HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 320 I' �, , ,<w, { ,. - (�11J r 1 y�� f ��L/} �
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WHEREAS, the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission
and the Friendswood City Council conducted public hearings on
June 1, 1978 and August 7 , 1978 , respectively, to consider
the rezoning of the hereinafter described parcel of land
from R-1 to Specific Use-Pipeline Easemant; and
WHEREAS , the hearings were auiy called as provided by
the laws of �he State of Texas an•d Ordinance No. 291 of the
City of Friendswood, and that in such hearings all persons
attending' were allowed to be heard on the question of whether
or not the rezoning of such tract from R-1 to Specific Use-
Pipeline Easement would affect the public health, safety,
morals , convenience or general welfare and whether or not
such rezoning would violate the rights of any interested
persons ; now therefore
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Section 1 . City of Friendswood, Texas , Ordinance No. 291 ,
passed and approved on November 7 , 1977 , and known as the
Zoning Ordinance, is hereby amended by changing the zoning
classification of a certain tract of land, containing ap-
proximately 15 . 6713 acres , more or less , said tract being
narrow in width, and running through the City from the
southern City limits iine and meandering in a north-north-
westerly direction until exiting the City on the western City
limits line in the northern quadrant of the City, said tract
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- Being a 1. 5855 acre, more 15 . 6713acpertract�ofaland6beingrnarroweior
- 1ess , tract of land, said
width, said tract being entirely within the City Limits of Friendswood,
Texas , said 15 . E713 acre tract of land beginning at a point on the
�south city limits of Friendswood, thence in a nort�herly direction,
over, across and through the City of Friendswood �o the point of exit
' of said 1S . E�713 acre tract on the westerly City LimitS of Frie ndswood.
Said 1. 5855 acre tract of land, more or less , being out of the
following lands of J. A. Segelquist, located in the I . & G.N. R. R. Co.
Survey, Abstract 624 , Section 23 , Galveston County, Texas , being
part of Lots or Subdivision Number 5 , containing Two Hundred Fifty
(2S0} acre� of land and more particularly shown and described in
partition deed among the owners of Section 1, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ,
8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 22 , 23 , 25 , and 26 located on the north side of the
Gulf, Colorado and Santa .Fe Railroad, and known as Brooke Farm,
and Great Northern Railroad Lands , this, said particular tract __
being set aside •to Sydney T. Fontaine, by deed dated April 17 , 1893,
and conveyed by said S�dney T. Fontaine to William F. Beers by deed
dated April 26 , 1933 , and recorded in Book 485 , Pages 618-19 in the
County Clerk' s Records of Galvestan County, Texas , and Number 6
(sometimes referred to and being the same as Subdivision 6) in the
Subdivision of 5ection 23 , I . & G.N. Railroad Survey in Galveston
and Brazoria Counties containing 110 acres , more or less , according
to plat of said 5ubdivision of record in Book 113 at Page 22 , in the
Office of the County Clerk of Galveston County, Texas , being the
same 110 acres described in deed dated February 11, 1903, from Ben
A. Isaacs to Meyer Schram, recorded in the Office of the County
Clerk of Galveston County, Texas , in Book 112 at Page 271, to
which partition deed reference is hereby made.
Said 1. 5855 acre tract of land being more particularly described
by metes and bounds as follows :
__ --
- COMMENCING for reference at a found 3/4" iron pipe
set in the East right of way of 5tate Highway Farm
Road # 528 (100 feet wide) and said iron pipe
being across said highway and West of a concrete
monument set at the southeast corner of Towers Estates
THENCE North 87° 07 ' S4" East, 2924 . 06 feet along the
north line of said Lot 5 to the point of beginning of
herein described tract, said point being on a line
parallel to and 10 feet easterly of the easterly most
existing pipeline of Phillips Compariy;
THENCE North 87° 07' 54" East , 20. 26 feet to a point,
said point being on a line parallel to and 30 feet
easterly of said easterly most pipeline;
THENCE South 06° 10 ' 54" West, 3454 . 05 feet parallel
to and 30 teet easterly of said easterly most pipeline
to the intersection with the south line of lands of
said J. A. Segelquist as fenced;
THENCE South 87° 15' 54" West, 20. 24 feet along said
south line as fenced to a point, said point being on
a line parallel to and 10 feet easterly of aforesaid
easterly most pipeline , from which the southwest
corner of aforementioned Lot 6 bears South 87° 15 ' 54"
West, 2090. 48 feet along said fenced south line;
THENCE North 06° 10 ' 54" East, 3454. 03 feet parallel
to and 10 feet easterly of said most easterly
� existing Phillips Pipeline to the POINT OF BEGINNING
and containing 1. 5855 acres of land, more or less .
The bearings and distances for the Continental Oil Company Pipeline
Easement ONLY are grid.
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; to anct 10. feet easterly of aforementioned easterlyyPhillips
� Pipeline from which the southwest corner of said lands of
Tract 84
� _ - ----...___--__._ ------____-_ _-- —
� �? r � Pearland S � n � Club, Inc. , bears ; W'�h '° 07 ' St�°'
. . p .
, West, y54 . 62 feet;
THENCE North 06° 10 ' S4" East, 1012 . 80 feet , parallel to
_ and 10 feet easterly of aforesaid Easterly pipeline of
� Phillips to the POINT OF B�GINNING of the herein described
easement arid containing therein 0 . 7529 acres of 1and, more
or less .
The bearings and distances for tl�e Continental Oil Company Pipeline
ONLY are Grid.
Tract gg
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� Bein� a 0. 6566 acre, more or less, portion of a 15 . 6713 acre, more
, or less tract of land, said 15 . 6713 acre tract of land being narrow
_ in width, said tract being entirely within the City Limits of
_ Friendswood, Texas , said 15 .6713acre tract of land beginning at a
� point on the south city limits of Friendswood, thence in a north-
erly direction, over, across and through the City of Friendswood
to the point o£ exit of said 15 , 6713 acre tract on the westerly
�ity Limits of Friendswood.� Sa.id 0. 6566 acre tract of land , more
or less being out of the following lands of Reginald C. Peterson,
being all that certain trac� or parcel of land containing T5 . 2143
- - _ _
acres o and, more or less , out of the Beatty, Seale and Forwood
Survey, Section 5 , Abstract 625 , in Galveston County, � T�exas, and
out of the I . & G.N. R. R. Company Survey, Section 23 , Ab�tract 624 ,
in Galveston County, Texas , said tract of land being more
particularly described by metes, and bounds as follows: (Deed
Book 2439 , Page 237, Galveston County, Texas)
COMMENCING at a 3/4 inch iron pipe set on the east line
of the 100 foot wide Alvin-Friendswood Road, also known
as State of Texas F. M. Road 528 , and across the same
road from and lying North 89° 57 ' East of the concrete
monument set at the southeast corner of Tower Estates
THENCE North 32° 28 ' East along the east line of said
F. M. Road 528 a distance of 1285 . 23 feet to an iron
pipe (which pipe is located a distance of 95. 18 feet
North 30° 28 ' East of the intersection of the East
right of way of said F. M. Road 528 with the north
line of said I . & G.N.. R. R. Company Survey, Section
23 , and the South line of said Beatty , Seale and Forwood
Section 5) for the PLACE OF BEGINNING;
THENCE North 32° 28' East, along and with the East
- riqht of way line of said Highway, a distance of
173 . 8 teet to an iron pipe fo� corner in the North
� right of way line of the American Canal Company
THENCE South 87° 57 ' East, along and with an old
fence line at the North toe of slope of the American
Canal. Company levee, a distance of 5956 . 7 feet to a
3/4 inch iron pipe for corner;
THENCE South B9° 51 ' West, along and with the South
line of the said Beatty, Seale, and Forwood Survey,
Section 5 , a distance of 2200.9 feet to an iron rod
for corner;
THENCE South approximately 65. 43 feet to the point
of intersect with the South line af the America�
Canal Company easement;
THENCE North 87° 57 ' West , along and with the said
South line of the American Canal Company easement
and approximate distance of 3$75. 27 feet to the
Said 0. 6566 acre tract of land being more particularly described by
metes and bounds as follows :
COMMENCING a� a fence corner in the north line of
lands of said R. C. Peterson;
THENCE North� 88° 30 ' S4" East, 275. 95 feet along the
said north line of land of said R. C. Peterson as
fenced to the point of beginning, from which a found
1/2" I .P. at a fence corner bears North 88° 30 ' 54"
East, 430. 95 feet;
THENCE continuing North 88° 30 ' 54" East, 18. 17 feet
along said north line to a point being on a line parallel
to and 15 feet westerly from an existing LoVaca Pipeline;
• �,'��
� THENCE Sout} �'° 4 ' 25" West, 149 . 11 ` ✓� � allel to.
, and 15 ' westCi_.y of existing LoVaca Pipeline to the
_ intersection with the south line of lands of said R. C.
-' Pete�SOn;
� THENCE South 88° 30 ' 54" West, 20 . 16 feet along said
- south line to a point , from where a found 1/2" I .P.
bea�s South 88° 30 ' S4" West, 922. 73 feet; said point
also being on a line parallel to and 10 feet easterly
of the most easterly existing pipeline of Phillips
Pipeline Company;
THENCE North 06° 10 ' S4" East, 149 . 38 feet, paral,l�l
to and 10 feet easterly of the said most easterly ,
Phillips Pipeline Company existing pipeline to the
POINT OF BEGINNYNG, and containing therein 0 . 6566
acres of land, more or less. "
Tract 85
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Being a 0. 6173 a �. �re or less , portion � —� . � . 6713 a�ze , more
or less, tr�ct o� ��`_;r�u, said 15 . 6713 acre t�.��_� �i lan'd ��eing narrow
in w�idth, said tra�ct` being entirely within the City Limits of
Friendswood, Texas , said 15 . 67.13 acre tract of land beginning at a
point on the south city limits of F�iendswood, thence in a north-
erly direction, over, across and through the City of Friendswood to
the point of exit of said 15 . 6713 acre tract on the westerly City
L'imits of Freindswood. Said 0. 6173 acre tract of land, more or less ,
being out of the following lands of Richard J. Reese , Trustee .
