p�h�ll notify
City Council in writing o� the poin� af Cop�li�� b��.i���d to
. ,
exist between such atate or federa� lati, ��lA� Q� xegu�sti�n
and this or other ordinanae , rule � q�' XB�u��1�iAt� 4� th� Gity .
If the City Council determin��t Chat a t����'�,#� �rp�V�.w1an q�
this ordinance does in f8ct �an�1�.Cx t��.�11 ,AUG�1 AtA����4r �ed'
exal law, rule , or regulation, it shall. h�1V.�� .k�h�1 �'���� �p
modify any provision hereof to �uch xe�,R41���}1�/ ��C�t�t s$ may be
necessary to carry out the fu].1 inGent itnd �u,�C�1q�i�{ �� �his fran-
chise ordinance .
It is specifically agreed by th� City snd �r�tn�ee that any
n►odifications o� the provisions of this O�c,�iAa�►Cfi F��u1�1ng
frorn amendmenC of the Ru1es and Regul$t3.OnB p� �h� FCC &h811
be incorporated inco thi� franchise �ordinan�� 1?�► �l�e ��-Cy Cuuncil
within one year c�f the adoption ot the �wendm�nt hy Che FCC� or
at th� tiaie of the renewal of thie franchi��e , whichevex 4CCU}&
first .
'1'he Grantec� Sh� ll afford equal opportuci3.t� ip �mplpy�ne[►�
-� ,--�
to all qualified persons . No person sh�11 b�e d�.BC�'imiqated
agai.nst in employment because of race � Coior, �'eligiott, natlonal
aribin , ur sex .
Grantee shall not e�gage 1� the �uslne8a p� ��ll.ing, re-
�airin� , or installing televl.sion �rec�iver$ o� ;8dio receivers
wict�in the Ci.ty duri�g the term of thia �ranGhi�e ,
Section 23-. PAYi�iENT TO C�T�f. ,
A. Amount and Time . As compensation fox the righ� ,
privileg� , and franchise herein �onferred� Gr�nt�e ehall pay
co the Cicy each year during the term of thi� �ranchise a Sum
equal to three percent (3%)� of Gr,aritee' R annu�l baa�.e �ervice
revenue . Such paytnents shall b� m�d� Snnu�l��r. G�&ntee shall
file with the City Council within ninety (90) da�►R a£Cex' the
expira�ion of each calend$r year , q.r parGion thereof� during
wt�ich such franchis� is in e�feet. e �in�t►ci�1 �tr�tement pxe-
pared according to accepted accounting prac��.c� �howin� in detail
the gross revenue from baslc �erviC+� p� Gx�tnte� durin� the
preceding calendar year . Such st��etASnt �ha��. be a�COmpanied
by Grantee ' s payment to the Ci,ty oE t,h�e� p�� ��p� (�'J'!.) of such
b�sic service revenue for 6uCh ye8z. �
B. Right of Inspection of Records . �k�� �1ty &ha�.l have
M �.
che right to i.nspect Grantee ' s records RhQwin� Ch� grQS� reve�ues
for basic service from which paym�nts to �h� �iC�t sr� �omputed
and the right of audit and recomputa[iQn o� �ny ��d &11 amou�Cs
paid under this �ranchise . No acceptan�� o� p8,ym�nt sh$11 be
co�►strueci as a release or as an accoxd end ea�i�#a�tion of any
clai�n che Cicy r�►ay have for further or additional sums payat,le
un�i�:r chis franchise or for the perfozman�e p� $ny 4tk►ex' obliga-
tiun }�er�ur►der .
C . 0�t�er_ 1'ayn�ents to City . The fran�hi�►� f�e pay�ble h�re-
un��r sl�all be exclusive of and in addit�Qn �O ��1 ad valorem
Lax�� , 5���cia1 dys�s5�i�ents foX municipal improvecuec►t�r , Aq� Ottle�
_ • -�;.._ �.. ,
� �
lawful obli�ations of Gran[ee to the CiCy,
A. Principal Office of Grantee Grantee shall maintain
it5 principal office in the City as long �e it Continues to
�perate its CATV system or any portion th�reof 8nci hereby
�lesi6nates such office as the place to wher,� �11 notices , direc-
tions , orders , and requests may be mailed, �erved� or delivered
uncl�r this ordinance . The City SecreCa�Cy qhall be rtotified of
cl�e location of such office ax stly ch�ng� th�xeof.