Lots 8, 9 , 10 , ll, and 12 of the Van Pelt Subdivision out of the
B .S . & F. Survey No. 5 , in Galveston County, Texas , Abstract 625 ,
as per plat of said .subdivision recorded in Volume 238, Page 26
in the office of the County Clerk of Galveston County, ,Texas ,
more fully desczibed by metes and bounds as follows : • (Deed Book
2417 , Page 400, Galveston County, Texas) �
BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of Lot 10 of said
Uan Pelt Subdivision•
THENCE North 09° 09 ' 24" East, a distance of 1676 . 9
t'eet to a 1/2 inch iron pipe for corner, same being
the Northwest corner of Lot 9 ;
THENCE South 80° 49 ' East, a distance of 805 . 2 fee�
to .an 1 1/4 inch iron pipe for corner, same being
the Northeast corner of Lot 8 of said Van Pelt
THENCE South �l° 28 ' West, a distance of 712 . 9 feet
to a 5/8 inch iron bar for corner, same being the
Southeast corner of said Lot 8;
THENCE South 88° 30 ' East, a distance of 647 . 2 feet
to an 1 1/4 inch iron pipe for corner;
THENCE South O1° 28 ' West, along an existing fence
line and the East line of said Lot 12 , a distance
841. 9 feet to point for corner, same being the
Southeast corner of said Lot 12;
THENCE North 88° 33 ' West, a distance of 1667 . 98
feet along the South boundary lines of said Lots
12 , 11, and 10, to the 5outhwest corner of said
that part of Lot 8 conveyed to W. R. Lunday by deed
recorded in VoTume 1893 , Page 738 in the office of
the County Clerk of Galveston County, Texas .
Said 0 . 6173 acre tract of land being more particularly described by
metes and bounds as fol.lows :
COMMENCING at a found 1/2". iron pin, at a fence
corner marking the southeast corner of lands of _
. , said Ri�hard J. Reese;
• THENCE South 88° 30 ' S4" West, 412 . 78 feet along
the south line of said Reese property to the point
of beginriing;
THENCE South 88° 30 ' .54" West, 18. 17 feet along '
said south line to a point, from which a fence
corner bears South 88° 30 ' 5.4" West, 275 . 95 feet;
THENCE North 06° 10 ' 54" East, 846 . 52 feet parallel
� to and 10 feet easterly of the most easterly existing
pipeline of Phillips Pipeline Company to the inter-
section with a fence line, f"rom which a found 1/2"
iron pipe at a fence corner bears South 88° 22 ' 54"
West , 379 . 45 feet;
• THENCE North 88° 30 ' S4" East, 37 . 35 feet along a
fence line to a point from where a 1/2" iron pipe
bears North 88° 22 ' S4" East, 284 . 10 feet a,long a
, ,
. Tract 86. 1
� B, S. c� f.' ,4-6�5
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_ ____, __ _ . . . . „ N�il. � ��w�� �x �C55 , �c�rtion or. a 15 . b/l:� acre , more
or less , tract � '"`�nd, said .15 . 6713 acre t ��� of land being narrow
. in width, said t� t��:. being entirely within t..e Cit� Limits of
_ � Friendswood, Texas , said 15 . 6713 acre tract of land beginning at a
' - �oint on the south city limits of Friendswood, thence in a north-
• erly direction, over, across and through the City of Friendswood to
• the point of exit of said 15. 6713 acre tract on the westerly City
_ Limits of Freindswood. Said 0 . 7476 acre tract of land, more or less,
being out of the following lands of W. R. Lunday, et ux being all
that certain tract or parcel of land containing 13 . 905 acres of
land, more or less , out of the Beatty, Seale , and Forwood Survey
No. .S , Abstract 625 , being out of a 34 . 00 acre tract as
--. __
---�escribed in �Deed recorded in Volume 691, Page 177 et. seq:�
Galveston County Deed Records , Galveston County , Texas ; said tract
of land being more particularly described by metes arid bounds as
follows : '
COMMENCING at a point in a County Road for -the south-
west corner of herein described tract and said 34. 00
acre tract being 166 .6 feet North 10° 00 ' East (as
called in the Van Pelt Subdivision as per map of record
in Volume 238, Page 26 , Galveston County Plat Records) ,
from the southeast corner of the Mary Sloan Survey ,
Abstract 184 , Galveston County , Texas , (and beinq an
interior corner of said Survey No. 5 , as same is marked
by an 3/4" iron pipe) ;
THENCE North 10° d4 ' East along the common line between
the Mary Sloan Survey and Survey No.. 5 , at 27 . 00 feet
pass a l/2" iron rod on the north line of said County
Road, and at a total distance of 1045. 8 feet an l/2"
iron rod for the northwest corner of the said 34 . 00
acre tract;
THENCE North 89° 52 ' East along the north line of said
34. 00 acre tract a total distance of 350 . 9 feet to a
1/2" iron rod for the northwest corner of the herein
described 13 . 905 acre tract of the 34 . 00 acres , and
the point of beginning;
THENCE South 02° 38 ' West at 1027. 0 feet pass a 1/2"
iron rod on the north line of said County Road and at
a total distance of 1052 . 0 feet to a point in said
County Road for the southwest corner of herein de-
scribed 13 . 905 acres ;
THENCE South 87° 36 ' West 569. 0 feet to the south-
east corner of herein described 13 . 905 acres ;
THENCE North 02° 38' East, 1077. 2 feet to the north-
east corner of herein described 13. 905 acres ;
THENCE South 89° 52 ' West, 569 .7 feet to the POINT
OF BEGINNING and containing 13 .905 acres , including
� 0. 29 acres in County Road.
Said 0 . 7476 acre t.ract of land being more particularly described by
metes and bounds as follows :
COMMENCING at a point in the centerline of a County Road�;
THENCE North 00° 40 ' S0" West, pass over a found 1J2"
I . R. in the north line of said County Road, in all 77 . 59
feet along the west line of � said lands of W. R. Lunday
to the point of beginning, said point of beginning also
being on a line p"arallel to and 15 feet westerly of an
existinq pipeline of LoVaca Campany;
THENCE North 00° 40 ' 50" West, 151. 11 feet along said
west line to a paint, said point being on a line
parallel to and 10 feet easterly of the most easterly
existing pipeline of Phillips Company; .
THENCE North 14° 53 ' 12" East, 871. 59 feet parallel to
and 10 feet easterly of said Phillips Pipeline to the
' intersection with the north line of said lands of W. R.
� " Lunday as fenced; from which a found 1/2" I .R. bears
South 86° 35 ' 12" West, 236. 76 feet;
Tract 87.0
� � THENCE Nortl. . � 35 ' 12" East, 35. 75 fe` _ .long said
� , , north line as fenced to a point, from which a found
� . 1/2" I . R. bears North 86° 35 ' 12" East, 297. 36 feet;
THENCE South 15° 00 ' 44" West, 465. 59 feet parallel
� - - to and 15 feet from said LoVaca Pipeline to a point;
THENCE 5outh 14° 17 ' 21" West, 532 . 02 feet parallel
to and 15 feet from said LoVaca Pipeline to a point;
THENCE 5outh 11° 20 ' 50" West, 30. 93 feet parallel
to and 15 feet from said LoVaca Pipeline to the POINT
OF BEGINNING and containing 0. 7476 acres, more or• less.
The bearings and distances for the Continental Oil Company Pipeline
ONLY are grid. ,
Tract 87 . 0
° �
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ONTIMENTAL O1L COMPANY ��A`�9f1-, 2-�0¢--�
pppp; NovsTO+u, TEXAS 9�� '� �'��
DATE: �'- 7-7f�
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Being a 0 . 15�5 ac_ � more or less , portion o_ 15 . 6713 a�re , more
� or ,le,ss , tract of land, said 15 . 6713 acre tract of land being narrow
� - � in width, said tract being entirely within the City Limits of
Friendswood, Texas , said 15 , 6713 acre tract of land beginning at a
� point on the south city limits of Friendswood, thence in a north-
- - erly direction, over, across and through the City of Friendswood to
the point of exit of said 15 . 6713 acre tract on the westerly City
Limits of Friendswood. Said 0 . 1545 acre tract of land, more or less ,
being out of the following lands _of L. W. Lunday, Sr.
10 . 00 acres of land, more or less, located in the B. S . & F. Survey
No. 5 , �bstract 625 , Galveston County, Texas , and being� off of the
west side of a 34 . 00 acre tract described in Deed from G. J. Hayes ,
et ux to R. T. Briscoe, dated January 1.6 , 1945 , and recorded in
Volume 691, Page 177, et seq. and more fully described by metes and
bounds as follows : (Deed Book 2449, Page 545, Galveston County,
Texas) .
BEGINNZNG at a point in a County Road for the southwest
corner of the herein described tract and said 34. 00 acre
tract being 166. 6 feet .North 10.° 00 ' East (as called in
the Van Pelt Subdivision as per map of record in Volume
23$, Page 26 , Galveston County Plat Records? from the
Southeast corner of the Mary Sloan Survey, Abstract 184 ,
Galveston County, Texas, and being an interior corner of
said Survey No. 5 , as same is marked by a 3/4" iron pipe;
THENCE North 10° 00 ' East along the common line between
the Mary Sloan Survey and Survey No. 5 , at 27 . 0 feet set
1/2" iron rod on the North line of said County Road,
and at a total distance of 1045 . 8 feet set l/2" iron rod
for the Northwest corner of the herein described tract
and 34. 00 acre tract;
THENCE North 89° 52 ' East along the north line of said
34. 00 acre tx'act a total distance of 350. 9 feet set
1/2" ir.on rod for the northeast of the herein described
tract and northwest corner of a 13 . 905 acre tract of the
34 . 00 acres;
THENCE South 02° 38 ' West at 1027 . 0 feet set 1/2" iron
rod on North line of County Road and at a total distance
of 1052 . 0 feet to a point in said County Road for the
Southeast corner of the herein. described tract and the
Southwest corner of said 13 . 905 acres ;
THENCE North 87° 36 ' West a total distance of 484. 6 £eet
to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 10. 00 acres ,
including 0. 28 acres in County Road.
Lot number Thirteen (13? in Subdivision of Section Number Five (5)
B. S . & F. , made for Georg.e Van Pelt of the South part of said survey
Number 5 , according to the map and plat of such subdivision, made
for said Van Pe1t in Galveston County, Texas .
Said 0 . 1545 acre tract of land being more particularly described by
metes and bounds as follows :
COMMENCING at the southeast corner of said lands of
L. W. Lunday, Sr. ;
THENCE South 88° 15 ' 12 " West , 13 . 78 feet along the
south line of said lands of L. W. Lunday, Sr. to the
point of beginning, said point of beginning also being
on a line which is parallel to and 15 feet westerly
from an existing LoVaca Pipeline; �
THENCE continuing South 88° 15 ' 12" West , 45 . 96 feet
along said south line to a point, said point being
on a line parallel to and 10 feet easterly from the
, most easterly existing pipeline of Phillips Pipeline
. Company;
� ► �,.. .
. " h r' TI�ENCE NortY� � 53 ' 12" East 241. 30 fe�._ arallel ta
. . , and 10 feet easterly o�' said Phillips most easterly
- � � pipeline to the intersection with the easterly line
. of said lands of L. W. Lunday, Sr. ;
' � THENCE South 00° 40 ' S0" East, 151. 11 feEt along said
easterly line of lands of L. W. Lunday, Sr. to a
point , said point being on a line which is 15 feet
parallel to and westerly from said LoVaca Pipeline ;
THENCE South 12° 31. ' 31" West, 82 . 67 feet, parallel
to and 15 feet from said LoVaca Pipeline to the .
POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0 . 1545 acres of
land, more or less. '
The bearings and distances for the Continental Oj.l Company Pipeline
ONLY are Grid.
Tract 87 . 1
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..��..y u „ . , JY a��C , ,�wre �r .�ess , portion ot a 15 . 6713 acre , more
o� less , tract of ��, said 15 . 6713 acre tr� �f land being narrow
. in width,, said tra��. �eing entirely within th� ..ty Limits of
, Friendswood, Tex.as, said 15 . 6713 acre tract of land beginning at a
. ' � point on the south city limits o.f Friendswood, thence in a norther-
� ly direction, over, across and through the City of Friendswood to
� the point of exit of said 15 . 6713 acre tract on the westerly City
Limits of Fr�endswood. Said 0 . 754 acre tract of land, more or less ,
being out of the following lands of E. L. Angelo and being all
that certain tract or parcels of land known as 84. 765 acres of
land, more or less , which 38. 35 acres of land, more or less ,
lacated in the Mary 51oan Survey, Abstract 184, Galveston
lCounty, Texas , being out of a 50. 00 acre tract described in Deed
recorded in Volume 487 � Page 399 , Galveston County Deed �ecords
and a small triangle out of the SE corner of a 50 . 00 acre tract
lying West of the above mentioned 50. 00 acres , and 46 . 415 acres
of land, more or less, located in the B.S. & F. Survey, No. 5 ,
Abstract 625, Galveston County, Texas , being the 5outh 46 . 041
� acres of a 50. 00 acre tract described in Deed recorded in Volume -
487 , Page 406 and 401, Galveston County Deed Records , and 0. 374 ,
acres out of the lower NW Corner of a 98. 68 acre tract described
in Deed recorded in Vo�.ume 475 , Page 529 , Galveston County Deed
Records , and said 84 . 765 acres of land being more particularly
described as follows, to wit: �
BEGINNING at an iron pipe at fence corner for the place
of b.eginning of herein described tract which is the NE
corner of above first mentioned 50 . 00 acre tract , being
on the East line of the Mary Sloan Survey and 2110 . 2
feet North 10° 00 ' East (call 2107 . 7 ' ) from an iron pipe
marking the SE corner of said Mary Sloan Survey;
THENCE North 10° 00 ' East along said survey line and old
fence line , a total distance of 564 . 0 feet to an iron
pipe at fence. corner for the NW corner of said 46 . 415
acres ;
THENCE South 89° 54 ' East along old fence line a total
distance of 1263 . 5 feet to an iron pipe at fence corner
for the tJE corner of the herein described tract;
THENCE South 00° 25 ' East along old fence line a total
• dis�ance of 1515.. 1 feet to a lf2" iron rod set at an
old fence corner for the SE corner of the herein described
THENCE North 87° 52 ' �aest a total distance af 210 . 5 feet
to an iron pipe at fence corner for a corner of the here-
in described tract and the lower SW corner of the above
mentioned 98 . 68 acre tract;
THENCE North 02° 39 ' East a total distance of 74 . 0 feet
set 1/2" iron rod for an interior corner of the herein
described tract, being the lower NW corner of the said
98. 68 acre tract;
THENCE South 89° 52 ' West a total. distance of 1372 . 9 feet
set 1/2" iron rod for an interior corner of the herein
described tract and the NW corner of a 1/17 acre tract;
THENCE South 10° 00 ' West a total distance of 1016 . 5 feet
set 1/2" iron rod in fence north line of a county road,
being the lower SE corner of the herein described tract
and the SW corner of the said 1. 17 acre tract;
'I'HENCE North 87° 36 ' West a total distance of 1023 . 1 feet
set 1/2" iron rod at fence carner on the North line of
said road and the SE line af Farm Highway 528, being
the SW corner of the herein described tract;
THENCE North 2d° 31 ' East along fence SE line of Farm
Road 528 a total distance of 1949. ? feet set 1/2" iron
rod at bend in fence;
THENCE North 17° 43 ' East a total distance of 140 . 2 feet
` set 1/2" iron rod at fence corner for the NW corner of the
herein described tract; TRACT
. 87 . 2
. � ' � THENCE South "�° 13 ' East a total distan� of 689 . 4
� fee:t to the � � OF BEGINNING and conta �� g 84. 7�5
' , acres of land, t►�ore or less .
- Said 0 : 754 acre tract of land being more particularly described by
- metes and bounds as follows :
COMMENCING at a found 1 1/4" Z .P , in a fence line marking
th-e northwest corner of said lands of E. L. Angelo;
THENCE North 86° 34' S1" East, 877 .26 feet along said
fence line marking the north line of lands of E. L.
Angelo to the point of beg'inning, said point of
beginning being on a line which is parallel to and ,
15 �eet easterly of the existing LoVaca Pipeline;
THENCE continuing North 86° 34 ' S1" East, 21. �6 £eet
to a point, said point being on a line which is
parallel to and 35 feet easterly from said LoVaca
Pipeline, from which a fence corner marking the
northeast corner of lands of said E . L. Angelo bears
North 85° 10 ' . 51" East, 364 . 77 feet along said fenced
north line; '
THENCE South 14° 52 ' 51" West, 1440 . 33 feet, parallel
to and 35 fee•t easterly of said LoVaca Pipeline to an
angle point;
THENCE South 58° 03 ' 20" West, 98 . 51 feet, to an
angle point; �
TH�NCE South 14° 53 ' 12" West, 22 . 64 feet , parallel
to and 34 feet East of existing LoVaca Pipeline
to the intersection with the south line of said lands
of E. L. Angelo, from which a found 1/2" I .P. bears
North 86° 35 ' 12" East, 317 . 38 feet;
� THENCE South 86° 35 ' 12" West, 21. 06 feet to a point,
from which a found 1/2" I .P. .bears South 86° 35 ' 12"
We'st, 231. 44 feet, also from said point , a found l/2"
I.P. bears South 86° 35 ' 12" West, 634. 47 feet;
THENCE North 14° 53 ' 12" East, 37. 18 feet;
THENCE North 58° 03 ' 20" East , 98. 51 feet;
THENCE North 14° 52 ' 51" East, 1425. 79 feet, parallel
to and 15 feet easterly from said LoVaca Pipeline to
the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0. 754 acres of
land, more or less.
The bearings and distances for the Continental Oil Company Pipeline
ONLY are grid.
' Tract 87 . 2
� _ . _ - - ----
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�ET A+G DiSfcyncC5 g�d ���rn�' a�t G�id
GaG L'Fs rON CO., T.��t',4s �_'2 J��
BK./-/ PG ��25
APPD. /<'^�:( NUUS1 ON, T E XAS
�ATE .� �/ 76 N0.
��� �_��,���� NATURAL GA5 PRODUCtS - BAYOU PIPEifNE GA -i2//-/Z-66•� .
, �
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ti�. .,
Being a. 0. 8902 ac_ more or less , portion oi 5. 6713 ,acre , more
� or ,1ess , tract of land, saidl5 . 6713 acre tract of land being narrow
' - : in width, said tract being entirely within the City Limits of
Friendswood, Texas , said15 . 6i13 acre tract of land beginning at a
� point on the south city limits of Friendswood, thence in a norther-
� - - ly direction, over, across and through the City of Friendswood to
the point of exit of said 15 . 6713 acre tract on the westerly City
Limits of Friendswood. Said 0 . 8902 acre tract of land, more or less ,
being out of the follnwing lands of Nellie B . Robert,s , et ux and
being all that eertain tract or parcel of land containing 96 . 15
acres of land, more or less, out of Section 5 , in the Beatty,
Seale , and Forwood Survey, Abstract 625 , as more completely �
described in Deed dated 5/28/41 from George Q. Pennock to Frank
H. Roberts and Nellie B. Roberts and recorded in Book 62,7 , Page
430, Deed Records , Galveston County , Texas ; (Deed Book 2365 ,
Page 148 Galveston County, Texas�
Said 0. 8902 acre tract of land being more particularly described by
metes and bounds as follows :
COMMENCING at a found 2" iron pipe at a fence corner
marking the southwest corner of said lands of N. B.