t�. �ooks �f Account. Grantee shall k��p complete and
a�curate books of accounts and r�coXds a� �.�C� busipess and
operations under and in connectiQn with Ch1� �=$R�tlise. All
such books of account and records Sh�ll b� �n��.ti��ined at Grantee ' s
principa� office in the City . �
u � 4i'
C. Access by Cit +�. Th� City, throu�l� i�� duly designated
officers , agents or representaxive�� 1►h�1� ��y� a�ce�� Go �11
books of account and record$ of Gra�t�� �pr p�C��tsit�ing the
correctness of any and all Yeport�i �tld t1�1,y �x��.n� it� officers
and en�ployees under aath in respecC Ch�xp�Q, Aceess shell be
, �
given by Grantee to such o�ficer� � Bg�R�fi � Q�' �Ce�=�sentBtiVes
. a
of the City at all reaso�$ble timQ� noC Qt1�.x Gp C�x�nGee' s re�nrds
oF grass basic service revenue but �l�o �p ���. Q�' Gx'$nte�' a plans ,
contracts , engineering� planning, R�ar��tics�. , cu�tome�c. and
subscriber service records relaC�.ng Cq ChP proPertie� and opera-
tion of its CA'TV system.
D . Annual Report . An annual reQo�� 6thoW�q� �xo�� basic
service reven�e received by Grantee foz Che p�'ec�ding catlen�iar
y�ar , prepared and certified to by an indep�ndent ce�tified
put�lic accountant , and such other inform�tlon a� the �ity shall
reyuest wich respect to the propertie$ �nd ex��nses relat�d to
such service , shall be filed by Grante� Wi�h �h� C�Cy Council
wi �hin nine�ty (y0) days following the end O� eac�1 calendar
y��r �r Nc�L�� i �i► �hereaf during which Gh�.� �r�,nchise �8 �.T1 effect .
� � � � . .
Section 23. GItANTEE ' S RULE$ .
Grantee shall have Che authority tp p�o�au�.gate such rules �
r��ulations , terms , and conditions goVernin� Ch� conduct of its
business as shall be reasonably peces��ry �o �rtable Gratntee to
ex�rcise its rights and to perfprm its Qbli�atiQns under this
franchise ordinance and to assure 8rt uninterrupted S�rvice to
e�ach and all of the subscriber� Ca it� s�r��.��; p=oviaea, how-
ever , such rules , regulations � terms � a�d �ondi.tion� shell not
be in conflict with any of the provi�ioln� Q� Chiq pr any other
ordinance o£ Che City ; the laws of tho $t$tp p� T�xBS , and the
United States of America � and Che rule� s�d regulati.ons pf the
FCC , and any other federal� agency hsvin� juxi�c��ction. A copy
oF Grantee ' s rules , regulations , terats, �►nd C4nditions shall
be filed with the City and thereaf�ex b� m�i�tained current by
Grantee. '
Section 2 &. RATES , f
Rates charged by Grantee for b��i.0 st�XV�,�� Cp sub�cribers
shall be fair � re�s,onable and nv�ndi,�cria►�.�}�t��y.�; �nd �hal�. be
subject [o the prior approval of Gity Cou�G1�.� $uch a�Proval
. �
shall be evidenced by Qrdina�c� �►eGtin� �p;��j puch euthor�.zed
rates . ' �
A. Discontinuance of Service for Nori-P�► ent . Grantee
may disconnect installations and di��cQnt�nuft �R�ViCe to a �ub-
scriber upon failure to pay his px �.tR b�,��, WithiR ChirCy �(30)
days of rendition ; provided� however� G�C�R��� �hall ��.ve five (5)
days ' written notice to a subsc;ibex, d�RliV�x'�d �ith�r by mail
or served in persan , that se=vice will b� dlacont$.nued u�less
arrearages are paid before the expirs►tia� p� Gh�3 f�.ve (5) day
peri�d .
�i . DisconnecCion oF InstallaCion $ec8use of Deceit .
Grantee [n�y disconnect installatiqn� sc►� �i�qcontinue Ber-
vice to a sut�scriber who operates or Att�ttlQ�A �A opex'e�e more
than une t�levision set at any one time ot1 A1,1 iR6Cri�l�,tion for
� ---
, __ _
. -�. � ,,.,�,.,,
whic:h no aciditional service fees ars being pai�d� oX �eY'mits
anyone else to do the same ; provided. howeveY, C�levision ser-
vice�r�en �r�ay disconnect or reconnect thp terwinal unit on Che
r�:ar o� the t�levision receiver for Che pµrpose of repairing or
replacing receiver equipment at the reque�t o� Ch� 6ubscx'iber .
C. Postiny of Rates . Grantee ��h811 pu�bli�h und pasC in its
local offices schedules of its rates gnd �ha�gea .