Roberts; .
THENCE North 86° 34 ' 51" East, 874.08 .feet along the
south line of lands of said Nellie B . Roberts to a
point, said point being on the assumed easterly right
of way line of an assumed 30 foot wide LoVaca Easement
(Centerline of 3D foot easement also being the center-
line of existing pipeline) ;
THENCE North 14° 57 ' S6" East, 681. 15 feet along said
easterly line of LoUaca Pipeline Company Right of Way ,
parallel and 15 feet easterly of said existing pipeline
to an angle point;
THENCE North 14° 42' 46" East, 678 .73 feet along said
easterly line of LoVaca Company 30 foot easement, parallel
to and 15 feet easterly of said pipeline to the inter-
section with the north line of said �ands of N. B .
Roberts, from which the northwest corner of lands of
said N. B. Roberts , bears South 86° 24 ' 51" West, 1077 . 98
THENCE North 86° 24 ' S1" East , 30. 05 feet along said
north line to a point, from which a found 1" I .P .
bears North 86° 24 ' 51" East , 294. 87 feet; also from
which point a found 3/4" I .P, bears North 86° 24 ' S1"
East , 1572. 47 feet, said point also being on a line
parallel to and 30 feet easterly of aforementioned
assumed LoVaca Company easterly line;
� THENCE South 14° 42 ' 46" West, 680 .61 feet parallel to
and 30 feet east of the aforementioned east line of
LoVaca 30 foot easement;
THENCE South 14° 57 ' 56" West, 679 . 35 feet parallel to
and 30 feet east of the aforementioned east line �of
LoVaca 30 foot easement to the intersection with the
south line of said lands of N. B. Roberts, from which
a fence corner in the south line bears North 86° 34 '
51" East, 358 . 52 feet;
THENCE 5outh 86° 34 ' S1" West, 30 . 05 feet along said
south line to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing
therein 0 . 8902 acres of land, more or less . ,
The bearings and distances for the Continental Oil Company Pipeline
ONLY are Grid.
• Tract 88
� ; , l3.9. � F, ,4r62�
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Gev. �3ofys:/, ✓r.
89 ..
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y� �,5 qcres
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�l UX
�'-1��'ESTON CO , T�",�',4S e K. �-i P G. 2 5
APPD. �'�.���� DWR.
DATE 3� Z!- 78 NATURAt GAS PRODUCTS - BAYOU PIPEtINE 6 - /3//-/. 2 •6T•A
h .
'�i .
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�„ .. .
_ Being a 0 . 3954 acre, more or less , portion of a15. 6713 acre , more
' - or less , tract of land, said15. 6713 acre tract of land being
narrow in width, said tract beinq entirely within the City Limits
of Friendswood, Texas , said 15. 6713 acre tract of land beginning
at a point on the south city limits of Friendswood, thence in
a northerly direction, over, across and through the City of Friends-
• wood to the point of exit of said 15. 6713 acre tract on the wester-
ly city limits of Friendswood. Said 0 . 3954 acre tract o�f land, more
or less, being out of the following lands of George S . Bofysil, Jr.
being the east one-half of Lot 11 of the Burgess Subdivision, George -
W. Patterson Survey, Abstract 645 , Galveston County, Texas , said
tract being described in Volume 119 , Page 14 of the Deed Records of
Galveston County, Texas .
Said 0. 3954 acre tract of land being more particularly described by
metes and bounds as follows :
COMMENCING at the southeast corner of said lands of George
S. Bofysil, Jr. from which a found 2" G. I .P . bears North
86° 24 ' S1" East, 1320 . 00 feet along a fence line;
THENCE South 86° 24 ' S1" West, 262 . 24 feet along said
southerly fence line of lands of G. S . Bofysil , Jr.
to the point of beginning, said point being on a line
parallel to and 35 feet easterly from an existing LoVaca
THENCE continuing South 86° 24 ' 51" West 21.08 feet
along said south fence line to a point, said point
being on a line parallel to and 15 feet easterly of
said LoVaca Pipeline, from which a fence corner bears
South 86° 24 ' 51" West, 1080 . 11 feet;
THENCE North 14° 52 ' S1" East, 894 . 46 feet parallel
to and 15 feet easterly of said LoVaca line to the
intersection with the easterly line of said lands
of G. S. Bofysil, Jr. ;
TEiENCE South 03° 35 ' 09" East, 63 . 14 feet along said
easterly line to a point, said point being on a line
parallel to and 35 feet easterly of said LoVaca Pipeline;
THENCE South 14° 52 ' S1" West, 827 . 92 feet , parallel to
and 35 feet easterly of said LoVaca Pipeline to the
POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0. 3954 acres of land,
more or less .
The Bearings and Distances for the 20 foot Continental Pipeline
ONLX are grid.
' Tract 89
� �.. �
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Being a U . 8�6 ac� � ore or less , portion of ��� 5. 6713 �acre, more
or ,less, tract of land, said 15. 6713 acre tract of land being
" . .� narrow in width, said tract being entirely within the City Limits
of Friendswood, Texas , said 15 . 6713 acre tract of land beginning
at a point on the south city limits of Friendswood, thence in
- _ a northerly direction, over, across and through the City of Friends-
wood to the point of exit of said 15. 6713 acre tract on the wester-
ly city limits of Friendswood. Said U . 886 acre tract of land, more
or less , being out of the following lands of Stanley Weinstein:
-----___ _------ _ _ _
A 96. 25 acre tract of land being Lots 10 , 13 , and 14 of the Burgess
Subdivision, George W. Patterson Survey , Abstract 645 , Galveston
County, Texas , said tract being described in Volume 119 ; Page 14
of the Deed Records of Galveston County, Texas .
Said 0. 886 acre tract of land being more particularly described by
metes and bounds as follows : '
COMMENCING at a fence corner in the southeast line
of F. M. 528 marking the northwest line of said lands
of S . Weinstein, and the most northerly corner of
said lands;
THENCE South 37° 44 ' 29" West, 868. 15 feet along
said northwest property line and the southeast
line of F. M. 528 to the point of beginning;
THENCE continuing South 37° 44 ' 29" West, 33. 54
feet �o a point , from which a fence corner bears
South 37° 44 ' 29" West 2011. 71 feet;
THENCE South Ol° 08 ' 29" West, 104 .91 feet;
THENCE South 03° 14 ' 45" East 1293 . 74 feet, parallel
to and 15 feet easterly of an existing LoVaca Pipeline;
THENCE South 14° 52 ' S1" West, 484 . 64 feet, parallel
to and 15 feet easterly af said LoVaca Pipeline, to
the intersection with the westerly line of lands of
said S. Weinstein;
THENCE South 03° 35 ' 09" East, 63 . 14 feet to a
point, from which the southwest corner of said
S. Weinstein lands bears South 03° 35 ' 09" East,
785. 27 feet;
THENCE North 14° 52 ' S1" East, 547 . 72 feet, parallel
to and 35 feet easterly of said LoVaca Pipeline;
THENCE NortH 03° 1.4 ' 45" West, 1296 . 18 feet, parallel
� to and 35 feet easterly of said LoVaca Pipeline;
� THENCE North O1° 08 ' 29" East, 131. 09 feet, to the
POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0. 886 acres of
land, more or less .
The bearings and distances for the Continental Dil Company Pipeline
ONLY are grid. .
Tract 89 . 1
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Being a 0 . 4204 a.,� more or less, portion o� 15 . 6713 �cre , more
' , or, less, tract of iand, said 15 . 6713 acre tract of land being
� _ � na�'row in width, said tract being entirely within the City Limits
of Friedswood, Texas , said 15. 6713 acre tract of land beginning
' at a point on the south city limits of Friendswood, thence in
- - a northerly direction, over, across and through the City of Friends-
wood to the point of exit of said 15 . 6713 acre tract on the wester-'
ly city limits of .Friendswood. Said 0. 42Q4 acre tract of land, more
or less, being out of the following lands of Jimmy Kerr Property :
Being a tract or parcel of land located out of Lot 14 , Burgess
Subdivision, George W. Patterson Survey, Abstract 645 , Galveston
County, Texas as shown in Volume 1819 , Page 381 of trie Galveston
County Deed Records , Galveston County, Texas . �
Said 0. 4204 acre tract of land being more particyzlarly described by
metes and bounds as follows :
COMMENCING at a 5/8" I . R. marking the northeast
corner of lands of. said Jimmy Kerr, said corner
also being on the northwest line of F.M. . 528,
said 5f8" I . R. also lying in a fence line marking
the northerly line of said lands of Jimmy Kerr;
THENCE South 85° 51 ' 39" West along said north
line and said fence line, pass at 462 . 55 feet a
found 1/2" I.P. , in all a total distance of 566 . 52
feet to the. point of beg�,nning;
THENCE continuing South 85° 51 ' 39" West, 31. 01
feet along said northerly fence line to a point
from which a found 1/2" I .P. bears South 85° 51'
39" West, 418 . 59 feet;
THENCE South 02° 38 ' 21" East, 441. 49 feet,
parallel to and 10 feet easterly from the most
easterly existing Phillips Company Pipeline to
an angle point;
THENCE ,South 36° 39 ' 15" East, 150 . 81 teet;
THENCE North 37° 44 ' 29" East, 20 . 76 feet along
said northwesterly line of F.M. 528 to a point,
from which aforementioned 5/8" I . R. bears North
37° 44 ' 29" East, 757. 51 feet;
THENCE North 36° 39 ' 15" West, 105. 28 feet;
THENCE North 03° 38 ' 21" West, 395. 60 feet, parallel
to and 15. feet westerly from LoVaca Pipe],ine to an
angl�e point;
THENCE North 03° 28 ' 54" West, 68 . 69 feet, parallel
to and 15 feet westerly from said LoVaca Pipeline
to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0. 4204
acres of land, more or less .
The bearings and distances are grid.
Tract 89 .2
' Being a �. 08.50 a� �more or less, portion o. � .5. 6713 , a.cre , more
` or less, tract of land, said 15 ; 6713 acre trac�� of land being .
� . . . narrow in width, said tract being entirely within the City Limits
of Friendswood, Texas , said15 . 6713 acre tract of land beginning
. at a point on the south city limits of Friendswood, thence in a
- - northerly direction, over, across and through the City of Friends-
wood to the point of exit of said 15. 6713 acre tract on the west-
erly city limits of Friendswood. Said 0 .0850 acre tract of land,
more or less, being out of the following lands of B. L. Rainey, et ux.
All that certain tract or parcel of land known as TRACT 3 of
WIND50NG 5UBDIVISION (unrecorded) , a subdivision of 207. 2�27
acres of land in Galveston County, Texas, said WINDSONG SUB-
DIVISION consisting of a part of Lot 15 and all of Lot �6 of
Burgess Subdivision out of Section 6 , B.S.. & F. Survey (George
W. Patterson 5urvey, Abstract No. 645) , according to the plat
of said Burgess Subdivision recorded in Volume 119 , Page 14 ,
in the office of the County Clerk of Galveston County, Texas,
and also consisting of a certain tract out of the William
Henry Survey , Abstract No. 84 , being the same land conveyed
to Thomas C. Edwards by deed recorded in Volume -319 , Page
520-521 , in the office of the County Clerk of Galveston County,
Texas , and said TRACT 3 , WINDSONG SUBDIVISION, being more
par�icularly described by metes and bounds as follows : (Deed
Book 2409 , Page 557 Galveston County, Texas)
BEGINNING at an iron rod for �orner set in the
Northeast line of WINDSONG SUBDIVISION (also
being the Northeast line of B.S . & F. Survey No.
6 , and the Southwest line of the A. H. Jackson
Survey) , said iron rod being North 45° West, a
distance of 326. 05 feet from the point of inter-
section of the Northeast line of WINDSONG SUB-
DIVISION and the Northerly right of way line of
St ate Highway F. M. 528;
THENCE North 89° 1? ' 20" West, a distance of
718. 51 feet to an iron rod for corner set in
the East right of way line of Windsong Lane;
THENCE South 09° 42 ' 15" West, alang the East
right of way line of Windsong Lane a distance
of 245 . 03 feet to an iron rod for corner;
THENCE South 89° 17 ' 20 ' East, a distance of
550 . 20 feet to an iron rod for corner;
THENCE North 41° 09 ' 15" East , a distance of .
317. 93 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING of the
tract hereby described and containing 3. 524
acres of land, more or less .
Less and except therefrom the following tract of land as conveyed
by' B . L. Rainey to V. T. Rainey to Bruce D. Gower and wife, Peggy
A. Gower by Warranty Deed dated April 12 , 1976 , as recorded in
Deed Book 2791, Page 848 , Galveston County, Texas, further conveyed
from B. D. Gower and P. A. Gower to T. J. Blake and wife P. Joan
Blake by Warranty Deed dated May 3 , 1977 , as recorded in Deed Book
2837 , Page 245, Galveston County, Texas .
Said 0. 0850 acre tract of land being more particularly described by
metes and bounds as follows : '
COMMENCING at a found 1/2" I .P . marking the northeast
corner of lands of said B. L. Rainey;
THENCE South 85° 59 ' 39" West, 201. 59 feet along a
fence marking the north line of lands of said B. L.
Rainey to a point, said point being on a line
parallel to and 15 feet westerly of an existing pipeline
of LoVaca ?inel?ne Comnan�� & the POT.NT OF BEGINNING;
THENCE continuing South 85° 59 ' 39" West, along
, said fenced north line 31.01 feet to a point,
said point being on a line parallel to and 10
feet easterly of the easterly most pipeline of
Phillips Pipeline Company;
' Tract 90
. �
' THENCE Sou � ° . 38 ' 21" East, 119 . 49 �� to �he,
' , , intersection with the south line of lands of B. L.
' . _ . Rainey as fenced, from which a found 1/2" I .P. bears
South 85° 51 ' 29" West, 418. 59 feet along a fence
line, also from which a found 1/2" I .� . bears North
- _ 85° 51' 29" East, 131. 98 feet along a fence line;
THENCE North 85° 51' 39" East, 31.01 feet along
said fenced south line to a point, said point
being on a line parallel to and 15 feet west of
said LoVaca Pipeline;
THENCE North 02° 38 ' 21" West, 119 . 42 feet parallel
to and 15 feet west of said LoVaca Pipeline to th�
POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0. 0850 acres of
land, more or less .
The bearings and distances for the Continental Oil Company Pipeline
Easement only are grid.
Tract 90
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DATE 3- Z/- 7B N0.
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� Being a 0 . 1730 acre, more or less , portion of a 15. 6713 acre , more
• or less , tract of land, said15. 6713 acre tract of land being
� narrow in width, said tract being entirely within the City Limits
of Friendswood, Texas , said 15. 6713 acre tract of land beginning
at a point on the south city limits of Friendswood, thence in .
a northerly� direction., over, across and through the City o� Friends-
wood to the point of exit of said 15. 6713 acre tract on the westerly
City Limits of Friendswood. 5aid 0. 1730 acre tract of land, more
or less being out of the following lands of T. J. Blake Property.
Lot 4 of the Windsong Subdivision, George W. Patterson Survey;
Abstract 645 , Galveston County, Texas, said Lot 4 being �described
in Volume 2255 , Page 597 of the Deed Records of Galveston County,
Texas . (Deed Book 2409 , Page 85 Galveston County, Texas)
Said 0 . 1730 acre tract of land being more particularly described by
metes and bounds as follows :
COMMENCIN.G at a fourid 1/2" I .P. in a fence line
marking the southeast corner of lands of T. J.
THENCE South 85° 59 ' 39" West, 217 . 57 feet along
said south line as fenced to the point of' beginning;
THENCE North 02° 38 ' 21" East, 253. 00 feet to a
THENCE North 08,° 58 ' 28" East, 124 . 21 feet to the
intersection with the north line of said lands of
� T. J. Blake, from which the northeast corner of
said lands of T. J. Blake bears North 84° 25 ' 28"
East, 68.36 feet;
THENCE South 84° 25 ' 28" West, 20 . 66 feet to a
THENCE South 08° 58 ' 28" West, 121. 05 feet to
a point;
THENCE Sout� 02° 38 ' 21" West, 255 . 52 feet to
the intersection with the said south line;
THENCE North 85° 59' 39" East, 20 . 00 feet to
the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0. 1730
acres of land, .more or less.
The bearings and distances for the Continental Oil Company Pipeline
Easement ONLY are grid.
' Tract 90 . 1
Being a 0. 0371 a� � more or less , portion . �j 15. 6713 acre , more
� � or less , tract of� land, saidl5, 6713 acre tract of land be�ng
� - - ' narrbw in width, said tract being entire�y within �he City Limi�s
of Friendswood, Texas , said 15. 6713 acre tract of land beginning
� at a point on the south city limits of �riendswood, thence in a
� - northerly direction, over, across and through the City of Friends-
wood to the point of exit of said 15. 6713 acre tract on the westerly
City Limits of Friendswood. Said 0 . 0371 acre tract of lan,d, more
or less bein� out of the following lands of Joseph J. Unger, Jr.
being a tract or parcel of land out of Lot No. SA and Lot No. 5B,
Windsong Subdivision, ' located in the George W. Patterson Survey,
�bstract G45, Galveston County, Texas.
Said 0 . 0371 acre tract of land being more particularly described
by metes and bounds as follows : ,
COMMENCING at a found 3/8" I . R. marking the south-
east extension of the northeast line of lands of
said J. J. Unger, Jr. with its intersection with
the northwest line of F. M. 528;
THENCE North 48° 11' 34" West, at 680 . 72 feet pass
a found �3/8" I.R. marking the southeast corner of
lands of said J. J. Unger, Jr. , in all a total
distance of 777. 14 feet to the point of beginning;
THENCE con�inuing North 48° 11' 34" West, 28. 14 feet;
THE.NCE South 02° 54 ' 34" East, 86. 86 feet to an angle
THENCE South 08° 58' 28" West, 4. 56 feet;
THENCE North 84° 25' 28" East, 20 . 66 feet from which
aforementioned 3/8" I .R. bears North 84° 25 ' 28"
East, 68. 36 feet;
THENCE North 08° 58 ' 28" East, 1. 44 feet;
THENCE North 02° 54 ' 34" West, 69 . 14 feet to the
POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0. 0371 acres of
land, more or less . �
The bearings and distances are grid.