In the event that a potential subscriber' � premi.aes are
locaced at such a distancs from a diexri.butlon �able Chat
Grantee deems it �ot economically fea�tibl� CQ �►royid� Aervice
at the rates authorized heref.n. the Ci.ty �rQU�iC�.�. ph�l�. determine ,
upon requesC from the pote�tial $ubaerit?px Q� �rsntee, the emour►C ,
conditions , and refund provisions of th� ��b�.(� �xten�ion charge
which, in addition to the raCee authpxizB�. l}�r�A�n, wauld be
fair and reasanable under �he parti�ul�r FQi1��.t�4na end' Circwn�
, �
stances . In no event ahall iG be d��w�d '���� �iCp��@i�$1�y
feasible" to extend a distxil�ution ��b1Q � i���t��F� Q� tihree
,„ �
hundred (300) feet or less .
In its rates or charges , ar in m�,1�i1n� �ty��l$1��� the �e�vices
or facilities of the CATV system. or �A i�� �ule� oF x�gulatians ,
or in any other respecC � Grantee shal]. nut �c1�k1� or �ranC pre-
ference or advantage to any subscrib�r ox poG�n�i.al aub�exiber
or to the user or potential user of �h� CATY �y�tea► �nd &hall
,not s�bject any such person ta any pxe�udi�e qx d�sadvanCag� .
This pr�vision shall not be deemed t4 prohibit promotional�
campaibns to stimulate subscriptions Go thq CATY sy$�em or
other lebitimate uses thereof .
Tl�e ri�;hts , privileges , and franchis�t granted her�by $re
not �x�l �siv� ac�ci n�ttling herein containec� �hall be cont�trued
�� �>r�ver�c t1�� Ci �y Irom �;rantin� any like o� �imilax �rights ,
- 19-
i .._.__
. ^ ,�.. �' `
� • . , ;
. , i � _
i 1
privile�es , and franchise to any other peYS4� W�.�hi� 411 or any
�u�tion of the City . '
S�:ction 28. REVOCATION OF FRANC#iI�E, , �
In additioc► to all other right� �nd power� o� the Ci�y by
virtue of this franchise ordinartce o�C p�h�rwise . zh� City
reserves as an additional and e& � 6Bp�r�C� at�d dlstant power
the right to terminate and cance� thiq ��t�nchi�►6 ar►d sll rights
�«d privileges of Grantee hereunder i� ,�ny qf th� following
�:vents or for any of the followiqg r�eb�on�t s
A. Violation of Provisions . Grante� �hall by act or ommis-
sion violate any term, condition, Qx pxQYi�giot► c?� th�.� franchise
ordinance and shall fail or x'�fuse t0 pf��C� cQmp�.iance within
thirty (30� days following wri�ten deanand by �h� Ci.ty to do &o .
B. Insolvent or Bankrupt. GY�nte� 1?�cOmies inSolvent � un-
able , ur unwilling to pay its debt6 ox i.; ad,�udged bankrupt or
all or any parC of Grentee ' $ faeilit�.e� ��� Aold under � an in-
strument to secure a d�bt and are nQt r�d�ep�e� by GranCee within
thirty (30� days from ths daC� of �µCh ��►1�.
C. Fraud or Deceit. C�rarlt�e ����W�t,� �� p� dQeB �ractice
� �
any fraud or deceit in ite condu�t Qr �p�,p��Qq� under �his
franchise wiCh the CiCy . subscribera � Q�C pot@t1C181 eubscribers .
D . ttethod of Termination and Cance].18tion, Aa�1y ruch termii�-
atian and cancellation of this £ran�hi�� ,�h�11 b� by ordinance
adopted by the City Council. ; pravided, however, b�for� any such
or�iinance is adopted, Grantee must b� given �,� leasG sixty (b0)
ciays ' advance written notice , which noCice �thall set �orth the
causes �nd reasons �or the proposed Cerminatiotl snd �ancellatian ,
shall advise Grantee that iC will be provid�c� aR oPporCuniCy to
be heard by Cic:y Council regarding such proposed actian before
any such action is taken , and shall 8et forth ChB Gime � date ,
an� pl���: �f che h�aring . In no event �h,�ll �uch hearing be
t�cl�i 1�5s tl�ar� thirty (30) days following dellvery o� such
ROl1Ct' LU Ll�iilLLt' .
� - � s.... /"'�I .�. `
� � . � . -
E. Force Maieure . Other th8n it$ fai.lur�e� re�u�a1 � or
inability to pay its debts end oblig8t�.on� � including, ,speci-
fically � the paymente Co the City requi.r�d by th�.R ordinance '
Grantee �hall not be declared in defaulC p�' b�t 4ub�ect to any
sanction under any provieion of Ch�.� frsn�Chl�p oxdin$nc� in
those cases in which performan�e pf �uch proyision 1� pxever►ted
by reasans beyond its control. �,
The righte , privilegee and franch�.�i� �x�t�d k�ereu�nder may
not be assi.gned, in whc�le or in par�� withAµC �1}e prioX consent
of City Council expressed by reeQlu�tlo� p� Q�t���1��C�� and tben
only under auch conditions ea atay �her�i.m b* p�i�RCF�.b�d. No
assignment to any pereon ehall be effa�ctly� �i��.�, �h� pealgnee
has filed with the City Secretary s� �.netru��fi� d�}�.y executed,
reciting the fact of such �asignmenC , �cc��►Ci�t�, �',�1� t�R�t� of
this ordinance , and agreeing Co compl�► �v11:1� ,��� Q# ��,g pzovieione
hereof. _
,� �
Section 30 . PUBLIGATION C4S�,, . .
� . � � � � � �
In complia�ce with th� provialQp• �� �C��.F�,� ��IR �►�ction 9 . U3
of the Home Rule CharteX o�' �h� C�-ty, G�'���� ����. j��1y the co�at
, �
of those publications of thi$ o�d�.�ap�� x�q4�rR� k� �uG�, Ch�rCer
, , ,
provisions . .
A. Requirementa and Enf4r�ement. EXC+�.�t a6 expre�►sly
._.�._..�.�.,�..�.. .
provided herein , Grantee ehall have no x�ec�ur�t1� �h�teo�ver against
the City f�r any loss � cost' expenee , o� c�amage �ri��.n� Qut of
the provi5ions or requirements of thie fX�RGh1N�3 Qr beC�ii,uae af the
enforcement thereof by the CiCy or beCeu�e p� th� 18Ck Qf Che City ' s
authority to grant all or any part of Lh1s �ran�his�.
1� . Grantee ' s Underatanding . Grent�� ��[�X'���ly a�knQwledg�s
that in accepting this franchise ordinanc� � iC x��r�:�d �1+R2$1�► upon
its own investigation and understanding �f Ch� �o�,tf#r �d e►�thority
oF tt�e City to �rant chis franchise , and that Grantee ws• �ot in-
- 21-
� �
duced to accept this ordinance by a�y und��pt��dip�� �ro�ise. or
other statement , verbal or written, by oX p� behalf Af the City
or by any third pereon concernin� �ny term O� �o�diG�on noC ex-
pressed herein.
Within thirty {30) daya frow thp q�f�C�iV�p d�►t� A� this
ordinance , GranCee shall file With the Ci�� � �,rr�.tt�en $tatement
in the �allowing form $igned iA i�fi Aat� at�►d beh�tl�s
"To the Honorable Mayor and �i�y Gou�cil o�
the Gity of Friendswood, Texa� : � �
"For itself , ita succ��aorp �nd ��pi,�pp,
_ The N�eca �Cornoration , h���a�I �rC�pt�
the attached ordinance aAd agr�a�li tq ��t �p�t� hy
all of it9 [erma , :GOnditiAnp , �ti¢ p��+W�.�i��� .
The Meca Gor o�ation
� ,,
��Dated thia Che d�x Q�` '� . • , 1,9?9 . ��
� , , , :►, _ ,
Section 33. SEYE�tABLII.ITX. ��• � . '
If any provision, �ectioR, �ub�t���iQp� p�ex���t►C�� �lause , or
phrase of �his ordinance ia for any r�pqQ� h�l,c� �Q �►f� i1�v�lid or
unconstituCional , such inv�lidi.�y or t�i��p�tl�ti�ut�.Ai�411ty ehall not
affect the validity of the retpaiiti�g �px��Qn�t Q� �h�,� prdlna�ce .
I t is the intent of the Ci.ty �.n �dopt�.ng Ch�A ;��'411qsnce that no
porcion or provision thereaf ehall becot� 1��p��s��.v� pr fail
by reasan of any invalidiCy or uncona�itution�Xlt�► p� at�y oth�r
portion or provision , and to thie end �11 proy�e�o�n�. o� this ordi-
nance are declared to be severable.
This ardinance , having been publiahed �� X6qLi�Z�16� �i�►
Article IX , Section 9 . 03 of the Home Rule Ch,�;tie� p� �h� City .
shall tak� effect and be in force from and after fOx�y-f1V� (45)
c��,y5 followiiib its final passage and approval .
� ._._
_ _ _ -
, . m.. -�
PASSED AND APPROVED on first readin� �h�.s � day of
� , 1979 .
PASSED AND APPROVED on second reading �his -�-�--�day of
`��.�---- , 19 7 9 .
PASSED AND APPROVED on third and final reading this �.�-�l
day of ' �, 1979.
, �
City Secretary
City Attorney