Trac� 90 . 2
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Being a 0 . 6336 ac_ _ more or less , portion oL 15. 6713 acre , more
` or �es�s , tract of ldnd, said 15; �713 acre tract of land being
� . narrow in width, said tract being entirely within the City Limits
. of Friendswood, Texas , said 15. 6713 acre tract of land beginning
at a point on the south city limits of Friendswood, thence in a
- , northerly direction, over, across and through the City of Friends-
wood to the point of exit of said15 , 6713 acre tract on �he west-
erly City Limits of Friendswood. Said 0. 6336 .acre tract of land, �
more or le.ss being out of the foll:owing lands of W. Frank Lenoir
being a tract or parcel of land out of the Residue of a 699 . 7345
acre tract l.ocated in the A. H. Jackson Survey, Abstract l28 and
the Robert Hoppel Survey, Abstract 83, Galveston County, Texas , �
said 699 . 7345 acre tract being described in Volume 2041, Page 400
of the Deed Records of Galveston County, Texas , to which� reference
is hereby made for all purposes . (Deed Book 2399 , Page 146
Galveston County, Texas) ,
Said 0 . 6336 acre tract of land being more particularly described
by metes and bounds as follows :
COMMENCING .at at found 3/8" I .R. in the northwest
line of F.M. 528 marking the most southerly corner
of 5aid lands of W. F. Lenoir;
THENCE North 48° 11' 34" West, at 680 . 63 pass a
found 3/8" I . R. in the southwest line of said lands
of W. F. Lenoir, in all a total distance of 777. 14
feet to the point of beginning;
THENCE continuing North 48° 11' 34" West, 28. 14
THENCE North 02° 54 ' 34" West, 524 . 52 feet, parallel
to and 30 feet easterly of the most easterly existing
Phillips Company Pipeline;
THENCE North 18° 50 ' 30" West, 847 . 27 feet, parallel
to and 30 feet easterly of said most easterly pipe-
line to the intersection with the northerly line of
said lands of W, F. Lenoir;
THENCE 5outh 85° 09" 30" East , 21. 84 feet along said
north line to a point, from which a found 3/8" I . R.
at the northeast corner of said lands of W. F. Lenoir
bears South 85° 09' 30" East, 961. 78 feet;
THENCE South 18° 50 ' 30" East, 841. 29 feet, parallel
to and 50 feet easterly of said easterly Phillips
THENCE South 02° 54 ' 34" East, 547 . 12 feet, parallel
to and 50 feet easterly of said easterly Phillips
, Pipeline to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing
0. 6336 acres of land, more or less .
The bearings and distances are grid.
� Tract 93
� ..�. _
A. y ✓.4'C�80�t/ �4-/24
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APPD. /C ���'�. HouSTON. TExAS DWR.�C,.4//�n
OATE 3- Z/- 7B N0.
e% 4•�'-�'B.0/%.r NATURAI GAS PRODU�TS - BAYOU PIPEIINE lsA•,Z!//•%L - 7.5•A
E"r �
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Being a 0 . 3328 ac �`�ore or less , portion o� --� .�5. 671:3 acre , more
- or less , tract of 1a._.i, said 15 . 6713 acre trac� �f land 'beinc�
- narrow in width, said tract beinq entirely within the City Limits
of Friendswood, Texas , said 15. 6713 acre tract of land beginning
' at a point on the south city limits of Friendswood, thence in a
- _ northerly direction, over, across and through the City of Friends-
wood to the point of exit of said 15 . 6713 acre tract on the west-
erly City Limits of Friendswood. Said 0. 3328 acre tract of land,
more or less being out of the following lands of Robert A. Bludworth.
A tract contai.ning 33. 0276 acres of land, a part of a tract of land
out of A. H. Jackson Survey, Abstract 128 , and the R. Hoppel Survey,
Abstr�ct 83 , said tract being more particularly described in that
certain deed dated August 19 , 1971 from W. Frank Lenoir to Robert A.
Bludworth, recorded in Volume 2219 , Page 728 , Deed Recor�ds of
Galveston County , Texas (Deed Book 2475 , Page 625, Galveston County,
Texas) "
Said 0 . 3328 acre tract of land being more particularly described
by metes and bounds as follows :
COMMENCTNG at a found 1/2" iron rod marking the most
easterly corner of lands of said R. A. Bludworth, said
rod being in the west right of way line of a 60 foot
THENCE North 85° 09 ' 30" West, 950 . 01 feet along south
line of said lands of R. A. Bludworth to the point of
THENCE North 58° 53 ' West, 160. 79 feet;
THENCE North 18° 43 ' West, 577 feet to the center of
Chigger Creek;
THENCE southwesterly along the centerline of Chigger
Creek, 20 feet;
THENCE South 18° 43 ' East, 584 feet;
THENCE South 58° 53 ' East, 127 . 61 feet to the inter-
section with said south line;
THENCE South 85° 09 ' 30" East, 45. 18 feet to the
POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0. 3328 acres of
Tract 93 . 0
. ._. .�7�r �. �-Jc' 7--p �'OL ��r '
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. Being a 0. 300 acre, more or less , portion of a15l6713 acre , more
_ or less, tract of land�, said 15 . ��13 acre tra�t of land being
� - narrow in width, said trac� beinq entirely within the City Limits
of Friendswood, Texas , said 15 . 6713 acre tract of land beginning
at a .point on the south city limits of Friendswood, thence in a
northerly direction, over, across and through the City of Friends-
wood to the point of exit of saidl5 , 6713 acre tract on the west-
erly City Limits of Friendswood. Said 0. 300 acre tract of land,
more or less , being out of the following lands of Williaxn B. Wood.
Being a tract or parcel of land out of Tract l located irf the A.H.
Jackson Survey, Abstract 128, and the R. Hoppel Survey, l�stract
83 , all in Galveston County, Texas. .
Said 0. 300 acre tract of land being more particularly described
by metes and bounds as follows :
COMMENCING at a fbund 1/2" I .P . in a fence line on the
southerly line of Wilderness Trails (County Road)
marking the northwest corner of said lands of William
B. Wood;
THENCE South 87° 08 ' 46" East, 317 . 22 feet along said
south line of Wilderness Trails marked with said
fence line to the point of beginning;
THENCE continuing South 87° 08 ' 46" East, 21. 46 feet .
to a point, from which a fence corner bears South 87°
08 ' 46" East, 109 . 55 feet;
THENCE South 18° 21 ' 46" East, 16 . 14 feet;
THENCE South 72° 18 ' 35" West, 89 . 70 feet;
THENCE South 18° 43.' 39" East, 544 feet more or
less. to the c.enterline of Chigger Creek;
THENCE meandering the centerline of Chigger Creek
westerly 20 feet more or less to a point, from
which a fence corner bears easterly along Chigger
Creek 164 fee�, more or less;
THENCE North 18° 43 ' 39" West, 564 feet more or
less; � �
THENCE North 72° 18 ' 35" East, 89 . 70 feet;
THENCE North 18° 21' 46" West, 3. 88 feet to the
. POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0. 300 acres
of land, more or less .
The bearings and distances are grid.
Tract 93 . 1
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, ,Being a ,0 . 5608 �cre, .nore or less , portion of � 15. 6713 acre , more
,� or less, tract of land, said 15. 6713 acre tract of land being
• - narrow in width, said tract being entirely within the City Limits
, of Friendswood, Texas , said 15 . 6713 acre tract of land beginning
. at a point on the south city limits of Friendswood, thence in a
' - northerly direction, over, across and through the City of Friends-
wood to the point of exit of said 15. 6713 acre tract on the west-
erly city limit.s of Friendswood. Said 0. 5608 acre tract of land,
more or less , being aut of the following lands of W. Frank Lenoir.
Being a tract or parcel of land located in the A. H. Jackson Survey,
Abstract 128, the R. Hoppel Survey, Abstract 83 and Sarah McKissick
League, Abstract 151, Galveston County, Texas , said tract being
described in Volume 2041, Page 400 of the Deed Records of Galveston
County, Texas. , ,
Said 0. 5608 acre trac� of land being more par�icularly described
by metes and bounds as follows :
COMMENCING at a found 5/8" I .P. marking the southeast
corner of lands of said W. F. Lenoir, said 5/8" I.P.
also marking the north line of Wilderness Trails
(County Road) and the westerly line of a County Road;
THENCE North 89° 05 ' 23" West, 433 . 08 feet along the
north line of said Wilderness Trails to the point of
THENCE North 18° 21' 46" West, 103 . 45 feet, parallel
to and 50 feet easterly of the most easterly existing
Phillips Company Pipeline to an angle point;
THENCE North 18° 47 ' 23" West, 1092. 42 feet, parallel
to and .50 feet easterly nf the most easterl.y existing
Phillips Company Pipeline to the intersection with
the westerly line of said County Road;
THENCE North 37° 41' S2" West, 61. 72 feet along said
westerly line of County Road to a point, from which
a found l/2" I . R. marking the most northerly corner
of lands of said W. F. Lenoir bears North 37° 41 ' S2"
West, 5,47. 86 feet;
THENCE South 18° 47 ' 23" East, 1150. 66 feet, parallel
to and 30 feet eas.terly of s.aid easterly Phillips
Pipeline to an angle point;
THENCE South 18° 21' �6" East, 96 . 25 feet, parallel
to and 30 feet easterly of said easterly Phillips
Pipeline to the intersection with the said north line
of Wilderness Trails;
, THENCE South 89° 05 ' 23" East, 21. 24 feet along the
south line of said lands of W. F. Lenoir and the said
north line of Wilderness Trails to the POINT OF
BEGINNING and containing 0.5608 acres of land, more
or less.
The bearings and distances for the Continental Oi1 Company Pipeline
Easement ONLY are grid.
Tract 93 .2
� � � ' �
. ��- 206E.2� �lOG�EG ,�� i � . � ,
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NoT To SC,�?L E
, W. .1�. Lt/OOD
6"d 8" P/PEG/NES 9`3� NOTE :
Cross��g f'rope��y o{' p�sfar,ce.s ond Bez9rir9s arc Gr�d
oaTE 3• Z/- 7B N0.
,�>>� q.��_�y �pq��� NATURAL GAS PRODUCTS - BAYOU PIPELINE GA-Z3�i-/ Z - 7�-A
r, _.
, � �
: � ��� ,
. being a 0. 92�22 acr� � re or less , portion of -� .. . 6713 acr,e, more
� ' . or, less�, tract of l.�nd, said 15, 6713 acre trac... of. land being
� . _ narrow in width, sais tract being entirely within the City Limits
� of Friendswood, Texas , said 15 . 6713 acre tract o� land beginning
' at a point on the south city limits of Friendswood, thence in a
, . . northerly direction, over, across and through the City of Friends-
wood to the point of exit of said 15. 6713 acre tract on the west-
erly city limits of Friendswood. Said 0.9222 acre tract of land,
more or less , being out of the following lands of D�. Carroll _L, _
79. 0742 acres of land out of Tract 1 as described in Volume 2041,
Page 400 of the Galveston County Deed Records in the R. � Hoppel Survey
Abstract 83 , and Sarah McKissick League, Abstract 151, Galveston
County , Texas , said tract being more fully described by "metes and
bounds as follows : (Deed Book 2222 , Paqe 190 Galveston County ,
Texas) �
BEGINNING at a point for corner in fence line, being
South 43° 47 ' 46" East, 2002 feet from the most
northerly corner of Tract 1 as described in afore-
mentioned deed, said point for corner being the most
northerly corner and PLACE OF BEGINNING of the 79 . 0742
acre tract herein described;
� THENCE South 4b° 0� ' 05" West, 2Z98. 06 feet to a point
for corner in the north easterly right of way line of
a 60 foot road, said point being the most westerly
corner of the 79. 0742 acre tract herein described;
THENCE South 43° 13 ' 20 ' East, 209. 81 feet to a 5/8"
iron rod found marking the P. C. of a curve to the
right of said right of way line; -
THENCE with said curve to the right having a radius
of 1095. 78 feet, a central angle of 10° 43 ' 15" , and
a length of 204. 74 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found
marking the P. T. of said curve on said right of way
THENCE South 32° 30 ' 05" East along said right of way
line 58. 44 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE South 43° 13 ' 20" East, 1009 . 40 feet to a 1"
gal. iron pipe found marking �he most southerly
corner of the 79 . 0742 acre tract herein described;
THENCE North 46° 04 ' 05" East, 2341. 18 feet to a 1"
gal. iron pipe found in fence line, said� point being
the most easterly corner of the 79. 0742 acre tract
herein described;
THENCE North 43° 39 ' 23" West and with a fence line
� 699 . 63 feet to a 3/4" iron pipe found in fence corner;
THENCE Narth 43° 47 ' 46" West and continuing with
fence line 780. 37 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and
containing 79 . 0742 acres of land, more or less .
This conveyance is made subject to the following
Easements of Record : (a) Pipeline right of way to
Phillips Petroleum Comp,any recorded in Volume 938 ,
Page 125 , amended by instrument recorded in Volume
1190 , Page 379 , of the records of Galveston County,
Texas , being 100 feet in width. (b) Pipeline right
of way to LoVaca Gathering Company recorded in Volume
1529 , Page 1 of the records of Galveston County,
Texas , being 30 feet in width.
2 . 2194 acres of land out of Tract 1 as described in Volume 2041,
Page 400 of the Galveston County Deed Records in the R. Hoppel
Survey , Abstract 83 ; Galveston County, Texas , said tract being
more fully described by metes and bounds as follows : (Deed
Book 2222 , Paqe 190 Galveston County, Texas)
Tract 93 . 3
• . • , BEGINNT.NG at -4� iron pipe found, said p.� ._ being� Sout� �
• ,` , � , 43°� 4� ' 46�' East , 2782. 37 feet, South 43° 39 ' 23" East,
� 699 . 63 feet, and South 46° 04 ' OS" West, 2341. 18 feet
' , . from a 1" iron pipe marking the most northerly corner of
- Tract 1 as described in Volume 2041, Page 400 of the .
. Galveston County Deed Records , said 1" iron pipe found
is the most easterly corner and PLACE OF BEGINNING of
the 2 . 2194 acre tract herein described;
THENCE South 46° 04' 05" West, 191. 57 feet to a lj2"
iron rod set in easterly right of way line of a 60
foot road said point being the most southerly corner
of the 2. 2194 acre tract herein described; . '�
THENCE North 32° 30' 05" West, and continuing with east
right of way line of 60 foot road 1029. 75 feet, to point
for corner of the 2 . 2194 acre tract; �
THENCE South 43° 13 ' 20" East , 1009 . 40 feet to the PLACE
OF BEGINNING and containing 2 . 2194 acres of land, more
or less .
All that certain 43 . 2403 acre tract out .of and a 'part of a 50 . 0363
acre tract in the Robert Hoppel Survey, Abstract 83, and the Sarah
McKissick Survey, Abstract 151, Galveston County, Texas , said
50. 0363 acre tract described as part of Tract 1 , in Volume 2041,
Page 400 , in the office of the County Clerk o� Galveston, County,
Texas , said 43 . 2403 acre tract being more particularly described
by metes and bounds as follows : (Deed Book 2431, Page 240
Galveston County, Texas)
C�MMENCING at the most Northerly corner of the said
Tract 1;
THENCE South 43° 47 ' 46" East, a distance of 1059 . 40
feet to an iron pipe for the most Northerly corner
' of said 50 . 0363 acre tract;
THENCE South 46° 26 ' 22" West, along the Northwest
line of said 50. 0363 acre tract, a distance of 448. 89
feet to a point for the most Northerly corner and
PLACE OF BEGINNING of the Tract herein described;
THENCE South 43° 41 ' S7" East, a distance of 659 . 54
feet to a point for corner;
THENCE North 46° 12 ' 14" East, a distance of 450 . 00
feet to a point for corner on the Northeasterly line
of said 50. 0363 acre tract;
THENCE South 43° 47 ' 46" E.ast, along said North.easterly
lir�e , a distance of 255. 30 feet to an iron rod marking
the East corner of said 50 . 0363 acre tract , also being
� the East corner of the tract herein described;
THENCE Sauth 46° 04 ` 05" West, along the Southeast
' line of said 50 . 0363 acre tract at 269 . 83 feet cross
the common line af the Sarah McKissick and Robert
Hoppel Surveys , and continue South 46° 04 ' 05" West,
a total distance of 2298 . 06 feet to an iron rod for
corner on the Northeast right of way line of a 60
foot road;
THENCE North 43° 13 ' 20" West, along said road right
of way line, a distance of 957 . 90 feet to an iron rod
� for the .mos� Westerly corner of said 50 . 0363 acre tract
and the tract herein described;
Tract 93 . 3
� _ __-
� -----------
I �
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_ THENC�. North 4� `�" ;6 ' 22" East; along the P'"�° nwest
- ,' lir�e �f said 5G . �363 acre tract, a distanc� of
• 1839. 59 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING.
• CONTAINING 43. 2403 acres of land, more or less .
. -
� Said 0.9222 acre tract of land being more particularly described
by metes and bounds as follows :
COMMENCING at the northwest line of said lands of Dr.
Boone as marked by a found 1 lf2" I .P . at the most
westerly corner of said Dr. Boone lands , said 1 1/2�" .
I .P. also being in the northeast line of a County
Road; �
THENCE North 41° 39 ' 04" East, 870 . 47 £eet a-long said
northwest line to a point, said point being on a line
parallel to and 30 feet easterly of the most easterly
existing pipeline of Phillips Company, said point
being the point of beginning;
THENCE North 41° 39 ' 04" East, 23. 10 feet along said
northwest line to a point, from which a found 2" G. I.P.
bears North 41° 39 ' 04" East, 1394. 39 feet;
THENCE South 18° 17 ' 56" East, 1361. 32 feet parallel
to and 50 feet easterly of said easterly Phillips
Pipeline to a point;
THENCE South 18° 47 ' 23" East, 682 .62 feet parallel
to and 50 feet easterly of said easterly Phillips
Pipeline to the intersection with the northeast line
of said Cou�ty Road;
THENCE North 37° 41 ' S2" West, 61. 72 feet along said
northeast line of said County Road, to a point, from
which a found 1/2" I. R. bears North 37° 41 52" West,
267. 24 feet;
THENCE North 18° 47 ' 23" West, 624 . 32 feet parallel
to and 30 feet easterly of said easterly Phillips
Pipeline to a point;
THENCE North 18° 47 ' 23" West, 1349 . 82 feet parallel
to and 30 feet easterly of said easterly Phillips
Pipeline to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing
0.9222 acres of land, more or less .
The bearings and distances for the Continental Oil Company Pipeline
Easement ONLY are grid.
�`-- - ---__. _
�ract 93 . 3
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� ' or less , tract of 1�, ' .. said �5. 6713 acre tracty � land being
narrow in W3dth,, s� cract being entirely wit _ the City ��mits
" . of. �rierid�wood, Texas , said 15. 6713 acre tract of land beginning '
- , at a �point on the south city limits of Friendswood, thence in a
northerly direction, over, across and through the City of Friends-
� wood to the point of exit of said 15. 6713 acre tract on the west-
- - erly city limits of �riendswood. Said 0 . 67_1 acre tract of land,
more or less , being out of the followinq lands of James F. Fairleigh.
55. 2073 acres af land out of Tract l as described in Volume 2041,
Page 400; of the Galveston County Deed Records in the R. Hoppel
Survey, Abstract 83 and Sarah McKissick League , Abstract 151,
Galveston County, Texas , said Tract being more fully des�cribed by
metes and bounds as follows : ,
BEGYNNING at a 1" iron pipe in fence corner being the
most northerly corner of Tract 1 as describ�d in afore-
mentioned Deed, and being the most northerly corner and
PLACE OF BEGINNING of the 55. 2073 acre tract herein
TFiENCE South 43° 47 ' 46" East with fence line along the
northeast line of said Tract 1, 1059 . 00 feet to a 1"
iron pipe in fence line;
THENCE South 46° 26' 22" Wes�t, 2288. 48 feet to a 5/8"
iron rod set in the northeasterly right of way line of
a 60 foot road, said point being the most southerly
corner of the 55. 2073 acre tract herein described;
THENCE North 43° 13 ' 20" West, 1047 . 61 feet to a 1" '
iron pipe under cattle guard, said point being the
most westerly corner of the 55. 2073 aCre tract herein
described; �
THENCE North 46° 09 ' 10" East with a fence marking the
northwest line of Tract 1 as described in aforementioned
deed, 2277. 96 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and
containing, 55. 2073 acres of land, more or less .
Save and except �he 1. 3700 acre tract conveyed by R. T.
McDow to Humble Pipeline Company recorded in Volume
1411, Page 312 , Galveston County Deed Records .
Said 0. 671 acre tract of land being more particularly described
by metes and bounds as follows : �
COMMENCING at a found 1/2" I . R.. marking the most
southerly corner of said lands of J. F. Fai.rleigh;
THENCE North 41° 39 ' 04" East, 87.0 . 47 feet along the
southeast of said lands af J. F. Fairleigh to a
point, said point being on a line , said lxne being
' parallel to and 30 feet easterly of the most easterly
existing pipeline of Phillips Pipeline Company, said
point also being the point of beginning;
THENCE North 18° 17 ' S6" West, 830 . 99 feet, parallel
� to and 30 feet easterly from said Phillips Pipeline
to a point;
THENCE North 48° 24 ' 56" West, 282 . 57 feet, parallel
to and 30 feet easterly of said Phillips Pipeline;
THENCE North 02° 23 ' 56" West, 30. 47 feet;
THENCE North' 41° 11 ' 40" East, 249 . 74 feet;
THENCE North 03° 55 ' 17" West, 38 . 44 feet to the
intersection with the north line of said lands of
J. F. Fairleigh;
THENCE North 42° 13 ' 43" East, 27 . 74 feet along
, said north line to a p�int, from which a found 1"
I.P. marking the most north corner of said lands
" bears North 42° 13 ' 43" East, 671.. 25 feet;
Tract 93. 5
. ., -
• � THEN�"� Sou,tiz C � �5 ' 17" East, 65 . 96 feet �
• _ . THENCE South 41° 11' 00" West, 249 . 10 feet;
� THENCE South 02° 23 ' 56" East, 14. 93 feet;
THENCE South 48° 24 ' S6" East, 279 . 45 feet, parallel
to and 50 feet easterly from aforesaid most easterly
pipeline of Phillips Company;
THE�tCE South 18° 17 ' S6" East, 824. 81 feet, parallel
to and 50 feet easterly of said most easterly pipeline
of Phillips Company to the intersection with the south
line of said lands of J. F. Fairleigh, from which the
most easterly corner of said lands of J. F. Fairleigh
bears North 41° 39 ' 04" East, 1394. 39 feet; ,
THENCE South 41° 39 ' 04" West, 23. 10 feet along said
south line to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing
0. 671 acres , more or less .
The bearings and distances for the Continental Oil Company Pipeline
ONLY are grid.
Tract 93. 5
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� ' � , Being a 2 . 40 acre � � '"e or less � portion of a �.��� �713 acre , more
or l.e�ss , ,tract .Uf :, said 15 , 6713 acre tr� . land' being -
� ' narrow in width, said tract being entirely within the City Limits
� - - of Friendswood, Texas , said 15 . 6713 acre tract of land beginning
. at a point on the south city limits of Friendswood, thence � in a
. northerly direction , over, across and through the Ci.ty of Friends-
- - wood to the point of exit of said 15 . 6713 acre tract on the west-
erly city limits ot Fr�iendswood. Said 2 . 40 acre tract of land,
more or less being out of the following lands of J.ames O. Nye
: The surface estate only in and to a part of that certain tract or
parcel of land known as Lot 14 , Einar Hoidales Subdivision of 200
acres of the B.B.B. & C. R. R. Company Patent No. 773 on Coward
Creek, in Friendswood; Brazoria and Galveston Counties , 'Texas ,
plat of said tract beinq recorded in Volume 238, Page 13, of the
map records in the office of the County Clerk of Galveston County,
Texas , described as follows, by metes and bounds as follows:
BEGINNING at the most Westerly corner of Lot 14 ,
Einar Hoidale' s Subdivision;
THENCE South 45° East a distance of 1080. 00 feet
to a point for corner, said point being the most �.
Southerly corner of Lat 14 , Einar Hoidale`s
THENCE North 45° East a distance of 100. 00 feet
to a point for corner;
THENCE North 45° West a distance of approximately
1060. 00 feet, to a point f_or corner, said point �
lying in the center of Coward Creek, on the most
Northerly line of Lo�t 14 , Einar Hoidale ' s Subdivision;
THENCE South 80° 11' 44" West , along and with Coward
Creek as it meanders a distance of approximately
122 . 37 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. Containinq
2 . 40 acres of land, more ar less .
� Tract 95. 1
- • . . . , .�, f3. 6. c9�d G'. /�? � , y,�,4�c/ , . .
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DATE: ;-2/�76
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- Being� a 0:���7G�acr� <<ore or less , portion of . 15. u7I3 acre', moze
: �or, less; tract of land, said 15 . 6713 acre trac. .�f land being
� narrow in width, said tract being entirely within the City Limits
of Friendswood, Texas , said 15. 6713 acre tract of land beginning
- _ _ at a point on the south city limits of Friendswood, thence in a
northerly direction, over, across and through the Ci�y of Friends-
wood to the point of exit of said 15 . 6713 acre tract on the west-
erly city limits of P'riendswood. Said 0. 5576 acre tract of land,
more or less being out of the following lands of Timberline Corp-
A tract of land out of the Einar Hoidale Subdivision in�-Friendswood,
Galveston County, Texas, as recorded in Volume 238, Page 113 ,
Galveston County Map Records (Cowart Creek Subdivision) .
Said 0. 5576 acre tract of land being more partic�larly described
by metes . and bounds as follows :
BEGINNING at the intersection of the sauthwest line
of said lands of Timberline Corporation with the .
centerline of Cowart Creek;
THENCE North 48° 18 ' 45" West, 116 . 33 feet along the
said southwest line of lands of Timberline Corporation
to a point;
THENCE North 48° 12 ' 24" West, 1296 . 84 feet along said .
southwest line to the intersection with the sout�heast '
line of F.M. 2351 (100 feet wide) ;
THENCE North 41° 57 ' 03" East, 1024 . 80 feet along said
southeast line of F.M. 2351 to a point ;
THENCE South 48° 02 ' S7" East, 10 feet to a point;
THENCE South 41° 57 ' 03" West, parallel to and 10
feet southeast of said southeast line of F.M. 2351 ,
1014 ,80 feet to a point, said point being parallel
to and 10 feet northeast of said southwest line of
lands of Timberline Corporation;
THENCE South 48° 12 ' 24" Fast, 1291. 52 feet parallel •
to and 10 feet northeast from said southwest line;
THENCE South 48° 18 ' 45" East, 112 . 38 feet parallel
to and 10 feet northeast from afo esaid southwest
line , to the intersection with the centerline of
Cowart Creek;
THENCE meandering westerly along the centerline of
Cowart ' s Creek to the POINT OF BEGINNING and cantaining
0 . 5576 acres of land, moxe or less .
The bearings and distances for the Continental Oil Company Pipeline
Easement ONLY are grid.
• Tract 95 .
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� Be,ing a 0 . 27�8� �acre ,� ,,.,.�e or less , portion of a �� . 6713 acre , 'more
_ or 1ess , 'tract of land, said 15. 6713 acre tract of land bein�g
narrow in width, said tract beirig entirely within the City Limits
_ of Friendswood, Texas , said 15 . 6713 acre tract of land beginning
- at a point o� the south city limits of Friendswood, thence in a
northerly direction, over, across and through the City of Friends-
wood to the poirit of exit of said 15. 6713 acre tract on the west-
erly city limits of Friendswood. Said 0 . 2788 acre tract of land,
_ more or less being out of the following lands of Robert B. Blaylock.
A 4 . 464 tract of land out of the Southwest 1/2 of lot 114 ,
West Friendswood Subdivision, Brazoria & Galvestori Counties ,
Texas, according to the plat as recorded in Volume 238 , Page
12 , Galveston County Clerk ' s Records : and further described
by Metes and Bounds in Deed Book 2961, Page 360 , Galveston
Countv , Texas Deed Reco�ds . -
Said 0. 2788 acre tract of land being more particularly described
by metes and bounds as follows :
Beginning at the intersection of the southwest line of said lands
with the northwest line of F. M. #2351 (100 feet wide) as marked
by a found 1/2" I .P . ;
Thence N 47° • 48 ' 27" .W, 607 . 30 feet along said southwest line as
fenced to a found 1/2" I .P, at a fence corner marking the most
westerly corner of said lands;
Thence N 41° 58 ' �, 20 . 0 feet along the northwest lines of said
lands as fenced to a point;
Thence S 47° 48 ' 27" E, 607 .30 feet to the intersection with
the northwest line of said F. M. #2351;
Thence S 41° 57 ' 03" W, 20 . 0 feet along said northwest line of
F. M. #2351 to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0 . 2788
acres of land, more or less .
The bearings and distances for the Continent�l Oil Company
Pipeline Easement ONLY are grid.
Tract 96
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- Section 2. The official zoning map of the City shall be
revised to show the above described tract rezoned from R-1
to Specific Use-Pipeline Easement and the date of final passage
of this Ordinance.
Section 3 . This Ordinance shall in no way reduce, amend,
supplement or change any provision of any ordinance of the
City of Friendswood other than to .accomplish the rezoning of
the tract described in Section 1 of this Ordinance from R-1
to Specific Use-Pipeline Easement.
PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this 1� day of
, I978.
PASSED AND APPROVED on second reading this ,�'`'�day of
, 1978.
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED on third and final reading
this � day of ��-����� , 1978 .
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